Electoral Map: Not Good News for Obama

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by JP5, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. ConsAreVile

    ConsAreVile Banned

    May 16, 2012
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    Get mad.

    Let's take an objective look at the baby boomer generation:

    "Peace and love" *dodges draft, won't go to war* "Vietnam is a pointless war"

    *inherits best economy in the history of the world*

    *Massive entitlement crisis looming*

    Indeed the boomers are the most selfish oafs ever to form an American generation.

  2. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    LOL, you call these statements "Objective"!

    That's Kinda like stating that Affirmative Action is EQUALITY!

    * Chuckle....

    Unsupported Blanket Generalities and Condemnations don't make very convincing arguments these days, its too easy to find documentation on the internet to give specifics.

    Are some Baby Boomers Selfish Oafs? Yes, And so are some of the "Greatest Generation", the "Gen Xers", and every other generation.

    I think that the tail end baby boomers, those in their mid-forties to mid-fifties, will end up being the most-screwed generation.

    They don't have enough time left to re-build a non-government retirement, but the current 2.5 generations will swallow their social-security "Pay-as-you-go" contributions. For following generations, they'll be able to rebuild after social security has gone bankrupt and the required collections by the IRS are history.
  3. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Current Update. As you all know, this race, as in all others, will be decided by a handful of states. Romney is now up "BIG" in these battleground states. And that is good news for our country.

    Poll: Romney up big in battleground states

    By Jonathan Easley - 07/03/12 01:37 PM ET
    [FONT=Georgia !important]

    Mitt Romney has a sizeable lead in 15 battleground states, according to a CNN/ORC poll released late Monday.
    The Republican candidate leads President Obama 51 percent to 43 in 15 states that will be critical in determining the outcome of the 2012 election.
    Obama won 12 of these battleground states in 2008 — Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin — and will need to keep about half of those in 2012 if he’s to secure reelection. The poll also included Missouri, Indiana and Arizona as battleground states.

  4. Troianii

    Troianii Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 7, 2012
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    With PN and MD to the northeast (with the exception of NH), and with every west coast state (plus NV) Obama is still 78 short. he can count on IL(20), NM(5), MN(10), putting him at 227. People who think Obama will win a confederate state this time around are just fooling themselves. VA, NC, and FL will fall in with the GOP again. After that, Romney basically need to win OH only. He could also try a combination of WI, IA, CO. Either those three TOGETHER or OH itself will decide the election.

    On that, the reliable polls in OH show a slight Romney edge - likely voter polls. Registered voter polls are extremely inaccurate, and always favor the liberal my a margin far wider than the outcome.

    The reliable polls for the other three show a true tie in IA, a small Obama edge in WI, and a small Obama edge in CO. I could see all four as true toss ups, but I would put money on OH itself deciding the election.
  5. Troianii

    Troianii Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 7, 2012
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    Now, speaking to a common theme I've seen in this thread - the left "winning" isn't inevitable. I know that a lot of people think the immigrants are going to fall in line with Democrats, and they largely have been - for a time. But strip them of the illegal immigration issue, and what do you have left? A heavily Catholic, socially conservative, family-oriented, hard working population. Shoot, strip them of the illegal immigration issue, and I would have thought you were describing a Republican!

    The same thing has happened many times in history. Those "dirty" Irish, Italians, Mics, ***** - they were all defacto Democrats, but as time passed on that was no longer the case. The only thing that made them Democrats as a group was the fact that the Democrats were super immigrant friendly. Get past that, and they've largely voted Republican.

    The world isn't coming to an end. If anything, the long-term effect of hispanic immigration will be to strengthen the Republican party.
  6. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    It doesn't matter if Obama loses or not the fight for health care repeal is in the Senate and the only way they can win there is take 11 Seats no less will do. And you will not get the law away but defunding it the law will be their just would need to be funded by general revenues.

    States that are moving ahead with this and most of those are big states will sue for funding and implimentation regardless its the law of the land until repealed and the Democrats designed the law to not depend on the taxes and fees to go ahead.
  7. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Obama has given "waivers" to almost 1/2 of the states from 'No Child Left Behind" during the past 5 months. IOW, he's saying, it's legislation that was enacted and signed into LAW; but you don't have to do it. ALL Obama got back from them for giving these Waivers was a promise that they'd do something to improve their public education. I see no reason why Romeny can't start out doing that as well.....while we work on the Repeal. He can say to the states...."I'll give you this waiver from Obamacare, IF you put in place a state healthcare system for your own state....as we did in Massachusetts."
  8. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Healthcare, Housing, Education, it doesn't matter what the Pandering fiscal flavour of the week is...

    As long as you keep thinking in terms of; "Oh We'll just tax N spend the Those Other Guy's Money" so I won't have to pay for it XYZ ourselves, you're only digging the hole deeper.

    In the end, you're always going to pay for what you get, in one coin or another.

