Unreported: 4 British Airways pilots die after getting covid jab

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Eleuthera, Jun 20, 2021.

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  1. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  2. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Pure Propaganda you post.
  3. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Conspiracy theories can be annoying. Like flies. Buzzing around in your ear. But do you know where those flies came from? They were hatched and nourished in the rotting, stinking body of lies and dis/misinformation told throughout the pandemic. Disinformation like telling people not to wear masks in the places where infection is most likely and instead mandating their use where infections are least likely. Lies like “RT-PCR tests are gold standard and increasing testing is the answer to the pandemic”. Lies like “it doesn’t matter what kind of mask you wear, just so that everyone does” or “homemade cloth masks are just as good as those purchased from medical supply stores”. Disinformation like “vaccines don’t prevent infection, they just decrease severity of disease”. The corpse of lies is bloated in the hot sun of empirical evidence. And the flies can smell it from miles away. They come, lay their eggs that hatch into maggots that consume the body of lies. When they are full, they pupate, and then emerge as the flies of conspiracy buzzing around your ears.

    I believe Nietzsche formed the template for the best description of what has been done. If I may parody what may be one of his most famous thoughts that turned out to be prophetic in the death of not only one, but now two institutions.

    “Science is dead. Science remains dead. And we have killed it. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become progressives simply to appear worthy of it?”

    Yes, the Enlightenment killed God. And replaced it with “science”. But when empirical evidence conflicted too much with our feelings and desire for control we had to kill science as well. Covid has clearly demonstrated this to be true.

    For those who really do care about facts and individual human life, and are willing to use critical thought, consider: I am the madman. I have smashed my lantern in the street and this post is my pronouncement of requiem aeternam deo on science.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  4. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    557 fear not. There are people who are able to reconcile science and religion, creative thought and analytical thought. Dont let the media have you believe everyone out there has gone mad. Remember the media focuses mostly on the negative.

    I do not mean to go off point but you are dead on the many contadictions as to what to believe cause people to panic and create conspiracy theories to give them the illusion of control and understanding. It is what we homo sapiens do.

    Howevefr it is not always contradictory messages like with this pandemic its just more than one message to try listen to in regards to any issue that causes many people to jump to conspiracy solutions.

    Let us face it we live in a generation of people trained by the cell phone to not think more than 10 seconds about any one thought and to demand instant answers for anything and everything. Anything that requires some second thought, creates this need to quickly get the panacea via conspiracy.

    For example the last few days there was a tragedy in Miami and two large sections of a condo collapsed. Many explanations have come out. It was a beachfront condo of course and engineering reports had already warned of structural issues and compromise. Hey salt, sea water, close proximity to both plus foundations built on sand, eventually mean such condos must be regularly inspected and repaired, right? Well the city powers that be allowed inspections once every 40 years and it appears this building 3 years after warnings of structural issues had not yet done anything.

    Well now most people will concede an immediate review of construction practices and maintenance schedules for close to sea buildings needs to be revisisted and of course people in sea proximity buildings will be scared.

    Wiithin hours of this tragedy, people were on their cell phones spreading conspiracies the building collapse was caused a deliberate detonation not deterioration from salt.

    People in the face of bad things jump to conspiracies like they used to do religion-they see this pandemic or a tragedy suggesting humans are not perfect and make mistakes and bingo its a man made lab leak or a detonation. It wasn't a mistake, its not part of life, its something we created and so can stop acccording to these theories..these theories tell us the issue has beginning and end and most importantly an explanation.

    The conspiracy means-hey we know what it is.

    Mutating viruses? Say it aint so.

    Well cuch is life. The more we think we learn, the less we know and conspiracy or no conspiracy giving us the illusion we know, we can not change that. We are always in a game of catch up and when we think we are above nature, we get slapped down every time.

    So? Have faith. Let the flow come-let the constantly changing answers and explanations keep coming and leading us to yet more new things to learn about viruses and anything else.

