Afghanistan in Transition with US Departure.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by MiaBleu, May 8, 2021.

  1. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Other northern American tribes also had their children kidnapped to cultural cleanse their cultural heritage under a violent regime where death was not uncommon. It's all part of the white American culture to not give a damn about the massacres and deaths they commit against other ethnicities in order to judge others are bloodthirsty. And you're welcome.
  2. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Uh. The US did not accept their conservative Muslim tribal culture one bit.
    How on earth could a central government ever manage to go tell some tribe, which could like take a full week to commute to, to comply with their policies? lol

    That is exactly how the structure of the Taliban is. It's not 1 group op Afghans, but a whole bunch of them with roughly the same idea's. I'm absolutely do not have the impression that when the Taliban in the capital says that they are not going to hunt for traitors, that half way across the country the local Taliban would comply just because it has been said in the capital. And I do not have the impression that the Taliban in the capital care that things go differently by the Taliban elsewhere. That's just the way it is now and has been since ever in that place. Feudalism rules just as hard as their conservative Muslim idea's. It beat British imperialism, USSR communism and now American capitalism.

    You might even come up with the idea that they are mighty proud they beat all of that.
  3. cabse5

    cabse5 Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    For example, whites and Indians didn't get along because whites wanted to own their own land while Indians demanded that land be owned by the whole 'tribe'.

    BTW, Sioux Indians were vigilant in taking away lands from other tribes for the benefit of the Sioux nation.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
  4. cabse5

    cabse5 Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I suggest you read the book American Spartan by Ann Scott Tyson. The author was the girlfriend of special forces captain Jim Gant who was a US commander working with tribal Afghani villages to successfully defend themselves against Al Qaeda during the period of 2011-2014.

    The US military didn't like the fact that Gant incorporated the wishes of the Afghanis in his strategy to ward off Al Qaeda and didn't bother to 'nation build' in Afghanistan. Of course, the US military rejected Gant's way of during things and eventually Gant feared of being court-martialed.

    I'm not blaming any one administration on the failure of securing Afghanistan against terrorists (the idea of nation building in Afghanistan was forever a joke, however).
    I'm blaming US military leadership who aren't voted on by American people with the failure of securing Afghanistan against terrorists.

    The Biden Administration just let things slip horribly out of control in Afghanistan.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
  5. MiaBleu

    MiaBleu Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2017
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    There is a reason that Afghanistan is called "the Graveyard of empires".....and if we keep ignoring the facts of history........ we will make the same mistakes again.

    Sadly...... the US now has a history of its own..........of staring wars that end badly. If we don't' learn from our own history........ then it is the US that has the problem. The current blame game is counterproductive............ as the time can be better spent learning what went so wrong THIS time.. and how come the US has this chronic pattern now.
  6. Richard Franks

    Richard Franks Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    It really didn't, You would have to ask yourselves what went wrong? It probably would be hard to explain. It might have happened in Afghanistan, But it wouldn't happen elsewhere. It wouldn't happen in the U.S. of A.
  7. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    You can come up with examples all you want. But it still is a mostly one way theme that the white immigrant massacred the native Americans. Held death marches to concentration camps. And all the way till the 1970's they kidnapped children from all kinds of native Americans to cleanse out their culture, where death wasn't uncommon under the victims. It's just the legacy of the violent racist nature of the white immigrant. But nice try to rewrite history.
  8. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    It already was going out of control under Donald. Donald pulled out the bulk of the army out of Afghanistan. He signed a deal the end it all in may 2021. Obama before him already spoke of the need to pull out. Biden only pulled out the last couple of 1000 soldiers, and was a couple of months slow. It wouldn't make any sense to make it go even slower. Also.. as I mentioned,.. it was already going out of control under Donald: it is so, since the pro western Afghan army was loosing all over during them days. The only thing Biden did was telling the obvious lie that the pro western Afghan army had the country secure and would win or not get defeated (something among them lines). But hey. When the GOP still can claim they won the elections, who cares what the exact truth of some matters are, right?
  9. Heartburn

    Heartburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Those last 2500 troops could have kept the Taliban at some distance from Kabul, the Afghan government such as it was could have maintained some degree of control through the evacuation of civilians and our Afghani partners. Those troops had intelligence and air cover. Biden is like a cop during an arrest that threw down his gun and is now telling the perp he better behave or else. Or else what Joe?
  10. cabse5

    cabse5 Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Indians massacred whites. The Sioux nation massacred them all.
  11. cabse5

    cabse5 Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Trump was tired of the schneagans of the US military establishment making decisions which adversely affected the war effort in Afghanistan. When Trump first campaigned for president, he mentioned he'd allow generals to make military decisions but as time went by during his administration Trump realized that certain military elite decision makers were corrupt.

