Some powerful people fear The Donald might turn out to be another J.F.K!

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by DennisTate, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    How desperate is America's elite to ensure that Americans do not elect another John F. Kennedy or Lincoln?

    There are a few people who actually benefit from recessions or even full fledged depressions. They see the influence of unions broken and they get to buy up smaller companies for a fraction of the value of their assets.

    Dave Hodges thinks that the measures to get rid of The Donald might well get pretty extreme.

    I think he exaggerates certain dangers but he certainly made a good point with this statement:

    There are a lot of very wealthy people who DO NOT want any sort of wild card in the White House.
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dave Hodges accusation is one sided though because I was recently given an explanation as to why America's Federal Reserve is somewhere around 300% more efficient and cost effective than our Canadian system.

    The Fed....... for all its real flaws...... seems to be creating only a fraction of the theoretically un-repayable debt that we Canadians are generating!
    I just read powerful evidence that the Federal Reserve is doing an excellent job.

  3. tsuke

    tsuke Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    i could see trump getting offed before he can do anything. He threatens europe because they would need to pay more for military and less for social services. He threatens mexico china and india if he attempts to gain back some of the jobs lost. He threatens the saudis if he asks them to pay for their own defense. If he puts price controls on drugs to put us on par with the rest of the world he threatens the healthcare of europe and canada as well.

    The entire world economy depends on extracting wealth from america and distributing it elsewhere. I can see many rich people paying for a hit to prevent this from being changed.
  4. Len

    Len Banned

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Wasn't April fools day yesterday?
    DennisTate likes this.
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Technically...... your fears are valid but.......
    ... there is a hidden element to The Donald Trump campaign which can turn all of this into a win - win - win - win situation for Americans as well as the whole world.......
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    That is a valid question....... it seems that only a few experts will tackle the implications of all this.

    On the plus side........... terribly flawed central banking policies..... such as initiated by Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau back in 1974...... tend to protect the environment and decrease the power of unions?!
    Did P. M. Pierre Elliott Trudeau save the world environment?

    This is actually a quite serious question.

    P. M. Trudeau made an error back in 1974, that may well come to be understood as one of the most important mistakes ever made by a political leader.

    When P. M. Pierre Elliott Trudeau took Canada off the gold standard, (which incidentally had to be done for many valid reasons), a miscalculation was made that is the number one reason why our national debt has spiraled out of control.

    But..... there is a very good side to this because all of us know that we humans have been in a somewhat similar mentality to our ancestors who shot, boiled, barbecued, roasted and fried passenger pigeons into extinction.

    We are highly prone to OVER Consumptionism............. I addressed part of the background issues back in my 2006 provincial level campaign as an independent.

    My name is Dennis Tate. I lived most of my forty seven years in West Lochiel Lake, Guysborough County. I am running for MLA as an independent in the area of Pictou Centre so that I can help as many people as possible become more aware of what I am sure is the real reason why our roads are in disrepair, why hospital beds are unused, why so many of the rural schools have been shut down, why our soldiers in Afghanistan are poorly equipped and why many if not most of our young people may have to leave Nova Scotia to find jobs.

    When well trained workers have high quality technology to work with then the total of all wages and benefits paid out to employees is only a fraction of the retail value of the products they produce. As a result of this fact the only way to move products out of warehouses is to extend higher and higher levels of credit. One problem with an abundance of red ink is that compound interest on all this government, business and personal debt over a period of decades will grow to astronomical levels. At this time there is approximately TEN TIMES as much debt in Canada as there is money. A simple explanation for how this happened can be seen here:

    In my opinion this rather simple mathematical problem is perhaps the number one cause of inflation in the Canadian economy over the past three decades. This is also perhaps the number one reason why our costs of production are so high and Canadian products cannot compete on the world markets as well as they could under better conditions.