    It aint all bad. From the deaths will come new treatments and lives saved. So it is, so it will be.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
    557 likes this.
  5. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Any information presented to back up a point of view is propaganda. You engage in it all the time on this forum. So what was your point? The fact the information is propaganda is obvious and not relevant. Whether what is presented is accurate or not would be the issue.

    You didn't respond pointing out what information presented is incorrect and what data you use to conclude that it is incorrect. Instead you chose to be once again intellectually lazy and name call.

    You again deflect from your own inability to debate what was presented by sticking your tongue out.


    Can you please resist the urge to spit at people and I tell you what I won't spit back at you. Thank you.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
    Monash likes this.
  6. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I have spent hours and hours correcting mis/disinformation the media has disseminated on Covid. I’m disappointed, but not at all surprised—it’s their nature.

    It’s the scientific community’s active involvement in the death of science that has surprised me as much as the active involvement of the church(s) in the death of God surprised and troubled Nietzsche. What makes it surprising is the fact science was supposed to be an improvement upon God when it became the stand in. It was heralded as the thing that could be revered by those who require physical evidence. It was the new and improved arbiter of “truth”, and allegiances were sworn to go where empirical evidence led, not where superstition, political ambitions, or even unsubstantiated opinion led.

    But it turns out we weren’t really interested in a worldview based on empirical evidence. As humans our base instinct (or human nature if you prefer) is yet too strong to concede emotions and desires to evidence.

    The big question now is where will we turn now? How does a post truth society survive when there is no foundation for morality and no foundation for what is true or correct? What good is a democracy where only falsehoods are offered as options to the voter/people?

    Now, of course neither science or god are dead. Nietzsche was not being literal and I’m not either. I can still choose to follow where empirical evidence leads. I can still base my worldview on observable, quantifiable, repeatable data sets etc. But the institution of science itself has soundly rejected it’s own ethos and in effect the institution is dead.

    I agree science and God can be easily reconciled. The idea they can’t is in itself misinformation. Another day you and I should explore that subject.
    Agreed. Control is why science was killed. We don’t want to have to follow evidence. I also agree panic can lead to conspiracy theories, just as history of lying leads conspiracy theorists to distrust the liar.
    Valid points that all contribute to conspiratorial conclusion. But I’ve watched this Covid business pretty close and the conspiracy theorists are not driven by fear for the most part. The backbone of Covid conspiracies is dishonesty from “official” sources. Sure, fear etc. may contribute but I see mistrust as the main driver here.
    When I give examples of disinformation on Covid I’m careful to include only ones that can be demonstrated to be lies, not mistakes or conclusions based on insufficient empirical evidence. I’m very forgiving of mistakes like over use of ventilators etc. because as a man who lives and breathes science every day I understand such things. But I can’t tell my wife a calf has pneumonia and to treat it with antibiotics when in reality I know it has enterotoxemia and needs antitoxin and mineral oil and expect the calf to live. On Covid, science has done the above. They knowingly gave advice that killed people who didn’t need to die. I can’t walk away from that even though it doesn’t seem to bother anyone else.
    We are certainly learning and that’s good. But being dishonest about known valid information needs to stop if we are not ok with the death of science. Perhaps I have come too soon to smash the lantern. We shall see. Perhaps nobody cares about one more death.
    That is actually what has convinced me science is dead. One such treatment has recently become available. Nobody knows about it and when informed of its existence and efficacy, those most prone to invoke science as their guide have soundly rejected it even though it would save many lives.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
    Monash and Death like this.
  7. Death

    Death Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2008
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    Well stated 557 thanks for the effort.
    557 likes this.
  8. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Hey, all I did was quote the advice issued by the FDA. You think its propaganda? Fine complain to them.
  9. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    So what? Now your channeling Donald Trump as a defense? Study at the feet of the 'master' did you?

    One more time. No, you did not accurately sight the information from the CDC website because you deliberately choose to ignore the disclaimer. You know, the bit saying that the figures figures you quoted as gospel were potentially 'incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental and unverified'. And now your reached the (low) point where your justification for doing so was that you 'accurately cited' potentially inaccurate information! (FFS its in the disclaimer!) Without of course telling anyone it was potentially inaccurate. How is that ethical?

