Why i'm voting for hillary

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by REALITY CHUCK, Nov 5, 2016.


    REALITY CHUCK Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    Allow me to apologize in advance for any ignorance I may be putting on display, but I don't see anyone saying anything about Hillary's great qualities and clear thinking that points to a glorious future for all of America. All I see is offensive remarks about Trump and his supporters.

    So, all of you Hillary supporters, take this opportunity to tell us why she is the best choice that America can make. Try to be specific and exact.
  2. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Easy peasy. When she ignores a subpoena and illegally uses bleach bit she does a damn fine job. It wasn't her fault that she didn't know that her lesbian lover's ex-husband kept a copy of all those wiped files on a separate lap top. Bad luck that. It could have happened to ANY corrupt to the bone politician.
  3. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Clear thinking????

    With all the security incidents in Benghazi, why wasn't there an exit/evacuation strategy in place? If there was one why wasn't it used prior to the attack?

    Hillary Clinton's State Dept actually REDUCED security in Benghazi, despite pleas from Ambassador Steven's and others to INCREASE it. Liberals and Democrats want to frame the Benghazi attack as beginning when the attack did, so there was nothing that could be done. Nothing could be further from the truth. A Benghazi terror plot had been thwarted as far back as 12/2011, a Full 9 months before the attack. Plenty of time to put in place an evacuation/exit strategy. Hillary lacks the foresight to be President.

    We don't know what Trump would or will do, but we know that even after all those Security Incidents in Benghazi the Consulate and the CIA Annex weren't evacuated because Hillary just couldn't see that attack coming. If Hillary Clinton simply wasn't equipped to see the attack in Benghazi after all those security incidents she won't see the next big one coming on our own soil. I'll take my chances with Trump.
  4. Deno

    Deno Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
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    There is no doubt it's like we are living in the twilight zone.

    liberals can't come up with a single substantive reason to support her.

    She lies cheats and steals while she is selling uranium to the Russians.

    Her and lying cheating bill set up a phony charity so they can rip off the

    poor and the ignorant.

    hillary can't be trusted with classified information as we have all seen,

    hell, she even lets her maid get in on the action.

    She is a real threat to Americas security.

    Harry Truman had her ilk figured out a long time ago, he said

    the only way you get rich in politics is to be a crook.
  5. Johnny Brady

    Johnny Brady New Member

    Sep 21, 2016
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    And Teddy Roosevelt said- "When they call the roll in the Senate, they automatically reply "Not guilty" out of habit"..:)
    Seth Bullock likes this.
  6. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Yep, it saves time.
    Seth Bullock likes this.
  7. Balto

    Balto Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2013
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    Easy. And it was a no-brainer choice as well.

    Hillary has proved again and again that she has the temperament to be president. For me, it wasn't being the first woman president, it was all about who is cool, calm, and collected to handle tense situations with North Korea, Russia, China, and Iran. Trump has demonstrated time after time again, and this doesn't include the groping accusations, that he would be a time bomb in the Oval Office, aside from assuring us he would be a war criminal president as well.

    And that's why I've voted for Hillary.
  8. Ravskins

    Ravskins Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    I am voting for Hillary. The main reason is that I will feel safer with her in the WH than I do with Trump. I also believe she will represent the country as a whole better than Trump, and the ecomic plan she has is better than Trumps.

    I have a problem with a candidate when he had asked a security advisor during a meeting why can't we use the nuclear bombs just because we have them. Also, he doesn't understand the balance the US has with these other countries such as Japan or S. Korea to keep Russia or China at bay. Its more than just protecting them but it protects us as well.

    I do believe he is racist and a bigot. I don't believe he is KKK level but it definitely impacts his choices. I believe the President should represent everyone and that is not him. Hillary will be much better and understanding and that is needed as racial tensions have ticked up.

    Lastly, his economic plan has no basis for success. I'm perfectly good with enforcing the agreements and not allowing any country to skirt by. I don't believe tariffs are the answer either as it could lead recession real fast. Americans do rely on the cheap imported products. This country was great when innovation drove the model and it needs to continue either through natural evolution or government spending (military or space). We simply c,ant compete with the difference in labor costs.

