Why don't race realist ever come up with solutions?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Thanos36, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    are these ladies white or black?

  2. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    It's a mixture of races.
  3. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    how many races are there?
  4. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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  5. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Neither, or both. You seem to have trouble understanding what a mixed race person is.
  6. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    who are they a mixture of?
  7. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    European, African, Asian.
  8. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Arguments like this are why you can't be taken seriously. You literally have nothing productive to contribute to this subject.

    Here is a summary of my interpretation of what you just said:

    1) Marxist Jews who want to commit genocide against White people and destroy Western Civilization control academia.

    2) The Scientific Community can not be trusted because of Left-wing bias in academia.

    3) Academia is hostile towards research that supports right-wing viewpoints.

    4) This whole debate is pointless.

    5) Right-wing Conservatives are objective analysts of the natural world...except for when it comes to religious beliefs.

    6) Left-wing liberals value communism over capitalism.

    7) IQ testing is legitimate science and should be taken at face value.

    8. You're indifferent to the nature vs. nurture debate over intelligence.

    9) EgalitarianJay02 (Me) is a Black Supremacist pretending to be pro-quality.

    10) My comment about White women and Black dick should be taken seriously as an expression of my views of Black physical superiority.

    11) You claim that I believe that Blacks are superior athletes and Whites have no biological advantages making Whites inferior.

    12) I actually believe in Black Supremacy I just won't admit it publicly.

    13) You want Europe to remain European and believe nothing could ever threaten Africa except for a new virus that can only be cured with "White medicine."

    Your views are based on conspiracy theories, confirmation bias, lies, slander, politicizing a scientific discussion and refusal to have a fair debate. Debating someone like you is pointless. No matter how many sources I throw at you, no matter how many facts I present you will refuse to look at them objectively. If I tell you "these are my real views" you'll say I'm lying. If I tell you "That was just a joke" you'll say "no it wasn't." If I say "I don't believe in Black Supremacy" you'll say "Yes you do." In your mind there's no such thing as facts that oppose your views. There's no such thing as credibility in scholarship because academia is biased, except for research that supports your views. You're right. I'm wrong no matter what and there is no debate except when you want to make a point in your favor.

    Debating you is like debating a Birther. Nothing is ever good enough for them because anything that challenges their narrative has to be wrong. The mental gymnastics Birthers practiced to rationalize their insane belief that Barack Obama was not a natural-born citizen and must have been born somewhere other than Hawaii as all credible evidence indicates is the same mindset that far-right extremists have about other topics such as yours here.

    This is a troll tactic designed to shut down debate. If you don't flee from the thread you'll probably deflect to some garbage about my views of the OJ Simpson Murder Trial verdict or something else completely unrelated to the topic. This delusional and dishonest mentality is why it is a waste of time to argue about this subject and why I spend less time on it.

    Here is a paraphrasing of the mindset of the most recent debaters in this debate.

    Taxonomy26: "I should be taken seriously as a superior debater and don't have to post any evidence defending my position that is requested of my opponent or respond to any of his key arguments."

    Brewskier: "There's no actual debate going on here. My side is correct because I said so and my approach to discussion is more rational because the other side of the debate is dishonest and conspiring to destroy my people."

    If people like you could just admit that you are racist and there is nothing I or anyone can say to change your mind then we'd all be better off. There would be no point in debating you. I already know it is a waste of time but I am tempted because I see arguments in new threads that I can easily pick apart and racists never stop spreading this garbage on the internet. Oh well.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  9. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    prove it.

    why aren't they a seperate race unto themselves?
  10. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  11. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Thanks for the lesson in verbosity and redundancy. I don't think there was any need to repost what I just posted, but then again, if it makes your post longer, that equals instant win, right?

    You've spent over a decade of your life copy and pasting other people's arguments on the internet, for just this specific topic, to deal with the massive chip on your shoulder and resulting inferiority complex. I don't plan on spending the next 13 years gathering up enough sources and prepackaged arguments to copy+paste in response to yours. You win on that one. And, like I said, the deck is stacked against any opposition to your point of view on this topic, so a legitimate debate is not likely to be had. Academia is overwhelmingly left-wing, for the reasons I cited, so someone who comes up with an unfavorable hypothesis and conclusion are volunteering to become pariahs, right out of the gate. Most people would opt to get along with their peers, not become their sworn enemies. I remember you pissing on the grave of Rushton when he died, as you would for any other researcher who postulated theories that violated your left-wing ethos and anti-racist sensibilities. In your mind everyone is equal, and that just-so-happens to be the predominant view of the left in general, who control Academia and the media. I sincerely wish actual research could be done on this subject without fear of intimidation, without a care in the world about political correctness or minorities taking to the streets and burning down their neighborhoods in response. However, that's not the world we live in. Perhaps if society in general can awake from the progressive coma it has been in for the past 50 years and eject those forces that are poisoning society with their filth, real research and a real debate can take place. Until then, we can continue entertaining hypotheticals like blacks building colonies on Mars if it hadn't been for those racist, evil whiteys.
    Taxonomy26 likes this.
  12. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    No, I have to be mindful of the character count. At least you acknowledge that my summary is accurate. You really do believe that nonsense.