    There fixed it for you. See how easy that was? An honest, truthful post containing no deliberate falsehoods.

    And the best bit? I, unlike you I retain my integrity. Try and do better. Other members deserve it, so do you.
  10. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    (from post #121)
    (post #122)

    (from post #123)

    I'd like to hear your response to post #126.
  11. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    FDA Adds Warning About Heart Inflammation To COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines


    384,270 total COVID Vaccination Adverse events reported to the CDC through 6/18/21. So much for the pretense that these limited conditional emergency use only vaccinations are risk free. They are not. Vaccine risk needs to be balanced against COVIDs risk to you, and this varies depending on your age, overall health and several other factors.

    Pericarditis/Myocarditis - 803 events (138 life threatening, 8 deaths)
    Those under the age of 18 have zero risk of death from COVID until you get to the 4th decimal point.
    If you are at very low risk from COVID, remember: This is experimental new technology that is being used on millions of people. As the facts develop we will learn a LOT more about these products, and not all that we learn will be good. Some of it, like heart damage to young people, will be very disturbing and troubling.

    We need to show patience and understanding toward those that make the personal choice to wait until these products have full approval. Full approval awaits more information, therefore, waiting for more information is a perfectly valid choice.

    Vaccine manufacturers REFUSED to make these vaccines without blanket immunity from Congress, why? Because of uncertainty. If they are uncertain about the effects of these vaccines, it is perfectly appropriate for anyone else to approach these with caution.

    Suggested Citation:
    United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Public Health Service (PHS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) / Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 1990 - 06/18/2021, CDC WONDER On-line Database. Accessed at http://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html on Jun 27, 2021 10:32:55 PM
  12. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    I can't respond, because words fail me. Mind control spyon particles?

    Again the medical science is clear, vaccines work and the vast majority of the medical profession concur. Now, I can either;

    A) Choose the follow the advice of those professionals and the science that backs them; or
    B) Choose to follow the advice of a self appointed 'expert' who apparently believes that toothpaste can be used as a means of introducing (and I can't believe I'm saying these words) mind control particles into the human nervous system.

    So forgive me but I'm going to go with (A).

    I will also continue to brush my teeth BTW because if nothing else I owe it to the people around me.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
  13. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Could you address the issue they raised about hydroxychloroquine being suppressed? I should have made it clearer.
  14. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Isn't it more likely that they were killed by a disgruntled ex-employee?
  15. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Couldn't find it. But everything else they talked about was wrapped up in global conspiracy accusations (no proof offered) which apparently involves an unnamed 'them' taking over the US medical system in collusion with the Chinese Government in order to take over the world by making us all magnetic and or sterile :confused:. Please don't make me watch anymore. My brain hurts.
  16. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I gave the time marks where it's discussed.

    I don't see how you could miss it.

    The first doctor said she was using hydroxychloroquine with success and her supervisor told her to stop because the hospital had made a deal with an insurance company. Whether it worked or not was not an issue.

    The second doctor says that doctors in hospitals are told not to use it because the hospitals will lose their grants.
  17. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Ok, thanks only watched the 2nd video and that was hard enough.

    The first issue is almost certainly nothing. A rational explanation is that the insurer does not wish to pay for treatments that have not yet been proven effective i.e. might be waste of money. Alternately the insurer was concerned about some of the listed and known side effects of HCQ which of themselves can cause serious medical issues and lengthy hospital stays - which the insurer would also not want to pay for. The date when this conversation allegedly took place would be the key i.e. was it in the early days just after early research seemed to show it might (note the use of that word) be effective and before it was proven not to be.

