I read this wonderful book over two decades ago, and it is on my mind currently. You might enjoy it as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zen_in_the_Art_of_Archery http://www.ideologic.org/files/Eugen_Herrigel_-_Zen_in_the_Art_of_Archery.pdf
Huh, there's a kyudo instructor around here I've been meaning to look up. It kind of reminds me of the concept of flow, which I've had the fortune to encounter in my daily work.
Do so ! I old enough to think that getting and reading an PAPER book is better than .pdf link, but times change.
I watched the video...... Wow! Would you consider it to be hijacking your thread to add a link to an article written by a man from Japan who traces the migration of a portion of the lost tribes of Israel to Japan. I personally think that his comparisons of the Shinto religion with the Levitical rituals is fascinating...... but not everybody would tend to agree with me on that.