    Here's another example of psychological projection. How old are you and win did you start posting about racism on the internet? At least I'm open about it.

    Inferiority complex? No. You racists have a superiority complex.

    Superiority Complex

    1. an attitude of superiority that conceals actual feelings of inferiority and failure.
    Remember the old story about the African leader and the White Supremacist who tried to convince him of his views?

    African Leader: Do you have a pet?

    White Supremacist: Yes, a dog.

    African Leader: Do you tell your dog every morning that you are superior to it?

    White Supremacist: No, what would be the point? Everyone knows that I am superior to the dog.

    African Leader: Thank you for proving that you have a superiority complex.

    Now never mind whether that story is true and yes I did replace inferiority with superiority and dictator with leader from the original thread but the real point should be easy to grasp. If it is so obvious that you are superior then why do you need to spend so much time trying to prove it? Why for example did Gottfredson or Rushton spend 3 decades or more of their lives writing countless papers trying to prove that Black people were racially inferior? Why don't you just leave us alone? Don't make excuses about crime rates. I wasn't committing any crimes when I got called the N-word on the playground for no reason and beat the kid unconscious. I wasn't committing any crimes when a teenage boy in High school told me on the bus that he hated me just because I was Black and at 8 years old I asked him why he hated Black people and he said he didn't know he just hated them. I wasn't committing any crimes when a fat bully in 8th grade waved a baseball bat at my head and started making racist taunts towards me which enraged me to the point where I started glaring at him and seriously contemplating beating him with my chair in self-defense, which got him expelled from school. I wasn't committing any crimes when some 12th grader came to my table at lunch and told my friends he was going to shove their heads up their asses and turn them in to N-words like me for reporting him and his friends for threatening to shoot up the school, which resulted in me sending two of them to the hospital.

    You want to talk about harassment and intimidation? Give me examples of someone in real life doing anything similar to you just because you're White. I didn't post on message boards about racism because I believe any of this racist garbage. I did it because I hate White Supremacists. Not because I'm threatened by you and your silly political agenda but because I've already lived through the consequences of growing up in a racist society. Admittedly I haven't had it anywhere near as worse as other Blacks in the past or present. I've never been a slave. I've never been beaten with a whip across my back, or maimed, or raped, or lynched, or had a cross burned in my yard, or had my church burned down, or been the victim of police brutality or been beaten up by a skinhead. No, none of that happened to me so maybe I've overreacted to racism that has happened to other people whose only crime was having a different skin color from the majority who took advantage of them and oppressed them for hundreds of years and then claimed that the socioeconomic disparities between them were the result of their own mental inferiority and not institutional racist discrimination. And yes, after years of debating racists off and on and being called every racial slur in the book, having people private message me or send me negative reputation comments telling me to kill myself, sending me pictures of Black people being lynched, murdered and even sent a photo of a severed baby's head which is funny to these racists because the victims were Black I got a bit nasty. I stopped thinking of these interactions as online debates and started declaring war. I started making jokes about Black men with big dicks satisfying White women sexually including the family members of my opponents. I started posting interracial photos of Black men kissing White women. White women dancing with Black men, stripteasing for them, being fondled by them and eventually it escalated in to posting photos graphic interracial pornography which got me banned from numerous websites. And I didn't care. I stopped thinking of my opponents as humans. They weren't human to me any more. Humans aren't that evil. They were monsters. They were demons! I started expressing fantasies about wanting to kill them and I dreamed about it too. I hated them. I still hate them!

    But you know what? Even after spilling the blood of racists in grade school. Even after all of the horrible racist things that have been said to me on the internet. Even after being banned, being ridiculed, being stalked, slandered, impersonated, threatened etc. I can still sit here and have a civil debate on a scientific topic without getting emotional. But not with someone like you because you don't know how to behave yourself. Oh and last time I checked no one is harassing and bullying you in to silence on this thread. If you want a fair debate step your game up. At worst you can be banned or get the thread closed.

