How come the left never says anything positive about blacks?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Steve N, Jul 13, 2020.

  1. Mrs. SEAL

    Mrs. SEAL Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Over the course of history rulers both good and bad have to some degree kept the majority of their subjects poorer than the ruling class and those who managed the poor.

    On the other hand I have see that too much give aways can be a bad thing in the long run. Too much give aways made too often can squash initiative. Where I disagree with the Shrill voices of the Ranting Right wingers is when they claim that those horrible Democrats only use giveaways to get votes. Good intensions are a significant reason for giveaways. Those that blunt initiative? Yes in a lot of cases. The giveaways are in a lot of cases done by private organizations and not for political purposes. It is done often as feel good acts.

    I grew up as a poor immigrant kid and was not all that much poorer than those kids whose families were here for a couple or more generations.
    No one I knew got pack pals filled with school supplies and goodies just before school started. No one I knew got free lunch at school and certainly did not get their back lacks stuffed with food to take home on weekends. Before our families moved to the suburbs my wife and I grew up in close to the same neighborhood. We did not know each other then.
    Yet we both remember scrathing up no more than a couple few dollars to go to the same Five and Ten Cent store and Woolworth to buy our school supplies each September. We may have seen each other there who knows. Both of our dads worked in factories back then. Her dad started out sweeping floors mine cleaning dirty Lilly machines. By the time we were teenagers her dad rose up to be night superintendent mine a machine draftsman. They neighter asked for nor expected handouts. Yet we both learned that you cannot have everything you want if you cannot afford it. There was a time in my career when the insurance and banking industries collapsed and I got laid off. We did not ask for handouts and we told our daughter that firva whole there would be no vacations to Maine and no extras but we managed to have basics without hand outs.

    I knew guys who got laid off from the same company as Indid who fell apart, became house husbands and or fell into depression. I worked three jobs. My wife could not work she needed an organ transplant.

    I made it through the tough times because I knew that my parents came here and the only give away they received one time was $7.50 from the Catholic Relief Agency. They survived in a strange land with just a little English they learned in the Refugee camp so who was Into fall apart or stand in a give away line. I told myself my dad did it my wife knew her dad did it without give aways we were not going to give up and die. Though she would have actually died if her transplant did not come through.

    Having said that I reject that the giveaways of today is just so those horrible bad Democratic guys do it to control the minorities. A lot of it is based on good intentions but yes sometimes I good things live at the last stop on the road built on good intentions.

    You cannot explain everything away blaming he "liberal" media, the Democrats, BLM, George Soros, or Deep State. Not everything is explained away of the fault of political parties Left or Right.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
  3. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    What a load of crap. Blacks have to deal everyday with tons of instances of racism mainly coming from right-wingers and they are forced into the inner cities by it. They have just as much intelligence and talent as everyone else if they didn't have to live in war zones..... The GOP war on the Non Rich of course has the worst effect on blacks duh. After 40 years of GOP dominance nationally we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere by far. Blaming democrats for the effects of national policy is ridiculous and ignorant, the GOP way these days....
  4. Mrs. SEAL

    Mrs. SEAL Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    How is what I said a load of crap, just merely quoted Biden...

    I can see you took a page out of Biden's handbook..
    Steve N likes this.
  5. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    There you go again, making excuses. A bunch of posts above yours have lefties saying they can't define people as a whole, yet here you are doing it with blacks, the GOP and non rich. You seem to either have low expectations of blacks or just accept it as a fact.

    if what you said was even remotely true, then no blacks would be successful. But when they do become successful, the left then demonizes them as being Uncle Toms.

    In CA blacks get bonus points on their college entrance exams. Now imagine if you were in a foot race with blacks and you were given a 200 yard head start. Right off the bat you're being told the you're not good enough to equally compete with black runners. The left doesn't seem to try to get people to improve, rather they seem to want to give people head starts and call that equality.

    And I'll say thing again, the left doesn't really have anything positive to say about blacks , like you, the best the left can do is call them victims and I'd like to know why that is.
    Mrs. SEAL likes this.
  6. FAW

    FAW Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    I decided to respond to you because your position seems reasonable and open to a two way dialogue.

