Why is Black Racism accepted and applauded?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Libhater, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I'm glad to see you aren't on the Birther bandwagon. There's no reason to believe that Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii making him a natural-born citizen. The whole agenda of the Birthers has been to disqualify Obama as President based on a technicality (you have to be natural-born to run). His father was born in Kenya not him and under the law of the land if you are born on American soil you are a natural-born citizen. So he fits the criteria.

    Of course. However Obama's policies led directly to the death of Osama bin Laden. Our last President was too incompetent to get him but Obama was determined and at the end of the day while Navy Seals conducted the actual operation Obama was the one who decided on and approved of the attack plan.


    There have been two Presidents elected this century. The first one George W. Bush was in office during the greatest terrorist attack in American history. The policies of Bush enabled the 9/11 attack to happen. He then got us stuck in two wars one of which was based on bogus intelligence. He approved of all kinds of bad legislation and near the end of his Presidency America was facing a horrific recession. Compare that to Obama who ended the Iraq War and is scaling down the war in Afghanistan. He has approved of all kinds of positive legislation, got us out of that recession and has kept the majority of his campaign promises. Basically he cleaned up Bush's mess and has saw us through to a more positive future. His successor should be grateful for the job he has done as should the American people many of whom are agree.





    Obama has tried to be a bipartisan President. The polarization of American politics is not his fault. His job approval is incredibly disproportionate with the vast majority of Democrats approving and the vast majority of Republicans disapproving.


    Obama's more polarized ratings are attributable mainly to lower support from the opposition party than his predecessors received. His average 13% approval rating among Republicans is 10 points lower than Bush's 23% approval rating among Democrats and 13 points below Clinton's 26% approval among Republicans. All other presidents had approval ratings of at least 30% from the opposition party.

    Obama's approval rating from Democrats, 83%, almost exactly matches the average approval ratings that the prior four presidents received from supporters of their own party.

    Source: Gallup.com

    I think some of the polarization is obviously due to racism. Obama has been a great President in the eyes of Democrats. Republicans hate him because they feel he is too liberal. In my opinion Obama should try to be the best President he can be and not worry about the haters.

    Did he promise socialized medicine or Healthcare Reform that would benefit the majority of Americans?


    That is absolutely not true. A racist anti-White agenda to do what? Obama has been the victim of extreme racism because of his ancestry. He has been demonized as everything from a Black Nationalist, to a secret muslim to the anti-Christ!

    Never mind the unlikelihood of a biracial man raised by the White side of his family growing up to hate White people (I'm sure it happens but how often?) where is the evidence that Obama is anti-White or has an anti-White agenda?


    Racists are scum.
  2. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    So lets look at these 'accomplishments'

    1) kept 'us ' out of a 2nd depression...nonsense.. never happened in Europe or anywhere else. might as well say he stopped the invasion from Mars

    2) passed healthcare reform...a really watered down reform years behind Europe

    3) saved auto Industry? You mean bailed out imcompetent auto companioes but only where black people live

    4) took out dont ask dont tel...wow that was hard

    5)Financial reform? anyone can pass legislation...hasnt actually helped anything

    6) appointed 2 supreme court justices? How is that an acheivement? One was sotormeyer who is just a racist (*)(*)(*)(*)

    the rest are just pathetic..he signed an act..how is that difficult. He idnt recuse anyone -the Navy did. he made the USA look like Idiots by Putin and he alienated Europe

    he is a racist who employed eric racist holder
  3. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    It is accepted and applauded because the New Left is intrinsically racist against white people, assumes white people are the cause of everyone else's misfortunes (akin to Nazi Germany's "Jews are our misfortune" line), and that eradicating white identity and thus "whiteness" will bring a Utopia of equality, etc., etc.

    In the false dichotomy of white oppressor/non-white oppressed, whites are blamed for high crime rates of non-whites, their high out of wedlock birthrates, their low graduation rates, and of course, nobody addresses the IQ issue because all of their bull(*)(*)(*)(*) hinges on the equality myth.
  4. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    And that's why the Left confine their attacks to white people and Christians, because they know if they did it to other groups, they'd get their faces caved in or worse. We are the only ones they don't fear even while they claim we're the most evil on the planet.

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