Barack Obama "The Rock Star Legal Professor" is a Total Fraud

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Eighty Deuce, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    And he'd be president again if he could run. I feel like my 1st Amendment rights are being trampled on.

    REPUBLICRAT Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    In what way?
  3. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I'm not being allowed to support the man I'd like to see be president.

    REPUBLICRAT Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Why not? Who?
  5. Yosh Shmenge

    Yosh Shmenge New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Okay :)roll:). First of all, you are just factually wrong! Amazing, I know, but true.

    According to the Real Clear Politics average of Obama job approval polling (Gallup being among those included) from 5/12 through 6/1 Barry Obama has nearly a 50% disapproval rating (49.9) and only 44.6 approval for an overall minus 5.3 rating.

    The economy is actually going backwards. Obama has no handle on ISIS whatsoever. He's just been slapped down yet again by the courts on his immigration scam and his health care debacle is failing so many ways if it was a patient doctors would pull the plug (massive increases in health plan premiums are just now beginning).
    What's not to not like?

    However even if we throw this bit of bad news (for you) out it still does nothing to change the OP's documented
    disenchantment with Obama the lecturer. And it does nothing to change the general sense of buyer's remorse
    surrounding this dud of a president.

    And it all fits the thread OP. Wild excitement over Obama is replaced by a sense of disappointment and failure the longer this guy stays around. His biggest defenders are reduced to favorably comparing Obama to Bush (which is like saying your wife's cooking is better than cold beans out of the can).
    Remember the comparison's to Lincoln and the talk about Obama The Lightworker? LOL...that's so far in the rear view mirror now it seems like ancient history.

    Now, why do you make yourself seem so silly and off base?
    That's the better question. Thanks for the laugh.

    REPUBLICRAT Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Okay. We can use the numbers you posted. Still WAY better than his predecessor. Therefore, they still doesn't support your argument at all.
  7. Yosh Shmenge

    Yosh Shmenge New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Thanks but that still doesn't address the thread issue which is not "Is Obama More Popular Than Bush or Not" but you actually make the thread point anyway.

    Obama has gone from wildly loved world savior to just some guy who is better than George Bush (even in the eyes of his supporters) and that's such a low bar even Steven Hawking could jump over that.

    Think about it.

    REPUBLICRAT Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Okay. We are in agreement then. Obama's not that great, but Bush was terrible.
  9. Yosh Shmenge

    Yosh Shmenge New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Yes...but I would put it that both have been terrible presidents. It's the Iraq war that makes Bush so much worse than Obama. But in his own way, Obama has been worse than Bush.

    So it's a race to the bottom with those two. They are 1 and 1-A in a negative sense and I wouldn't argue with calling each of them worse than the other.
  10. CJtheModerate

    CJtheModerate New Member

    Jul 8, 2013
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    Why did you bump a three year old thread?
  11. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Heh heh - good find JBG. :)
  12. JBG

    JBG Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2008
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    It was listed in another thread as "similar" and its title intrigued me. Did bumping it cause you any damage?
  13. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Correct. The fanatical Obama supporters don't compare Obama to Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan -- arguably powerful and accomplished presidents whether one liked them or not -- instead these pathetic sycophants compare Barack to G.W. Bush. Well shlt, anyone SHOULD look better than Bush as president. So I want the sycophants to go back to comparing Obama to Lincoln and FDR and to Kennedy and Wilson. I want them to explain to us how Barack Obama stands today head and shoulders above average presidents; but do so WITHOUT flinging endlessly debunked propaganda our way. They . . . can't . . . do . . . it.
  14. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    The Washington Examiner, Really. If those BS Artists said the sky was blue I would go outside and double check it and make sure. If you are going to go after someone, at least find a Credible source.
  15. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    ROFL! Any source can be discredited. We are by now well aware that liberals have completely lost the power of discrimination, they can no longer discern a fact from the rest of the verbiage into which it's embedded.
  16. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    And some sources discredit themselves, as with the Washington Examiner, the only thing that needs examining is the heads of those that buy into their BS, since it is obvious that something seems to be cutting off the blood flow.
  17. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Like I said....

