And? For every gun used to commit murder, >10 are used in self-defense. For every gun used to commit suicide, >5 are used in self-defense.
No right can be used to infringe on the right of another; that is the fundamental limit of a right. For example, abuse your RKBA to take away someone’s property, person, or right and you’ve committed a crime. Use human sacrifice in your observance of religion and you have committed a crime. Own and carry a firearm and you violate no one’s right anymore than having the thought and opinion someone is a moron... itself an unrecognized right.
The obvious question of "so what?" must be asked with regard to the above? What ultimate, meaningful difference does such make? The more people of the united states that end up killings themselves off and ending their own existence, the better.
Trump and the DOJ just made owning a bump stock a crime. do you want Trump and Whitaker charged with treason?
Everyone else in the united states is accusing Donald Trump of committing treason and impeachable offenses in the time leading up to the election for president of the united states. Why should firearm owners exempt themselves from the calls for such if they feel they have been wronged?
Because they screamed Obama is going to take our guns way. Then it was actually a GOP president that passed a law to require you to hand in an accessory. So unless they are going to abandon the GOP calling the party they support Treasonous makes then sound dumb
Except no law was actually passed. The ATF exceeded its legal authority in this attempt at redefinition, and deserves to be called out for what are ultimately illegal actions on their part. Add it to the long list of illegal activities the ATF has been caught in conducting.
They have been granted power by congress to regulate, alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. Until that power is revoked it is legal.
No the same. Severe gun control and gun bans are fundamental to the "progressive" platform. All progs want guns banned. All people who support gun rights and the Constitution have to oppose the democRat party. The GOP is split, the RINO's will go along with the progs in some forms of gun control, the conservatives will oppose gun control. People who support gun rights have to pick and choose who they support in the GOP. And Trump is neither conservative nor "progressive". Trump is an opportunist and a man full of himself. He has no history of firm political or moral or philosophical principles other than promoting himself. He has aligned himself with the conservatives because that was his ticket to the White House, and he will generally follow conservative principles because thats how he stays in the White House. Maybe he is honestly becoming conservative, but he cannot truly be trusted.
Such does not mean the ATF has the authority to rewrite existing, codified legislation, however. The legal definition for what qualifies as a fully-automatic firearm exists, the ATF cannot legally redefine the definition to mean something it does not say.
The ATF simply said anything that changed a semi auto into an auto is banned. They did not change the definition. The crazy thing is that before the Las Vegas shooting barely anyone gun owner or not knew what a bumpstock was and almost all didn't like them, but once there was talk of banning them everyone lost their **** and wanted to protect this item they didnt even like or knew it existed.
So what does the true gun supports do about the around 15-20% of bigoted idiots who will support anything this man does and will vote for opportunists over real conservatives? Will they come together and ban those people from the GOP and then let the Democrats ban them so that they are forced to stay in a fringe party that will never win or do you allow them to take over the party with their voting power in primaries.
Because he wanted to, and would have if he could have. Edit: You are fully aware of the fact your statement, above, is false. Why do you choose to make statements you know are false? Unsupportable nonsense.
Looks like you -knew- your statement about the GOP passing a law was false - why did you choose to make a false statement? Also, how can a highly-intelligent, well-educated man of the world such as yourself be so very painfully unaware of the fact of the fact bump stocks do not turn anything into a full auto?
Bump stocks do not change a semi-automatic firearm into a fully-automatic firearm. For a firearm to legally meet the definition of being a fully-automatic, it must discharge multiple rounds with a single pull of the trigger. Even when a semi-automatic firearm is equipped with a bump stock or similar device, it still operates in a semi-automatic fashion, discharging one and only one round for each pull of the trigger. The actions of the ATF in this case are illegal. Such is how things work regarding human nature. One does not want something until they know they will not be allowed to legally have it, then they want it while the choice is still theirs to make.
Trump is not the issue, Trump is the symptom. Trump is the result of 30 years of the GOP being run by RINOs who campaign as conservatives and then once elected act like democrats. In the primaries, I supported Cruz and Rand Paul but I wondered if they were to close to the mainstream to change the system. As the primaries went on, I switched to Trump because he is the true outsider, a real loose cannon, who will go in and shake up DC. DC is broken, the federal govt is broken and in fact the federal govt is dangerous. When Trump does unpredictable things, when he disrespects "politicians" and their sycophants, he is doing what I voted for him to do..