Why go on... and on about it...

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by Gwendoline, Jan 5, 2012.


Are people who go on about homosexuals, closet homosexuals?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. They think they're God Incarnate

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Do you think that people that go on and on... and on and on... about homosexuals in a derogatory way, are closet homosexuals? I'm starting to think so.

    It matters where we FOCUS. And says a lot for WHERE we focus.

    So why go on and on... and on and on... about homosexuals in a derogatory way?

    Surely religious people must believe that God has got a handle on things, and that God will decide and part the people to the left or the right. For misdemeanors and what-not. So what concern of anyone else's to go on and on... and on and on... about a lifestyle that isn't yours?

    Is it fascinating? NEED to dwell on it? MUST dwell on it? But why? And is the closet door prising open just a little... or a lot?
  2. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Some may be as shown by the numerous amount of politicians that are anti-gay legislation but are then caught with a man. Human sexuality is confusing and we still do not understand alot about it. Our society (or about half) preach homosexuality is evil so it can force people to go against their actual feelings.

    Bus some are just convinced that gays are evil, disgusting, aids-ridden, ect. They do not realize that most gays are just regular people in monogamous relationships that just want to not be looked down on by others. They have become obsessed with the one or two passages in the bible that talk about the grievous sin happening in Sodom which included rape, incest, ect...

    The Christians have their whole moral compass thrown off by their hatred when our lord preached love, tolerance, and good will. They are directly violating the lord Jesus Christ's preaching and message.

    So answering your question I would say they fall into three categories; some are dealing with their own self questioning, some are misguided by picking what they like from religions texts while ignoring the message, and some just think it is gross or know no one that is gay so they are against it. I selected all the options =)
    Gwendoline and (deleted member) like this.
  3. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    it's a matter of personal perception. Who is the ultimate anointed one to decide what is or isn't excessive?

    If someone simply doesn't want govt to make any more rules segregating people into groups because they've already gone too far, is that negative?

    To an individual who believes engaging in a sexual act differently than the majority makes them a special group then yes, it's viewed as being "anti-gay"

    to people who are sick to death of govt creating special interest silos for every behavior then they view this as a line in the sand saying we are all Americans and enough is enough.

    To the "gay movement" they view their cause as being righteous for the 3% who claim to be "gay"

    for those who want equality and the abolishment of silos then we view ourselves as wanting to work for 100% of all Americans

    so, as to which cause is more noble will be left to your own judgment.

    to net it out, govt needs to get out of the bedroom of everyone be they mom and son, sister and sister, man and woman, man and man..........whatever

    govt rules should be for the individual.
  4. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    They may not be closet homosexuals, but they are certainly insecure about their own sexuality.

    What other reason is there to use the government to enforce their own bigoted views on people?
    Johnny-C and (deleted member) like this.
  5. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    There is is, right there!
  6. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Actually, I've thought the same thing about people who are forever DEFENDING gays, but claim to be straight. If you're not gay, why the obsession with gays?

    Seems very suspicious to me. Much more so than people who oppose gays. (My vote is intended to cover those folks... the ones who constantly defend gays but claim to be straight. I agree, they're probably closeted gays.)
  7. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    you do realize that statement can be used both ways don't you?

    when you peel back the layers what is the real issue? the real issue please?

    Is it to legislate thought and to demand that everyone deem being gay as "normal" (I use that word because it bothers some but really isn't harmful at all; heck, I'm not normal)

    Is it to demand that govt create yet another special interest group called "gay couples" and it can only be for 2 adult men or 2 adult women? But, it won't include father and son or brother and brother because that's incest so we can't have them in "our silo", let them get their own.