    I agree with your "living in a bubble" concept, but that bubble works both ways, which is not how I believe that you are intending it to be applied. Allow me to explain....

    I think that we can all agree that both parties are always going to make decisions that are aimed at maintaining or increasing their power. Power is achieved by winning elections. If you analyze the electorate solely based on race, blacks vote for Democrats by a 90% plus margin, and whites vote for Republicans by a roughly 55%-45% split. This means that after 100 white votes, Republicans are at a plus 10, and after only 11 black votes, Democrats are at that same plus 10. It is only with the near homogeneity of the black vote for democrats that Democrats ever win the presidency. It is this homogeneity that gives an enormous amount of power to the black vote, and in a nutshell, it enables a group that comprises only 12% of the population to have as much power as the majority white population. From a purely racial perspective, if Democrats can can get 11 more black voters to vote in an election, it counteracts the votes of 100 white voters.

    How do Democrats increase black voter turnout?... they stir up racial controversy. They constantly push the bogus narrative that systemic racism is responsible for the collective economic problems of the black community. They constantly push the bogus narrative that white supremacists are seemingly lurking around every corner. They constantly push the bogus narrative that the police are out there hunting down young black men dues to inherent bias. It seems like every election year, a major racial controversy hits the headlines, in ways that it does not in non election years. In 2012, the President of the United States decides to weigh in on some obscure shooting in Florida saying that Trayvon could be his son, thus putting that case squarely into the public consciousness. It just so happens that it happened to be in Florida which at the time was considered the state that was going to decide that years election. In 2014, when Democrats were desperately trying to maintain control of the senate and Claire Mcaskill in Missouri was thought to be the last firewall for Democrats to maintain the Senate, the President once again weighs in on another otherwise obscure case ( Michael Brown) that just happened to be in Claire Mcaskills district; and BLM was born. In 2016, off the top of my head, I do not recall much on the racial tension front, and the black voter turnout was way down. They were not going to make that mistake again, and as if on cue, we are in the midst of another manufactured racial crisis. That is not to say that what that cop did was not reprehensible, but there is absolutely not one shred of evidence or even an implication that points to his motive being racial in nature.

    The cruel irony in all of this is that the party that purports itself to be all about racial equality, is the one party that has by far the most to gain by the existence of racial strife and tension.

    I am about 50 years old. There is no doubt that pre civil rights act blacks were screwed royally. There is no doubt that when I grew up in the 70's and 80's that racism was real. Whites did not like blacks and blacks did not like whites. 40 years later, those feelings are almost nonexistent. Having hired many people over the years, I can honestly say that black or white makes literally no difference in regards to hiring decisions. We have elected a black president. Black and white couple are commonplace and hardly anybody even bats an eye at the concept. We are darn close to being a colorblind society, EXCEPT in the minds of Democrat politicians whom are desperately trying to keep racial tension alive and well. To listen to democrat politicians, one would think that little or no progress has been made on that front. Do Democrat politicians want a colorblind society? Absolutely not. If society were truly colorblind the black vote would not automatically be a rubber stamp for Democrats because race would no longer define how they vote. If society were colorblind, Democrats would no longer be able to increase black voter turnout by virtue of stirring the pot of racial tensions.

    Politically, Republicans want nothing more than a colorblind society. Politically, a colorblind society would be the death of the modern Democrat Party. Speaking of bubbles that need to be burst, it is my contention that it is the bubble that bogusly tells an entire race of people that due to systemic racism they cannot achieve what they otherwise could achieve in life.
    fishinD and Steve N like this.
  7. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    So then, if we hold this to be true(and I do agree with you), why is there this pushback against "all lives matter"(I remember when Jim Webb made the proclamation in the 2016 Democratic primaries, and instead of such a sentiment being cheered, it was actually booed), that was freaking telling about where the DP is, at this point in time.

    I don't think Democrats can govern for all Americans as a whole.
  8. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Obama was the first black national leader with those attributes not to mention being the best orator we've seen in years.

