Dual loyalty? No. Single loyaltly.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Well we all have different experiences - If that's what you think , FINE , but mine is the opposite.

    I do not mix in "political circles" my only contact (, apart from two visits , to Israel )
    Jewish people are either at work or in business . Lately most of what I think I know abt them is by reading the Jewish Chronicle + the opinions of various Jewish journalists in our main stream news media .

    ... ,


  2. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Well, if a Jewish Rabbi officially declares that non-Jews were created to serve the Jews, and when he declares that he believes that the life of a non-Jew has no more value than the life of a donkey, and he teaches his followers that if a non-Jew needs help on Sabbath, the Jewish doctor has no right to save his life, then this is called "freedom of speech" and there are no laws to sue this hater.

    But if a Catholic bishop admits in a private conversation that he does not believe in the existence of homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz (though he is ready to change his opinion if he is convinced by arguments), then this is not freedom of speech any more, this is hate speech, and there are laws to convict him.

    Imagine what would have happened if a Catholic priest told in his official speech that Jews were created to serve the non-Jews, and that it is prohibited to save the life of Jews on Sunday, and that the life of Jew has the value of the life of a donkey.

    Would such a Catholic bishop not be imprisoned for hate speech in any western country?

    Would all Jewish lobbies not cry "hate speech"?

    It is obvious that we have a double standard in the issue "hate speech" and "freedom of speech", haven't we?
  3. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    If you listen to Yisrael Beiteynu you will hear horrible things but the rank and file don't think that way. The biggest problem in Israel right now is lack of empathy. They simply don't care. In fact people in the north were blind to the rockets hitting in the south until one hit a Tel Aviv suburb.

    Bendor I have called out once or twice for his over the top view of Palestinians. But the bottom line is there are people who repeatedly post things that are wrong about Jews, I debunk them, and they get posted again so that is where I focus my energy.

    As for your link from last fall.

    This is telling....almost every Israeli I spoke with around the same time the poll was taken said they hate the separation fence but the problem is that it worked. Shops on Ben Yehuda street weren't blowing up every day since it went up. The problem is that they see the security measures as necessary. It is sad but it is a fact. Guess what I know Israeli Arabs who have the same attitude.
  4. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Indeed. Shall we consider you a good example of the average member of Brit-Cit? After all, you've posted this little gem about Jews possibly being a separate species.
  5. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I'd have ( foolishly) credited you with perhaps having more sense than picking BNP -:roflol:

    Do you have any idea how many members BNP's got ? check yr link - :roll:

    Go find out and tell me .

    BNP has never been nor have a hope in hell ever gaining majority support/ or any high office /positions of power in Britain anywhere like racist Jewish Parties have in Israel .

    There you go - another stupid comparison .

  6. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Yes but this man is seen as a pariah among most Jews but he can say it. It is his right, just like it is the right of a Christian preacher to say that gays should be put in concentration camps.

    Actually no it is only hate speech if it is to denigrate the Jewish community or to use his false information to incite harm.

    He would not be seen favorably by very many people, just like the above Rabbi.

    None I have been in.

    Probably...but there were some of those same people who said the same thing about your rabbi. Like me oh...and the ADL

    Nope but you are good at building straw men.




  7. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    The point, Marlow, is that as far as I am aware there is no evidence that diaspora Jews are anymore pro-Israel than the population in general. What you are doing is conflating the motivations underpinning power with the alleged motivations of diaspora Jews within the wider population as if Jews were some kind of separate sub-species. Power is the motivating factor that drives both establishment-friendly Jews and non-Jews alike. This drive for power encompasses amongst other things the interests intrinsic to Zionism. However, it is a mistake to think this is exclusively so. For example, somebody like the Jewish UK ambassador to Israel, David Gould, who has openly declared his commitment to the said rogue state as well as the principles of Zionism, is not motivated to do so because he is Jewish but because he is a neoliberal capitalist. Gould is an example of somebody who just so happens to be Jewish AND a Zionist-friendly capitalist. But there are many Jews who are anti-capitalist socialist who would sooner stand on a political platform to oppose the views of people like Gould rather than support him. Indeed, the Jewish political tradition is historically full of such people. Similarly there are as many non-Jews who would support the views of Gould, the Zionist Jew on the basis of power. Conflating Zionism/capitalism with Jews and Judaism is disingenuous in the extreme.
  8. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    You're confusing civil and criminal law. Westboro Baptist says some really hateful stuff, but using this logic, since they haven't been sued, everyone agrees with them. The problem is, NO ONE agrees with them and yet they're still around. This rabbi you speak of is the Israeli equivalent of WBC. He can't be fired for his opinions since - well, who IS his boss? The same as WBC's I imagine, they're independent agencies. He CAN be kicked out of his group or lose relevance. But is having an odious opinion a crime? Not yet. I doubt said bishop would be convicted in a criminal court, but the Catholic Church has the right to fire him as this bishop does have a boss to answer to. Just like when Marge Schott said some pretty boneheaded things, she wasn't gonna get convicted, but she was fired by her bosses at the Cincinnati Reds.

