The Year of Red Team Rule

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by AlNewman, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Well here it is still more than a year from the next selection process and hate abounds from both Team Supporters while the two teams are partying away enjoying their joint success.

    But seriously sports fans things are only going to get worse. So let's look at the game to this point to see the side shows that will culminate in a wild circus main event next year.

    First the Red Team, what a disappointment to the owners as their star player, that Bush brainiac, Jeb is pushed to the sidelines while good old Donald ganders tremendous support for Red play to lead the game in 2017. Of course Donald is just one of the side shows to get things good and stirred up. But when all shakes out, it will probably be another illegal that gets the final nod, will it be Cruz, Rubio or Jindal?

    And that good old Blue team that has been so successful over the past two terms stealing from the mouths of all that there is not much left to steal. But no worries, there are always the death panels. But now for the future, Hitlerly has run her course and is used up. The only question remaining is how far under the bus she will be thrown. Sanders, not a chance but he is a great test flag for the future. The main runner for the Blue team will in all likelihood not show the colors until the new year. Uncle Joe and the tyrant from South Carolina are in the wings warming up and chomping at the bit. And the woodwork is full of holes, no telling what could crawl out.

    But this is the term of the Red team because Blue has been so successful in depriving people of a means of support but they failed miserably in removing those pesky rights, the domain of the Red team.

    Well fans, gird your loins, tie up the mule, lock away your women and get ready for an exciting 2016 and a terribly horrifying next term government.

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