    Liberals could find a diamond in the ground and they'd toss it away because someone previously poured toxic waste on the spot and now "the ground has been discredited" so therefore nothing good can possibly come of it.

    You clowns are really dumb sometimes. It's okay though, we understand.
  18. Yosh Shmenge

    Yosh Shmenge New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    The change has been noticeable and at some point (before his reelection I noticed the shift) Obama zombies stopped claiming he was a savior and brilliant enlightened being in favor of noting constantly that at the very least...Barry was a better president than George Bush.

    Wow! Talk about a hurdle! Somebody who fell in a coma shortly after Obama became president in '08 might well wake up and wonder who's this ne're do well incompetent black guy in the White House and what happened to Barack "The Lightworker" Obama? Buyer's remorse, indeed!
  19. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Ya think? Could be. In September 2012 when I wrote the post you responded to, conservatives were confidently braying about how Obama was going to get his ass kicked in a landslide.
  20. Yosh Shmenge

    Yosh Shmenge New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    I have no idea when you wrote your post and it really doesn't matter. You are just one more lefty ignoring the well known phenomenon of political buyer's remorse when it comes to Obama.
    The longer people are exposed to him the less popular he becomes. His lecturing job is a good illustration.

    Have you noted the last time someone compared him to Lincoln, Roosevelt or Jesus or said he got a tingle in his leg listening to Obama speak?

    To experience and know Obama is to be profoundly disappointed by him and in the hype that surrounded him and to realize that, far from being a quasi-mystical Lightworker or a transformational figure, he is, by all accounts,
    a less than ordinary president who is interested in having power but not all that interested in governing.

    A new ranking of all presidents shows Obama to be, at eighteen, a less than stellar leader and considering our floundering economy, confused foreign policy, his tendency to chip away at civil liberties and his proclivity for
    abusing the law, I'd say a ranking of eighteen (wedged in between HW Bush and James Polk) is very generous indeed.

    You've made it clear you really don't understand the point of the thread.
  21. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Correct. There's only two reasons Barack's polling numbers are not down in the low thirties at this point; mostly those pollings are Dem weighted and mostly the bulk of the nation's Mainstream Media (who ARE filled with leftists) have not turned on their anointed one. A bad GOPer president? No problem bringing his polling numbers down to the realm of reality as the MSM pounds him into the ground but to this day the bulk of the Left-aligned MSM STILL spins and covers for good ol' Barry, THEIR Anointed One.

    But on the whole professional historians don't care about skewed polling returns or MSM infatuations. Historians look at cold, hard data and what was actually happening in the nation and the world at the time of a presidency. Professional historians will not be kind to King Barry.
  22. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    You can see the date above my post which you responded to. Its from September 2012. Shortly before the Nov 2012 elections, when conservatives were roundly claiming Obama would get his ass wiped

    Seems like conservatives are the ones in denial.

    I'm not disappointed in Obama at all. When Obama took office, the economy was tanking at a -9% real rate, losing 700,000+ jobs a month, unemployment was 7.8% skyrocketing upward, and the stock markets and housing markets were crashing in the worst recession in 80 years. The deficit was running at $1.2 trillion, soon projected to hit $1.9 trillion, the housing market was destroyed, and the economy was headed straight for a depression.
    But now the the private sector has added more jobs every month for 61 months in a row, stock markets are up about 175% from their recession lows to record highs, corporate profits have hit all time highs, we've gained back all the jobs lost in the recession, the housing market is recovering, the deficit has been cut by two thirds, the unemployment rate has fallen from 10% to 5.5%, and over 11 million additional private sector jobs have been added since Jan 2010.

    The only reason the economy hasn't done better is the unprecedented austerity the Repbulicans forced on us in their effort to undermine the economy for their selfish political purposes.

    Why would I be disappointed? I never claimed he was a rock star or Lincoln. Maybe a few did.

    Just another giant RW strawman, dredged up from three years ago.
  23. Yosh Shmenge

    Yosh Shmenge New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    I'm sure it seems like that to you. If you look at all the pre-mid term predictions by zealous left wingers you get a totally different picture however.
    Same for both the Bush elections. You never seem to appreciate how both sides behave so much alike.