    Paula Deen has said some racist (and really really stupid) things. Does everyone agree with her? Nope. Near as I can tell, she's in no danger of being thrown in jail. What IS happening is that her financial empire is crumbling about her, because businesses and the buying public also have the right to not get her stuff. It's pretty much the same thing.
  9. Knuckleballer

    Knuckleballer New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    "There are no autopsy reports indicating even a single person died from exposure to poisonous gas in chambers."

    THAT is likely the most laughable of the multitude of stupid and baseless defenses.... Are YOU STUPID ENOUGH to consider the Nazis to have performed autopsies of their victims? Are you also STUPID enough to think they would have recorded them?

    Give me a break....

    Now let's talk about your Dr. Lindsey.... his experience as a research chemist for Dupont is a qualification? Because Dupont has done such extensive research on Genocide? Or did "Doc Goober" do those experiments in his cellar on the weekend?

    If you bothered to look at who you cherry picked as an "expert" you would see how easy he is discredited....

    Perhaps you should read his thesis titled... "Zyklon B, Auschwitz, and the Trial of Dr. Bruno Tesch"

    The Scholarly mechanic Lindsey leads off his thesis with this gem...

    Followed up by this Gem of unbiased reporting....

    Think maybe Goober had an ox to gore before he "testified"?

    Testimony isn't truth, it's a series of words and can as easily be a lie as it is truth, but of course since his testimony suite your twisted purpose.. it's truth.

    What you also conveniently "FORGOT" to mention was Doc Goober's testimony was in a case known as Mermelstein vs. The Institute for Historical Review with Goober testifying for them. The case ended when the IHR settled by paying "$90,000 to Mermelstein and to issue a letter of apology to "Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz" for "pain, anguish and suffering" caused to them."

    Here's the Courts Judgement....

    Twice in this thread I have provided official court judgements proving the case; in response you cite people from the losing side. Denial maybe or simply LYING to further your hatred?

    By all means I WILL continue believing what I know as PROVEN truth , be assured I have also NO DOUBTS regarding your veracity, honesty and integrity based on this discussion.

    YOU believe what YOU want.... but be assured even the HONEST Anti-Semites (Skin heads and Neo Nazis) have accepted the truth of their Fuhrer's crimes.
  10. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Of course there is the problem that many don't "think for themselves" and the opinions they express are a result of invidious prejudice and propaganda based upon half-truths as opposed to logical conclusions based upon actual knowledge as that results in valid opinions. When presented with the truth they reject it because it conflicts with their prejudicial beliefs.

    Of course they have freedom of speech which allows them to spout off their opinions even though it's not a logical conclusion nor was it based upon them actually thinking for themselves without bias or prejudice.
  11. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    That is not true, this rule was invented in the late Middle Ages.

    In the early Middle Ages (and especially in the ancient times) Judaism was an actively proselytizing religion.

    -I have quoted in this thread Jewish sources that confirm that slaves, owned by Jews, were encouraged to convert to Judaism.

    -There were Arab Kings in Saudi Arabia that (in the pre-islamic time) converted to Judaism and forced their population to convert to Judaism.

    -Many Berber tribes from North Africa converted to Judaism.

    - Babylonians were encouraged to convert to Judaism

    -In the Hellenistic time many Greeks converted to Judaism, because Judaism was the first monotheistic religion.

    So the conversion of Khazars to Judaism was nothing unusual.


    The "Jewish race" is an invention of Zionists.
    National Socialists also believed in the existence of the "Jewish race", but they were influenced by Zionists and just repeated this Zionist BS. The proto-Zionist Moses Hess was actively propagating the idea about the "Jewish race", but what he referred to as "Jewish racial traits" were in reality "Khazar racial traits". The same mistake was made by the National Socialists.

    But National Socialist were aware that there were a lot of European Pagans that converted to Judaism and from Judaism to Christianity. These historical facts cannot be denied, because they are well documented.