    From 1940 to 1970 the Government of Canada put roughly half of the total money supply into the economy through loans issued through the federally owned Bank of Canada. Provincial and municipal governments could borrow the money to build roads, schools, hospitals and sewage treatment facilities at zero or one percent interest. In 1970 we changed our system and since that time a higher and higher percentage of all government debt is financed through loans issued through privately owned banks. At this time it is ninety eight percent. This policy may be great for our banking sector but it was estimated that in the one year of 1995 alone our federal government could have saved roughly SIXTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in interest payments if we had gone back to creating half the total money supply through these low interest rate loans issued through the bank that is OWNED BY ALL CANADIANS.

    Considering that our deficit was approximately thirty billion dollars for that year, simply by changing back to an already proven monetary and banking system, we could theoretically have had a FEDERAL BUDGET SURPLUS OF THIRTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in 1995.

    The massive cutbacks in the Canadian military, in health care, highway construction, social programs and education were profoundly affected by these accounting practices?

    So what can you and I do about this problem?
    1. If we will do our homework and study this question we can put pressure on our provincial level politicians to create a provincially owned bank. A true Bank of Nova Scotia owned by all Nova Scotians could be used to finance town and municipal government projects at zero or one percent interest just as The Bank of Canada used to do.

    2. Town and municipal government officials in New Glasgow, Stellarton and Trenton should seriously consider creating a local currency unit such as has been done in Ithaca, New York.
    (updated link)

    This is a great way to promote local businesses and help sustain rural economies.

    3. It is also possible for groups of concerned individuals to get together and organize a local barter exchange as a cooperative. Mr. Rob Assels has been instrumental in just such an initiative in the Tatamagouche and River John area so surely we can get similar organizations up and running here in New Glasgow, Pictou, Stellarton, Trenton and Westville. Here is a link into the Halifax LETS system:
  7. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Kennedy cut taxes all across the board, and he did support the idea of a strong, stable dollar. I was really way too young to be able to understand much of anything during his presidency, but in hindsight I doubt that this is why he was assassinated.

    The Federal Reserve System is an odious, unconstitutional thing that was brought into existence 102 years ago by a bunch of liberals headed by Woodrow Wilson (who later went on to be a fairly awful president).

    The Fed promptly usurped power every chance it got, but its real coup came very recently, in August 2007, when it began disgorging enormous amounts of imaginary money and stuffing it into client banks. It also artificially squashed interest rates down to near-zero at a time when demand for cash was very strong. The client banks made huge fortunes doing nothing but bellying up to the Fed's discount window, taking the hundreds of millions of dollars, and then simply sitting on it -- making a killing by playing "the float". Criminals and fraud artists were "rescued" because they were "too big to fail" (supposedly).

    People like me are criticized all the time by detractors who falsely assume that we want to go back entirely to a gold standard, and that is NOT true. But, if I ruled this situation, I would shut down the Federal Reserve System within the next two years and return all of the power it has stolen to the Treasury Department, Congress, and individual, private banks -- never allowing another "central bank" octopus to exist in this country again.

    Back to Kennedy for a concluding remark... with the sole exception of most of the Reagan years, I can trace the decline and decay of the United States from the day that John F. Kennedy was murdered! After him we got Lyndon Johnson, the Vietnam War, and the country was awash in a surge of welfare programs that have grown like cancer through the decades. We got Nixon... we got Carter. And, after a few really great years under Ronald Reagan, we got the first incarnation of the Bush Machine.

    Rapidfly developing computer technology and a reasonably intelligent Bill Clinton gave us several good years during the 90's, but then came the dawn of the horrible 21st-Century. And you know the rest... Idiot "W" Bush, and Idiot Obama. Utterly devastating. And now we'll get "Madame Defarge" Clinton and an even worse, protracted slide into more socialism, plus a national debt that will tower above 20 Trillion dollars and rocket upward from there. But don't worry... the Fed will just "print" more worthless, imaginary money, and we'll all totter along like a bunch of half-witted drunks who've lost our car keys late on a Saturday night.... We'[ve lost more than that -- we've lost our country, and now we'll never get it back....
  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I really admire your chutzpah Pollycy!