    This is why I'm voting for Hillary. I know perfectly she is as crooked as it comes but I still believe she will be better than old style way of thinking.
  9. Johnny Brady

    Johnny Brady New Member

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Don't let her near that nuke button if she's having a bad day..:)


    We Brexiteers just voted ourselves out of the nuthouse called the EU to get away from wild-eyed crackpots like EU big shot Herman van Rompuy (below) so I hope America doesn't put Hillary "Popeye" Clinton in the WH..

  10. Balto

    Balto Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2013
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    Brexit is still pretty fresh, and I wouldn't be wanting America to follow in the UK's direction too fast until we see at least 5 years of the results from Brexit.
  11. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Like all the stuff she can't remember... like how to keep secret stuff secret. I imagine you also admire PAY 2 PLAY and hope to be in a position where you can make a fortune selling out American interest.
  12. Ravskins

    Ravskins Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Hillary is a very flawed candidate but she's less so than Trump. I don't need our President up tweeting at 3am to Putin that we have bigger bombs than he does.
  13. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    As I've said many times elsewhere, Hillary Clinton is an honest, hardworking, competent and talented politician and we are lucky that she is still willing to help this country out of the mire it has been put into by the worst cabal of treasonous lickspittles for an evil conspiracy of ruthless plutocrats to ever disgrace their careers in our nation's history. These are the very same liars and hypocrites who have subjected this nearly blameless woman to a campaign of slander unparalled in the annals of infamy; a series of completely baseless accusations matched in its vile and unjustified viciousness only by its utter lack of evidence and the total stupidity, utter venality and complete lack of any elements of fair play required of its believers.

    These leaders of the Republican Party do this not only because of their total evil and pustulent corruption but because they recognize themselves to have reached the nadir of moral bankruptcy with their insult to America's history and the sacrifices of millions to preserve our nation embodied in the campaign of Donald Trump, a dishonest crony capitalist, cheap bully and immoral lout of the lowest character imaginable in all respects and who wishes to destroy this country's freedom and free institutions in favor of a crude dictatorship based on racism, xenophobia and hate.

    This is my opinion based on the facts of the matter as I see them. The thread asked and I answered honestly. I mean no attack or insult to anyone here, people who while they may be grossly misinformed or even seriously deluded I see as without exception well-intentioned.

    Oh, and I'm voting for Hillary, I want to clarify this as many of the Republican leadership have expressed feelings about Trump similar to mine, but in an almost unbelievable display of partisanship have said they are still voting for him, their utter disregard for the good of the nation they have sworn to serve apparently knowing no bounds.
  14. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    When you claimed her to be "honest", I had to stop reading. For you have absolutely nothing to back up that belief, quite the contrary. We can show you countless times how she is not honest with the People, with the FBI, with Congress, in regards to her hard work.

    I find your honestly claim to be the most absurd defense of Clinton ever posted on this forum. You have zero credibility with a rational brain. You of course will do fine with her supporters who are so easily duped by obvious propaganda. If you want honesty, join me in voting for stein.
  15. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Well said.

    The USA Voters will answer the bell. They WILL ELECT HILLARY.

    The majority of Americans simply have too much common sense to elect a rank amateur like Trump.

    REALITY CHUCK Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    WOW! Even your avatar enforces my mental image of a foil lined room buried in the ground with only the glow of the screen to illuminate the well-worn thesaurus. In your bunker, nothing gets in; no rays, no reality, and minimal oxygen.

    Does it not mean anything to Hillary supporters that they are about to vote for someone under criminal investigation? Have our standards sunk that low?

    And, what is all this blather about not letting Trump near the nuclear trigger? Are Hillary supporters so lacking in education and reality that they actually think there is some kind of button on the wall in the Oval Office that launches everything? As soon as I hear someone say that, I know they are to dumb to vote.

    And where do you get the idea that Trump is racist? Because he said he wants to build a wall to stop Mexicans and others from coming across the border illegally? That's racist? By that standard, anyone that has a white mouse as a pet is racist.