    That was already debunked by genetic studies.

    Not only were converts accepted as normal "racial Jews", the male lineage of the Jewish clan of Levites is almost totally of non-Semitic origin.

    According to Jewish dogmas Jewish Cohens and Levites stem from the same male lineage. Genetics could prove that this is a total BS.

    Jews are (like any other religious group) a mosaic of many different people, and the Khazar ancestry is dominant in their genetic make up. The mediaeval converts not only merged with the Jews that brought to them Judaism (and these Jews were also Mediterranean converts), but they even become dominant in the clan of priests, called Levites.

    BTW, Zionists began their genetic studies with the male lineage of Jews?

    Guess why? Because it was accepted that all Jewish communities in Europe were created by Jewish males (merchants) that married local women.

    In plain English.

    There are some limited similarities between the male lineage of Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews, but their maternal lineage (mit DNA, transmitted from mother to daughters) are totally different.

    Even the female Ashkenazim from East -and West Europe have totally different mitochondrial DNA which they inherited from their female ancestors, and that means that the dogma about the common "female lineage" of Jews is even a greater BS than their supposed common male ancestors.
  12. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Of course the retreating /defeated German authorities wouldn't have carried out autopsies. DUH

    BUT - To prove their case - One might have expected the Allies i.e. Russians/US/British + French to have , at least attempted to carry out at least one or two autopsies, on all those corpses they had enough time to photograph , No ?

  13. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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  14. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    First time I've read that thing. Thanks.

    Littlewood's commentary on it certainly is out in left field but on the whole, the document is fairly benign, it just wants people to stop running around hating and voicing same towards somebody because they are Jewish. I highly doubt the fathers meant freedom of speech to single out a peoples and call them a ni**er or a k*ke.
  15. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If anything, Freedom of Speech meant protecting the very thing that said Founding Fathers would have found offensive, at least from Congressional attack. Which would have included those very words.
  16. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Doubt it as those very words are designed to take anothers freedoms away by marginalizing their very existence.
  17. Knuckleballer

    Knuckleballer New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Massive piles of rotting bodies? NO.

    How about the people they GASSED TO DEATH before the allies were knocking at the door? Why bother, in their twisted minds they were eliminating vermin and KNEW full well the cause of death. What's the point of determining the cause of death when you lock a bunch of human beings in a sealed building and inject poison gas... only a total IDIOT would question the cause of death.

    Add to that a simple matter which seems to always escape those who deny, support and revere the Nazi Scum... RESPECT.

    Jewish law dictates speedy burial of the dead... other than to satisfy sick twisted LIARS over 60 years later, why further desecrate the dead? They knew as I do now, no amount of proof will ever convince those who hide behind halfassed civility their hatred of Jews and admiration for the scum they are now defending.

    You believe what you wish.... I KNOW what I know.

    SHALOM sweety....
  18. Stuart Wolfe

    Stuart Wolfe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Yes, I'm sure the Allies would have spent an enormous amount of time trying to find relatives of the dead in order to grant them permission to perform an autopsy. Oh wait - they were probably dead and buried too.

    More than likely, the fact that these guys were dead and everyone knew who did it was enough so that no one really bothered to find out if they had been gassed, shot, or whatnot. It was enough to know The Nazis did it, and no one bothered dealing with other issues such as apologists for mass murder appearing on message boards decades later. Top priorities were dealing with the collapse of Germany, burying the dead, and rounding up the Nazis who, of course, were only following orders.
  19. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    This does not contradict what I stated. A person could convert to the Hebrew religion but they could never be a Jew as that was hereditarily passed down from the Jewish mother to her children. A Jew can adopt any religion and they're still a Jew. A non-Jew can adopt the Hebrew religion but they will never be a Jew.

    The question was could a non-Jew become a Jew and the answer remains no. A non-Jew could adopt the religious beliefs but could never become an actual Jew because that is hereditary based upon the Hebrew teachings.
  20. 4thBattalion

    4thBattalion New Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Actually, that isn't exactly true. For exemple, after WW2, many peoples converted to judaism by sympathy to the holocaust victims. Many of those made Alyah and were welcomed as jews in Israel. There is also some jewish denomination that accept converts and who doesn't discriminate, they also offer to help with aliyah. Keep in mind that on a religion basis, since we are all descendant of adam and eve, we are all " potential" jews. What separate us from the religious jews is that we haven't made the blood sacrifice that abraham did, the circumcision for religious reason. Those jewish denomination that i mention earlier ask you to make such sacrifice if you aren't already circumcised or ask for a drop of blood from the same region if you are.