    Of course not........:roll:

    You can save your formulaic talking points. The economy was very bad at one point and now it's better. That's true of much of the world that all went through the last recession together.
    It's no thanks to Obama who simply followed a game plan laid out by the Fed and that was actually formulated while Bush was still in office.
    Billions were printed up to prop up Wall Street and the Big Banks and for the leftist cheerleaders who have always hated Reagan trickle down theory hardly any of them criticized Obama when he presided over the biggest trickle down orgy of spending this country has ever seen.

    If Obama had a single ounce of economic brains and acumen in his head we wouldn't have an economy that's actually contracting. Things are getting worse. Not better. Anemic is the new normal in Obama World.'s all them gol derned meddlin' republicrans, I tells ya'!

    LOL. Obama has one single economic goal, thought, interest, idea, etc. and one only: raise taxes on rich people.
    That's why we actually moving in reverse!

    It was all those other people. Not you. Got it.
    Well, if that's true (IF) good for you but many of your ideological soul mates did drink the kool aid and thought Barry Obama was a special sort of human being (and not just an empty suit marketed by progressive hucksters like a box of cereal), not that any of them will admit that now that everyone sees the emperor was naked all along.
    Your denials seem weak considering how fiercely you still defend abject failure.
    Not only is he not exceptional but he's been decidedly less than average.

    The public's buyer's remorse is a very real thing. It's your pathetic denials that ring untrue.
  24. siddhartha

    siddhartha New Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Yosh's post summerized:
    Obama bad. Don't agree, you're a dummy. If you want to argue the point, lalalalalalalalalalala I can't hear you.
  25. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Must not be a lot of them on the board.

    Yet so different.

    Why should I be?

    o Economy that was tanking at a -9% rate and shedding 700,000+ jobs a month turned around
    o a record 60 straight months of private sector employment growth.
    o 125% increase in the stock markets since taking office
    o More than halved the deficit in 4 years.
    o Got Osama bin Laden.
    o Saved 2-3 million jobs with stimulus package
    o First decrease in spending in a year in decades - 3 times.
    o Stock markets up 170% since bottom of the recession in 2009
    o Over 11 million additional private sector jobs created since Jan 2010
    o Oil production increasing for the first time in decades.
    o Ousted Muamar Kadaffi at 1/1000 the cost of the Iraq war
    o Deficit reduced by a then record $212 billion, down 16%, in 2012.
    o Deficit reduced by a new record $408 billion, down 37%, in 2013
    o Record corporate profits
    o Passed health care reform that will provide coverage to tens of millions of Americans
    o 5 straight years of GDP growth
    o Unemployment rate dropped from 10% to 5.6%
    o U.S. becomes world's top petroleum and energy producer
    o Passed financial regulation reform to prevent another housing bubble fiasco.
    o Diplomatically coerced Syria to give up WMD without war or loss of single American life.
    o Recovered all jobs lost in the worst recession in 80 years
    o Lowest rate of spending increases of any president in modern history
    o On-budget deficit has decreased every full fiscal year he's been in office.
    o Average initial jobless claims drops to levels last seen when Clinton was president.
    o US domestic oil use decreasing
    o Net creation of millions of people employed despite inheriting a economy losing 700,000+ jobs a month

    If Obama were a white Republican, conservatives would be hailing him as a savior.

    I agree its better since Obama took office. At least you acknowledge indisputable fact, which put you way ahead of most of your fellows.

    So why am I supposed to be so disappointed again?

    I agree that many people give the president to much blame or credit. But I disagree, his stimulus helped.

    Learn a little about the economy. Obama doesn't print money.

    You're blaming Obama for Republican austerity and trickle down programs. Why am I supposed to be disappointed in Obama for that?

    You never seem to appreciate how both sides behave so much alike.

    LOL. Feel free to prove you silly claim.

    Feel free to quote my post you're referring to.

    Kind of like the mythology of Saint Ronnie that conservatives have fabricated?

    You never seem to appreciate how both sides behave so much alike.

    Disagree. See above.

    You're pathetic baseless claims ring untrue.

    I'm still waiting for you to show us what I'm supposed to be so disappointed about.

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