    Bottom line: Stop playing the victim. You and the scholars who support your position have gotten fair debates for years and many especially in America have been protected under academic freedom. Elsewhere they're not so tolerant. Maybe that's because racist propaganda lead to full scale genocide of millions of people in Europe. I'm talking real genocide as in reduced numbers of a population from death not that garbage you claimed in an earlier discussion about fighting for survival against replacement via miscegenation and immigration promoted by the Zionist boogeyman.

    You don't want a fair debate. Not because it's impossible but because you know you will lose. The harsh truth is you already lost. You lost decades ago. When Hitler committed suicide, when Nazi Germany surrendered, when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, when Barack Obama was inaugurated President you lost. The dominoes will continue to fall. You lost the war before you were even born and one day some of your descendants will probably not look like you. They might be a little darker-skinned and grow up to look like Shemar Moore or Halle Berry or a mixture of any of the other various populations of the world. They just might. And that thought might terrify you. If it happens the reality is that there's nothing you can do about it. Your descendants or the descendants of people around you will no longer look White or have any reason to think of themselves as racially superior because the various populations of the world will blend together and all of this racial hatred you and your ideological kin have inside you will be meaningless. The world will be more progressive and egalitarian not because there's an all-powerful Marxist, Zionist, Globalist conspiracy but because it just makes more sense than being an evil, racist bigot.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  13. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    And it was/is hardly honest inquiry.
    He only reads/writes to those WAY on his side.
    EVERYONE else is a "Racist" no matter what/how/who,.

    You can see how Rabid he is at the bottom of the last page: howling into the night. (and helping confirm the Testosterone problem of one race)

    And this is the usual DISHONEST and obtuse "paraphrase."
    I have put up many Links in this string, and Every other one to back my opinions.
    Several Pre-eminent.

    What the irate and goofy RRRRACE poster wanted/Fallaciously Demanded/challenged, was my LIFETIME Reading list, Correspondence, etc, etc, etc!

    AND Irrelevant to any given point here that was already documented/backed by me previous in the string.
    All of which he lost.
    so 'logic' challenged, he's Undebatable.

    So he went even more Whacked out than usual, posting self-righteouss but misguided Threepeats right through the bottom of the last page.
    Like I said, OCD.
    EDIT, who knows what's below.
    The guy is an infamous internet disaster.
    ANYTHING/personal info he wanted besides the evidence I did post re this string, is Irrelevant.
    he just wanted to crow/claim victory about having read everyone who ever agreed with him. (as 'winning')
    Logic isn't E2's specialty.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  14. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Did I?

    Or did I ask you for one book you've read, one email conversation between you and a scholar on this subject and one lecture with a scholar you support in an academic setting? I supplied all of that and I responded to all of your arguments directed at me. I even replied to that alleged demolition of Graves you were harping about. Did you reply? No. At some point you have to come to terms with the fact that it's because you can't reply and you can't provide any of this information. You're not fooling anyone. You're a fraud and I've proven it.

    Oh and this isn't true. I actually emailed Rushton before he died. He didn't reply. Then I tested him a month later to see if he'd reply if I pretended to be sympathetic to his views and he did reply.

    But what is the point of me emailing scholars I disagree when I've already read their research. I email scholars to ask questions to strengthen my own arguments. Any sensible person would do that. You claimed you had email conversations with scientists and you haven't proven you've talked to ANYONE qualified to speak on this subject.

    The self-proclaimed Evo buff can not supply a single book he has read, email conversation he's had or video in an academic setting that supports his views.

    Every objective analyst of this discussion knows why. You also displayed a profound ignorance of the most basic evolutionary concepts exposing the fact that you are a fraud who doesn't know what he is talking about.

    What more is there left to debate?
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  15. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    It's not nonsense.

    What a lame digression. People are not in competition with dogs, but each other.

    I'm sure you did. Blacks react with violence when getting called bad names. They feel justified in doing this, even though the civil society doesn't allow it. That's part of why the prison population is saturated with blacks. Of course, you act like the victim in this story, not the kid you assaulted.

    Maybe he saw a few too many white kids get beaten unconscious by blacks? That would probably give him a bad impression of them.

    You seem rather proud of the black thug image you are attempting to showboat with. So many whites don't like black people or want anything to do with them because of their sky-high high crime rates, and what is your response? Brag about how violent you are?

