The Real Donald Trump & A Changing Paradigm | Part III

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Primus Epic, May 12, 2017.

  1. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    The Tower of "Basel" and Its Rising New Whore

    Ok, so we've effectively exposed Donald Trump as having Jewish roots, that lots of surname scrubbing must have taken place before 1850 and that Scotland was merely a geographical pit stop along the way to New York. But, at this stage you are no doubt wondering why is this important to note and what on earth does this have to do with the "Tower of Basel?" Those are all good questions. Hold on to your jock strap.

    The western world has the Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank and SWIFT. The eastern world has the PBOC, AIIB, BRICS and CIPS. These two international financial systems are BOTH controlled by BIS (Bank for International Settlements). But, who controls BIS? BIS is controlled by none other than the Rothschild family. And, what's their connection with Donald Trump and his genealogical lineage? They are both from Ashkenazim/Jewish heritage. And, what is BIS? BIS is the "Tower of Basel." No, not the Tower of Babel, but the Tower of Basel, Switzerland. BIS is essentially the Central Bank of all other national Central Banks and it is controlled by the Rothschild family.

    Pay close attention.

    The IMF drafted a 2010 protocol. That protocol essentially set into motion what will be the biggest change in the history of the global monetary system, which will see the end of the USD as the world's reserve currency. What will the USD be replaced with? The SDR. Before that happens, the USD will be collapsed and the Chinese RMB needs to rise to prominence within the SDR basket of currencies to become the new dominant currency world wide. But, why?

    Where is the potential for the highest level of growth, development and expansion in the world today? It is in the Eastern World, not the Western World. This actually encompasses that part of the world currently under the PBOC/AIIB/BRICS/CIPS system and within that international system the RMB will be established as King and the underlying infrastructure for that to take place has already been established. What was always needed was a catalyst coupled to a window of opportunity. Enter: Donald Trump, stage right. Like it or not, the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) created back in 1969 by the IMF (read: BIS), will 'Trump' the US Dollar (USD) as the world's reserve "currency." I put currency in quotes because the SDR is not currency per se.

    However, they cannot bring it about at one time, so they stage events to take place within specific time frames or windows of opportunity (important to remember). Donald Trump, is considered a window of opportunity. "The Donald," was to essentially "normalize" relations with China and Russia. He was then to implode the USD and that's why he has changed from a Strong Dollar to Weak Dollar position since being elected President. This is also why you've seen him (Trump) so friendly with both national leaders. But, why? Why Russia and why China? It is because both China and Russian are inside the Eastern financial paradigm and that is where the PBOC/AIIB/BRICS/CIPS system exists and where the highest potential for growth lies.

    You are about to witness a massive development program taking place that will stretch from Africa, all the way through Eastern Asia and it will include many of the now so-called "developing nations." There is a reason why they've called them the "developing nations" all this time. They are preparing to essentially terraform them and fold them into the New World Order. Within that New World Order, those who receive the 'benefits' will represent a new class, type and kind of Economic Slave to the Tower of Basel. If you don't see this coming, then I would suggest a new pair of glasses. Now, back to the Catalyst and China.

    China, was never allowed to join the WTO. By no coincidence, China, suddenly was allowed into the WTO on December 11, 2001. That date should stand out in your mind because exactly two months prior we had September 11, 2001. Almost immediately the USD (US Dollar) began tanking against all major currencies world wide and continued tanking through July, 2008. Two years later in 2010, the IMF issues its new debt restructuring protocol that requires China (among other nations), to make good on its sovereign debt with the caveat that such debt be retired at nominal values not tied to actual maturity values. The global restructuring and debt settlement phase is taking place right now. It is not a future event - it is happening right now. These global hawks (Bankers/Rothschild) want payment and they will restructure the entire global system of finance in order to extract their payment - even if it means plunging the U.S. dollar into the ground.

    Why is BIS not bothered by a collapse of the USD? Because for many years the Rothschild family has been funding both sides of conflict as a hedge against loss while they make a literally killing (ever major war fought) on the interest payments. When you are in control of the Money Supply, it is you who dictate terms and conditions. Now, here's the punch line.

    Those countries unwilling to agree to IMF terms will be LIQUIDATED. How do you liquidate a country? You invade it, remove its government, take over its natural resources, install your own puppet government and establish profit sharing agreements involving the sale of its natural resource assets. Sound familiar? Have you ever witnessed that playbook before? Well, that has been going on since before you were born and it has been the exact same kingpin family behind it all for the most part, the Rothschild family.
  2. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    One bump (only) to let those who may have missed it and to put the threads in order.

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