Are Black People Racist

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by TheAngryLiberal, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. TheAngryLiberal

    TheAngryLiberal Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Seems like White People are always the ones who are accused of being racist. I know as a White man that there are neighborhoods in America where I would be attacked and possibly killed simply because I'm White if I was to take a stroll thru there. Seems like a Black Man who has a serious criminal record is honored with parades if he was killed by a law abiding White Police officer, but if it's a White Law enforcement officer killed by a Black man, it hardly makes a blip on the radar with the Black community. Black people who are killed by other Black people, it doesn't even register with the Black lives matter community and there are no protests at all. My opinion is that the majority of the people in these protest rally's really could give a rats Ass about the Black person killed, it's only if it's a Black person killed by a White person that makes the difference.
  2. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Some are most aren't. Most black people are distrustful of white people, but many of them have white friends and associates. Being distrustful isn't the same as being racist. I do think blacks don't hate white people, they hate the government. The whole "white" thing is just a convenient label to take the hostility away from the real enemy of black people. The Government.
  3. DZero

    DZero Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    You can't categorize people as racist based on their race(that itself is racist). Some are racist, many are not.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Being distrustful of someone because of their race is racist. Blacks hate the government? Do you know what most blacks vote for?
  4. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    There are plenty people I distrust who I don't particularly hate. It just mean be "cautious" around the person. Many white people are distrustful of black people, are they racist too?
  5. tealwings

    tealwings Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2015
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    Anyone can be prejudiced or bigoted, but not all have the power to be racist. Racism is still woven in some parts of our society and police depts. are a great example of this. They have to make split second life or death decisions. I have no doubt race still plays a role.
    All the old time knee jerk comments about them taking care of their own communities doesn't matter one bit if someone is killed unjustly. It would be like saying a woman deserved to be raped because she goes to a lot of parties.

    That being said, the BLM seemed to be getting obnoxious around last year. A few random large groups of people were blocking the highways in my city and a huge group purposely disrupted kids singing at downtown holiday celebrations. Many people backed away from the cause.
    ... at this point, considering all the totally senseless deaths... it really should be all lives matter. The crazy is coming from all directions lately.
  6. DZero

    DZero Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    If you distrust someone based on their race, then that would be racist. Now, if I distrusted someone because of their criminal record, that wouldn't be racist since I distrust based on their criminal record, not their race. Just as it would be sexist to deny someone service because they are a female(with no other reasons).
  7. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Pretty sure most white people are distrustful around blacks because they think most blacks are criminals. But I wouldn't call them racist as a result of that.
  8. DZero

    DZero Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    How are you defining racism?
  9. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    The view that one race is superior to another race. Which is the legit defacto definition.
  10. DZero

    DZero Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    If you believe all blacks are criminals, then you have a negative view of blacks. If you have a negative view on all blacks, then most likely you believe they are inferior to whites. I was defining racism as, "prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, against people, on the basis of race."
    That would be one other possible definition.
  11. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    I don't believe all blacks are criminals. I said most whites believe that all blacks are criminals. I am not white by the way, I'm black
  12. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Some Black people are racist just like some White people are racist. Some but not most. I see people once again arguing over the definition of racism. I maintain that racism is hatred or intolerance based on race.

    Now let's talk about Black racism vs. White racism. I have lived in majority White and Black areas. I have seen racism from both groups. White racists tend to be White Supremacists who believe that White people are superior to Blacks and other races. Black Supremacists are actually more rare. You see them on the internet but in real life I have rarely encountered a Black Supremacist. Black racism is usually motivated by resentment for White racism. Black racists more often are people who hate White people and believe Whites and Blacks can't get along because of the perception that Whites are generally racist.

    Interracial relationships are among the greatest taboos in race-relations. In my experience a lot of Black women have a racist attitude when it comes to interracial relationships. Many of them will not date White men and many of them do not like seeing Black men with White women. I think the reason for this is because of racial abuse of Black women during slavery. Black women grow up with the knowledge that their ancestors were raped during slavery so many of them do not want to date interracially and do not want Black men to date interracially. They believe that Black men put White women on a pedestal and think more highly of White women as more beautiful or having better personalities so they get angry and jealous. Black men are more open to interracial dating. Black men are also more likely to have White friends than White men are to have Black friends.

    There are different types of racism and different degrees of racism. I think that Black people think about race more than White people because they have been victims of racism more often but neither groups is more racist than the other and generally the motivations for racism are different.
  13. Maccabee

    Maccabee Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    A lot of them are racist, yes.
  14. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    No, that is not correct, most Black Women object to a Black Man with a white Woman because of so few available Black Men to Black women, this is from the mouths of Black Women, Relatives, I have asked this question of.

    Racism is defined by pre- judging someone or treating someone or seeing someone differently because of their Race, it is not limited only to the concept of Racial superiority, and includes denying people a service or something based on their race.

    Black people often speak of how darker and lighter Black people often discriminate against each other for that difference, also, even if your mother or father was Black, and you are white, you can be discriminated against because you are white, I personally know of this bias because I have lived through it !!!!!

    No Race is immune or free from the Evils of Bigotry and Racism, because when you judge others or differentiate because of their skin color, or based on their Race, that qualifies as Racism.

    Racial slurs, or slurs against Gays regardless of race, or National origin all qualify as bigotry and sometimes racism.

    It is very important to define bigotry and racism, otherwise, we may not recognize it as such.

    When I was in EMS, An elderly lady refused to let my partner touch her, because he was Black, well my partner Hall smiled and said, no sweat, and was very good to her, well, at the end of the call, the lady started to cry, and asked Hall to forgive an old racist and asked him for a hug, and kissed him as a mother would kiss her son.

