USA,Foreign Policy,1942 -Political and International Organization (PIO) Subcommitte

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by Miri, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Miri

    Miri Newly Registered

    Jun 19, 2013
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    my question or post regards the foreign policy of the USA within the years 1940 - 1945. I am currently writting about the 'trusteeship' issue regarding Indochina (Vietnam) and I came across a lot of committees, which I have never heard of and I can't really find any information about them. Maybe they no longer exist or they have evolved or changed their name. Anyway, is there something where I could look up committees of American Foreign Policy where there is an explination why the committee was founded, who was a member, what was the purpose and so on and so on?

    Thanks for everyone replying.

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