UK 2014 will be "The Year Of Implosion".

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Napier, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It's been coming for some time. Mark my words, 2014 will go down in British history as the year of the riots. I predict it will surpass anything I have seen here in my lifetime. Given that riots rarely achieve much of anything, I would obviously it would sooner not come to this, but it is too late.

    There were many chances to stop it ending this way. All were squandered. The political class had the chance to create conditions in which it would never end this way. All they needed to do was listen to the public at times, and act on the will of the people. Instead of that they habitually ignored the many fair issues that working and middle class people have been wanting to have a dialogue about.

    Not merely ignored. They have imposed policy which is down right the polar opposite of what is in the people's interests, and no matter how many have warned them, implored them, pointed it out to them, on they march with their own vanity projects and policies designed to hurt the people, I don't think it is so much incompetent on the part of Gov, it seems on purpose, since I find it hard to believe they don't realise that a mix of ignoring the voice of people while pushing policies to hurt the people isn't going to end badly.

    Some of those policies are already in place and have been in place for some time. Others will kick in next year, most of which are economic and designed to hurt the not so well off. Add that to the fire, and you can see why I believe 2014 will be the year of great unrest.

    But the politicians are not the only one's to blame for creating conditions for this to happen.

    If only. A % of the people themselves have played their part. Why? Because their obsessive and controlling nature (aka "political correctness"), has disallowed any reasonable and fair dialogue about anything they do not want discussed or voted on. Frankly, people generally don't like being cajoled, pushed around, told what to think, say, and what their views 'should' be on certain issues. This political correctness and those that preach it, they are not really interested in what others may have to say, they merely want to control everything, include what words and phrases you can use.

    Had it not been for them, many of the issues that are a concern to working and middle class British people would have been maturely discussed and reasonable solutions arrived at long ago.

    Instead of that, and owing to their constant suppression of any views they do not like(BBC complicit), such a dialogue was simply never fairly permitted, masses of people were made to feel like a pariah in their own country, not even "allowed" to raise so much as a voice against immigration(for example), without the usual torrent of abuse and intolerance from the PC crowd.

    So I would say the Gov are culpable for creating policy which is the polar opposite of what people want, I would blame the nature of that policy to be provocative, I would blame the journalists for not asking the tough questions and often enough, and I would blame all those that have acted as a barrier to the reasonable and fair discussion of issues they simply do not want on the radar.

    Add all of that together, and it is almost inevitable that it ends badly.

  2. USSR

    USSR New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    The sentiments you express and the predictions you make are valid and accurate,the resolution of this is the development of a Organised Conscious opposition, because as you correctly state Riots In themselves solve nothing ,in fact un lead they strengthen the Enemy.
    Even the Tradition methods of strike action are now being questioned as to their effectiveness ,in the British Working Class,Historic in its Implications.

    World Socialist Web Site


    UK teachers: “Something needs to change in the way we oppose the government”

    By our reporters
    19 October 2013

    The World Socialist Web Site interviewed teachers after the London demonstration.

    Many described the conditions that had led to their strike, speaking of having reached a critical point.

    Keith, from a school in Barnet, said, “I’ve come on strike because enough is enough. We have to do something. The changes in pensions, pay and conditions haven’t been negotiated. They’ve been forced on us without any type of dialogue.”

    His school had been forced into academy status by the government’s policies, after being put into special measures by an Ofsted inspection. “They have a political agenda,” he said. As a result the school was “significantly” worse off.

    “We were promised that we would keep more of our budget after academisation,” said Keith, “but we actually have less. Also, when you come out of the local authority you have to buy into their services, which cost a lot more.”

    Teachers from Wellington Primary School in Tower Hamlets said they were there “because we believe in education. What is going on is destroying our faith in what we are doing and if we don’t make a stand the future looks bleak.”

    Sophie asked, “Who wants children taught by teachers who are so stressed they can’t do their job properly? Expectations are raised all the time. It’s a tough, tiring job and we just want teachers to be respected for it.”

    Rebecca said, “Gove and the government make decisions not from an educational background. Everything is based on data.”

    Sophie continued, “We are both in early years. Our prime areas are Personal and Social Education, communication, physical development. What will happen to these if teachers’ pay is based on children achieving targets in Maths and Literacy? The league tables mean that teachers are already teaching to the SATs tests, now teaching to targets will stop teachers addressing the needs of children.”

