California's population starting to empty out into surrounding states

Discussion in 'Immigration' started by kazenatsu, May 1, 2018.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Woman explains why she left California:

    With a gigantic state population of 40 million, there has been a mass exodus going on of Californians emptying out into other states.

    Just for relative comparison to give you some idea how big this population is, California contains enough people to be able to fill up all the surrounding states it shares a border with 3 times over.

    There's been a mass exodus of people out of the state, and yet the population has been growing even faster than it can empty out.

    Could it be that these people were displaced by the incoming new population?

    Millions of people leaving the state in what has been termed a "mass exodus" and yet the state's population still managed to grow 66% since the year 1980.

    What has caused California’s transformation from a “pull in” to a “push out” state? The data have revealed several crucial drivers. One is chronic economic adversity (in most years, California unemployment is above the national average). Another is density: the Los Angeles and Orange County region now has a population density of 6,999.3 per square mile—well ahead of New York or Chicago. Dense coastal areas are a source of internal migration, as people seek more space in California’s interior, as well as migration to other states. A third factor is state and local governments’ constant fiscal instability, which sends at least two discouraging messages to businesses and individuals. One is that they cannot count on state and local governments to provide essential services—much less, tax breaks or other incentives. Second, chronically out-of-balance budgets can be seen as tax hikes waiting to happen.
    The Great California Exodus: A Closer Look | Manhattan Institute
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  2. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Also drought and wildfires.
  3. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    California Mexican man says: "There were a lot of white and black people here, but they all disappeared"

  4. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Why the **** anyone would want to live in that shithole is beyond me.
  5. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    It used to be a beautiful place, maybe the most beautiful in the entire country in fact. People that were living there in the 50s 60s and 70s can tell you it was a very pleasant place to live. There were lots of well paying job opportunities, and that was back when there was plenty of open space and housing wasn't so expensive. Then about in the early 80s things began changing.

    The real estate developers made a bundle from all those track homes that were built. The entire landscape in many central areas (and areas outlying those central areas) got turned into a sea of track homes packed closely together. On the top of hills and ridges it's just an endless wall of homes. It can make one feel a bit trapped and claustrophobic. They've ruined the scenery with all the development.

    Oh, and the people. It used to be said that all the beautiful people in the country lived in California.
    I don't want to draw any allusions here to The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, but the people aren't the same anymore.

    A lot of children stay inside their homes all day because there's no open space within close walking distance to their home where they can play. So they just sit inside all day (TV, video games, computer) getting obese. Young families with children can't afford to live near the beach anymore, unless they have kept the same house in the family. I'm not just talking about they can't live within a few miles of the coast, I'm talking about they can't even afford to live within twenty miles of the coast, in many cases. A lot of parents in these more coastal neighborhoods (still not within viewing distance of the water) don't have children until they are 35 or 40 because they have to go through law school to be able to be able to pay for a small home. They yard space in most of the newest homes they're building is so small it's a bit of a squeeze to even park the car in the driveway (some homes there's not even enough space to do that) and the backyard consists of literally 5 feet of space beyond a small patio.

    Of course with homes squeezed together like sardines, it's not surprising the traffic is bad. Even on many of the main streets in residential suburban neighborhoods.

    Here are some pictures to give you some idea:


    A lot of the once rolling hills have been bulldozed and leveled into steep forbearing slopes up against flat space to make way for residential developments.

    Oh yes, the traffic...

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  6. therooster

    therooster Banned

    Feb 28, 2014
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    And then lefty took over the state , and turned it to a dump. Typical.
    Guess Who and ocean515 like this.
  7. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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  8. Thought Criminal

    Thought Criminal Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 28, 2017
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    We need a wall around it.
    Guess Who likes this.
  9. Thought Criminal

    Thought Criminal Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 28, 2017
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    I would move there for $250,000 per year.

    No, I don't mean a job paying that.
  10. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Good, maybe that will ease the traffic here. Leave and don't let the Colorado river hit your ass on the way out. As always, there will be people from around the world coming here to fill in...
  11. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    What a bunch of mindless, boring drivel. Brooklyn used to be inhabited by German Pig farmers but then some guy built the bridge and as the population grew land became more expensive so more development took place and the farmers moved out into the country because it became economically more feasible to farm there. Her boring diatribe would be true of any city around the world that has grown exponentially in the past 50 years. It has nothing to do with California, but just another whiner with a video cam. When those horrible Irish and Italian immigrants moved into Brooklyn I am sure there were some bitchy malcontents whining about them too and the good old days before they became dried up old hags or grouchy old farts.

