Amid GOP cries of 'exoneration' and 'collusion delusions' and 'no obstruction,' investigators continue investigating Trump and gang; it does not look good for Benedict Donald and followers. 10 Criminal Investigations 8 State and Local Investigations 11 Congressional Investigations as one colleague says of Trump, effin "treasonous grifter"
It doesn’t matter to righties. They don’t believe anyone on their side is ever guilty. It’s always a conspiracy or secret plot. Iran contra? Liberal frame up Scooter Libby? Framed Dsouza? Unfairly targeted Arpaio? Guilty of nothing Flynn? A good guy framed by the deep state
Those who respect the law and truth want these investigations ongoing and uncovering the extremist rw crimes.
LOL... I guess this crap is created to give the lockstep leftists some sort of hope. God knows their suicide rate is through the roof and no one wants that.
hahahah where is the conspiracy? the obstruction? hahahahhaha I will say now that the Mueller investigation is done, Trump knows how to handle these witch more cooperating
Your post only displays the degree to which Democrats are abusing their power. Your failure to recognize that says a lot about you.
Of course they "don't care". Especially, the Pro-Trump RW (that makes up 80+% of this forum). Trump can do no wrong in their eyes. It doesn't matter how many investigations are ongoing.
Investigations by leftist doesn't equal wrong doing....look at the failed Obama lead investigation into a campaign conspiracy with Russia that lead to a nothingburger?
Look at all the far right crying and whining. This is not over until the good guys in the intel agencies and the FBI say it is over.
How many people are in prison or have been indicted because of the Muller report? Talk about false accusations... Some of you seem to have the memory of a goldfish
Unlike the ten separate Benghazi investigations that resulted in zero arrests? The muller investigation not only paid for itself (with a profit) from stolen taxpayer funds it led to the arrest of numerous individuals. Just because round one didn’t get individual one doesn’t mean the next few will not. They have 9 more just to catch up to republicans. Think he will last that long?
None dealing with obstruction and a conspiracy with Russia. Hey, Mueller did finally get Manafort though....he couldn't catch him those ten years he was FBI Director (likely because Whitey could spoon feed him anything about Manafort) but I guess he can finally retire
There was no criminal investigation into was all oversight. We learned a lot of great intel on how the Obama Admin lied about what happened, and how the mismanagement within the Clinton State Department and Obama Admin lead to the deaths. We must never forget or go down that path again...truly incompetence