    Rebecca added, “The government wants to impose longer hours for less pay. I never went into teaching for the money, but we are already working more hours than most people I know. It’s not just about now; it’s about the future. How are we going to attract good teachers?”

    Jo, from Edward Wilson Primary School in West London, said Performance Related Pay “leaves you very open. Suddenly head teachers are responsible for your pay rises. I don’t feel that the head in my school would be unfair, but some could be vindictive or get rid of teachers because they are too expensive.

    “It is also unfair to the children, and will result in changes to the curriculum if the teachers’ pay is dependent on children reaching targets in Maths and English. Schools with challenging children will end up with whatever teachers they can get and the schools with the best results already will hire the best teachers.”

    “When I started in the profession I knew what I was getting into and what the wages were … there was a good pension and job security, but gradually those things are being chipped away. The role has also changed massively; the responsibilities have grown way beyond educating children in schools, more and more social care is being piled on teachers and the pay does not reflect this. It is physically and emotionally demanding and the government can’t just keep moving the goal posts.”

    Helen, from a primary school in Islington, explained, “We need the safety of the local authority. I am from a special needs background. We need a body to regulate how these children are being supported.”

    Tim from Harringay said he opposed PRP because he didn’t want teachers competing for pay rises and not focusing on the children. “I’m music co-ordinator and music and arts are already a low priority. PRP will force them further down.”

    Tom, from Kingston, explained that government changes meant that in early years they have to focus on a “typical child.” Children are expected to be at a certain point at a certain age.

    “One hundred percent of the children in my school are below this ‘typical child’,” Tom explained. “In my school we have a lot of children with special needs—they bring down our data. It is an unfair picture but it makes our school look bad compared to a school which won’t take on these children.”

    Kevin, from a Hackney secondary school, said, “I don’t like the way we are moving away from the focus of the children. They are the ones who lose out when it is made harder for teachers to do their job.” PRP, he said, “is a divisive policy which will create an environment of teachers competing against each other and having to jump through hoops. It will particularly affect the younger teachers.”

    There is dissatisfaction with the limited character of the political response by the unions.

    Kevin asked, “What sort of force would we be if all the unions came together?” He had no illusions in any future Labour government: “If Labour come in they won’t change anything. They will just say that it is not their fault.”

    Tim said, “Really a couple of days of action in three years is rubbish.”

    He continued, “The NUT represents us. They shouldn’t ask Gove, they should tell him. They are just trying to show some opposition rather than saying ‘we are here to win’… I feel like we have been moving in this direction for 30 years and nothing changes. The left parties are like flies stuck in a room banging their heads on the window. Something needs to change in the way we oppose the government.”

    Some schools had reached out to parents. Helen from Islington said they had leafleted outside the school “to let the parents know why we are striking; that it is not just about pay. When they understood what is happening most of them supported us. I support the action because it is important to stand up, but a national strike would have hit harder. “

    Julie, from Barnet, agreed: “I don’t think it’s enough. It’s very conservative. We should strike consecutive days until the government gives in.”

    Copyright © 1998-2013 World Socialist Web Site - All rights reserved


    Old ways being replaced by new forms of Struggle!
    Pressuring the Government Doesn't work ,Strike actions inadequate, Political Strikes with demands and the struggle for political power now the Question of the DAY!

    You may well be right ,100 years since the first World War ,Maybe the Beginning of the End for the Capitalist Putridity!

  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I may get the popcorn in, because as much as the left leaning middle class crowd want to shake their first and make out like everything is just fine and sweet, and that working class native people are thrilled to either be kicked around by their Gov or by minority groups, things aren't fine, and people aren't happy with being kicked around by minority groups. It may well be that those very legitimate views are not allowed to be expressed on the BBC etc, and it may well be that leftists will remain in some state of denial, but they are fools then, fools that do not understand the simple laws of cause and effect.

    Native Europeans have been getting crapped on for decades by Gov's various.

    Not content with robbing us blind, they foist immigration on us, without thought or care.

    It's the fact that no one has been allowed to have this dialogue long before now, that will end with things exploding. If you respect the views of others, esp if they are in fact the native population, and you do not suppress their voice and attack their character, then they do not feel powerless and disenfranchised. Problems are averted by dialogue. But when you suppress dialogue, either by not covering it(as the BBC do), or by attacking anyone(as the left and PC brigade do), that actually create huge problems further down the line(which of course they take no resp for).
  4. USSR

    USSR New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I will be going to the queens court of the penal Colony of NSW ,for Celebrating the Thing called Thatchers Death , singing Ding Dong the Witch is dead is evidently a crime in this State.
    Can't call supporters of Thatcher, Thatcherite scum evidently ,yep the Liberal PC ,US Imperialist crowd are human vomit!