    Pay with your freedom and independence if you want, I'd rather just buy what I need up front with hard earned dollars, at least I control what I'm getting.

    If I get sick, I'll pay the doctor for a cure, if I can't afford the cure, I die. But I'll die a free man, not a slave. ( Nor my family )

    ( And the Doctors/Hospitals/Pharmacy get NOTHING... and that just MIGHT have an effect of health care costs. )
  9. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Are you saying that liberal elected officials have never passed around what many would call racially insensitive jokes? And if they do are they called on to resign or apologize? I think this brings us back to the old double standard. If these things are prohibited by one political group, they should be prohibited by all political groups. I don't remember Biden being forced to apologize and blasted by the Democrats for his condescending and maybe racist remark about Obama back in 2007, when he called him "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." In fact, he went on to become the VP.

    Imagine if a Republican had uttered those same words??? I think it's mainly the double standard that Republicans object to.
  10. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Makes for good news copy, doesn't it? This one will be as close as 2000. Right now, Obama is still slightly ahead on a state-by state basis:

    Ohio 46.2/43.6 Obama +2.6

    Florida 46.7/45.0 Obama +1.7

    Virginia 47.2/44.8 Obama +2.4

    Iowa 46.5 / 44.0 Obama +2.5

    Michigan 47/ 43 Obama +4

    Colorado 47 / 43 Obama +4

    For all of them, go to Real Clear Politics. In any case, these polls don't mean much until Romney picks a VP and the debates begin. The most interesting thing I find about this election is that it has the highest numbers of Independents and Moderates who still haven't made up their mind, in a long time. Those are the vote that will make this election.
  11. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    He can but alot of states will expand medicaid in the end and do the exchanges unless there is a chance of repeal, if states opt in these states have to get the funding. Its alot of money with little coming from the states why would any opt out? Waivers depend on states going along with it. I can name several that will not California, New York , Rhode Island, Massachusetts (they can just move things over to Obamacare fast), many poor states in the South in the end likely will and others.

    If a few hold out they also shoot themselves in the foot many small businesses with under 50 employees for one will more likely not go to those states since the others would offer local incentives and health care would not be thier obligation more than they choose. Its economic stimulous health care jobs and those that do business with those getting the new jobs the $1 coverting to $7 of economic benefits.

    If states demand the expansion of Medicaid and the exchanges that is the law right until repealed. And an appeal not a defunding a repeal will demand either the Republicans get a filibuster proof majority OR Democrats switching sides to get to that point - good luck.
  12. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Why would they opt out??????????????

    Are you unaware or in denial that the STATES have to supply the bulk of the EXTRA funding needed for the exchanges and expanded Medicaid? EVERY state that opts IN will have to find more revenue (TAXES) to fund the increased costs.
  13. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Or have the State Legislature pass a State Level Bill which deducts the amount of Federal Funds being withheld, as a form of Federal Political Blackmail, from the Tax Revenues being forwarded to Washington D.C.

    Bring Lawsuit from those states against the Federal Agencies denying the equal funding based on 14th Amendment Rights of their States Citizens being denied by the Federal Agency, and use the TEA Party and its growing nationwide political power to deny election to any and all Congressman who support this form of Federal Political Extortion.

    It may end multiple state secessions, in the break up of America into regional subnations, and general civil war.

    Unfortunately, that may be just what is required to reign in the vast corruption of the Liberal Political Establishment.

    Sadly, we knew better, but choose to try and get ourselves a "Free Lunch".
  14. jackdog

    jackdog Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2009
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    considering that most pollsters are still basing their polls on 2008 election turnout numbers, the swing states must look very very bad for the Obama team. No way Obama will get the youth vote this time and a lot of older voters have shifted to the right since 2008. Not that I expect another 2010 but I think you can safely split the difference and be in the ball park. Senate is a definite tossup, but all Romney has to do is keep up withe fundraising and perform well in the debates
  15. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    In a free and fair election, you'd be spot on, but the margine is close enough, it won't take much ACORN (oh, wait, excuse me, we're supposed to call them "Project Vote" now that they are Federal Tax dollar funded...) Anyway, it won't take much ACORN voter fraud to swing those key states.

    This election won't be determined by the debates or even the candidates campaigns, it will ride on the honest of the check to voter fraud provided by our "Free" press along with the efforts of our voter law-enforcement personel.

    Well, that and the righteous outrage of citizens who see themselves being dis-enfrancised by organized, institutional, voter fraud.

    Much as I like the Disney Characters, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck should not get to vote 30+ times for every vote cast by myself and/or Joe-the-Plumber.
  16. KenikeP

    KenikeP New Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    Actually, States that opt out of expanding Medicaid will not only save their people from the full cost of the program in 5 years when the Federal Funding (taxpayer funds from ObamaTAX's 20+ included taxes) stops but those States also will be protecting small business interests from Obamacare's 'employer mandate'.


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