    When I moved into the San Fernando Valley in '64 there was a lot more open space and a lot less traffic too, but since then the population has increased ten fold...What the hell is supposed to happen? Now I live about 40 minutes from where I grew up and my nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile away. Amazing, huh! I only had to go about 35 miles...What is really hilarious is that this broad is already whining about where she lives now. Believe me, you could put this old bag on an Island with nothing but servants in paradise and she'd be bitching within a week. Lol
  12. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    I am really glad you don't live here. Please don't visit here either. Thanks
  13. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    66% population growth since 1980....Mass exodus....Priceless!! Thanks for the laughs, but if I had to listen to this lady for more than an hour I'd hang myself. Thank god she's gone! I'd feel sorry for her husband but he's probably long gone and down at the beach in Santa Cruz with a good looking woman soaking up the sun or catching some waves at the great Steamers Lane...I just got this, she moved to Mesa Arizona one of the biggest hell holes on the planet except from around late October through Very early April only morons, scorpions and rattlesnakes are anywhere near there.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  14. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Imagine that! Sprawling areas of closely built houses in suburbs around a populated city. What an outrage! Only in California could this happen because of their ultra liberal governments...What a friggin' joke. As a Californian who has lived here since '64, I have seen the huge amount of growth that has taken place in the past 50 years. Those housing tracts you are disparaging were built by pro growth free market conservatives who battled tooth and nail to stop the liberal tree huggers from forcing them to leave more open space in their developments.

    For a real comparison look at two areas on the Southern California Coast. I remember when the beach towns of Orange County were little enclaves of paradise that had miles of open coastline to enjoy and the hillsides were scattered with a few small ranches here and there. And I remember Malibu in the '60s which was also one of the most beautiful places in the world. Now, Orange County beaches are crammed for miles up and down the coast with ugly condos and housing tracts crammed up those once beautiful mountains. The heavily pro growth anti-environmental Republicans were and still are in charge there, and whined like stuck pigs anytime someone tried to stop them from destroying the area.

    Meanwhile, Malibu, which is a political enclave of mainly slow growth, liberal tree huggers who have preserved that area quite nicely. It looks and feels like it did in 1968. Very few housing tracts, very few condos and tons of open space and wildlife. If you drive past the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University on PCH and Las Virgines (Malibu Cnyn Road) you are likely to see a herd of deer feasting on the huge open lawn there and across the PCH there are little league baseball fields with tons of free parking and a stairway to a nice little cove beach. A little south is Topanga Canyon which looks virtually the same as it did in the sixties. Again, liberal government. If you drive up the coast through Malibu, the hills are still beautiful and sprinkled with nice, houses with beautiful big yards.

    So this crap about liberals trashing California is just that....BS
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  15. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    You seem pretty defensive since you are responding to every person that criticized that **** hole you live you on this thread. Which can only mean one thing, that you know its true. No one wants to live your crappy state get it? Its turning into a dump and the laughing stock of the nation. Friends and family have come back with pics and videos of people ******** on the sidewalks in the middle of the day out in public, that doesn't even happen in my nearby hell hole of Milwaukee. Your cities smell of urine and semen, your roads are rated among the worst in the nation even when compared to states in the South who don't even have a road budget. Your kids are morons because your schools suck. There are lots of states that I would rather be in that Wisconsin but California definitely isn't one of them.

    Meanwhile right next door to your giant petri dish of cum and piss is Texas which has a much better quality of life, performs better educationally while spending less, better roads and infrastructure, lower unemployment and beats California in pretty much ever single other metric there is while having almost identical demographics, something I point out constantly to any nimrod that claims that Democrats run stuff better.
  16. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Quick quiz which state is the ONLY state in the union that has a supermajority of Democrats? The laughable fact that you just tried to claim that home builders must be conservatives since they build homes just shows how pathetic the education system is in your state.

    Critics have hit a nerve cause you know its true. Your state is on the downturn and you manage to rate the same as states that don't spend money on anything while simultaneously blowing huge sums of money on projects you cannot even afford. How is that train going you all voted for on the referendum going? HAHAHAHAHAHA! ****ing loser state.

    When California hits the wall in the next few years with the humungous pension liablities quickly coming due and comes running to the rest of the states for a bailout I will be laughing my ass of at you Jack4freedom. LOL

    From now on you are to be called Little Crayon Boy since you act like a 5 year old pretending that his box of 8 crayons is better than my box of 64 crayons with crayon sharpener.

    Almost forgot Little Crayon Boy...