    I grew up as a minority in a primarily Hispanic area, and I had my share of problems because of that. It's a big reason why I do not believe in multiracial, multicultural societies. But maybe you were picked on because of who you are, not because of your blackness? That might have just been an excuse they used. I doubt they would have liked you any more if you had white skin.

    You sound like a pretty sick and dangerous person. I hope the FBI has their eye on you.

    I'm not claiming to be intimidated, I'm claiming the scientific researchers in Academia are being intimidated, which is due to the institution they are apart of.

    That might be true. The world is certainly getting worse, not better, and mixing the low-IQ third world as an attempt to blend out the advanced countries will only accelerate this process. And, ironically, those who claim to like "diversity" will, in their ideal society, have one brown mass of people. So much for diversity. Meanwhile, human culture, true diversity, and heritage will be lost forever. Though, it is ironic that you ask "why can't you just leave us alone?" when it is your people coming to predominantly white countries. It is your people who need endless handouts just to keep up with everyone else. It is your people who are mixing outside of your race at higher percentages than whites. Why can't you leave us alone?

    Hopefully Asia can learn from the mistakes that white societies have made and stay homogenous and advanced. They can carry the torch of humanity going forward, and when everyone else complains, they will be ignored.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
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  16. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Does Race Exist - NOVA- PBS
    with two Differing opinions. I post the latter from someone who necessarily/Practically/Forensically deals with race.
    George Gill, the Hands-on proponent:

    Slightly Over Half of all biological/physical anthropologists today believe in the Traditional view that human Races are biologically valid and Real.
    Furthermore, they tend to see nothing wrong in defining and naming the different populations of Homo sapiens. The Other Half of the biological anthropology community believes either that the traditional racial categories for humankind are arbitrary and meaningless, or that at a minimum there are better ways to look at human variation than through the "racial lens."
    Bones don't lie
    First, I have found that forensic anthropologists attain a high degree of accuracy in determining geographic racial affinities (white, black, American Indian, etc.) by utilizing both new and traditional methods of bone analysis. Many well-conducted studies were reported in the late 1980s and 1990s that test methods objectively for percentage of correct placement. Numerous individual methods involving midfacial measurements, femur traits, and so on are over 80% accurate alone, and in combination produce very high levels of accuracy. No forensic anthropologist would make a racial assessment based upon just one of these methods, but in combination they can make very reliable assessments, just as in determining sex or age. In other words, multiple criteria are the key to success in all of these determinations..... My students ask, "How can this be? They can Identify skeletons as to Racial origins but do not believe in Race!"...

    "The idea that Race is 'only skin deep' is simply not true."
    Deeper than the skin
    [.....]The "reality of race" therefore depends more on the definition of reality than on the definition of race. If we choose to accept the system of racial taxonomy that physical anthropologists have traditionally established major races: black, white, etc. then one can classify human skeletons within it just as well as one can living humans. The bony traits of the nose, mouth, femur, and cranium are just as revealing to a good osteologist as skin color, hair form, nose form, and lips to the perceptive observer of living humanity.
    I have been able to prove to myself over the years, in actual Legal cases, that I am more accurate at assessing Race from skeletal remains than from Looking at living people standing before me.

    Seeing both sides
    Where I stand today in the "great race debate" after a decade and a half of pertinent skeletal research is clearly more on the side of the reality of race than on the "race denial" side. ... Morphological characteristics, however, like skin color, hair form, bone traits, eyes, and lips tend to follow geographic boundaries coinciding often with climatic zones. This is not surprising since the selective forces of climate are probably the primary forces of nature that have Shaped human Races with regard not only to Skin color and Hair form but also the Underlying Bony structures of the Nose, Cheekbones, etc.."

    On Political Correctness
    Those who believe that the concept of race is valid do not discredit the notion of clines, however. Yet those with the Clinical perspective who believe that races are not real do try to discredit the evidence of skeletal biology. Why this bias from the "Race Denial" faction? This bias seems to stem largely from socio-political motivation and Not science at all. For the time being at least, the people in "race denial" are in "reality denial" as well. Their motivation (a positive one) is that they have come to believe that the race concept is socially dangerous. In other words, they have convinced themselves that race promotes racism. Therefore, they have pushed the Politically Correct Agenda that human races are not biologically real, no matter what the Evidence.

