Without youtube, Israel would be in the clear for 911. The initial truthers - demolition experts, "Pilots for 911 Truth" etc., they were bullied, attacked, and murdered by W's henchmen and the "US media." But youtube, well, Israel does not control youtube. What's on youtube?? The actual Pentagon footage of the cruise missile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zze32ZEjt30 a really fantastic documentary of all Pentagon footage - all which show a cruise missile, none which show a 757... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypc4ieJO0pg Clear proof that the 767 that we all saw hit the South Tower was a CARGO version of the 767, not the passenger... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsmc_rS2jOo Clear proof that Shanksville was not a plane, but rather just a ditch someone dug out and filled with metal junk. Other "official" explanations, kid you not, are that the "plane" "disintegrated" or "buried itself" like Scooby Doo did in the flower pot... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjQKrGWOrfk And, yeah, tons of expert videos documenting the demolition of the towers and 7... Youtube is the beginning of the end of "Israel..."
Israel is not the problem and neither is Saudi Arabia, the problem is the US government. No foreign government can successfully destroy the US without help from within. Nations consist of ordinary people, it's the governments of these nations who control The People if The People do nothing.
All hail the faculty of Youtube in the University of Google, where anything goes and usually does. First video is a hoax. Second video just promotes the insanity of the first. The third video has been manipulated and comes to an incorrect conclusion. The fourth video is just nuts.
My first video was "Find the 757?" ... after that load of crap, I was introduced to numerous revisions "Loose Change" ... probably others thrown in here and there ... now we are getting Drive in Theater epics running 4 hrs plus ... and nothing really new except other crank theories ... I actually watched the full "New Pearl Harbor" but quit taking notes about 30 minutes in ... I had to hit pause so many times, it would have taken me 16 hours to watch the extremely edited and omission filled, propaganda POS ... Truthers fail to recognize the problems with there confirmation biased sources yet don't grant the educated and rational people the same right ... I don't have any agenda ... I live a nice life but have a distrust of mainstream politicians and corporate cronies ... but I can't buy into this many people being on the take in the crazy theories of Truther Nation ...
Yes, Youtube would have to be the poorest source on the internet. I'm glad you've also noticed the double standards of evidence employed by truthers. I too have no agenda and I don't trust any politicians, but logic is logic and 9/11 truth continually fail in that area.
Check the exposure of the scam that Pilots for Truth promoted at one point. The image as it was circulated: The reality: Yeah, it's all about the truth they say. LOL I find that hard to believe in light of the many lies 9/11 truth knowingly circulates.
Youtube can be a resource for research, however you have to be careful and think critically at every step. The internet is a bit like a huge library only in the traditional library, the stacks are clearly marked "fiction" and "non-Fiction" however on the network, you have to be careful with your choices, there are phonies, crazies & outright frauds in abundance. Speaking of critical thinking, why do people believe that its OK for three skyscrapers to collapse in the exact manner of a CD, when the forces working on those buildings where not focused to do the job?
Who said it was ok? They didn't collapse in the manner of a CD. Show me a CD that resembles the collapse of 7WTC? The 'forces' working on the buildings have been explained in the reports. No one has been able to disprove them thus far. There has been 15 years of blather from 9//11 truth, but no -one has been able to disprove the accepted version. At least you acknowledge that Youtube is full of junk.
Oh, the feigned drama! When I read your posts I picture Dr. Smith from Lost in Space in the '60's. Most truther videos are junk made by ignorant amateurs-that's a fact. To critique a source is not shooting the messenger or any other such idiotic nonsense. It is simply critiquing the rubbish posited by 9/11 truth and regurgitated on line. So now source criticism is invalid on Planet Truther? What will they trash next now that reason and academic practices have been denounced?
Hey Blues... I'm still waiting for you to address this issue. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=452072&page=15&p=1066163607#post1066163607 Click on this link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DOnAn_PX6M Go to the 4:27:48 time mark and listen to the argument about the sagging trusses. Please address the issue put forth about the sagging trusses in that video at the 4:27:48 time mark. If you keep saying you refuse to look at the info because I haven't summarized it, you're obviously avoiding it because it's too hard for you to obfuscate without looking silly.
ItÂ’s much easier to push a narrative using video rather than prose. The video controls the pace and structure much more, making it easier to push past gaps or inconsistencies in evidence or logic and can be used to build up emotive and reactive impressions rather than careful consideration. Prose is taken in at the readers pace, they can pause, check back to earlier sections or look up references freely and it takes much more skill to elicit strong emotive reactions.
I never said "full of junk" I said some of it is junk, and some of it is useful and it is up to the thinking individual to sort it out. also, the fact is that there are several VERY good rebuttals to the official story, but the problem is that these rebuttals fail to achieve traction because of the propaganda war that is being waged in the media. Have you seen anything by Tony Szamboti or David Chandler ?
Here's something he can watch. WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part I) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkp-4sm5Ypc WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part II) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXTlaqXsm4k WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (Part III) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3mudruFzNw
I'd like to hear some analyses of those videos from both Blues63 and Ronstar. There's a lot of info there so please just watch them and don't insist that I summarize the info before you'll watch them. Summarizing the info is just a waste of my time as it serves no purpose. The thinking viewers here are watching them.
That's a pretty funny little Mossad lie there, almost as funny as the NBC "news" clip with a crane removing a perfectly intact tail of the "757," Problem - the hole in the side of the Pentagon isn't wide enough to fit that tail through... LOL!!!! Fellow Americans, realize you are up against dozens of chosen with lots of cash, and they will stay here and lie and post photoshopped fudge until time ends, because they know that when you see the truth and understand the truth, the Truthers have all of it, and the Zionists have none, which is what Judaism is really all about. Take this 757. Can a 757 really fly 400 mph at ground level? Can it really smash through 25 feet of steel reinforced concrete? If the nose of the 757 did enter the Pentagon at ground level, would that not put the "engines" ... um ... like IN THE GROUND!!!! Wake up, Americans. You aren't as dumb as the Israelis think you are....
you're insistance on constantly spewing anti-Semitism, only makes the truthers look worse then they already do. but please, keep it up.
Truth = anti-semitism whether it be 911 truth, climate truth, Marines in Lebanon 1982 truth, USS Liberty truth, JFK truth I know I'm still missing some...
speculation abounds look at the facts about the physical events or for that matter the MSM claims about the alleged events. commercial airliners used as weapons, ya, right a hollow aluminum tube aircraft performing as a missile. who is putting who on here? ALL of the hijacked airliners allegedly used as weapons that day are total fakes. what evidence convinces anyone beyond a reasonable doubt that said airliners were in fact used as weapons?