    Notice how almost none of those are the paradise you claim in Malibu and I will shoot milk out of my nose you claim that San Francisco is a paradigm of conservative free market values.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  17. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Do you realize how ridiculous your statement: "No one wants to live in your crappy state" is champ? How can I, or anyone else take anything you say seriously? California has had a 66% population growth since, I have lived here for over 50 years and I live it here. I have found it to be a great place to live, work, play and conduct business. Your snotty mean ignorant posts sound like they are coming from a guy who has never been here and believes everything he hears and reads on idiot based TV and websites.

    The op posted a bunch of pictures of large housing developments in densely populated areas in close proximities and suggested that liberals were responsible for these crappy cookie cutter neighborhoods being erected, however if you knew anything about California politics you would know that these crappy neighborhoods were built by huge construction companies owned by and supported by big donor Republicans. I remember the battles between these greedy a$$ holes and the tree hugging liberals who were trying to place restrictions on density and fighting to preserve open space and wildlife.

    Oh, but you have seen pictures of homeless people on the streets, so the whole place sucks right? Lol...Here is a picture of the view out my front door, in Los Angeles County about an hour from downtown LA...You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. California is the greatest state in the US by far in my opinion and I have actually been to all 50 states and traveled them extensively, not just seen pictures of their worst areas. Get a grip.
  18. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    More ignorant know nothing bull crap...From the king of crap...
  19. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    California has the largest emigration of any state and most of those people are moving to Texas because Texas is superior.

    No one and I mean literally no one has come back from LA or San Fran with a positive view. I know lots of people that have gone to other cities like New York, Paris, London etc and they raved about them in one way or another but NO ONE comes back from those two cities feeling anything other than grossed out and disgusted. You want a positive California experience you need to stay away from the Bay area and LA entirely.

    OMG I am busting a gut reading about all these wonderful stories about how stinky your cities are because of the homeless pissing and cumming all over the place. HAHAHAHAHA!

    Developer can't build anywhere without getting zoning permission from the local government. That is a hard and fast rule in any state and any municipality. Are you going to claim that your mayor, common councils, alderman etc. were all secret conservatives and that they sided with a bunch of conservative builders( still trying to figure out your logic of "If someone builds something they must be a right winger") sad and fascinating at the same time.
  20. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Little Crayon Boy is fuming mad now. He can't even come up with a coherent response to his piss filled state falling apart at the seems. LOL

    Wow trees I can take pics of those in my state as well doesn't make Milwaukee any better. I bet you can find trees in Illinois too still doesn't make that state another **** hole as well.

    Contrary to your claims California specifically hyper liberal cities are the WORST areas for developers to build because they won't let them.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  21. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    I really don't give a crap who has a super majority in the house or if the Governor is a Democrat or a Republican champ. It does not effect me and never has. You can shoot all the milk you want out of your nose and move to Texas anytime you want. They have mosquitoes the size of parakeets and some of the crappiest weather in the country. One time I pulled off the road on a state highway there and my car sunk up to the windows in that crappy red Texas mud. They are all sweating their asses off there now, and I got 70 degrees with a breeze about 300 days a year. I got a ski resort about a half hour away, a nice golf course down the dirt road from me house and can be at the beach in about 70 minutes or drive up to Vegas in two and a half hours. Try to find a place like that in Texas, or anywhere else for that matter. We aren't going anywhere and we are really glad to see any of the whining loser crybabies stream out anytime they want. Also, I never said anything about San Francisco being a paradigm of anything nor did I mention free markets in any of my posts. What I will say about San Francisco is that it is a great American City with first rate transportation, restaraunts, hotels and some of the most beautiful scenery anywhere in the world. Did someone show you a picture of a bum pissing on the sidewalk there and tell you that's what the whole city is about?, I am going out to watch my dogs chase my Bobcat off the property so, Via Con Dios, Amigo!
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  22. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Oh, how original, silly name calling like a junior high playground boy. OK, from now on I deem you, ReallyTinyDick. Only a guy with a pencil dick would deem himself Reallybig Johnson...If he's holdin' it high, he's telling a lie....Cheers RTD...
  23. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    HAHAHAHA! Caught in a lie and I exposed you and you have no response Little Crayon Boy. I just proved that California and the more liberals areas are among the hardest to build new homes in and have been for decades and you previously claimed that "Republican developers" were running roughshod all over the place.

    You mean THIS public transportation.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  24. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    You caught nothing, now go back and play with your RTD...
  25. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    You just claimed that San Fran had a first rate transportation system. Its falling apart. If you want first rate go to Japan or Germany......definitely not San Fran. Wow you have really been brainwashed into thinking you live in a great state haven't you? Go ahead and scribble some more pics of happiness and joy with your crayons Little Crayon Boy.

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