'Knockout Game' Suspect Charged With Hate Crime

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by superbadbrutha, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    How much black racism have you experienced in your life?

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    Uh no I am not running for anything. I don't care if they charge them with a Hate Crime or not, as long as, they charge them with a crime and they pay for the crime they committed.

    What is the difference if he goes to prison for 20yrs under the Hate crime law or he goes to prison for 20yrs under a different law as long as he gets the 20yrs I am good.
  2. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    For the most part yes.

    For the most part they are white folks.

  3. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    Sure...I'm not a hate crime advocate. Its all hate.

    But treating people differently based on the color of their skin is wrong. You should know that.

    And if you have hypothetically 100 "knock outs" with:
    80 of those being black criminal on white victim (non-jew, straight orientation)=not considered hate crime
    15 being black criminal on white Jewish victim-assumed and treated as a hate crime
    5 being black criminal on white gay couple (with the black criminals probably not even realizing their victims are gay)=assumed and treated as a hate crime...

    Well you then you have a valid case or assumed case of people not being treated equal under the law. I would think that someone who is against discrimination would want that looked into.

    Of course if we take the "hate crimes and hate speech" laws off the books...then it would all be treated equally. Hopefully.
  4. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Well that is what we have had in America since it was founded, haven't we?

    Again if the punishment is equal for being charged with a Hate Crime as being charged with another crime isn't it equal, now if being charged with the other law makes the punishment less then I agree with you it definitely has to be looked at.
  5. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    This knock out game nonsense is tactic used by cons to scare their base into believing blacks everywhere are attacking whites. It's all about riling up their base into believing the minority bogeyman nonsense. They do the same thing with "Hispanics" as well when it comes to the debate about illegal immigration. How sad.
  6. Eighty Deuce

    Eighty Deuce New Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Go jog MLK Blvd. Tell us how it went.

  7. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    This is where you are really sadly mistaken.

    The facts of the ongoing issues within the black community are pretty easy to verify. Your inability to acknowledge them, let alone address them is precisely the problem.

    Nearly the same percentage of welfare recipients are black as white, but only 12% of our population is black. The per capita rate of welfare for blacks is way higher.


    Black women are more likely to have a child unwed then wed. Which is way higher than all other races.


    The incarceration rates are substaintially higher for blacks than all other races.


    And of all races, blacks have the highest rate of poverty.


    I think its high time you realize that the black community has issues that the rest of the races don't have, or nearly as bad.
  8. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    Facts are difficult things to swallow when then don't align with your agenda.
  9. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    The hilarious thing is that you think that video disproves what I said.
  10. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I really don't want to turn this into a T.M thread, but if the Liberal Judge had allowed the Defense to submit those pictures, the jury wouldn't have taken nearly as long to decide.

    Long Story short: A drug smoking, gun violent teenager is neither "innocent" nor "young", he did some (*)(*)(*)(*).

    Now does that mean he should've gotten killed? No, but we don't know what happened and neither does the Jury. To be fair, I thought Zimmerman should've been convicted on involuntary manslaughter, but the prosecution messed that up BADLY.
  11. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I only brought up the Zimmerman case because it related to racial stereotyping as Zimmerman clearly exhibited racial stereotyping when he stated "these ass-holes always get away with it" because he was stereotyping a young black teenager that night. He would not have made that statement had Martin been white and we all know that. From a prosecution standpoint the problem was with the jurisdictional differences between state and federal law. The racial stereotyping that resulted in a violation of the "Right to Life" is a civil rights violation under federal law which the State of Florida prosecutors cannot use federal statutory law to prosecute a case in court. The state did all it could but it couldn't "connect the dots" between the initial racial stereotyping and the death of Martin.