    So, now we segregate based upon sex. Do we next segregate upon those who hunt deer and those who hunt quail?

    or, is the best method for govt to back the F off and let property purchases be done as JTWRS contracts and have insurance, SS etc etc be written for singles and then you add people to your policy, or can donate your SS etc etc

    I can see it now, 2 quail hunters can buy health insurance as a family plan but not 2 deer hunters.

    where does the demand for segregation end?
  8. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I have often wondered this very thing about people who claim to be heterosexual who strongly support the gay agenda. If you are straight, homosexual issues do not affect you. And you obviously understand this because it is the same argument you use against heterosexuals who are against the gay agenda; the classic "how does it affect you?" But what most of you fail to realize is that this argument works both ways. Gay issues do not affect you any more than they affect us. So why the strong, vested interest in them? Could it be that you, yourselves, are somewhat in the closet? And that a victory for the gay agenda means you can feel more comfortable about revealing your true sexuality?
  9. _Lisa_

    _Lisa_ New Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Are you a lesbian?...a closet one. Is that why you are so concerned about what others think and freely express?
  10. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Some people are for equal rights, they see a wrong and are voicing their thoughts about it, would you say that those that fought to end discrimination against black people were secret blacks? No, and they benefited nothing from doing so. However, people that fought to keep slavery often had slaves themselves, they directly benefited. How about the men that fought for equal rights, were they secretly women?

    The deference between heterosexuals fight for equal rights and heterosexuals fighting to keep discrimination alive often fall on their views of homosexuals, one groups usually hates or are disgusted by gay people while the other group actually know a few and realize they are just normal people that want to be treated as such.

    How do you benefit from stopping two people that love each other to get married? I do not see you out there trying to save the sanctity of marriage by demanding divorces stop.
    Leo2 and (deleted member) like this.
  11. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    "Actually know a few" as opposed to "hates or are disgusted by" -- is that all there is... nothing in the middle?

    I 'know a few' and even have a gay family member. Doesn't mean I feel it necessary to run up the rainbow flag everytime the term 'gay' is mentioned... like the OP and several posters on this thread. Some claim to be straight, yet spend most of their time here in the gay & lesbian section.

    Those people I'd guess are closeted gays.

    Like the poll says.
  12. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    You make a lot of wrong assumptions about people who do not support the gay agenda. You see it as all about some kind of malicious discrimination, and you are literally unable to understand it in other terms. Nothing I could say to you here would pry you free from your current view of the situation because you have chosen to only see it from one side.

    Truth be told, I probably know more gay people in real life than you do. And I still hold the position that I hold. You hold the mistaken belief that I somehow "hate gay people." In reality, I treat everyone with common courtesy and respect unless/until they give me reason not to. I can be polite to someone without approving of specific aspects of their life. That is the difference between me and you. I can separate the person from their superficial traits. You see their traits as defining them. Thus you are unable to grasp the concept of rejecting the issue without rejecting the person.

    And to answer your last part, I actually do find divorce to be a significant problem in today's society and something that needs to be seriously addressed. Not enough attention is currently being paid to it.
  13. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    I suppose the whites who advocates equal racial rights were really black too eh?
  14. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    There is no need to invoke the slippery slope. If a couple chooses to commit themselves to each other, they should enjoy the same legal benefits regardless of their gender.

    Plain and simple.
  15. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Going by the logic of the OP, Winston Churchill had to have been a closet nazi.
  16. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    I suppose the atheists who are eaten up with religious subjects are really closet Christians, too?

    And no, whites who advocated equal racial rights were Democrats who needed the black vote. That advocating stuff has been added to make the story more historically palatable, while in reality, Republicans had to hold a gun to their heads to get them to pass civil rights amendments.

    Doesn't seem related to the topic, though. I'm more interested in the OP's supposition that I might be a closet-lesbian. Do you know how much man-grief I could spare myself if only that was true?

    Is there a test we could take to PROVE we're one way or the other? All this time, I thought the object was that we're not supposed to notice... treat everybody the same. Or is that blacks?

    It's so hard to keep up with the left's victim of the day. :omg:
  17. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    mother and son?

    father and daughter?

    brother and brother?

    sister and sister?

    or, do you draw the line when it exceeds your "icky factor"?

    you just can't see what you advocate for yourself can you? Would you say that there are more single people than the 3% who claim to be gay? Also, not all gays marry so you want to leave single gay people in the cold, why?

