I'm lost, are the blacks and latinos actually dumber than the whites and asians?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by FixingLosers, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    The one white guy? The ONE? Are you in a COMA?

    Have you never watched a celebrity roast?

    Lisa Lampanelli?
  2. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    There is no "white gravy train", are you that ignorant? How many of the millions and millions of white people would dispute that idiotic claim? No white person has ever had a fixed game in his favor, unless they inherited wealth. Everyone, regardless of race, has had to work their ass off for it. Try telling a successful white guy that he didn't strive to make his business succeed, that he had success handed to him because of his race. See if you don't get knocked on your ass.
  3. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    White gravy train. (*)(*)(*)(*) these Leftists are racist bigots with no shame!
  4. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Tell you what. You say that white people don't get preferential treatment in society, I say they do, and let's see which one rings true to people.

    Amazingly, most of my political arguments don't end in violence. :)
  5. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    What is kinda funny, they make statements like that, then turn around in the next paragraph and accuse those they just dismissed with such a blanket summary of being guilty of "Predjudice".

    I have to wonder if they've ever stopped to consider that the word "Predjudice" does not have a meaning of "Being Hateful Toward People with Dark Skin" (which is rarely true BTW), but rather means to PRE-JUDGE someone based on superficial attributes.

    The level of hypocrisy is overwelming...

    I will openly admit that I have a "Judgement Bias Against Today's Liberals", but it is NOT a Pre-Judgement, it is a carefully considered and accurate judgement based on their actions, words, policies and stated motivations.

    There is a general precept of Western Law, that says that a child cannot be held accoutable for the crimes of a Parents, nor an Individual be held accountable for the crimes of others who shared some ethnic, national, or genetic commonality.

    i.e. I can't be put in jail today, because my great grandfather robbed a stage coach in 1892.

    But it seems, in the minds of Liberals, Prejudice Against White's Born in 1970s+ America is totally justified by crimes committed by Whites over 10-200 years before they were born.

    Is there any doubt that their "Justification" for their Predjudice is just another tool of manipulation and profit?

    No, Champion's of Justice, they are not.

  6. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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  7. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Latinos, Asians, India Indians, Middle Easterners all come this country in many cases not even fluent in english and they manage to run circles around everyone including whites. Blacks are falling behind ever other ethnic group there is. They are in last place in all the good categories and first place in all the bad categories. It is not a coincidence that blacks are also the group that is most handled with kid gloves and told that they need other peoples help to get ahead becuase they can't do it themselves.

    All the areas with large populations of blacks have been controlled for decades by Democrats so the argument that the Republicans are holding you back is just pathetic. What is sad is the number of idiots out there that still buy it though. I don't know how may time I have had this discussion in Milwaukee with someone and I ask them who controls the local school boards? (Democrats) Who are the alderman? (Democrats) Who is the mayor? (Democrat) Who is the comptroller? (Democrat) Who is the police chief? (Democrat) Who sits on the city council? (Democrats) It's amazing sometimes when you see the light bulb go off when they realize what has been in front of their faces for so long. They have been told for so long that evil Republicans want them to suffer and be poor (still waiting for a reason why anyone would want that) and that only Democrats care about them. I have made a few converts if not voting Libertarian or Republican at least no longer voting straight Democrat all the time, but that is a drop in the ocean of blacks that still blindly follow their new slave masters without question.

    The Democratic motto regarding blacks it so keep them dumb, in the dark and voting.

    This can be repeated in California, Michigan (At least they have a Republican govenor now instead of that miserable failure and crazy chick Granholm.

    Democrats have turned blacks blacks into codependents who are abused for their votes and blacks, just like an abuse wife, keep making excuses for why they don't leave them. I used to feel sympathy for black society and there are pockets of them out there that are trying to break the shackles of liberal racism but after the treatment Bill Cosby received from many blacks I just don't think there is any hope ever of them becoming free. Thankfully Latinos have surpassed blacks so their influence on the electorate is diminshed and Republicans can easily get the Latino vote if the pick candidates that aren't so draconian on immigration. Bush managed to get 40% of the Hispanic vote.

    I roll my eyes every time some sanctimonius, self-rightous liberal claims they are trying to right the wrongs of the past and that they are the only ones that care about blacks and they are just trying to help. Those people or stupid, vile, racist just plain evil people who love to pat themselves on the backs "because they care". They have had a monopoly on government in black areas for over 40 years now and all we have seen is that blacks have fallen further and further behind not only native born americans in general but even foreigner that come to this country with little or no money and no cultural affiliation and often times not even fluent in english.
  8. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Blacks can go to an All Black College. You can make an All Black Business or Club.

    You can have a Women's Chamber of Commerce, or a Women's Resource center.

    What would happen if you tried to create a "White" or "Men's" or worse yet "White Male's" anything?

