The Heart Of The World Documentary

Discussion in 'Music, TV, Movies & other Media' started by Tram Law, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    This is a two hour long documentary about the Kogi and the Elder Brothers. The Kogi are an indigenous people living in the Sierras in Columbia that have survived the Spanish conquistadors. They are the only indigenous people who have survived with their identity intact because of the mountainous region they live in.

    They came out of isolation in 1990 because they were seeing the climate of their mountains change. The rivers were drying up and there was no more snow. This is the message they have to share with the world.


    it's a fascinating look into an indigenous culture that has survived for centuries. This documentary explores their social structure and their beliefs.

    Alas, I feel their message will go unheeded by the western world.

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