Israel Strikes Iranian Oil Tankers Bound For Syria

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Giftedone, Mar 12, 2021.


Israel needs to be reigned in

  1. Yes - these continuous wars in the ME need to stop - Israel is a problem

    9 vote(s)
  2. NO NO NO - nothing to see here - Iran is the bad guy .. Israel the good guy

    10 vote(s)
  3. Other -

    4 vote(s)
  1. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Haha... good question! The US has never been the "good guy", that is for sure!! All I have to remember are the German POWS on the Rheinwiesen!!

    The USA is false and deceitful enough to help one country to fight another one, only to turn around afterwards and accuse the first country of treason and annihilate it!!
    Such was Iraq's fate! Dirty US scoundrels... and to think, a German was the main instigator, Rumsfeld. I never liked the guy.
    Net Worth in 2021: $25 million!!!!
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  2. Esdraelon

    Esdraelon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I see accusations, not proof. The reason the U.S. is in northeastern Syria is to stop Iran from completing its land bridge between Iran and Syria. Israel doesn't need Syrian oil, which is extremely limited. They're developing natural gas reserves that far dwarf any oil from Syria. So, yes, we are there in part to protect Israel, but NOT by pilfering Syria's oil. These propaganda pieces are from those who want the U.S. out of the way so that Iran can finish Israel. If they achieve this goal, they may discover they've miscalculated. Our "interference" isn't to stop her enemies from destroying Israel. We're there to keep Israel from destroying those who speak of annihilating the Jewish state. IOW, they should be careful what they wish for.
  3. Esdraelon

    Esdraelon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 8, 2020
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    Ever hear of a place called MALMEDY?
  4. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    O.k., let's take a look at what we are talking about...
    I see, that is an enormous stretch of land to traverse. The Iraqis have to be friendly and let them through or fly over.
    I heard of Israel steadily penetrating Syria and bombing anything they don't like. Why is nobody taking an issue with them?
  5. Tejas

    Tejas Banned

    Feb 3, 2021
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    "Sheep" are a Biblical symbol for Israelites. Jesus said He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus also said His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him. To the antichrist Edomite-jews [who ruled Judea during the time of Christ] Jesus said they do not believe because they are NOT His sheep!

    Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9 refer to fake "jews" = these are the antichrist Edomites [descendants of Esau/Edom] who feigned "conversion" en masse in the 2nd century BC so they could live in and later usurp and pervert Judea. Here at the end of the age, the evil antichrist Edomite-jews once again maliciously occupy and pervert God's Holy Land.

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2021
  6. DEFinning

    DEFinning Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 25, 2020
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    I agree with you that this is an illegal act, by international law, on Israel's part-- who could dispute it?
    But what, precisely, do you mean by WE need to put a leash on Israel? Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it clear, w/ regard to Iran, he doesn't care what any other nation, including us, thinks about the matter. This tendency to make their own law, though, has long been demonstrated by Israel, in connection with their ongoing handling of the Palestinian, "situation." To be fair, they are nothing of a rarity, in this respect. From Saudi Arabia, to Iran, to Syria, to Turkey, to Russia, to China, to the U.S., many nations have been known to gauge behavior that is acceptable, by what they think they can get away with. And, as the partial list, above, indicates, they usually do (get away with it).

    From a conversational viewpoint, this topic does lead to numerous other, potentially-interesting, avenues, such as the Avenue of motivations limiting successful international law (formerly called Conflicting Interests Ave.). The U.S., itself, is not a party to the World Court.

    Also, we might look at the on-the-ground reality for countries of the Middle East. Of the 15 countries in the world who dedicate the highest percentage of their GDPs to military spending, 8 are in the Mid-East. This is for reasons both foreign, & domestic. But Israel's supporters (not I) might make the case that it's unhealthy to act like a sheep while one is surrounded by wolves. Actually, from this angle, the new alliances forming between Israel & Saudi Arabia, for example, are a very interesting topic for speculation.