    Every Kicked Dog has its day ,and the Working Class may be battered ,but hey when aren't we ,But we are NOT DEFEATED !

    Class Identity YES, Community Identity NO!

    Wish me luck as I go to kick the crap out of Queen Elizabeth's government of the Penal colony of NSW!
    Should smash that new Royal brats head on a rock ,as her Red coats did to the Aboriginal Babies after shooting their parents.[Only Joking ,ASIO, NSA, CIA,MI5]

    We will accept Abdication as a way to avoid ,total disaster for the House of Windsor ,last chance and the Window of Opportunity is closing FAST, Abdicate Liz before its to late!

    Who says I don't Compromise.

    Queens and hers ain't the real target ,the stinking Capitalist's and their defenders ARE!
  5. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    So who do you expect to riot? The immigrants or the native British?
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Good question. Well, the immigrants have nothing to fairly kick off about. Let's be honest, for all their moaning and groaning, if things were so bad here then they would go back to their homeland or somewhere else, and live in this utopia that they seem to have in mind. I am sure if they did that, not many would break sweat to stand in their way. They are fettered here. The fact the hard left tell you otherwise is part of the problem I speak of, since in silencing any dissenting voices or even a reasonable early debate about this, they seem to think people's fair position will just sort of go away.

    It won't though. I don't know if it's because they don't live in the inner cities, but in some nice plush rural part of the World in which they can play fantasy world with other people's lives, or if they are just outright so controlling that since they have decided immigrants can only be a good thing, then anyone that says otherwise is a heretic to be scorned. Either way, it is they who have added to and caused this pressure.

    In fact they have probably made more of a pest of the immigrants by making them into some sort of pet underclass.

    Moreover, the simple fact that the BBC themselves were forced to admit that they do not tend to report race crime if the victim is white/ethnic European, is evidence of how deep the agenda goes. In fact, they have made things so crazy that even if I can prove to you that there is a real problem with race crime against the native people here, in their insane world, that makes me the racist for proving it.

    There is no doubt that multi culturalism has been bad for most. Even the talking heads admit that now. Albeit they were part of the brat pack that encouraged it of course. If it were so great, we would have had the debate years ago, and the host people would have been fully involved in a referendum on such a key thing, and the vote would have born out the truth. Assuming people could vote free of intimidation of course.

    It is not generally in the nature of the host people to riot for no reasons. They tend to prefer to build up rather than destroy. The only real exceptions I have seen to this are mobs of the far left and so called "anarchists". It's hard to give a more accurate answer, but it is inevitable that if large numbers of young native people are ignored and kicked around by Gov, and immigrants, then with the greatest will in the World, sooner or later they are going to fight back.

    Ideally it would never come to this, but like I say, blame the far left and previous Gov's.

    Blame the fact that our law enforcement are too cowardly with political correctness to apply the law as it should be applied.

    Blame the media for totally ignoring these issues.

    No one is going to put up with that forever. No one.

    Not here, and not in the rest of Europe.
  7. Colonel K

    Colonel K Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    We Picts will kick those Eastern European Anglo-Saxon immigrants back to Germany!
  8. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Soooooo you predict riots in 2014 but don't even know who it is that will be rioting????
  9. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Why, do you have a bad soccer team?
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    What do you want, a blow by blow account as to how it will all play out...
  11. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    No, just who it would be doing the rioting.
  12. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Hard to say who will specifically start it, per se. Potentially anything could ignite it now. But it would generally be the working and working/middle class.
  13. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Can I give a high-five to the working class of Britons for being pissed at the Far-Left? Leftists here in America still don't recognize we're being screwed over.
  14. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    The far left will never do that which is good for nation. The far left have always been, by definition, "internationalists". Like Jewish Zionists(who are not really nationalists at all, given how many of them there are in other Gov's outwith the Jewish state). The far left want some sort of egalitarian nightmare. It is the far left who have been a large part of the problem, by pushing their suppression of dialogue on matters pertaining to immigration. The far left would call me a racist(or you), for pointing out our media and politicians are ignoring immigrant on host crime.
  15. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    The fact is that long dead populist movements have no answers , fascism is just a panic room that does not address issues
    Rioting for the shake of rioting has no answers .
    The French revolution had all those great thinkers behind it and a universe of choices yet we all know what happen.