    Then there is that bit in one of these posts about Trump discussing the use of nuclear weapons with the generals. Would that person care to give us facts?

    So far, all I'm seeing on the Hillary side is ill-informed logic. Honest, hardworking, competent and talented politician??? It's odd how you can believe that about Hillary and that other stuff about Trump. Selective auditory routing, I guess.
  17. bhoyal

    bhoyal Active Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    As president, Hillary will:

    Reform our broken criminal justice system by reforming sentencing laws and policies, ending racial profiling by law enforcement, strengthening the bonds of trust between communities and police, and more. Protect the right to vote by fighting to repair the Voting Rights Act and implementing universal, automatic voter registration so that every American will be registered to vote when they turn 18, unless they opt out. Protect immigrants’ rights and keep families together by fighting for comprehensive immigration reform, including a full and equal pathway to citizenship and an end to family detention and private immigrant detention centers. End the epidemic of gun violence in our communities. Gun violence is the leading cause of death for young African American men—more than the next nine leading causes combined. We must do more to crack down on gun stores that flood our communities with illegal guns and deprive our children of their futures. Fight against environmental injustice. Clean air and clean water are basic human rights. But too many children in low-income housing are exposed to lead. African American children are twice as likely to suffer from asthma as white children. Half of our nation’s Latino population lives in areas where the air quality does not meet the EPA’s health standards—and climate change will put vulnerable populations at even greater risk. As president, Hillary will work to reduce air pollution, invest in the removal of toxins like lead, develop greener and more resilient infrastructure, tackle energy poverty, and boost efforts to clean up highly polluted toxic sites.
    Close the education achievement gap by making sure every child has a world-class education from birth through college. Hillary will double America’s investment in Early Head Start, ensure that every 4-year-old in America has access to high-quality preschool, drive student achievement in K-12 schools, make college affordable, and relieve the crushing burden of student debt. End violence against the transgender community—particularly women of color. Revitalize the economy in communities that have been left out and left behind through a “Breaking Every Barrier Agenda” that includes $125 billion in targeted investments to create good-paying jobs, rebuild crumbling infrastructure, and connect housing to opportunity.
    Ensure equal treatment for citizens in Puerto Rico. Hillary is committed to making sure Puerto Ricans have a voice and are treated equally. She believes that Puerto Ricans must be treated equally by Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs that benefit families. She will also work with the people of Puerto Rico and with advocates from all sides to answer the fundamental question of their political status. Hillary has been fighting for racial justice her entire career: As a young lawyer working for the Children’s Defense Fund, Hillary went to South Carolina to work to stop the incarceration of teenagers in adult prisons, and she investigated school segregation in Alabama at so-called “private academies.”
    In Arkansas, she started a legal aid clinic to ensure that low-income people had access to real legal representation; she helped start a program to help low-income parents prepare their kids for school success, which is now in more than 20 states; and she helped to found the Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund, which helped nearly 40,000 single parents with their education. As first lady, she continued her advocacy for children and families, helping to pass the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which now covers more than 8 million kids, helping reform the foster care and adoption system, and advocating for the expansion of Medicaid to cover foster kids until they are 21. She pushed for the expansion of Head Start and advocated for quality child care and equal pay for women to help break down barriers for working parents. As a U.S. senator, she worked to improve pre-K programs and provide parenting help for at-risk families and pushed to expand CHIP to cover more kids. She co-sponsored legislation to end racial profiling and implement sentencing reforms to address crack-cocaine disparities, and she fought to restore voting rights and expand programs that help people re-enter society after they have served time. She introduced legislation to protect voting rights; supported increased funding for HIV and AIDS programs, spotlighting the disproportionate impact on African American women; and worked with then-Senator Obama to fight against lead poisoning.


    trump? He's a deabeat who doesn't pay his bills. He's a convicted racist (1973). He's a thin skinned coward hiding behind a phony facade.
  18. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I think Hillary did a marvelous job of unifying America when she called her opponent's supporters "a basket of deplorables". Gave me a wonderful, warm feeling :hug:

    I like the way Hillary is so strong that she can merely point at the leaders of weaker countries and order them to resign, and, if they don't, she just bombs the s--t out of them. Soooo awesome! :machinegun:

    I think she was right to have a private server for her email. Hillary knows that government people should take care of government stuff without everyone and their brother looking over their shoulders at what they're doing. We little people don't need to know all that stuff. We should mind our own business, shouldn't we? and just trust our leaders, and leave them alone. :ignore:

    I really like the way Hillary tricks rich people out of lots of money by creating a Foundation and by giving speeches. Those people who give all that money to her actually think they're going to get some sort of favors in return. Lol! Isn't that silly? She is sooooo much smarter than them! :worship:

    I love how Hillary says she has a private position and a public position. This is sooo ... clever! Who wants a leader who always says the same old thing about every issue anyway? Keep us guessing, Hills! Keep us guessing! Keep us guessing! Keep us guessing! :cheerleader: Yaaaay! :woot:

    And Hillary is so loyal too! Like when Bill had that little ... oh that little mistake in the Oval Office with whats-her-name ... Oh okay, and all the other ones too, consensual or not, Hillary did just like Tammy Wynette always said she should do. .... I believe we men should be able to treat our wives like a doormat every so often. Thanks, Hillary! :wink:


    REALITY CHUCK Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    So, what you're saying is that Hillary is promising people the most swag from the public treasury? I'd love to know where all this money is going to come from.

    I loved that part about gun stores flooding communities with illegal guns. You've been listening to Bloomberg haven't you?
  20. Johnny Brady

    Johnny Brady New Member

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Vlad's got no beef with Don and vice-versa!
    If Don wins, welcome to a new Golden Age of peace between Russia and the West like never before..:)


  21. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Yes, she is consistent. Like Podesta said, she makes bad decisions.

    REALITY CHUCK Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    The following statement is attributed to Scottish history professor Alexander Tyler, but the actual author is in doubt: “A democracy is always temporary in nature and will only continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy.”

    Governments are not producers; they do not manufacture or create anything. The only way that a government can finance itself is through taxation or borrowing. Taxation removes money from the economy, but as long as those taxes are spent in support of the economy, then things work out. However, if an economy is faltering, excessive taxation will make the problem worse. At that point, borrowing becomes attractive although that is a slippery slope that requires caution.

    Right now, this country is about 20 trillion dollars in debt. Do you have any concept of what a trillion dollars is? You would have to spend a million dollars every day since the birth of Christ to get to almost 3/4 of one trillion dollars. Is it starting to sink in?

    Laying out sweeping programs that appeal heavily to the poor in an economy that cannot support its current obligations for more than a dozen or so years down the road is the very realization of Tyler's opinion.

    The solution is to start at the bottom and rebuild the only thing that supports government programs: the economy. You do that by removing obstacles to economic growth; things like uncompetitive corporate taxes and restrictive regulations.

    It has always amazed me that Democrats think that high taxes on a company is better than lower taxes on more people working for that company. In other words, they impose high corporate taxes on a large company and that company reduces its taxable footprint and, therefore, the number of people working for it in this country. Democrats seem to think that 50% of one dollar is better than 10% of ten dollars. The modern American educational system, I guess.

    I know that Trump won't be able to do everything he says, but he stands a far better chance of getting the basics right than Hillary does. Hillary is doing exactly what Tyler said.
  23. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    If we are going to have globalism then democrats will push for a welfare state and I can go on the dole. The GOP globalism is worse. So there is that.

    REALITY CHUCK Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    I'd like to add that if you do the math, it would take spending a million dollars a day for around 52,600 years to reach 20 trillion dollars.
  25. paul2110

    paul2110 New Member

    Nov 6, 2016
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    Just like the post that claims her to be Honest I couldn't read pat this

    She is not honest! If anything she is a pathetic liar and as far as doing anything for the justice department, about the only thing she will do for them is keep them busy!
    I have to admit she is a good criminal as she somehow keeps getting away with it.

    Being a former military man myself I know one thing for certain anyone else would be in jail just for what they have actually found in the first run of e-mails.

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