    How can we combat racism if no one is willing to talk about race?"
    Consequently, at the beginning of the 21st century, even as a majority of biological anthropologists favor the reality of the race perspective, not one introductory textbook of physical anthropology even presents that perspective as a possibility. In a case as flagrant as this, we are not dealing with Science but rather with blatant, politically motivated Censorship. But, you may ask, are the politically correct actually correct? Is there a relationship between thinking about race and racism?
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  17. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Even IF race was simply a "social construct", it would remain immediately evident to even a casual observer. Languages are a "social construct" as well, yet nobody would argue that German is the same as Cantonese. In the majority of cases you know within a few milliseconds of seeing someone that they are a certain race. Now, the social engineers might try and blur this line for their own benefit, but when you see Don Cheadle for the first time, you know he's black, instantly. You know he has very little if any ancestors in common with someone like Brad Pitt. The differences are immediate.
  18. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    All of Taxonomy is a "Social Construct".
    Do we need to separate Chimps (2 species, 4 subspecies/Races); Gorillas (2 species, 6 or 7 subspecies/Races).. etc.
    Any primate from one another?
    Would gorillas object to categorization if they knew?

    Useful link from the Knowledgable/Real 'Jayman'!

    2. Race is a social construct and doesn’t exist.

    Well, yes, race IS a social construct. But race does exist. Saying something is a “social construct” can be true and still yet not be really meaningful.

    Think of it, the periodic table of chemical elements is a social construct. Do chemical elements then not exist? Or, much more relevant – in fact, exactly like race – Linnaean taxonomy is a social construct. Do kingdoms, classes, species not exist? Race is merely an extension of this.

    In reality, genetic analysis can separate human populations into distinct groups. This works at the level of continental groups or even ethnic groups within a continent (or even groups within an ethnicity). At times the progression is smooth, with each group gradually giving way to the next, and at other times, the transition is abrupt.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
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  19. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Yes, it is. See I can play your game too.

    The fact that you didn't comprehend the moral of the story says something about your mentality. The point is that you don't need to prove your worth to a dog because you already know you're smarter. For some reason White Supremacists feel the need to prove they are mentally superior to Blacks day after day, year after year and it's gone on for centuries with some of them dedicating their entire lives to it. If it is an obvious fact why are people like you so obsessed with proving it?

    Ironically he got sent to the Principal's office and had to write a letter to his parents explaining his bad behavior. I didn't get in any trouble. You can call it assault if you want but those are fighting words. Most people with self-respect will not let someone verbally harass them and call them derogatory names. The little punk deserved it.

    Right. So now you're trying to rationalize a teenager verbally harassing a little kid on the bus? Given that he lived in a rural area in a town that was over 95% White I doubt he saw any Black kids in person beat up any White kids. He was just a racist hick who was too stupid to articulate why he even hates Black people.

    Apparently you have no concept of self-defense. You're too racist to respond rationally to these stories.

    In which one of the stories provided to you can you rationalize claiming that I was harassed due to the content of my character rather than the color of my skin? None of these kids knew me personally.

    Maybe they do. We know that they frequent White Nationalists forums given how many of your ideological kin have committed hate crimes and terrorist attacks.


    If I get caught in the cross fire that's on me but I'm not the one actually killing people, celebrating horrific deaths, or telling people on the internet to commit suicide. Even a member of this forum (@Empress) showed me a gif of a Black man getting his head blown off in the street. The racists I've encountered on the internet are far more dangerous, more hateful and have done far worse things than me. I have no criminal record and the only fights I've been in were mutual fights or fights where I was provoked.

    You make it sound like they're being burned at the stake for heresy. Rushton and Jensen lived out their natural lives. No one bullied them in to silence. I have no sympathy for racists and racist sympathizers who have lost their jobs for making controversial statements or trying to peddle their racist pseudoscience on college campuses in front of people who don't want to hear their hate speech.

    I care about as much about that as you care about me being harassed by racist bullies in school (all of whom I beat the sh*t out of when I was the same age as them).

    No, you don't get to associate me with people that have nothing do to with me. I'm not an immigrant and I'm not on welfare. I have nothing to do with any hordes of people coming to Western countries or any government handouts that plenty of White people are getting. I will have sex with whoever I want. I'm not hurting you if I choose to date or marry and have kids with a White woman. That's not your business. You don't care about diversity you are just trying to justify segregation based on integration being a threat to cultures which in reality it's not. But I'm more interested in values any way. If there were no cultural differences and everyone looked the same that wouldn't bother me. That wouldn't shatter my world.

    You are a threat to me only in a symbolic sense. I don't like what you represent. People who think like you are spreading hate in the world towards others and there are real victims of these racist hate crimes, most of which in America are White-on-Black. My political views are only a threat to you in your mind. You are the one who chooses to be racist. You make your own enemies.