    The ultimate point being that racial prejudice leads to racial stereotyping which is why many with racial prejudice are stereotyping these young black criminals that are engaging in the violent "knockout" game.
  12. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Sure cons came up with a tactic in which blacks would sucker punch white people killing them in some cases so that we could use it as a tactic. Un fing believable what some of you come up with. No one reading this should be defending the actions of the members of the black community committing these murders and attempted murders of white people. If you find yourself doing that, all you are really doing is making matters worse. Sharpton spoke out because he had to not because he wanted to. This is illustrating to the world that many in the black community are acting like animals and an even larger number thinks attempted murder and murder is "funny". If you are trying to show your race as equal to the other races in the world this isnt exactly a poster for it. Its the opposite. I know if I were black I wouldnt want to prove the white racists really are correct.Why would you do that?
  13. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    Even more hilarious is the fact that you didn't defend your position in light of the video... because you know the truth is damning.
  14. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Because that is theme we keep hearing.

    What do you think is going to happen to you if you job down MLK Blvd?
    Now jogging down MLK Blvd at 3am is a different story.

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    So doesn't that make the above issues an American problem since you conservatives claim we are all Americans.
  15. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    spineless bias is what it is, take it how you want. Its a well known fact that the hate crime legislation is biased against whites and will not be used fairly. you can make up nice little snide comments as you always do, and as per usual ignore any facts that go against your agenda if you like. But the fact of the matter is whites get the book thrown at them in 1 of every 50 crimes against blacks, meanwhile blacks get the legislation thrown at them 1 out of every 1200 crimes against whites.

    you can also pretend that blacks cant be racist, its a common excuse by lefties and those who think like them. Yes it is spineless, simply because you are catering to a certain group due to not wanting to offend them in any way. What you gonna tell me next, that "polar bear hunting" is not at all racist?
  16. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    I am going to stick with the facts I cited, which amazingly demonstrated your contentions incorrect. It would appear your argument has been reduced to name calling and made up nonsense.
  17. Eighty Deuce

    Eighty Deuce New Member Past Donor

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Of course, simple statistics leads there too ................ :roll:
  18. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    i presented FACTS but you again choose to ignore them, as per usual, about the unfair use of the hate crime legislation. so please stop pretending as if i didnt present any data on the subject. and you will only accept your "facts you cited" anyways because you will not accept anything that goes against your agenda.

    its all good, really. so we will just have to end the argument and agree to disagree on the matter. and i never called you a name, so you can quit with the veilend attempts to try and get the mods to cite me for calling you a name.
  19. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    I don't do the "agree to disagree" thing. My statements and the facts I provided demonstrated clearly your contention was incorrect.
  20. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    then why do you only speak so passionately when a white against black issue comes up? why is it that much more important to you? congrats on your son studying hard, you are obviously a great parent, but that does not take away the fact that you only get heated when a white and black crime occurs. I never said it was all on you to clean up the mess in the african american hoods and such, but damn dude if you spoke out against black on black crime just 1/4th of what you speak when it comes to a white on black issue, you might help start something to make true progress.

    but na, you choose to stay very silent about black on black issues.

    does not matter how many threads you start, your track record speaks volumes. I have never seen you once condemn black violence without somehow blaming white people. its never all blacks fault, somehow whitey is always the culprit.

    i would like to see you apply this method to white on black crime. since you are saying a few times that blacks attacked blacks in this game then there is no possibility that it has any racial ties, the next time you hear about a white hurting or killing a black i want you to hold back on racist charges instead of swiftly pulling the race card like always.

    in 2011 whites were slapped with 59% of hate crime charges, while blacks only getting 20% .

    im sure that has nothing to do with 1 out of every 50 white on black crimes being given a hate crime charge while 1 out of every 1200 black on white crimes being slapped with hate crime charges.

    also lets keep in mind that hispanics are labeled as white in these statistics, we are only brown skinned when it suits a certain purpose.

    lets also note that 45% of violent crimes blacks commit are against white people, while 10% of their violent crimes are against latino victims. yet.....they hardly ever see any hate crime charge. At the same time white ob black crime is very rare and they throw the hate crime legislation at whites as often as they can.

    you dont defend the crime per say, but somehow you will always end up blaming whitey for it. like i said before you never argue that an african american is responsibile for their plight or bad mistakes, it always comes out in the end with you that whitey is the one who caused the trouble somehow.

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    wrong, but keep on trying.
    Gatewood and (deleted member) like this.
  21. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    Your statement was demonstrated, with facts and reality, to be incorrect.