    You and your movement can't see beyond your desire to be "accepted" in the eyes and minds of everyone. No matter what you do, or what laws you seek, some will think how you have sex is icky. You can't legislate that.

    you'd be best off to simply demand that ALL PEOPLE be treated the same in the eyes of the law whether they are married or single and nobody gets any special consideration. Now, I do support exemptions for children because single people can adopt and exemptions are our way as a society in a small way to say thanks for perpetuating America.

    So, by the very nature of the gay marriage movement is nothing more than supporting the governments unfair treatment of others. The movement is a hypocricy
  18. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Wow, the parlor psychology is not only astonishing but ludicrous. The age old accusation of being a "homophobe" is too old to even consider. It is, in fact a slander, since, like the accusation of "racist" there is no legitimate defense.

    People get obsessed about all manner of things and religious folk are no different. Some people get obsessed about religious people being closet homosexual.

    But to draw such a conclusion is as one sided and absurd as screaming "homophobe" at someone who opines that homosexuals tend to be a bit sensitive.

    Major fail.
  19. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Incorrect, while I hold my view on the subject I do understand why people are fighting ssm so hard. I am not pushing for ssm to be forced upon the church as I do not believe that the church should condone something that the religious texts go against however the government is not a place for religion to be dictating our laws. If marriage just entailed the union of a man and a woman recognized by a church then there would be no argument; this is not the case as there are many benefits, protections, and financial incentives that come along with state endorsed marriage and the state has NO RIGHT to discriminate the way it currently is. I am against religions ssm (unless the church want to preform it then that's their deal) but am for state endorsed ssm. If the government want to do things correctly they would get out of the business of marriage completely and just issue child credits to individuals that have children, but we all know that will never happen so here we are...

    I try to see things from all sides but I have come to find out that most people that oppose ssm do so because they either find it icky or they are baising their belief on religion. We were founded as a free society, each unique, and able to worship or not worship as we choose; we are depriving gay people that very right.

    After reading what I wrote above why are you against ssm while two people can get drunk in Vegas and get married and then divorced the next day? Why can people have 8+ marriages but two homosexual people that have been together for 20+ years have no chance of ever confirming their union? I would really like to get a rational response (sense you seem like a rational person) instead of the normal crazy bs I get from most posters when I ask this question.

    I agree
  20. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    No, not a lesbian. But thank you very much for your interest in my sexuality.
  21. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    If you're not gay, why the obsession with gays?

    Perfect opportunity for me to turn this ^^ around and ask you:

    If you're not Michelle Obama, why the obsession with Michelle Obama?

  22. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Possibly not just insecure about their sexuality - but also possibly "muddied" by it. With guilt possibly thrown into the mix, too.

    Minding other people's sexuality is a strange phenomena...

    Should be content having their own sexuality and leaving it at that... and leaving others to their own...

    But when the derogatory stuff slips in about homosexuals, that's when it gets weird, and says more for the sayer than the one it's said about.
  23. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Ted Haggard or senator Craig anyone?
  24. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    No, not in the closet, but thank you for asking.

    My interest in the subject hinges in the area of why some people are derogatory to other human beings because they are gay. Enough to be opposed to homosexuality... but why demean people for being gay?

    Why? Don't they have their own sexuality to worry about... and enjoy?

    Whittle down and it is about love. Gay or straight.

    Humans being derogatory to homosexuals serves no good purpose. Especially no good purpose to God. Humans need to stop doing what they think is God's work cos they get it wrong. Just end up coming across as nasty people when they're being derogatory to gays. That's not God's work.
  25. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Not only do you exaggerate and hyberbole about Michelle Obama, but looky, you're doing it here too about me running up the rainbow flag. God bless you, Michelle Obama Lover, you. I know you are a closet Michelle Obama Lover by the reams of posts you post about her. Such dedication and loyalty that never falters... Humbling, that.

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