    Your plans might just be the wisest of all........ but I lean heavily toward boosting the USA and world economy from another angle.

    HOLLYWOOD and USA - Israel relations!

    P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu, let's get into the production of....
    .... semi reality science fiction film projects that are partly financed through alternative local currencies, and/or State currencies, and/or community currencies......... that address specific problems that human beings are facing now in 2015?

    Artistic Hollywood style "Armageddon" could bring world out of recession?!

    .........A serious attempt to replicate "Armageddon" would create a minimum of two hundred million jobs in China, India, Russia and Mongolia alone....... not to mention the number of jobs this would generate in Israel and the surrounding nations.

    Revelation 9:16

    China now holds so many American dollars that any possible way to cooperate at a higher level seems to be worthy of consideration.

    One of the "stages" is the Jerusalem Third Temple complex. Without conflict a film is boring and we all know that lots of conflict surrounds the idea of rebuilding the Third Temple. Two logical years for this to happen are 2030 (only fifteen years in the future) and also 2070.
    .............................. ......................

    Oh wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just noticed something in that verse that I had never previously clued to........"horsemen".......... .. two hundred million men capable of riding a horse........... will not be easy to organize by 2027?????!

    Also.... they need to become sufficiently adept with swords, spears, bows and arrows...... that they can put some fear in poor ol' Disciple John/ Yohannan.......(or whoever it actually was who was given the visionary dream known to Christians and the Messianic community as The Book of Revelation or The Apocalypse)!

    .... and scare Israel's IDF...... NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!?
  9. trucker

    trucker Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 9, 2010
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    he does got the same squinting like eyes [​IMG]
  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The Donald.... now that he basically has the nomination sewed up...... has to come out with specific plans that grab the attention of ten percent of Americans so that he can actually win the election.

    Clearly explaining to Americans about the flaws in Fed policy...... could be one of his best possible ways to do this?!

  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    It could be a sign of a great mind at work?!
  12. The Trumpenfuhrer

    The Trumpenfuhrer Banned

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Indeed it is.

    The Trumpenfuhrer
  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Although I am a Christian I have been fascinated by all things Jewish since I was a teenager back in the '70's.

    I personally believe firmly that something unusual is being set up for the next Jubilee year.... which
    from what I have read may be beginning within a few months???!

    Pope Francis.... The Donald is preparing America for Jubilee!
    Dear Pope Francis........ Sir....... I am almost certain from my research that a JUBILEE year will begin on Yom Kippur 2016 and go to the day before Yom Kippur 2017.

    The Donald..... seems to be positioned perfectly to prepare Americans for their role in JUBILEE!?

    Donald Trump can be a GREAT President because.......

    … of his deep level of empathy with the greatest forces that are keeping the average American down!

    I saw two documentaries about The Donald yesterday evening. When I saw the part about how he purchased the Taj Mahal through financing arranged by about twenty different banks. When I heard that he had agreed to pay them a high rate of interest. I knew that The Donald had been guided by G-d to have a deep empathy for the situation faced by President Abraham Lincoln.

    Melvin Sickler:


    The Fed.......... is set up in such a way that it is extremely useful in causing significant boom and bust cycles..... which tend to break unions. To a segment of the population strong unions are one of the greatest evils in America and the whole world.
  14. Nat Turner

    Nat Turner New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    "Some Powerful People Fear The Donald Might Turn Out To Be Another JFK!"

    [/He already is. He, too, has a whole in his head.B]
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Nat Turner..... do you believe that G-d can take a flawed human political leader by the right hand and lead them?

    I do!

    Isaiah 45:1

    On that note...... I have a challenge for all of the people who think that Dr. Ben Carson would make a really good V. P. or perhaps Surgeon General?