    We could also look at the U.S. relationship with the Middle East, as an arms supplier. Oman leads the world, spending 8.8 of its GDP on its military; Saudi Arabia is second, at 8.0%, and we are their main supplier-- no wonder our previous, salesman-President, "like(d) them very much"-- along with some others in the region (Kuwait, 5.6%; Israel, 5.3%). For comparison, most countries spend roughly between 1 & 2.5 %; Russia, 3.9%; the U.S.(with an exponentially-greater GDP), 3.4%, which is also 38% of the GLOBAL TOTAL military spending, but I digress; China, 1.9%.

    Back to your OP-- my main concern here, though, is Israel's getting into a major war and expecting us to be waiting at the ropes, to be tagged-in to the fight, if necessary (in the meantime, of course, it would mean good business for our arms industry). Had this been happening under a President Trump, it seems likely he would point to the fact that there is an international embargo against these oil shipments to Syria-- as you noted-- even if that doesn't permit sinking of the tankers (Trump would not have included that latter part, it's safe to say).

    I think the best thing President Biden could do to restrain, to whatever extent is possible, the Israelis, would be to announce, in a public speech, that we condemn these attacks-- which he wouldn't put so strongly, I don't expect, but more like: we don't condone the attacks, and see them as a violation of international law-- and that WE WILL NOT SUPPORT ISRAEL IN ANY MILITARY ESCALATION COMING OUT OF THESE ILLEGAL ACTS.

    P.S.-- I'm curious as to if you have much knowledge about the interaction, in Israel, between the two offices of PRESIDENT & PRIME MINISTER, as well as the personal relationship & political dynamic between the men currently in those offices.
    Giftedone likes this.
  7. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    While it is true you can identify someone's ethnic background from DNA .... don't think you can identify what tribe of Israel someone came from.

    The second point is that most people of ME descent are going to have Semetic roots .. in fact .. a whole lot in Europe - and thus North America as well.

    If you are Caucasian .. there is a very good chance you have Semitic blood running though our veins.

    This is why the term "Anti Semite" is a misnomer. Most of the Anti Semites .. are Semites.

    The Sumerian Empire lasted near 3000 years .. them Semites got around quite a bit over that time period.
  8. JET3534

    JET3534 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I would say this guy was the main instigator.
    Jazz likes this.
  9. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Did I mention mention an atomic Bomb in this thread ?

    That is not a good idea - buy you do have a point w/r to nukes - in that they are likely to proliferate at some point ... thanks to USA/France opening Pandora's box.
  10. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Not sure about the antichrist - not sure we can trace them to the Edomites either. Always thought the "Universal Church" best fit the bill for the anti Christ - ushering in the 1000 years of horror.

    But this has little to do with the propagation of terror in the middle east.
  11. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    What a ridiculous post .. one that you clearly have not thought out .. and a disingenuous mischaracterization of the situation .. whether you realize it or not ..

    Has the US not threatened to destroy Iran ?

    You then finish with an unsupported claim "Iran is the Bad Guy" -- ok .. how so .. and by what metric.

    For most of the last 10 years - Iran was fighting Al Qaeda/ISIS .. in both Syria and Yemen - While the El Saud - USA- Israel Trinity was arming, supplying and supporting Al Qaeda/ISIS.

    So you are in essence claiming that Al Qaeda/ISIS are the good guys.. Each to their own I suppose - but I disagree with your assessment.
  12. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    What a ridiculous post - Do you not believe that there are conspiracies going on ? You are as naive as a newborn if you don't.

    You then blubber on about really dumb conspiracy theory - making no comment on the NWO.
  13. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    You made many points .. good ones. 20 years ago ..almost to the day give or talk 6 months - 911 happened .. and we declared a war on Al Qaeda .. and war on Terror began.

    Instead of going after El Saud - the source nation of the Ideology that spawns these radical Islamist Salafi groups - we go after Iraq . one of two major Secular Muslim nations in the ME - Saddam was Evil Personified .. but he was not Al Qaeda .. and in fact was a blood enemy on account of Secularism .. Mission #1 of these groups is to rid the world of Secularism .. and while the Western Infidel is bad .. a Secular nation in the ME, is a cancer from within.

    And we ushered in the "Patriot Act" .. bill which made it our patriotic duty to trade essential liberty for security. - so scary was this terrorist threat .. so dangerous .. that the risk of harm to a US citizen from terrorist act is 400 times less than the risk of harm from "Walking".