    You can never tell anything about a person simply by their skin color.
  15. Jets

    Jets Member

    Jun 1, 2016
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    Racism is not limited to one race or creed. Period
  16. clarkeT

    clarkeT Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Out of the 'mouths' of trolls and baiters. My opinion is that this is the case. Either that or worse that there are actually people who are so totally ignorant when it comes to issues of race and race relations. Funny I saw on the news both Whites and Blacks of the BLM group protesting at LAPD headquarters and neither were trying to 'kill' each other.
  17. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    many blacks are racists, probably as man as whites that are racist....

    the op is confused though, comparing his white fear of black criminals should not be comparable to a blacks fear of white or black cops

    cops should not be lowered to the standard of a common criminal, we need to hold them to higher standards

  18. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Cops have become criminals. That is what incited all the protests.
  19. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Many Diverse races marched with Doctor King.....

    "I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls."
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I have experienced hostility towards Me because of My skin color.

    We must identify Bigotry in all it's forms, because Racism is merely one head of the Monster of many heads called Bigotry, in order to defeat it, We must recognize the Monster where ever We may find it.
    Cut off one head, Racism, and the Monster called Bigotry still lives and regrows a new head, when all the heads of Bigotry are gone, the Monster named Bigotry will finally be dead.

    Author; Me...
  20. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I know I am correct because I have talked to Black women about this including my own mother and relatives who do not like Black men dating White women. The low availability of decent Black men claim is an excuse. Many Black women do NOT want Black men dating White women based on principle. I worked a job in my 20s where a Black girl had a conversation with a Black guy about this topic and he gave her there old talk about how he prefers White women because he doesn't like the attitude of a lot of Black women. She got mad. I was standing nearby and she asked me which type of women I prefer. I told her straight up that I had no racial preference. You should have seen the look on her face. She frowned and we had a long conversation about it. First she started telling me and the other Black guy to "remember the Emmett Till story" arguing that White men used to kill Black men for liking White women. I countered with "have you ever seen the movie Malcolm X?" She said yes. I told her that in one of the scenes Malcolm X played by Denzel Washington explains that Black men in his generation can't wait to get their hands on a White woman because the racial abuse Black women suffered. I called this the Forbidden Fruit complex. This discouraged her even more. She told me bluntly that she didn't like to see Black men with White women because she felt Black men put White women on a pedestal, the same argument that I mentioned here. I told her that some Black men might think that way and I don't think that is positive but not all do and that I don't think like that. I judge people by their character not their skin color like Dr. King asked for. She conceded that if they are in love that she doesn't have a problem with it. She even admitted she would date a White man if she found the right guy.

    Oh and one of the things she argued was that there weren't a lot of good Black men available and that Sister Souljah said that White women taking too many Black men would destroy the Black family.

    This conversation was not new to me. I've had it with my mother many times. She has the exact same views. She says to this day that she doesn't care if a marry a White woman but she would prefer that I marry a Black woman. I have dated several White women. I recall talking to a White girl I was friends with in a store. We were just sitting there talking and two Black girls were staring at us. I wasn't even dating her but the fact that we were sitting at a table talking probably gave them that impression. Black people in America have been psychologically damaged by White racism. I see it everyday. The opposition of Black women to Black men dating White women is one example.
  21. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    We agree then, I was wrong, you see, My mother was Black and We also had that talk, she also asked if I was ashamed of her being Black and that question broke my young heart !
    We had this conversation too, and that is what she told me as well as cousins and aunts.

    In answer to a friend that only dated and married a white woman, his mother yelled, Ain't enough black women, you got to marry a white girl ?
    no offence White boy she said to me, :omg: :roflol:
  22. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    some cops have gotten away with crimes, that is what incited the protests

    if every time a cop was caught behaving badly they got more then a paid vacation and a hand slap, we would not have the current protests

    can't blame all cops anymore then you can blame all blacks cause some commit crime

  23. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I like to realistic about things. I just looked up the stats via the for some comparisons. In April of 2014, Fulton County (primarily black) there were 842 burglaries in one month (picked the month randomly.) The next county over is Gwinnett, which has more whites than Fulton. Their monthly total = 316. Both are populous counties, but at the end of the day, over half of all crimes in Georgia happen in a five precinct area (metro Atlanta.) There are 159 counties in this state. As they say, you do the math.

    Now, let's go to cops. In some jurisdictions when you're arrested, you become a victim regardless of that baloney regarding innocent until proven guilty. Again, let's be real:

    The point is, I could multiply these examples many times over. The Black community, on average, commits more crime than their counterparts. Cops, as a group, commit crimes more times than virtually any other identifiable group in America.

    If you or I break the law, we lose most of what we own and can go into bankruptcy trying to protect the remainder. The cop? Administrative leave WITH PAY.
  24. Jabrosky

    Jabrosky Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    To be honest, I've seen the reverse mindset as well. I have seen black men on the Internet say they didn't want black women dating white men, and I've read and heard my fair share of anecdotes about black men giving black women crap for it or even beating their white boyfriends up. I've even observed a double standard wherein certain black men put non-black women on a pedestal but flip out when black women show interest in white men.

    But then, I know not all black men have that mindset. Certainly not you. And I do believe it has something to do with a white-dominated society messing up African-American society, same as the reverse mindset in black women. So I don't mean to put down black men as a collective.
  25. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    "Most black people are distrustful of white people, but many of them have white friends and associates."

    And you don't see a connection between black people distrusting white people and racism?

    You really think most whites believe all blacks are criminals? That's pretty far fetched.

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