    I almost did it a few year back... But one other restriction imposed on the converted is that they should not participate in non jewish religious services, which mean i wouldn't be able to go to the funeral services of my old mother when she passes away... I could go to the cemetary but not to the church service. Out of respect for her i declined.

    In any case the matriarcal system isn't absolute nir is it set in stone. It had a role to play historicaly as a mean of survival of the race, but if ever there is peace in the middle east and assured security to the jewish race, some rabbi may recommend that this system be changed back to a patriarcal system or some other...
  21. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Was he ostracised for his hate speech?

    Does not look like that. One picture tells more that thousand words.
    Look at these pictures, switch on your brain, and make your own conclusion.




    The other prominent Jewish Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh believes that if a Jew needs a liver, then he can kill a non-Jew (including a Christians) and take his liver.

    Was this hater imprisoned or ostracised?

    No, it doesn't look like that, he can still teach children:

  22. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Well, then there were/are no Jews in Europe at all.


    They could trace the paternal lineage of some male Jews to the Orient, but the European Jews have totally different maternal lineages, and the founding mothers of European Jews were European women who had converted to Judaism.

    If somebody does not stem from a Hebrew woman, then (according to modern definition of a Jew), he is not a Jew by heredity. The founding mothers of most European Jews were non-Hebrew women.
  23. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Jews who converted become as if they were born Jews and their conversion should never be mentioned. There is a Jewish legend that all Jewish souls were at Sinai and that some Jewish souls are born into non-Jewish families.
  24. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    It is obvious that if any western politician was posing with some hater that said similar things about the Jews, then we would hear no end of it, and the political career of these politicians would be finished.

    Ovadia Yoseph stated in an official speech in October 2010 that non-Jews were created to serve the "superior Jews!

    In October 2011 this hater was received by Netanyahu, they talked about the efforts to demand the release of Jonhathan Pollard, an American of Jewish origin who sold American top secrets to the Jewish state, and the Jewish state sold these secrets to the Soviets.

    Here is the picture:



    Pollard damaged USA during the Cold War, thousand of American assets were killed after that.

    Pollard damaged USA more than any other spy, excluding the Rosenbergs.

    But Nethaniahu meats with this hater, and they have a friendly conversation about urging Obama to release the man who betrayed America.

    What a chutzpah!

    The Israeli president Shimon Peres was meeting with this hater (see picture above) in March 2013.

    How predictable!

    When a normal and decent person exposes the bigotry of prominent and influencial Jews, then the Jews call him [surprise! surprise!] .... bigot.

  25. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    It is doubtful the above claim can be validated and I believe that matriarchal DNA testing has shown a common hereditary linage between most Jews that establishes a Middle East connection but I'm not an expert on these tests, how they were conduction, or their validity. I haven't done much research on them but I do know that this testing has occurred.

    According to the Hebrew Bible, all Israelites (Jewish people) descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Zionist claim to Israel rests on the hereditary linkage to Abraham that was born in the Sumerian city of Ur Kaśdim, and migrated to Canaan (Israel) with his family. This is significant on two counts.

    First of all a "European" that simply converted to the Jewish faith would have no hereditary connection to Israel at all nor any claim to the Land of Canaan (Palestine). Next would be that many claims and allegations made against the "Jewish People" would also be false if it was based upon the "conversion to the religion" as opposed to a person that is a hereditary Jew.

    It is also worthy of noting that a non-Jewish person (i.e. a person that is not of matriarchal decent from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) that converts to Judaism does not establish a hereditary family linkage. They can adopt the religion but their children are still non-Jewish and would required to submit to the same conversion and ritual process which is quite extensive. In short the child would have to "become" a "Jew" based upon the religious conversion process because they wouldn't have the hereditary linkage to establish that they are a member of the Jewish race. On the flip side a hereditary Jew would automatically be a Jew regardless of whether they practiced the Jewish religion or not.

    This really create a hodgepodge because there are Jews that occasionally don't accept that they are Jewish even though they are of Jewish matriarchal decent and there are people that believe they're a Jew but that don't practice the religion, don't have the matriarchal lineage, have never converted to the Jewish faith, and in fact are not Jews. Add to this the fact that so many mislabel people as Jewish (often for nefarious purposes of condemnation of the "Jews" based upon bigoted prejudice using stereotypes) and the confusion becomes so great that its almost impossible to sort out the facts.
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