Who's the democrat??

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by BuckNaked, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. BuckNaked

    BuckNaked New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    Gretchen Carlson was arguing with Jerry Springer (of all people) about media sources and their bias, and when Jerry said Fox was all about the republican party and getting their guys elected, she made the same old statement that Fox was fair and balanced, but then she went on to say, which is why she sits in the middle of the couch on Fox and Friends because she says "she" is an independent, not a republican. Well then who is the democrat on Fox and Friends? Doocy is a republican true, and Brian is a democrat??

    By what standard can Gretchen claim the Independent status, or accuse Brian of being a democrat??? It's all just so silly what the media will claim when they are obviously making crap up.


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