  9. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You're just promoting a bunch of nonsense. Get real.
  10. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    The Left has a very different version of America than the reality we see. They think little, if any, progress has been made in race relations in the last 50 years. They see America as a nation full of racists, especially if you travel South or into the country. I happen to know that country folks are the most kind, decent people you'll ever come across, but they're racists to the Left. If Michael Savage said that Liberalism is a mental disorder, he can point to no finer example than race obsessed Leftists who see what isn't there and imagine for themselves dragons to slay. People get the impression that I'm white because I defend whites so much, but I'm actually American Indian. I'm just observing that whites get hated on more than anyone else and so much of it is undeserved. So true to my name, I'm a defender of those who need defending. I don't hate white people and I don't have any tolerance for those who do.
  11. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Next time you post something, back it up. Your constant defense of today's black society and liberal policies revolving around them is just becoming nauseating at this point. Post some links supporting your position or shut up.



    Your faux pretending to care about black society and your sanctimonious self righteous bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is just getting annoying. You don't give two (*)(*)(*)(*)s about black society because you keep denying the problems it has and keep excusing the power structure that is keeping them dependent. No wonder you like that jackass apologist Dyson........you both are equally clueless. Bill Cosby was wasted on black society as apparently not enough of them listened to him to change course.
  12. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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  13. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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  14. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    What are the problems you see with black society?
  15. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    My guess is that you would get mocked and boycotted.

    By everyone except republicans.
  16. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    Now this is Generally speaking as we have a Black President, but Blacks and Latinos are dumber than Whites and Asians and it is through no fault of their own. That what everyone is missing here

    They need the affirmative action because they have a harder time climbing the socio-economic ladder due to being oppressed by white policies such as lower tax rates to fix their communities which have poor schools, housing, and crime.
  17. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    There are several classes of black people. I think any reference to problems with black society refers to a specific group of black people who fall into a socio-economic group called the black underclass. From what I've read about half of all black people fall into the black underclass.

    That having been said, the black underclass is the victim of one of the laws of unintended consequences. It's called "perverse incentives." The intervention of the federal govt. in the lives of most members of the black underclass has led to the development of perverse incentives fostering a dysfunctional culture that is a drag on the members of the black underclass just as much as were the chains borne by Marley's Ghost in the famous late night visit to Scrooge in Dicken's masterpiece A Christmas Carol.
  18. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Now, see, that doesn't sound racist to me. Nor did it sound like an accusation of racism. Just a question of strategy.

    I disagree, mind you. I think that the perverse incentives we've set up for rich white people cause a lot more harm, at any rate. But again, that's just a question of strategy.
  19. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because they have the highest out of wedlock birthrate. Extremely high crime rates. High drug usage. Poorest health status (blacks die younger than whites and other minorities from health issues). Their education levels are abysmal. In Milwaukee they have a 50% graduation rate and even the ones that graduate are NOT ready for college. As I said I really don't feel sorry for them anymore because they keep voting in the same people (Democrats) over and over again. The states where blacks are making headway are in fact predominantly Republican territory where they isn't any liberal racism to depend on.........or at least much less of it.

    A survey from Black Enterprise magazine... "Just as in 2004, the South continues to be the area of choice, with representation from eight metros–two from North Carolina; two from Texas; one each from Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee; and the Washington, D.C. Metro area.


    I really hope that one day blacks will wake up and open their eyes to the bull(*)(*)(*)(*) that has been peddled by the Democrats for decades not, but I am not going to hold my breath.
  20. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    First, Republicans would be and have been among the first to turn their backs on any Whites-Only organization. Go read the un-varnished history of the Civil Right's Movement of the 1960s. It was not a Republican who "Stood in the School House Steps".

    Second, I don't have a problem with people Mocking and Boycotting All White Organizations, because I believe it is counter productive to create such organization.

    I have created an organization which Advocates the racial interests of White People, but much like the NAACP accepting Whites in its membership, any and all people, reguardless of race, are welcome to join. I would be aghast if the organization ended up as 100% white. My wife and Two Daughters, who are Hispanic, were members #2, 3, & 4.

    Your statement shows your own predjudice toward Republicans with respect to race, indicating many things about yourself, but it means NOTHING about Republicans, primarily because you are NOT one, therefore you cannot speak for them. Those Republicans who have spoken on this subject on this forum, have said nothing like what you here claim.

    In short, your statement is WRONG.

  21. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The members of the black underclass are not off the hook. They are in a state of denial about the social pathologies of their community. As long as they refuse to accept the truth about their own role in cultural dysfunction no one can help them. In fact, they can only help themselves when they become self-aware.
  22. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    What a load of blame shifting crap and excuses! First off, there are no "white policies" except for racists like you. Second, we throw more money at our schools than many other countries that educate their children far better. Money isn't the issue, liberalism is. 3rd, you support white supremecy when you insist that minorities need special advantages to achieve the same level of success as whites who need to do everything by their own merit. Either way you look at it, the problem is racism and continues to be racism.

    Namely yours.
  23. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    So you're saying that I'm wrong that you wouldn't boycott a whites-only organization, because you founded a white-advocate organization.

    Welp. Got no response to that.
  24. JEFF9K

    JEFF9K New Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Nearly everything good in our country can be traced to liberals and liberal policies. Liberal government is good. Conservative government is bad. It's unfair to lump them together.
  25. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    I bet you NEVER thought of why they have a high birthrate out of wedlock, drugs, crime, etc. If you did, Im sure an intelligent person such as yourself would have come up with a logical answer. Guess what happens when land grants and other things benefit the whites that don't benefit the blacks? It kind of, sort of, pushes them into poverty and we can see what poverty does as it cross all races.

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