Tyranny: The Inevitable Result of Our Society's Descent into Moral Chaos

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by TheHat, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. TheHat

    TheHat Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2008
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    Pretty good read. And we are at this point now in our country. Boundaries have been smashed, and we are now on our way to oblivion and the dung heap of history.

    Amazing how history repeats itself!

    I think this part says it best on where we are currently as a nation. Our moral fiber is gone, so we are legislating complete insanity & tolerating insanity. We don't even have the moral fiber to protect ourselves from an invasion, orchestrated by our own government. And our own government won't even let our reps set foot on its own installations. And that is just on the immigration front!

    Gay marriage, abortion(planned parenthood handing out awards for increasing abortions???? Sound moral?), we can't even grasp our own 1st amendment anymore in the case of hobby lobby, where people are upset that freedom of religion was upheld...lol. The list goes on....

    Are we keeping good order, in any of the areas mentioned in that quote? Not in a single one of those areas
  2. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    First, welcome back

    next, this thread should probably be in the opinion section.

    I absolutely agree that this country has fallen into moral decay and it is due to demonizing Christianity. Without having to answer to a supreme being then is there any need at all for morals?

    We deny nativity scenes and the cross from being erected on public land during Christmas yet embrace homosexuals parading naked.

    We push to have "under God" removed from the pledge of allegiance but in CA teach the children about a homosexual who had sex with a 16 year old boy and identify which historic figures had gay sex.

    We demonize any person or company who cherishes the unborn child and celebrate those who want to kill the babies. The messaging is that if you cherish life you really hate women

    We've completely turned upside down and wonder why our kids need to be on parents' insurance until age 26. They've become so lost and misguided that our society has done a complete disservice to future generations by allowing liberal ideology to invade the public schools.
  3. John S

    John S New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Complete and utter ultra-conservative garbage.

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