    The good news is you don't have to. You can be like this guy, the Grandfather of one of my elementary school classmates who seemed to have the same mentality as the racist kid on the bus from the same area and the other racist bullies I encountered in school who (contrary to your imagination) disliked me for no other reason than I didn't have the same skin color as them. The nightmare scenario that happened to this man which you and every White Supremacist who as ever become a father to a White daughter fears and this is how he reacted to it.

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    Woolley likes this.
  20. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    That's not correct.

    Your story doesn't even make sense. Why would a guy tell his dog he was inferior? The dog would have no idea what the guy was even talking about. We treat fellow humans differently than we treat dogs. I would think a simple concept like this would be easy to understand and not require a lot of explanation.

    You can't assault someone in society simply because they called you a bad name. That's a lesson you should have learned at some point from you parents, but I get the impression they taught you otherwise (or were not in the picture).

    It's telling you use the white equivalent of the N word to describe whites you don't like. Says a lot about your "egalitarian" position.

    I proposed a very real scenario. That kid probably didn't like blacks because he thought blacks are dangerous people. He probably got that from his parents, but you proved it to him with your actions, which you are bragging about over the internet 20 years later to prove what a tough guy you are.

    "Self defense" doesn't include getting called a name. You can't beat someone unconscious because they called you the N word. Maybe in the liberal institutions you grew up in that's acceptable, but it's also against the law. Other people have to abide by this, and blacks shouldn't be exempt just because of their laundry list of whiney historical grievances.

    I get the impression there's a lot to dislike other than the color of your skin. Maybe they had a problem with that?

    No, you're just bragging about hating whites and sending them to the hospital. I'm sure they have their eyes on black radical groups as well.

    "Controversial statements" are how a lot of scientific discovery was made, often against the powers that be, such as the church. There's nothing wrong with controversy if it exposes the truth. And the fact that those two weren't murdered doesn't automatically mean they weren't intimidated. Their work was likely held up to a level of scrutiny that no liberal would ever be subjected to. It's similar to how Barack Obama was never questioned on his friendships with unrepentant domestic terrorists, while a Republican would have never gotten away with this. Just one example of the stacked deck I was referring to earlier.

    Bragging about how violent you are, again. I can't imagine why anyone would have a problem with black people.

    That's because you're not a real supporter of diversity, despite your claims to the contrary. Everyone looking the same is the opposite of diversity.

    Hate crime statistics are flawed metrics and rely on statements being made at the scene of the crime in order to prove. FBI crime stats show that whites are victimized far more by blacks than the other way around.

    That really sucks for him. His own grandchildren look nothing like him. It's too bad his daughter didn't have enough pride in herself to not flush her genetic traits down the brown sewer.


    I can see why you'd be such an advocate for "egalitarianism", though. More access to white women. I would suspect most of the women you've targeted have been white. I can't say I blame you.

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  21. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Oh, BTW, you grew up in a majority white country. You got picked on for being different and it made you hate "white supremacism". Do you think a white kid in an all black country would be picked on by his classmates? Of course he would. There are schools in the US that are minority majority and whites are singled out for harassment. The same thing would have happened if you went to school in Mexico, or China. Humans, especially in homogenous settings, know who does not belong. They are singled out. The only difference is that you only care when whites do this. I won't catch you complaining about "Asian privilege" in Asia, or "black privilege" in Africa. Only in white countries will these Marxist strategies be implemented.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  22. jmblt2000

    jmblt2000 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2015
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    "Why don't race realists ever come up with solutions?"

    Because then they would be out of a job and not be able to raise money.
  23. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Yes, it is. Everything you wrote was complete garbage.

    Yes, we treat humans differently. Some of us believe in treating other people with respect while others (like you) want someone to look down upon because of your own insecurities.

    A verbal assault and a physical assault is a trade off of illegal activity. At best you can say we were both at fault but how quick would you be to say that the kid was wrong?

    I haven't had any racist encounters of that nature as an adult. Fortunately society is a lot less racist now and I don't come across as someone to mess with. I would certainly restrain myself from beating someone like that today as I could easily kill them and simply talk them down and report them to police for verbal harassment. But I still have a right to defend myself. Verbal harassment can escalate in to violence very quickly and racist hate-mongers are known to be very violent.

    Hick is not the White equivalent of the N-word. It refers to a rural backwards person and White people use it a lot more than anyone. That's how I picked up on it from my White friends in high school. There were no racial connotations attached to the label so you shouldn't fault me for saying it just because I'm Black. But I apologize to any country folk in this thread who may be offended. I have no problem with them or that lifestyle just the racist demons among them.

