Would you like to see a world united by the year 2040?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Cleisthenes., Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    Why would I want my country, the most advanced and powerful on Earth to be coupled with third world (*)(*)(*)(*)holes by 2040? 2440, maybe, when all those lazy, good for nothing lesser nations finally catch up, then we can talk about it, but until then, no way. Even so, they would have to adopt American government systems or it wouldn't work anyway...
  2. November29

    November29 New Member

    Nov 29, 2016
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    Of course. The world has a ways to go before a good world government would be possible, or could happen. Maybe it never could.

    By the way, of course it couldn't really be like a country in every regard.

    The countries have different ethnicities who don't know or understand eachother's ways and wishes. The countries have different environments and different problems and situations, both social & physical-geographic.

    So, rather than being a country, it would be a federation. There used to be an international organization called "United World Federalists".

    The main role of the World Federation would have to do with inter-country matters, such as military aggression, fair trade, international justice in general.

    But the World Federation should also intervene in countries whenever there are serious human-rights violations, serious injustice, people being unjustly harmed.

    The World Federation would be the world's police authority, both between countries, and within countries, when the seriousness of intra-country harm to people justifies intervention in a country.

  3. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    The only way to unite the world is with brute force... so that would be a huge NO
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Or....... could the outpouring of what a Jew might term the Ruach ha Kodesh,
    and a Christian might term it The Holy Spirit..... unite
    the earth around basics...... love / light / truth.........

    putting our kids first.......
    and growing big veggies........


  5. Le Chef

    Le Chef Banned at members request Donor

    May 31, 2015
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    Absolutely not.

    Variety is not only the spice of life, it is also one of the pillars of social conservatism, along with belief in a moral order, respect for private property, custom, continuity, imperfectability of man, and voluntary community.
  6. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    How about first we pray for the Holy Spirit to unite one of the most divided countries in the world... the United States...mmm... that might be too big a miracle to ask for...

    ok let's ask the Holy Spirit to unite everyone on this forum for just ONE DAY....the day everyone start treating one another with respect and dignity..... I'll start believing again, for sure that would be a miracle.
  7. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Are we sure the US is really the most divided? I think in Syria it's gone to gunfire. The US isn't at that point.
  8. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    not the most divided countries in the world,

    and yes I would agree, if you want to waste some time and pick over where exactly they all fit in, as a rough list I would insert all war ravaged countries above the US and all peaceful countries beneath the US as being much more unified than the United States...
  9. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I agree, for given what is going on, it does seem inevitable. The haves, the have nots, the workers vs the parasites, and the impossibility of an ideology ever solving these very dangerous problems. And yet, all problems seem to be nothing more than an opportunity for an ideology to express itself, which always ends in failure with new problems created. American Pragmatism, which acknowledges the most basic of common sense is not present today in either political party here nor is it present in Europe. We have had a very long drought when it comes to non ideological driven, basic common sense. So what is common sense, an example? Here is one. Europe and to a lessor extent, the US has suffered from terror attacks from radical Islamic beliefs. To save western lives, what does common sense dictate? Well, you simply eliminate the threat. Hardly rocket science, yet ideological beliefs will not allow it to happen. And so, some ideological belief becomes more important than the lives of westerners. And clearly this is the case. No one can honestly refute that. This problem of course would have been easier to solve if there had been foresight based upon information, logic, reason and rationality, propelled by a basic moral center. But ideological beliefs got in the way, as always, and as usual, they were the cause of the problem, at least from our end of the stick.

    While I did not vote for trump, what I do like about him so far is that he doesn't seem to be an ideologue, but looks more like a pragmatist. Of course if a pragmatist does not see improvement, acceptable improvement, after addressing a particular problem in a particular manner, he would try something else. And our politicians very seldom do such a thing. So they are not serious problem solvers, and are shirking their duties, and should be fired by the voters.

    Back to the OP. IF we do not destroy ourselves, and I would not bet that we will not, for there is every chance to think that indeed we will, given the total lack of rationality, logic, reason, I can imagine a time when the world will not be a divided world, and that all nations will believe in and exercise being good neighbors, and helping one another when needed, without nefarious strings being attached which would benefit a tiny group of very rich and powerful men. Like the 62 families who own more than half of the wealth found on this planet. I can see a world of peace, at some point in time. But we will never get there until rationality, logic, reason, driven by a basic common moral center pushes back the destructive forces of selfish emotional beliefs and actions. It may be that it takes the most destructive war in human history in order to wake up, to move beyond what has created the history of our species. So, the human intellect, the ability to be rational with a moral center will be our savior, and not some bed time story of a Jewish temple being built in Israel that ushers in Christ, his war, and a thousand years of Him ruling earth. This bedtime story is just that, nothing more. And it works to keep a humanity from existing that operates on the height of intelligence. Why solve the age old problems of humanity, if you are waiting on some supernatural savior to save you? Sound like a tale given to us by the old Satan himself, does it not?

    What will save humanity from itself is nothing but intelligence. And when one looks around, one sees hardly any intelligence at all operating, except in specific fields like the hard sciences. Once you move outside that sphere, you will be like that ancient greek with his lantern looking for an honest man in the dark, if you are looking for intelligence being present in something like domestic or foreign policy. In the place of intelligence we have always had other things trumping it. Like the interests of a small group of families who own more than half of the wealth on earth, or the interests of others driven by ideological beliefs as to what should be, and of course you have to do things the way the ideological beliefs dictate. Solving the problem is second to seeing the ideology followed. It's nuts, it is irrational, but it is our reality. And so little gets solved, but your ideology gets to impose itself upon others, for personal gratification.
  10. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Do you mean the American gov't which no longer acts in the interests of its own citizens? The gov't by and for the People has not existed for a long time. We have a gov't composed of politicians who only represent the people who put them into power. Money always has strings attached when it comes from rich donors. And it destroyed a gov't by and for the people. So is this the gov't you want others to emulate? Oligarchy? Where the only power as exercised is done on behalf of a very small group of rich sociopaths?
  11. Johnny Brady

    Johnny Brady New Member

    Sep 21, 2016
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    No way hozay! The European political halfwits did away with borders to create a 'European Union' ruled from Brussels and it was an unmitigated disaster, that's why we Brits voted to get out.
    A 'World Union' would be just as bad for the simple reason no nation would want to give up their national identity..;)
    Below- Pol-correct EU lefty big shot Herman van Rompuy of Belgium; under him european borders were abolished-

  12. Thehumankind

    Thehumankind Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    If ever at that year aliens would invade earth then that's the time the world would become united,
    and the only reason I could think of.

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