White supremacists recruitment drives among ex military

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by For Topical Use Only, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Apparently the fact that racist white supremacists were attempting to recruit among the returning vets was floated a few years ago and was met with overwhelming spittle from the far right and was buried.


    Here we are, though, with that very thing occurring today.


    White supremacists are recruiting at Fort Carson, Colorado.

    Law enforcement officials at the post are investigating after propaganda flyers for Northwest Front, a self-described white separatist organization, were found on post and turned over to authorities, according to post spokesperson Dani Johnson.

    The flyers, posted to Reddit early Tuesday, urge troops to join the group’s drive to create a “white nation” in the Pacific Northwest and “secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”

    “Ever wonder if you are fighting for the right side?” says one flyer, which accuses the Pentagon of targeting white men and Christians.

    A Reddit user who describes himself as a paratrooper, jhb2wr, posted to Reddit saying he and some other paratroopers “found about a dozen sealed plastic bags blowing around Fort Carson with this flyer and a CD inside.”

    Reddit users responded, urging the soldier to turn the flyers over to authorities and not to put the CD into a computer for fear of computer viruses.

    Current and former members of the military have long been coveted by neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups for their tactical skills and ideological beliefs, and efforts to recruit them are nothing new, according to scholar Brian Levin.

    “It’s like, do the Yankees want a great pitcher,” said Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University.

    “Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups are happy to have people commit acts of violence in the name of their ideology without being a card carrying member of their group — lone wolves,” Levin said.

    What was unusual to Levin was the discovery of the flyers on the post rather than in the surrounding community, which suggests to him the flyers were distributed by a service member with ties to or leanings toward the group.

    “This really needs to be investigated,” he said.

    Just this week Barcroft TV reported that a Ku Klux Klan faction announced its plans to recruit troops exiting the military, drawing on their expertise as the organization engages in military-style training for an expected race war.

    The last major case to link the military and white supremacy was in April, when Frazier Glenn Miller — a retired master sergeant who served in Army Special Forces — is accused of shooting and killing three people in Overland Park, Kansas. A New York Times opinion piece that followed, discussing veterans and white supremacy groups, angered veterans groups.

    In August 2012, white supremacist and former soldier Wade Michael Page allegedly shot six people and wounded four others at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. He was killed in the incident.

    Also in August 2012, it was reported that a former Missouri National Guard member provided combat training to a white supremacist group, a recently released court document shows. The guardsman later aided with prosecution of members of the group.

  2. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    And here's a fine, thoughtful contribution from someone who posted to the first link provided:

    I have to take issue with you parsing-out extremists from the right wing, as if they’re two different things. Really, there are three political parties in the U.S.; Liberals (Democrats), Conservatives (blue dog democrats), and the bearded-lady freak-show of right wing extremism (Republicans).

    None the less, you are correct about the right’s inability to take any personal responsibility for anything they do or say.

    It’s typical of collectivists, but it’s ironic in the case of the right wingers. Having been raised in authoritarian patriarchal families, the typical right winger has been brought-up to believe that their negative emotions (fear, hopelessness, guilt, embarrassment, etc… ) are signs of weakness. As a result, they’re arrested in emotional development very early in life, and unable to cope with this negative emotions like the rest of us normal/sane people can. Unable to cope with these emotions like an emotionally mature person would, they’re left with three alternatives: Denialism, projection (i.e. scapegoating), and psychological compensation (the necessary attribute of the brainwashed).

    For example…if the self-evident denialism isn’t itself enough….

    After the 2008 economic crash, you see all manner of all three alternatives listed above coming from the right wingers. That’s because the alternative would be to embrace your humility and take some personal responsibility for what your votes (for Bush, not just once… but twice) had wrought. Instead we saw an uptick in the percentage of people identifying as independents, and a proportional down-tick in the number of people identifying as Republican. We saw a huge uptick in the number of people identifying as Libertarian. And let’s just say that after 8 years since the Koch Bros. first unveiled their astro-turf Tea Party, it finally took off, allowing the membership to not only re-brand themselves as something other than republican, but also, absurdly, somewhat reminiscent of Loki’s Wager, they were vigorously rebuking anyone who’d even dare identify them as a political party.

    What remained of the GOP brandished a No-True-Scottsman fallacy: Bush wasn’t *really* a republican.

    Historians already call this the Reagan Era. It’s 30-plus years of swinging ever further to the political right. Our nation has swung so far to the political right now that the two Democrat presidents’ economic policies are on par with Reagan’s, and Reagan would be branded a RINO.

    Thirty-plus years of swinging ever further to the right, and what are the results?

    Third world GINI coefficients
    One economic crash after another, increasing in frequency and severity.
    Panopticom domestic surveillance and secret courts the likes of which we haven’t seen outside of the Warsaw Pact.
    Languishing educational outcomes.
    Crumbling infrastructure.
    37th for livability
    The most expensive and poorest quality healthcare in the industrialized world.
    Our international business competitiveness ranking just slipped to 7th, behind all those supposedly failed socialist countries.
    Environmental degradation the likes of which we haven’t seen since the clean air/water acts.
    A SCOTUS that looks more like a banana republic’s kangaroo court than the highest deliberative body of an industrialized nation.
    Evaporation of civil rights and liberties
    The most alarming incarceration statistics on the planet
    Legislative impasse to the brink of failed state
    And the most divisive and cantankerous populace since the civil war.

    By just about every metric, our country is an embarrassment.

    But, as if to epitomize Einstein’s definition of insanity, the right wingers are pretty sure that everyone else is the problem, and if only we can get some more of the same right wing inanity going on, it will somehow produce different results.

    The alternative would be admitting the obvious fact that it’s not working, swallow your pride, and change it up.
  3. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    From a site called "proud to be a filthy liberal scum.com." :roflol:

    You can't make this stuff up, folks. I don't even need to say anymore.
  4. For Topical Use Only

    For Topical Use Only Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Yeah, I figured that the ideologically defunct might well trip themselves up at the first hurdle and thus be unable to address the armytimes article which is what was posted.

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