My UNCHERRYPICKED post: Only if YOUR "logic" is used … You sure seem to like forcing women to do things ….it seems to be your "go to" for any problem... DUHHHHHHHHHHHHH, that's because we're in the ABORTION FORUM ….that's the topic....
FoxHastings, do you know what duplicity is? double standards, hypocrisy, intellectual inconsistency etc No, we should treat abortion the same exact way as everything else... (Gun control, mandatory vaccination in some states, how about the military draft or forcing private small business owners to do things?)
1. A woman choosing to have a baby because she wants to have a baby IS DIFFERENT 2. Than a woman feeling pressured (guilt-trips, manipulation, threats, etc.) to have a baby she doesn't want. Further, who decides what is for the "well-being of humanity"?
And you make it all about HER. This issue actually has very little to do with the supposed future suffering of the child. Can your side concede that point?
Men cannot have children. So, who would this topic be about except women? I can explain it to you. I can't control your understanding of what you've read though.
Ironically that's what the woman thinks too. If she can smile once (from not having to deal with a pregnancy), it's better than her child being born.
Except for the FACT that they are not the same....they have nothing to do with bodily autonomy. Why do you insist that it is OK for a person to FORCE another person to give them their heart or kidneys or blood....did you know that's against the law??? You didn't ??!! WOW!
WHO TF are YOU to determine what women think !???…..Do you KNOW any???? Even if you do, guess what, they all do NOT think alike even if Anti-Choicers think of them as no more than cows...
How do you know that HE got it from the Bible, rather than simply hearing someone who SAID that it's from the Bible. If you spent more time THINKING about things like this, you wouldn't say something as stupid as you said above! You pretend that it's perfectly obvious that HE HIMSELF got it from the Bible!
. Because he posted : "According to the Bible"" It's always fun when you have to segue off with some meaningless hairsplitting little realizing that it shows you have no argument or point and can't address pertinent posts as usual....
I hate to have to tell you this, Thrasos, but that ship has sailed. If the SC reversed Roe, then the states will decide, and there are at least 15 states which will never outlaw abortion. That means that anyone can go to one of them and have a legal abortion. If they don't care to do that, then they will just do what they did when I was in college, and have their doctor perform a D&C. If they don't want to do that, there are no over the counter medications available by mail from Europe with which you can do it yourself, at home. If you want to argue the ethics of abortion, go ahead, but the legality of it is a settled fact. As far as the ethics of it is concerned, my wife and daughter seem pretty sure that your ethics do not control their bodies.
Again, how do you know that HE got it from the Bible, rather than simply hearing someone who SAID that it's from the Bible? It's always fun when you cut out inconvenient parts of my posts from your replies such as the below!
Clearly you understand that FoxHastings uses analogies but think that nobody else can use them. Clearly you understand that I was simply using their standards against them.
WTF? I'm asking you why you are talking about "wildlife" in a thread about abortion. It's unrelated isn't it?
Most don't like being pushed to state why they feel that that a woman's right to her body fades as she gets closer to birth. I suspect it's because they realize the revulsion they would feel at a 9 month abortion is the same feeling pro lifers have since conception.
If you genuinely thought that I was a troll, you wouldn't continue to reply to me. Just admit that I caught you on a double standard and you called me a troll as a convenient excuse.