    Nary 10 years after 911 - and for most of the last decade - we were allied with Al Qaeda/ISIS in 2 wars .. arming, supporting, supplying the new State Created by these sicko's in Syria .. for years after the world was well aware of the atrocity - genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity

    You could not make up a more Orwellian Script.. Obama changes the name of the "Patriot Act" to the "Freedom Act" - and persecutes whistle blowers like never before.

    Now we have Smokin Joe - who was right there through that sht storm - calling a bunch of unarmed protesters who got out of control and did some damage to the capital building "Terrorists"

    Ya can't make this stuff up - DoubleSpeak up the yang..

    The last 4 years - telling us that the US public - being informed about the dirty deeds of one of the candidates - to one of the other candidates - prior to the election "Harmed" our electoral process..

    Ya can't make this sht up.

    Do as we say - not as We do. This is our foreign policy.. - and we used to be able to get away with it .. back when we were the only Economic game in town - and everyone wanted to play.

    This is no longer the case ..and hasn't been for some time now .. more pronounced as the years go by - and not getting any better anytime soon. Our actions have consequences .. what we do .. others will copy

    We annex Kosavo from Sovereign Serbia -- Russia annexes Crimea - no if one can do it .. why not the other ?

    We lower the Terrorism bar to - unarmed protesters getting out of hand - what can we say about China's treatment of their Muslim population .. under the label of "Domestic Terrorists" ..

    Now we have decided to go against the millennia old - unspoken agreement - and I believe we have signed treaties to this effect in modern times - that we don't assassinate political officials of other nations .. especially not during non-wartime .. reason being is that there is no better way to start a war .. as any Historian will tell you .. WW1 being the last time that comes to mind where a war started over a political assassination.

    So what - now China - Russia should start doing this ? .. what about Iran - retaliating .. they have already put out the list..

    Lets just throw out the rule book .. why one .. . Yeah .. I know we all signed on to it .. but .. we can violate it and others will not follow.. That's the key to winning friends and influencing people.
  14. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Of course! How could I have forgotten him?! He belonged to PNAC, who’s members included Zionists’ Wolfowitz, Libby, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, Elliott Abrams, and Zionist sympathizers’ Rumsfeld, Cheney, & Jeb Bush.

    And then we have the Wolfowitz Doctrin, a document authored by Zionist neo-con Paul Wolfowitz, is the key to understanding the United States’ geopolitical policy and behavior.
    It brazenly advocates that America do everything in its power to retain its global hegemony and superpower status, including ensuring that Russia, China, Iran and other regional powers – but especially Russia – be prevented from attaining enough power to seriously challenge the US. In short, it’s another US blueprint for total global supremacy.

    There are many quotable passages from the Wolfowitz Doctrine. Here’s one which sums up its aims:

    “Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power. These regions include Western Europe, East Asia, the territory of the former Soviet Union, and Southwest Asia.”

    The Wolfowitz Doctrine was not created in a vacuum, of course. It has a strong history of American arrogance and cockiness behind it, and it inspired numerous works after it. Just look at co-founder of the Trilateral Commission (along with David Rockefeller) and big-time NWO insider Zbigniew Brzezinski (the very same guy who bemoaned that it was easier to kill than control people).
    Brzezinski is an avowed Russophobe who for decades has been pushing for America to encircle Russia and capture the lion’s share of Eurasia.

    Cold-hearted NWO conspirator Brzezinski laments that in the past it was easier to control the masses than kill them, but it’s now easier to kill than control. That’s tough, Zbigniew; I’m so sorry we’re harder to control now …

    In his book The Grand Chessboard, written in 1997, Brzezinski writes:
    “The most immediate task is to make certain that no state or combination of states gains the capacity to expel the United States from Eurasia or even to diminish significantly its decisive arbitrating role.”

    ” … the expansion of NATO is essential.”
    Brzezinski and his ilk have been and are still concerned with just one thing: power. It’s presupposed that might is right and that American supremacy is moral. The pervading issue is always: how can America expand or at least maintain its global power?