    There has to be a road map for dissent , a schedule of what to do and how to do it , a program for the day after and above all a restraint for emotionalism .
    Europeans have to take their democracies back , punish the traitors, set up rules to avoid neoliberal slips in the future and proceed with our lives.
  16. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    The French Revolution gave them Napoleon Bontaparte, one of the 20th centuries's modern conquerers. I'm sure the French were proud of a French Restoration of their Empire.

    Of course, it inevitably fell when Napoleon foolishly sought Afghanistan. But that's not so much on Napoleon in hindsight, the U.S and the USSR have both fell in the pithole called Afghanistan.

    You call Nationalism "emotional", but I disagree. It's the emphasis of populism which should be the model for all government. The only problem is that in a widespread of populism, the danger we face is in seeing another national political body as a "threat".

    But the Britons are no threat to me. So long as they don't try to "take back" the American colonies, I don't think we'll ever be at war. Hell, is there even a minority of Brits who have that as a "political position"? Jack, you live in the U.K. Any wackos that wanna take back the colonies?
  17. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Napoleon hijacked the republic , even if we agree that Austria and Prussia had to be punished.

    The issues Europeans are facing have nothing to do with nationality and cannot be solved on a national level , what is the purpose of killing neoliberalism in France when it can immigrate in Germany ?

    I like to believe that old nationalisms are dead .
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    The "road map to dissent" should ideally not need happen, since it is the duty of Gov and law enforcement to protect us. It is their wilful negligence and ignorance of this that has denied people a safety valve to have their views fairly heard. The media have admitted they are complicit in ignoring crimes committed by immigrants against the host people. These things are not views but facts I can evidence. And even if we try to flag that up in other ways, like on the net, the far left are always there to drown us out.

    So when things kick off, all of the above are guilty.
  19. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    You expect from government to "do their duty" ? haha yeah boy good luck with that !
    Luckily our constitution justifies the use of violence against the government when their policies do not serve the best interests of the people ( yes we have a funny constitution) .
    Seriously what is your problem with the immigrants? stop looking at the smoke screen and see whose behind .

    As we speak in Brazil the government is negotiating oil drilling rights with global capitalists and they have the army to protect the venue from protesters .... you think that protesters should go bust the heads of Bolivian / Paraguayan immigrants instead ?
  20. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Absolutely yes.

    Without that they have no business being a Government.
  21. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    To save the French People? The Germans of course have their own unprecedented media issues(that would totally derail the thread). But I actually think the Germans will also once more kick out the International Neo-Liberals. How long do we expect a great nation such as Germany to simply let itself get it's ass kicked?

    How long do we expect all of the Western nations to let ourselves get our asses kicked? Nationalism is the safeguard of our countries. Without national pride, they can come in and tell us that we're "sinful", that we're "evil' and that our traditions and values are "outdated" and should be "replaced".

    We MUST fight for our countries, if not, we shall cast no stone when they collapse. Even if our voices are only one,a single voice of dissent is always recorded in history.
  22. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I will leave the historical stuff out , we can discuss them maybe in another thread.

    So you say i must fight against a Bulgarian, an Italian and a Portuguese? because of what? we are all equally screwed by neoliberalism , the enemy is not the other nationality but the banksters , the rich leeches and their dogs in the government.

    As you see by my flag i am a Greek, this means that i am in the middle so my concerns about the west are as big as my concerns about the east.
    Traditional values will get you nowhere because the issues we have are not traditional , what we are dealing here is global cleptocracy , debtocracy and looting of people's blood .

    Coming from an old nation i was taught in school that my country was "collapsed" several times , each and every one of it was because my nationals were wrong and acted wrong , if "west" is acting wrong let the whole thing go down so we can rebuild it as we like it.
  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    There is no reason. For one thing they are your European cousins, so never a need to fight your own. For another thing, Italians etc are not hurting you inside Greece. Italians are not attacking the host British and this is then covered up by media and politicians. If they were, then sure, people would get tired of it and fight back.
  24. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    There you go , our problems have no nationality and our enemy is in Brussels .
    You do know that there would be no Syrian refugees if EU have taken the right choice to help Assad deal with the (*)(*)(*)(*)heads.
    You do know that there would be no Libyan refugees if EU haven't depose Kaddafi
  25. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Yes I do.

    The EU is anti European and I would abolish it with immediate effect.

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