    That is called science. Some Republicans have actually heard of it....
  9. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    That's because the Republicans have their own planet with Fox noise and Rush etcetera etcetera. Trump is the most divisive president ever for crying out loud. He actually believes that garbage propaganda. An ignoramus fraud and con man...
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
  10. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    "anarchy is raging across the United States"-Jesse on the five just now. What a bunch of crap LOL
  11. Mrs. SEAL

    Mrs. SEAL Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    Lol how is that science? That's an opinion not science.

    And nice dodge by the way, I quoted what Biden said, it was clearly a racist comment, how do you not see that? It's called common sense, something very few liberals understand.
  12. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Science says all races are equal depending on environment health food etc.... You have a problem with that?

    It was a fact. The first national black leader like that.
  13. Mrs. SEAL

    Mrs. SEAL Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    Did I say I have a problem with it? Did I ever say I DIDN'T believe all races were equal? No! That's you TRYING to sound tolerant. All I did was quote Biden's racist remarks, which by the way you never disagreed with his statements.

    It's a fact Obama was the first black president, but it's not fact that he was the best orator, that is an opinion.
    Steve N likes this.
  14. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Vietnamese, Cambodians, older Chinese, Africans, etc.
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  15. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Sure, but the Left does think of people 'as a whole'. They're very very invested in tribalising people.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
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  16. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    And wicked funny. You forgot that ;)
  17. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    You actually think they're trying to eradicate ghettos? LOL.
  18. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Try telling that to the Left. Good luck.
  19. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Protecting people from the consequences of their actions is an act of absolute neglect and disregard. When we don't offer the dignity of cause/effect and human agency, we refuse it because it's easier to "give them candy to shut them up". That's an option only taken when we TRULY don't care what happens to the person.

    In this case, we're talking about educated adults .. who know full well what happens when you shield people from consequences. That's way beyond being selfish and lazy. That's ****ing sinister.
    Steve N likes this.
  20. Colombine

    Colombine Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 5, 2005
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    Well they don't post threads about them every five minutes.

    Maybe they're just not as obsessed about people of color as some people are?

    The previous administration was WAY more diverse than this one (not to mention far more competent) so maybe actions speak louder than words?

    Just sayin".
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
  21. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Sorry but that's wrong, the CRA and other legislation didn't change anyone's mind it just made racist behavior illegal
  22. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    It's been explained to you time and again, this thread is about liberals and nothing more. But because you can't answer a simple question and say something possible about blacks, something you often do with illegals, you guys instead chose to deflect and try to turn this subject around. And what does the previous administration have to do with anything, same thing with diversity?

    On a side note, diversity is the absolute worst way to get things done. The NBA and NFL don't hire midget Eskimos just to be diverse. CNN isn't giving Steve Bannon a host gig just to be diverse. Playboy won't put a 400lb man in their centerfold just to be diverse. And I'm sure you didn't intentionally seek out a person out of your race, religion, etc, just to be diverse. Even gang bangers aren't diverse and that's about as basic in human nature as it gets.

    But the one thing I've learned with this thread is the left can certainly call blacks all sorts of things in relation to victimhood and how they can't succeed, and they can scream racism an awful lot towards people so don't agree with that premise, but they absolutely can't say anything positive about blacks. My guess is you weren't conditioned to see them in a successful light, but always a negative one. But we're the racists and not the left.
  23. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Democrats don't do giveaways over good intentions it's to control people.

    Not sure what this has to do with the bigotry of low expectations.
  24. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    well I guess I do agree with you but they're strictly from the left.

    It's strictly a left thing to talk about white privilege and how the only way black people can succeed if white people let them that's white supremacy so sure they exist there's nothing to do with Trump. It's BLM and antifa where the white supremacists are
    No Alexandria ocasio-cortez still holds office if we vote out Trump then Joe Biden will taking office these are the white supremacist these are the racist they're the ones who think black people are inferior because they can't succeed unless white people recognize their privilege.

    So yes racists exist but you own them all.
  25. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    It's been 24 hours and not one liberal can think of something positive to say about blacks. I never would have seen this coming.
    crank likes this.

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