The Weidlinger report: How WTC 7 could collapes by fire alone

Discussion in '9/11' started by l4zarus, Nov 5, 2016.

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  1. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Not well known to debunkers or Cters, this was brought up as yet another explanation for how WTC 7 could collapse by fire alone.

    The full report can be found here:

    Link to PDF


    Ultimate Conclusions

    Based on our review of the record, independent analyses, engineering
    judgment and our thorough examination of plaintiffs’ experts’ reports and analyses, our main findings can be summarized as follows:

    1. Our analyses establish that the attacks of September 11 resulting in
    the collapse of WTC 1 which showered flaming debris unto WTC 7
    set-off an unstoppable and causal chain of events, given the
    circumstances of the day, of such magnitude as to exhaust the
    capacity of the building structural system over the course of seven
    hours leading to the ultimate collapse of WTC 7.

    2. Under ordinary circumstances, WTC 7 would have been able to
    arrest a localized slab collapse from progressing into a total
    collapse of the building. Under the extraordinary circumstances of
    September 11, and the very specific fire distributions, extent and
    durations resulting from those attacks, the progression from the
    initiation to global collapse is entirely due to those events and could
    not have been prevented even if the alleged deficiencies had been
    addressed as proposed by the plaintiffs’ experts.

    Our determination of the response of WTC 7 to the various loads it was subjected to on September 11 until its ultimate collapse is consistent with the visual evidence recorded on September 11.

    It's unclear how much Richard Gage has taken into this into account, since it was released in Oct of 2010, and the narrative Gage sticks to is based on the Bentham paper fraud, released in 2008.
  2. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Silverstein Properties, Inc, commissioned a study by Weidlinger Associates Inc. as part of its insurance claim.

    The name Weidlinger Associates popped up in the immediate aftermath of the attack, since Weidlinger's Tod Rittenhouse gave an interview to about the collapses of the Twin Towers that was the subject of a September 13, 2001 article. 3 The article contains this description of Rittenhouse:

    Tod Rittenhouse is an expert in blast engineering from the international consulting engineering firm Weidlinger Associates and has been the blast engineer for a number of embassies and government buildings. He has been called to discuss such problems as the Oklahoma City bombing and the previous World Trade Center calamity.

    In January of 2006, Dr. Jeremy Isenberg was succeeded by Dr. Raymond Daddazio as Chief Executive Officer of Weidlinger Associates, Inc. A press release described Daddazio as follows:

    Since 1996, Daddazio has been director of the Applied Science Division at Weidlinger, responsible for significant contracts with the Department of Defense in the areas of shock and vibration, extreme loadings on structures and risk assessment.

    Daddazio is Weidlinger's principal liaison with the U.S. government's Technical Support Working Group's Physical Security Program, which identifies, prioritizes, and coordinates interagency and international research and development requirements for combating terrorism. Nationally, he is working with the Department of Defense to develop and test new strategies for protection of military and civilian facilities. 4

    The report makes several unsupported/questionable claims it relies on for its collapse initiation theory. I can get into these when I get a chance but primarily, this is obviously not an unbiased investigative source and therefore not reliable.
  3. Cornergas

    Cornergas Active Member

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Big Larry silverstein said on PBS interview shortly after he and fire department decided to "pull the building" No 7....meaning controlled it takes weeks to wire a building of that size for demolition, big larry knew it was time to throw the switch, and watch No 7 come straight down in classic demolition format...warmed big larry's heart, to collect 5 billion insurance on a 200 million investment, and it only cost 3000 US lives, (all gentiles)..bonus...
  4. Cornergas

    Cornergas Active Member

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Barry Jennings an officialwith the NYC government reported there were explosions in WTC 7 in the morning before the alleged aircraft at the WTC towers...these explosions are class first steps of demolition.
    William Rodriquez a worker in the towers said beforethe alleged aircraft event there were explosions in the sub levels of the towers..that buckled the floors...again....first steps to demolition...Firefighters reported the lobbies of the twin towers were destroyed by expolsions prior to collapse ...this is classic steps in controlled demolition...the firefighters dealt with the small fires in the buildings reporting "they had put the fires out" early the people who follow the government's conspiracy theory are totally out to lunch, and lost their ability to think and analyze the evidence.

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