    I saw the bit about losing grants and that woman offered no evidence it was only her opinion. Her explanation that there are 'boss hospitals' and 'junior' hospitals and boss hospitals tell the others what to do is a gross oversimplification. Hospital funding is part grant money but comes from other sources and generally speaking public hospitals get way more tied funding than private ones do. In any event HCQ is just one drug and not even a new or revolutionary or particularly expensive one at that. Its been around for years and has been approved for several medical conditions - you can look them up. There are hundreds if not thousands of drugs at use in modern hospital systems on a daily basis so why would the funding system for any hospital suddenly be under threat over a decision to use one run-of-the-mill medication. Answer? IMO - its all part of the 'conspiracy'. Presumably the one involving the mind control drugs/toothpaste and the magnetic sterilizing vaccines.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  18. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    From what I've seen hydroxychloroquine has been proven effective. The theory is that it hasn't been used much in the US because it's so inexpensive and profits are low. The same seems to be true for ivermectin.

    The theory is that the government couldn't give emergency authorization for an untested vaccine if there were alternative treatments available. They wanted to give everybody the vaccine so they had to get rid of these alternative treatments. Dr Gold explains that hydroxychloroquine has been used for years all over the world and has been proven safe by a long shot. Aren't you a little bit suspicious?
  19. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    I'm sorry but your at risk of buying into the whole HCQ 'conspiracy' meme. And it doesn't play out. For example Remdesivir is a drug that has been approved for use in the treatment of COVID. The development and approval Remdesivir started way back in 2009. Put simply its not a new drug. And there are other drugs out there that are approved (or are being considered for approval) in the treatment of COVID. Some are new, some aren't.

    Point is there are several drugs which if used (singularly or in combo) are believed to be effective in treating COVID and more are being assessed every month. So why bother singling out HCQ? Ask yourself, why would any Government want to 'push' untested vaccines onto voters if they knew in advance there were drugs out there on the market already guaranteed to solve the crisis. Forget Republican or Democrat, if there's a cure out there for COVID any politician would grab it and run, making themselves the hero in the process!

    Another point is that vaccines are more more effective from a public health perspective solely because they prevent you form getting the disease in the first place rather than having to treat you afterwards. Prevention rather than cure. Same way as buying a fire alarm is more cost effective than waiting for the fire brigade to arrive.

    And I'm not 'suspicious' of these allegations (which is what they are). HCQ is not 'safe', no drug is. Lets be clear ALL drugs have side effects.

    For example the potential side effects of penicillin include - stomach ache, diarrhoea, shortness of breath or irregular breathing, abdominal cramps, spasms, tenderness or pain, vaginal itching and discharge, due to either a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. So yes, all medicines have potentially adverse effects. But those adverse effects are always vastly outweighed by the benefits, otherwise they wouldn't be used.

    You might get a dose of the runs if your doctor prescribed you penicillin (he/she might not because some people are allergic - which is a whole new kettle of problems) but if they do its because the benefits i.e. killing the bug that would have given you blood poisoning 200 year ago vastly outweigh the potential side effects in all but rare cases.

    And HCQ? Potential side effects include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain or cramps, loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, dizziness, spinning sensation, headache, ringing in your ears, mood changes, nervousness, irritability, skin rash, itching and hair loss.

    And here's a list of the conditions which are contraindicated if considering the use of HCQ:
    • low blood sugar
    • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
    • low amount of magnesium in the blood
    • low amount of potassium in the blood
    • porphyria
    • anemia
    • low levels of a type of white blood cell called neutrophils
    • alcoholism
    • myasthenia gravis, a skeletal muscle disorder
    • maculopathy
    • changes in the visual field
    • prolonged QT interval on EKG
    • chronic heart failure
    • abnormal EKG with QT changes from birth
    • liver problems
    • decreased kidney function
    • psoriasis
    • seizures
    • anemia from pyruvate kinase and G6PD deficiencies
    • chronic kidney disease stage 5 (failure)
    So when you quote the person who says say 'hydroxychloroquine has been used for years all over the world and has been proven safe by a long shot' or similar don't take it on face value. Yes it is 'safe' but that safety comes with caveats. Which is why you should do your own independent research or in cases like this ask an expert (in this case your MD). When 'Dr Gold' said it was safe she didn't mention these caveats did she?