    I didn't do anything to him. If he had racist perceptions of Black people based on racial stereotypes and he felt the need to take it out on an 8 year old boy sitting on the bus minding his own business then that is a poor reflection on him. The other racial incidents had nothing to do with that and by that logic I can justify going up to an 8 year old White boy and telling him I hate him because he's White because I was taught about dangerous, racist White people. You're shooting yourself in the foot with these pathetic rationalizations.

    I acted in self-defense when that racist hick who threatened to shoot up the school (and kill all of the Black people) went to my table and threatened physical violence against me and my friends. We already reported them to the office for threats on the lives of every student in our school. He didn't like that and he decided to try and harass and intimidate us. I gave him the option to leave or fight. He decided to fight and he got a beating for it.

    The boy with the bat (I beat his ass later over another incident) was threatening me with a deadly weapon. He thought he could get away with it because there was no teacher in the bus room. If he had tried to take a swing at me I would be well within my right to defend myself. Beating him to death with the chair would have been excessive force but my options were limited given that there was no way to avoid him, he has a metal bat in his hand and I'm unarmed. Fortunately my glaring at him psyched him out and he put the bat down and walked away then got expelled from school after I reported it (well he was originally suspended but then he told one of his friends in the school he was going to bring his Dad's gun to school and kill me when he returns and I reported that too so after my mother spoke to the Superintendent the principal said he would be expelled and not allowed to be on school property again or they'd call the police.

    Do you see how responsible I can be in the face of a violent, psychotic maniac threatening me to my face with a deadly weapon and threatening to kill me?

    Tell me what you would have done in the same situation (with the baseball bat).

    You would like to believe that. None of these racists knew me personally. If I'd done something to them to make them not like me their actions would still not be justified but I literally did nothing to them except be in their presence and be Black.

    I didn't say anything about hating Whites. This is how dishonest you are. Hating White Supremacists and hating White people are not the same thing.

    So you're going with the Galileo defense? Rushton, Jensen and the other academic racists have had their work held up to scientific scrutiny and they were refuted. If they were harassed and intimidated I don't support that. But my arguments here have nothing to do with that. My point is simply that bias exists in scholarship and proponents of Scientific Racism have an ideological axe to grind. Their work doesn't stand up to acceptable parameters of academic research which is why it's been widely denounced as pseudoscience.

    Your mind works in strange ways. How do you jump from scholars being criticized for promoting a discredited theory to a politician being questioned about his connection to a man whose criminal activity was in the distant past which he had nothing to do with?

    First of all, you're wrong. Obama was asked about Ayers in his debate with McCain which he directly addressed:

    The story amounted to nothing more than a smear attack using guilt by association.

    Republicans can't get away with controversy? What about Donald Trump getting elected after being recorded on a hot mic bragging about getting away with molesting women (while being married which I suspect is why Melania doesn't want to hold his hand in public). Why wasn't that story and the allegations against him, which he didn't seriously address (and which included claims that he raped two women when they were underage girls) the death of his campaign? Why did so many conservatives give him a pass?

    I can't imagine why you would care about a bunch of dumb racist hicks getting their ass kicked in grade school unless on some level you identify with them.

    When did I say I cared about diversity? I appreciate diversity but it's not a big deal.

    You don't care about diversity. You're being fake. You are twisting being in favor of Multiculturalism (pro-diversity) with trying to "preserve" diversity through separatism. That's what you're really interested in. I don't believe for a second that you would care if there were only White people populating every continent on Earth.

    Most people in America are White so there are more of them available to be victimized than vice versa. A large portion of White America doesn't live near a lot of Black people and are mainly victimized by other White people.

    I'm sure Seth doesn't look that different from his Grandpa. The black boys in the video are adopted. They seem to have a good relationship and that's what matters.

    Congratulations on revealing your true feelings about people of color. I knew you would come around.

    Hey your Nordic fetishism doesn't bother me. That chick is hot. So is Gabrielle Union. But if you want to go in that direction and claim racial aesthetic superiority of White women then what am I to do other than encourage you?

    Tell me more about how beautiful White women are and I'll see how many interracial photos I can find to boost your ego about how sexually desirable they are.



    All racism is wrong. The problem with your line of reasoning is you treat it like the natural order e.g. "They know who doesn't belong" (are you going to make claims about racism being natural and talk about racist babies again? I liked that one.). While I recognize that the problem isn't diversity or minorities being around the majority but how people are treated.