    Here is some background info that will help you understand what I have in mind.
    Why would Dr. Ben Carson make such claims?
    I believe that he made these statement because he seriously considered that they were true!
  16. Nat Turner

    Nat Turner New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Ben is a classic and sad example of a guy thinking his genius in one area (in his case - medicine) will carry over into another (reality). Sort of like me in political and social discussion (genius) and cars (drooling moron).
  17. Capitalism

    Capitalism Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 24, 2014
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    If the Donald is assassinated, this country will walk itself into a civil war.
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  18. Nat Turner

    Nat Turner New Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Really? And whom would be fighting whom? And where? And with what? And why? Details are the hobgoblin of small minds, I know. But indulge me and explain this latest end-of-the-world panic attack.

    Civil war? Really?

    No civil war after JFK, RFK, MLK, or George Wallace but Trump...............? Yeah, sure.
  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    But..... even President Obama could largely redeem himself over these next few months if he came out with new...... and significantly better information on how cancer could be treated.

    But.... I have to admit.... BigPharma would NOT be impressed.

    Could President Obama redeem himself fully over the coming 14 months?
    My answer to that question is YES!

    A fantastic place for President Obama to begin...... might be to tell the truth about the Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski cancer treatments and how even Democratic Party officials also persecuted him and kept his treatment out of the hands of doctors who needed it to treat their patients?!

    Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business Film Series

  20. Strasser

    Strasser Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    What? When did Lincoln or JFK ever go against the wealthy??? They did the exact opposite, especially Lincoln, who never represented anybody else but the big money clique. The Kennedys have never represented anybody but themselves and their own egoes.
  21. BestViewedWithCable

    BestViewedWithCable Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Yes I believe they will attempt to assassinate trump, when he takes away their ability to loot American tax dollars.

    Just look how little amount of money it took trump to get this far..... Then compare it to what everyone else spent...

    Clearly it's a scam
  22. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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  23. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    The Donald is no JFK or Lincoln or even Reagan. He is perhaps the American version of Ferdinand Marcos and that is not a good thing for this country.
  24. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    I have no clue what history book you have been reading, but the Federal Reserve was not a powerful agency until 1981 when it restricted the Money Supply to curb the inflation. When it was incorporated in 1913, its sole purpose was to regulate the money supply in order to maximize employment, stabilize prices, and regulate the interest rates. It was designed so that bank runs/panics would no longer be feared by the public. It is the one stabilizing force in our monetary system that allows our financial institutions to be considered the safest in the world.

    That being said, it is well within the foundations of the Constitution, most notably, the power of Congress to regulate money, which the FED does, and the necessary and proper clause, which Congress created the FED through its legislative process. The rest is Austrian School of Economics bunk and that is all it is.
  25. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    OK, alwayssa... I'll have my Austrian School of Economics bunk, and you have your Keynesian Economics bunk. Hint: The national debt was bad enough when Idiot Bush left office in January 2009 at $10.6 Trillion Dollars, but now, under Idiot Obama, the national debt has skyrocketed to $19.25 Trillion Dollars. Hint: it took all of the history of the United States for us to reach the debt level of $10.6 Trillion -- and now, under Idiot Obama, this monstrous total national debt has nearly doubled in the 87 months that he's been littering the White House! And what do we have to show for it? Rich banks, rich Wall Street gamblers, an almost wiped-out American Middle Class, approximately half the population getting welfare-suck of one variety or other, and the creation of a gigantic "fraud balloon" that will crash one day, because it was constructed upon fraudulent economic principles in which we "print" imaginary money to buy our own debt...! :spin:

    Oh, it hasn't all been Obama's fault... after all, he's nothing but a handpuppet stooge for this same Federal Reserve combine that you think is so beneficent. Whose brainfarts were "stimulus" that accomplished nothing, in addition to "Quantitative Easing I", "Quantitative Easing II", "Quantitative Easing III", "Operation Twist", and the tyrannical suppression of interest rates to microscopic levels? Not Obama's, really. He was the obedient house pet that listened to "his master's voice". And frankly, Idiot "W" Bush did the same damned thing in the last year and a half of his miserable, directionless, worthless presidency. And next we're going to get the Stock Market's biggest buddy, Idiot Hillary, who thinks that the function of Wall Street is to give her piles of money in return for "speeches"?! Oh, JOY! :hippie:

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