Why steroids?

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by kill_the_troll, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. kill_the_troll

    kill_the_troll Banned

    Aug 3, 2013
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    I' m not talking about bodybuilding and atlethes, which are condemned to the use of steroids in order to compete with their rivals. I want to talk of celebrities who, in an urge to build up an adequate muscle mass in order to fit in their role as a muscular man, begin a bodybuilding training regiment in conjunction with hormone growth enhancer drugs.


    I mean, to build up such a mass from a thin body like that in a short time it takes really quite a sudden abuse of hormone growth steroids. Keep in mind he's just 21 by now. To build it up naturally it would take a lot of years. Are celebrities allowed to cheat then? Are there no rules? Are people really so unaware of steroid abuse?
  2. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Yes, actors and actresses can cheat to their heart's content and to the bottom of their pocket book or -- with the blessing of some studios -- to the bottom of an organization's pocket books in order to fit into a role or -- having made it -- remain physically qualified for the role. Why? Because acting is not a sport but a profession.

    On the other hand it seems to me that -- using the time-honored somatotype classifications of mesomorph (natural Adonis/Venus type) ectomorph (stringbean type) and endomorph (pear-shaped type) system of labeling -- most leading role Hollywood movies or television types fall into the natural mesomorph somatotype classification. So, it stands to reason that they probably do not need to take all that much growth hormone stuff for all that long in order to plush out their body's natural physical potential. What say you?
  3. kill_the_troll

    kill_the_troll Banned

    Aug 3, 2013
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    Well i know for sure that nobody grows big muscles in a short time. Even if he trains maniacally has a perfect diet regiment, and is mesomorph.

    To say it all, i don't believe much in the ecto/meso/endomorph body types, because we all are basically a mix of them. I, on my own, have quite a good potential on growing legs and calves, but i'm somehow weak on my arms.

    If you say that maybe they are just phisically gifted i cannot give credit to this. Think about sylvester stallone, in his early career he was lean and fit, prolly 160 lbs on his 5ft 9 height, as a natural body should be. Look at his sudden change in his latest films: he has huge arms! He's prolly over 200 pounds. How can you explain something like that?

    The mean of my thread is this: you are celeb and then you can cheat, because people are ok with it, the only thing that matters is showing big pieces of human meat. It's hilarious to see an adolescent actor gaining 30 lbs of muscles in less than a year, isn't it? Are people ignorant or what? Don't they realize this kid had seriously abused steroids, thus potentially ruining his health?
  4. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Oh indeed, you may be correct in every respect. You are definitely correct about certain people being a mix of physical types. But still I think that most successful leading man or leading lady types are generally almost pure mesomorph or even ectomorph in physical type. It's the mesomorph physical type with is deadly. No matter how fit you are you STILL end up looking sort of like a pear with legs.

    Anyway, you are correct in that very few people can add thirty pounds of lean muscle mass to their body in as short a time span as one year sans some serious drug usage. Probably some unique people can, but I rather doubt it. But still these are private citizens NOT competing in a sport; and so -- yes -- they (as of now anyway) have the legal right to screw up their long term health in any way they see fit. Eventually they might no longer have that legal right; but here and now they do.

    As for the ethics or morality of it. That's a different kettle of fish.
  5. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    It is not cheating if it is accepted as the norm. Celebrities are culturally expected to look a certain way, Athletes are culturally expected to perform a certain way. One profession does not equate to the other in the realm of cheating.

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