    Let's review, shall we?

    Your claim.

    This is what you said, right? I am not in error in this, correct? this was your claim,. the claim that I am going to once again demonstrate to be utterly and completely incorrect.

    You said, quite clearly, very (*)(*)(*)(*)ing clearly, very, very clearly, that most of the victims of hate crimes are white.

    Right? We agree on that one? That is what you said?

    Now let's see how you are wrong. Here is the fact, the undeniable fact that demonstrates that your statement is incorrect.

    71.9 percent were victims of an offender&#8217;s anti-black bias.


    Now are we, and everyone else, completely and totally clear that I am right and you are wrong on this one?
  22. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    well then im gonna say this argument took a turn due to a misunderstanding on your part. That quote was pertaining to the knockout game in which the HUGE MAJORITY of victims of that game are white, with the aggressors being black.

    secondly about the hate crime legislation, which i argued with facts already that its used with a ton f spineles bias against whites, 1 out of 50 cases for whites and only 1 out of 1200 cases for blacks when the victim is not of the same race.

    so either way, if you wanna truly get into crime statistics to prove my point we can. Like i told SBB blacks commit a many more crimes against whites than whites commit against them, yet whites get slapped with hate crime charges a lot more often due to the PC bull(*)(*)(*)(*) that will not allow blacks to be considered racist eventhough they are just as racist as anyone else.
  23. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    So your grossly incorrect statement, which was in response ot a statement about hate crimes, was not actually addressing the topic to which it was responding, and the error is somehow mine Ecuador you were actually talking about something that you were no talking about?

    Nah, not buying it for a second.

    Yes, as your link to an anti black, white supremacist website or your link to the racist and unsupported theory on Wikipedia now suddenly trumps actual facts?

    Yeah, I have often seen that clai m, and not a single time, not once, never in the history of the internet, has anyone provided a shred of evidence to support such a racially biased, anti black claim such as yours.
  24. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    no, you either grossly misunderstood my quote, in which again you are ignoring it because you snipped it to make yourself look better....or you are purposely trying to grossly mis- quote me because you now have lost the battle.

    my post was about the knockout game being a black on white attack game, i wasnt talking about hate crime legislation yet. so please, quit your intention intellectual dishonesty because you are not making yourself look good.

    you really dont have too and i honestly dont care lol. you are the one who is being intellectually dishonest, not me.

    lol in an attempt to dodge the issue you blame a web site for the accuracy of a story. i asked you if you wanted me to go with other links that had the same story but you once again ignore that because you will not man up.

    here for fun though, the same story from many web sites.....






    let me guess, you are going to try and once again dodge the story because you will say all these stories are from racist web sites right? what difference does it make if the story truly happened? just goes to show you will be intellectually dishonest at any cost to try and save face.

    AND LMAO wikipedia is racist now???? shall i pull up FBI stats...will that be considered racist by you as well? do you just clarify anything you dont like as racist to dodge the issue?

    once again, shall i post FBI statistics, or will you call them racist and not accept them?


    Jun 8, 2013
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    1. Yes. they commented that they weren't "White" nor American nationals and played up their Islamic religiosity all AFTER reports of a Middle Eastern/brown man was a suspect. REMEMBER??? I REPEAT: They had to release the photos of the Sarnaev brothers early in the investigation in part to prevent harm to followers of Islam misidentified on the Internet and by the media.harges
    2. They commented how he was "mentally ill" AND had problems adjusting in his social life. I mean they claimed he had everything from Aspergers, autism, a personality disorder to a made up AND unofficial disorder called "sensory processing disorder". REALLY!!! His mom was a gun enthusiast who owned a dozen guns with this nutcase living in the same house. (That should really be addressed) IN SUMMARY: He was branded an outlier and his behavior was not indicative of all White males.
    3. Same trick bag of mental illness to marginalize him from the White majority, this time it was paranoid schizophrenia. He's been arrested on multiple drug charges and even failed a drug test while attempting to get in the Army.

    Could it be that Sparpton paused to see more facts or do his own research INSTEAD of knee-jerk reacting, like people ALWAYS claims he does??? He can't win for losing with some people!!!

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