    I don't only care about White racism but I live in America. I can't speak from personal experiences for example about Koreans being discriminated against in Japan or Coptic Christians being discriminated against by Muslims in Egypt. I also can’t tell anyone what it’s like being White in a majority Hispanic area. Maybe you’d like to share more about that. However we’ve really deviated off topic quite a bit. Taxonomy26 is going to start thinking I let him off of the hook on his inability to respond to arguments directed at him or provide sources requested of him.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  24. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I Provided Links for my claims here in the course of the discussion. Period.
    I'm not on any "hook" you logic-challenged child.

    It's NOT relevant, nor are you entitled to my LIFETIME Reading list, nor my previous Correspondence with anyone/scientist or not, etc, etc.
    You are too ****** to debate.
    You are too ****** to realize these are fallacious strawmen.
    You are unwitting but living proof of Race-IQ difference.

    Ironically, and in the mean time, I made two more posts, with two more Links, in the course of discussion with others.
    Who's "on the hook"?
    Do I owe THEM my Other reading/emails too?! $#!%&#(^#&^$&
    Too ****** to debate.

    You are an obtuse wounded-ego juvenile.
    Above, I see posting intimate interracial pictures as a provocation to another member.
    Grow up and/or get help.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  25. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Not at all.

    A pivot from a lame analogy to moral posturing. How very progressive.

    Calling someone the N word is not a "verbal assault" and it is not against the law. Beating someone unconscious in response to an offensive word, however, is against the law.

    Again, calling someone a bad word is not justification for violence.

    Blacks call each other the n word more than anyone. That make it cool to use?

    Just another slip of the "egalitarian" mask.

    The point I was making is that he probably got his negative stereotypes from his friends or family, and you proved it to him with your violent behavior. Now when someone like me shows him crime statistics, he will get it. He's already been red pilled.

    Your use of "self defense" seems to be very far reaching. One minute you're claiming to be attacked with a baseball bat, the next you're saying the N-word is a proper use of self-defense. Maybe you're just violent and looking for excuses ?

    The only kind of white person you would like is one who is on board with wiping out his own kind. You don't have to be a white supremacist to not be on board with that idea.

    I would say you and your buddy Graves are the ones with an ax to grind, although I would refer to it more as a chip on the shoulder. Very common in the politically active blacks, and of course they're all on the far left. It's funny how you go from admonishing me for pointing out bias in academia and then talk about bias in scholarship.

    He was asked about it on one occasion and the interviewer, Stephanopolis, only asked it because the day before he had been on Sean hannitys show, and was asked about it. Prior to that he was unaware of the controversy surrounding Bill Ayers.

    But are you really going to pretend that if a white Republican had been friends with domestic terrorists he would have only been asked about it one time? This is just one example of liberal media bias. The same is true in academia. Any nonliberal position will be treated with extreme scrutiny.

    That stupid tape was played around the clock 24 seven on pretty much every news channel. Despite their best efforts The left was unsuccessful in sinking his candidacy.

    They probably don't like violent blacks either.

    Believe it or not I like the diversity that's in the world. I like that if I go to Thailand I see Thai people. I can get Thai food there. The same would be true if I had an urge to go Nigeria. What I don't like, however, is if I wanted to go to London and I found only in Arab Muslims there. I didn't want to go to London to see Arab Muslims practicing Islamic culture. There are plenty of areas in the world where I could've seen that. London shouldn't have to be one of them. That's just one example. It would be better if every people had their own place to call home, where they were not being constantly threatened with becoming minorities in their own lands. Of course, only whites are currently being threatened with that scenario.

    The same is true with black people. However blacks still manage to pick white victims at a higher rate than the other way around.

    Yes I'm sure that video was made to give that impression to people.

    I noticed that you had no response to my claim that your usual targets were white women. Can I assume that I was right and that you date primarily (or exclusively) White women ? Because if that's the case, that's pretty much what this is all about isn't it ? You can dress it up in all the moral trimmings that you want, but at the end of the day it boils down to "Where da white wimmin at?"

    And if that is true, you must agree with me that white women are more attractive than black women. What happens to them when blacks like you abandon them? Eight out of 10 black females are unmarried

    Human beings are tribal by nature so of course it's the natural order of things. We identify with those people that we have the most in common with, and yes, infants have a preference towards people who look like their parents. They have an aversion to others who do not look like their parents. This is obviously something that human beings needed as part of their survival.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017

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