    Paul Wolfowitz and his PNAC neocon pals got their new Pearl Harbor with 3000 American deaths. We got the fake War on Terror.
    Wolfowitz is perhaps better known not for writing the Wolfowitz Doctrine but for co-authoring Rebuilding America’s Defenses, a report released in September 2000 by Zionist neocon think tank PNAC (The Project for a New American Century). The PNAC membership list is a “Who’s Who” of American Zionist New World Order conspirators – in addition to Wolfowitz the list includes Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Kagan, I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, Richard Perle, Doug Feith and many others. The report contains the now infamous sentence:

    “This process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

    Read on here:
    This article shows so clearly, how and who kidnapped the gullible Americans... the Zionists and their sympathizers in high places!
    Like Sharon said: "We control America!"
    JET3534 likes this.
  15. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    The nuclear issue is the gorilla in the room.
  16. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Yes, without looking it up - I think the Jew was a sub-group of the Semitic sub-group.
    Scientists can determine the Levite haplotype (genetic characteristic) largely by looking at the Cohen/Cohanim
    family group. Half of all this group in the world are related. This give you a link not just to Cohens but all the way
    back to Aaron, brother of Moses.
  17. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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  18. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    'Sheep' in the bible have many connotations. A sheep could be a metaphor for the people
    Jesus brought into His fold, "one fold and one shepherd." And the Judgment is about sheep
    and goats. You can't shoehorn Edomite's and Israelite's into this. Sheep meant different things
    in different verses.
  19. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Well of course it is - but has little to do with terrorism - at most a very small part .. the targeted assassination of the "Nuke" scientist had nothing to do with stopping Iran's nuke program - as killing this civilian will not make a difference to Iran's nuke program. It was a Political Assassination ..

    This policy by Israel - practiced by no other civilized nation .. and no uncivilized ones of any significance that I can think of - is friggen disturbing .. very bad Karma .. if this were any other nation but Israel you would be upset .. and this is a problem.
  20. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Quote - "Why is nobody taking an issue with them?"
    Just like nobody is taking issue with Iran sending 150,000 missiles to Lebanon and Syria
    in violation of the UN peace accord.
    And just like Iran has been systematically violating its nuclear obligations as it attempts
    to build an atomic bomb.

    Mostly people don't take issues with other nations because it's all super complicated and
    they just want to get on with their own lives.
    Esdraelon likes this.
  21. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Yes, I have. And I have read some articles just tonight about it.
    It seems a tragic story of misunderstanding on the German part. They apparently found these GIs standing around unguarded and started shooting. First one, then another halftruck arrived and shot with their machine gun at the now running away soldiers.
    Very sad and I feel for the poor GIs.
    I had three older brothers myself in the war. The eldest fell in Russia end of 1941; the second brother was taken prisoner by partisans in Rumania and eventually ended up in a work camp in Siberia. He came back barely alive, but the good Americans sent him through a delousing and shower facility before dropping him off at our house. My youngest brother went to war at age 17 and fought on both fronts, he eventually surrendered to the Americans and ended up on the famous Rheinwiesen. He weighed 43kg when they shipped him to France for 3 more years of slave labor. In the fall of 1948 he came back after having been gone for five straight years!

    You can by no means compare the Malmedy incident with the deliberate massacre of 1.7 million German POWs AFTER the war had ended!!! That is an unforgivable crime by the Americans!
  22. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    I can see where Israel comes from. A political assassination would more likely involve a political
    person, is Kamani himself. Killing the chief engineer of the nuclear program could be a political
    statement, but definitely it's a practical one - like taking out the top three of America's Manhattan
    And the killing of Soleimani could be 'political' too but it's like taking out Japan's Yamamoto in New
    Guinea - it had a practical effect on Japan's morale and military strategy.

    So yes, the 'nuke scientist' wasn't really a 'civilian', he was the forefront of Iran's ambition to rule
    over the Middle East and wipe out 'one bomb country' Israel. And yes, these tactics ARE practiced
    by other nations - given opportunity ALL of them would do it.
    Esdraelon likes this.
  23. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Interesting. Never heard of the 1.7 million. Is it true?
    Esdraelon likes this.
  24. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    I think, there you are mistaken! Iran, so I read, has always complied with the described restrictions and limitations. The Inspectors never found a single violation.
  25. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    They found an entire warehouse of violations. The history of Iran's subterfuge is long
    and public knowledge.
    Esdraelon likes this.

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