    When Trump demanded US troops be pulled out, he was basically saying to the US military establishment to either do it or get off the pot so to speak in Afghanistan. The doing it part was the US military allowing Afghanistan to be self sufficient (which US military never required) while the US military would never get off the pot in Afghanistan. Hence, Trump said get off. Well, the military establishment said no to Trump the Commander in Chief.

    BTW, it was a dubious endeavor from the start to nation build in Afghanistan...That's on the G.W. Bush Administration and military elites.

    You wanna accurately blame someone for the debacle in Afghanistan? Blame US military elites. Blame the Biden Administration for the chaos after the withdrawal of American troops.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
  12. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    I would never have guessed there were any drag queens in Afghanistan:
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
  13. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Will things like this ever stop:
  14. Mircea

    Mircea Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    You can blame Britain and the US. This is the end product of their constant interference in the political, social and economic affairs of other States.
    jack4freedom and MJ Davies like this.
  15. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I don't know about Britain but I'm sure about US. We are big time interferers and bullies. I don't understand why most people can't mind their own business. I have enough trouble keeping up with my own stuff. Who has time and energy (or even interest) in keeping up with other people's stuff? It's not a good look at all.
    jack4freedom likes this.
  16. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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  17. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    The future is certain. There will be no gay marriage in Afghanistan.
  18. MiaBleu

    MiaBleu Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2017
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  19. Mircea

    Mircea Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    I know about Britain.

    Afghanistan wasn't a country. It was a No-Man's Land. Afghanistan became a country in 1942.

    The keen observer will note 1942 was right smack in the middle of WW II.

    That No-Man's Land was created by Russia, China, India and Iran to keep their borders from touching in an attempt to reduce conflicts. The fact that Iran is even part of the mix should give anyone a clue as to how many centuries ago that was.

    Fast-forward to 1942. It's still a No-Man's Land. Why do the British care?

    India (Pakistan still doesn't exist yet) is a British Crown Colony. Iran is under British control. Russia is an ally. That leaves China. China is not a threat, but the Japanese in China are.

    The Japanese are already in Burma (now Myanmar), so what's to stop them from entering and controlling this No-Man's Land?

    Nothing. It's a No-Man's Land. Anyone can go there, but if Britain rams a country down the throats of the people, then the Brits get certain rights and protections under Customary and International Laws.

    So, the Brits foisted a unitary-State on the people without their consent. A unitary-State only works when you have a nation-State and Afghanistan is not now, never was, and never will be a nation-State. It's actually comprised of more than 140 nations.

    It's like American Indians. 567 tribes; 567 nations. They don't speak the same language. They don't have the same shared common history. They don't have the same heroes or holidays and they don't have the same gods or religious beliefs and so on. So, there's like a 140-odd nations in Afghanistan.

    Forcing a unitary-State on a multi-national or multi-cultural group always leads to strife and conflict. There is no case in history when it did not. And it ultimately ends in war, a civil war, usually a war of separatism, independence or a revolutionary war, where the unitary-State is wiped out and either a confederation or federation emerges.

    The Brits force a king on the people. Afghanistan is a monarchy until 1962 when the UN tells everyone to leave. It wasn't a British colony, more like a protectorate or mandate. The government because a constitutional monarchy with a parliament. As is par for the course, the intelligentsia goes to Queen's College in London then goes back to Afghanistan and spend the rest of their lives building wealth for themselves and their families and their friends and friends of friends, while screwing everybody else.

    By 1974, a man named Mohammed Daud had enough of the nonsense and overthrew the government. He was left-leaning to be sure, but not pro-Soviet. He wasn't pro-US, either, which is why the US tried Daud in abstentia for the heinous crime of Declaring Neutrality While Non-White/Non-X-tian. Only White X-tians are allowed to declare neutrality, like Switzerland and Austria and Sweden and Finland and the others. If you're non-White and/or not X-tian, the US will attempt to murder or overthrow, like it did with Nehru of India, Nasser of Egypt, Shishakli of Syria, etc etc etc.

    Daud is friendly with Canada, France, Italy and Poland. He buys a lot of agricultural and construction equipment from them. The first thing he does is expand the airport at Kabul to handle cargo aircraft, because the runways were barely long enough for WW II fighters to land.

    The US overthrows Daud. He and more than 100 of his supporters are standing around watching while the construction equipment he imported from Canada digs a big pit. Daud and his supporters are executed, dumped into the pit, and then buried. That was supposed to be some kind of symbolic thing.