    So rule No.1 Don't take everything you read on line on face value.

    Especially if its someone is telling you they have 'special' knowledge or insights other people don't. These people are trying to sell you something. Usually its stock tips or whatever, but the same rule applies to conspiracy theorists. Do your own research across multiple sources. (It's what I did when researching HCQs side effects.)
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
    fiddlerdave likes this.
  20. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Yes, I've bought into it and I wouldn't call it a meme.

    How well does it work? Does it work as well as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?

    Could you link to your source?

    I didn't hear it from just one person. Lots of investigators and health professionals have said the same thing.

    Your source is still pending.
  21. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  22. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    As I said , if you google RXList Contraindications (i.e. drugs you shouldn't be on if conditions you may have that preclude the use of HCQ) it should give you those as well. There are other sites that provide the same info so you can double check if you want - in fact I encourage it.

    While your at it look up penicillin or even better any drug you may have been on or still are on as prescribed by your doctor.

    As for the rest? There were some studies that (initially at least ) seemed to indicate HCQ might be useful int treating COVID. This was early on the epidemic when no drugs were known to be effective. The overwhelming body of research since that then have proven this is not the case i.e whatever positive effects HCQ might have had were marginal and greatly exceeded by the adverse ones including kidney and heart damage.

    This is because more research was done as the epidemic progressed and more patients were hospitalized. The early studies saying it might be useful used (relatively) small sample groups. As time went on the sample groups became much larger and more studies were done. Cross checking all that data basically eliminated HCQ as an option. No conspiracy required, just time and methodical research.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  23. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Yes, research is necessary but we have to keep in mind that there is a lot of disinfo out there.

    Perspectives on the Pandemic | "The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine" | Episode 13 Remastered

    If lots of doctors are saying they've seen good results with hydroxychloroquine and don't mention those side effects, that might be one of those government damage-control articles. It might be exaggerating the frequency of those side effects. Anyway, if it seems to actually work, if someone is going to die and it works, risking those possible side effects seems worth it.
  24. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    Firstly define 'lots' (of Doctors). What exactly is lots compared to the tens of thousands of Doctors around the World who aren't using HCQ. 100, 200 300?

    The site I referred to you is one with a long standing legitimate reputation and its not a 'government published damage control article' its a database of clinical side effects that's been around for years and gets updated regularly. Doctors use similar tools on a daily basis. They have to, because the info on drug side/effects and contraindications changes at pace as new drugs hit the market. I also said check other sites.

    But your big problem is that you seem to be automatically labeling any site you that tells you something contradicting all the 'secret agendas you keep referring to as false information. If everything you read online saying HCQ doesn't work is part of some global disinformation campaign why is it that anything you read saying it does work must be true?

    Unless its hidden somewhere in the back end data the site lists potential side effects, not how likely any particular one is to occur. Generally doctors have data on that, and it will probably be listed somewhere for public access but I don't know where. And it exaggerates nothing. It just says these are the reported side effects, some of which you may experience if you use drug X. The list is based on statistical data. If two people take a drug one may experience no side effects, the other does. Point is on average a significant % of people suffer one or more of the listed side effects. Other than that all it says is that some side defects are more common than others. It doesn't go into the % chance of suffering any particular side effect.

    The reason Doctors aren't using HCQ for Covid is that its risks far outweigh any potential benefit i.e more people will get sick or suffer side effects from the drug than will get lower viral loads from taking it. Its that simple.

    Finally it doesn't seem to work. The overwhelming body of medical evidence proves it. The sites you are reading merely say it does. Which goes back to the question of why you think they are reliable but mainstream medical sites aren't.

    If you really want to know talk about with your own MD next time you see them. If you trust them with you and your families health you should be able to trust them to answer all this stuff for you. Not some random person on the internet (including me).
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2021
  25. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Have you checked out any of the info in post #145?

    Have you watched this video from post #122?

    After seeing all of this info and knowing that there is a lot of disinfo in the mainstream I just can't rule it out. It makes sense. You seem to be playing dumb about that info.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2021

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