    A few months later, the military overthrows the US puppets. A few months after that, another group overthrows the military.

    The US puppets attempt a counter-coup and fail. The military attempts a counter-coup and fails.

    The government lost a lot defending those counter-coups. A lot of their troops and supporters were killed and they lost a lot of weapons, ammo, vehicles and equipment.

    The Northern Tribes form a coalition army and start marching on Kabul. The rival Northwestern Tribes form a coalition army and start marching for Kabul. The Southern Tribes form a coalition army and head to Kabul.

    Whoever got there first was going to be the next government, provided they could fend off the other two armies.

    The government couldn't defeat any one of those three armies, much less all three of them.

    They asked the Soviets for help, and the Soviets agreed.

    Whoever says the Soviets invaded Afghanistan is just a jackass spewing Göbbels-style US government propaganda, because there was no invasion. The Soviets were providing assistance at the government's request in the exact same way the US provided assistance to Vietnam at the government's request, yet no one would say the US invaded Vietnam, because that would be stupid.

    Then you have Enron.

    Enron invested a whole lotta money building natural gas refineries in Pakistan and India that were to be fed by the CENTGAS Pipeline.

    The US couldn't get the Taliban to agree on the contract, so it never got built. Those refineries were sitting idle and Enron cooked its books to hide the losses. They had a lot of clout with Clinton and Bush, because both violated federal law to secretly negotiate a deal with the Taliban. The last secret meeting took place in July 2001.

    9-11 was a convenient excuse to invade Afghanistan.

    Even after the US rammed through a government, they still couldn't build the pipeline.

    All the insurance companies backed out. There wasn't one insurance company on this Earth that would insure the pipeline, or the construction companies building it, or the oil service companies maintaining it, or the companies providing security for the pipeline, or any other facet of it.

    That natural gas is going to be flowing into China now.
    MJ Davies likes this.
  20. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The whites massacred way more native Americans and did the massacring "all" part world wide. They went on a relentless expansionist endeavor committing genocide while industrialized slavery also world wide, that involves rape and selling children, brutal torture and murder. It starts to be rather dumb to think this compares to what the Sioux did.
  21. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    .....Enough! I thank Joe Biden for finishing Trumps work!...Korea, Vietnam,Iraq, was all about the money...always is...Oil prices are up, Inflation is going through the roof!...Its Democrats...get over it, you voted them in office....George Wallace said it many years ago....Put 'um in a sack, because they are all the same.. you can't tell the difference...Kinder ,Gentler, thats what the White American Woman voter wanted! They are the ones that put Biden in office...Nation is broke, lawlessness abounds, Most powerful nation in the world,brought down by white women...glad I saw the Zenith!...use it as a measuring stick for our demise...
  22. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    You say Donald was tired of it. It was Obama's idea to pull out. Donald thought he knew best and pumped in more soldiers to end up giving up tossing in the towel and discuss the full retreat with the Taliban.

    It indeed was the fault of the GOP all along.

    Donald planned to pull out in May 2021.

    Biden took 3 more months and it was still "too" fast etc etc.
    It's just the GOP making cheap shots at Biden so it's not about how their plan of nation building was a total fail, while they agreed to make run away from Afghanistan at a faster pace.
  23. cabse5

    cabse5 Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    It's foolish to determine that one race was more bloodthirsty than the other. The Sioux killed whites. Whites killed the Sioux. Could the Sioux and whites live together peacefully? I think the answer is obviously no because the Sioux (and American Indians in general) believed in socialism while whites believed in the ownership of private property, for example. American Indians thought that land belonged to anyone in the tribe (tribes like the Sioux regularly took land away from other American Indians, for example) while whites thought they owned the land.

    The two cultures butted heads and the more advanced culture won. When the more advanced culture was the American Indian (and they were the more advanced at the beginning of American settlement, for example), American Indian culture won and whites were massacred.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
  24. cabse5

    cabse5 Banned

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Why do you care if Trump agreed with BO on the Afghanistan pullout or if BO came up with an withdrawal of Afghanistan first?

    BTW, Both the BO Administration and the Trump Administration, for example, faced roadblocks to Afghani pullout from the military elite.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
  25. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Thanks for taking the time to summarize all this.

    My takeaway is that we are helping China to pose an international threat to the USA both economically and positioning on the world stage. Am I understanding you correctly?

    If not, what did I miss?

    If so, within the context of a time frame, what do you opine on how we reverse, slow or stop (probably not possible at this point) this and regain our foundation so we can rebuild the USA before total collapse? If that is unreachable, how do we prepare our children (and grandchildren) for rebuilding the nation?

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