In Signing Sweeping Tax Bill, Trump Questions Whether He Is Getting Enough Credit

Discussion in 'United States' started by Channe, Dec 22, 2017.

  1. Revax

    Revax Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2016
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    Are you talking about Obamacare, if so I agree with you.
  2. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    The great Socialist-Democrat demi-god, Frankie Roosevelt, put Social Security into existence on August 14, 1935. This program has been the Law of the Land for over 82 years -- and every one of us has been forced by the government to pay into this thing all of our lives, or face the certain penalties for breaking the law.

    Speaking as a Boomer who was forced to begin participation in this mandatory government retirement program when I took my first official job when I was 13 years old, I'm now retired, and I want every single penny that's coming to me. And, so do about 80,000,000 other Boomers who are retired or going to retire during the next ten years or so.

    "Uncle Sugar" was quick to take our money away from us when we were struggling to make a living, improve our lives, and take on the many challenges of real working adulthood. Now that it's time for Uncle to honor the other side of this mandatory program, the money had better be there, every month, right on time, or there will be mortal hell to pay!

    Boomers were the last decently-educated generation this country produced. We learned from the Vietnam 'experience', and the 'Stagflation' days of the 1970's exactly how corrupt, stupid, and deceitful a country's government can be, and how hard it can be to make a living, hoping to get ahead. We're smart enough to be able to separate truth from bullshit... and WE VOTE! Any political party that tries to double-cross us is going to commit instant suicide....

    Hint: if government wants to make cuts in Social Security, the very place to start is in all the criminal fraud and waste in the so-called "Disability" accretion that was added as a payout feature in 1956. Only those who REALLY qualify for these 'disability' payments should receive them, only for as long as the 'disability' really exists, and only in proportion to the REAL extent of the claimed 'disabiity'!
    Hotdogr and Seth Bullock like this.
  3. GoogleMurrayBookchin

    GoogleMurrayBookchin Banned

    Aug 2, 2017
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    that was also massively unpopular. people don't want a market-based healthcare solution. people want to be able to go to a hospital and not worry about anything other than getting better.
  4. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    You're right... people just want what they want, and they don't give a damn who gets stuck with the BILL. We've cultivated a population in this country that has no aspiration higher than living on some series of government welfare-suck handouts. They don't want "to worry about anything". They're a bunch of irresponsible, blood-sucking parasites -- but -- in this country, they can suck to their heart's content, and still be able to VOTE. That is the real disease that will eventually kill this country!

    [​IMG]. "My job is to suck blood. Your job is to make the blood for me!" :hippie:
    ChoppedLiver likes this.
  5. GoogleMurrayBookchin

    GoogleMurrayBookchin Banned

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Why are you pretending you're different? It's not shameful or wrong to want to spend less money and worry less.

    And as a country we can damn well afford universal healthcare. Have you seen our military budget compared to who we use all of those expensive missiles on? Even if we didn't pull out of afghanistan, I bet we could fund the nationalization of health insurance just by not building several thousand dollar missiles to launch at people who've never owned more than a herd of camels.

    Like, there's something we all want and there's an obvious path towards getting it. I don't see why we shouldn't get it.
  6. Jim Nash

    Jim Nash Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Way to go, Donny. Now sort out the health disaster. And if you actually build the wall you'll be some way towards actually fulfilling the campaign promises.
  7. freakonature

    freakonature Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    At some point, the government voted in by the boomers spent all the ss money on other services. Now, the ss fund isn't enough, and you guys want to enslave subsequent generations in order to fulfill a gov promise. Meanwhile, the enslaved generations are wise to the terrible deal. Sorry, but raising the cap is a terrible idea, and I will do whatever necessary to avoid paying it. I am sorry you are dependent upon something that is the height of stupidity and didn't end it in your youth.
  8. freakonature

    freakonature Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Hahaha, we need another unfundable liability.
  9. GoogleMurrayBookchin

    GoogleMurrayBookchin Banned

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Like, compare our wealth and what we spend it on to the wealth of other developed countries and what they spend it on. The american government does not value the lives of anyone. We've created a society that produces and loves death. I'm critical of Europe and all, but god, if Europe is doing better than us isn't that just the most pathetic thing?
  10. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I've worked for what I have... that is probably the only difference. In my dirty heart-of-hearts, I'd like for someone to just give me everything, but that is not how human civilization works, and every government that operates on a communism/socialism dynamic FAILS eventually.

    The one thing that we can observe, factually, about the military budget is that as I look around, I do not see any foreign flags flying over my town. I not see any foreign troops, or any signs of foreign invasion (except for illegal aliens). We are still the United States of America, whose foundation in the Constitution. Is that the "best bang for the buck"? Possibly not, but it beats being forced to convert to Islam, or to learn to speak Korean or Chinese, or any of another half-dozen very unpleasant possibilities I can think of if we just throw our weapons down and trust to the innate 'goodness' of those who hate our guts!.

    But, somehow, you just somehow 'know' that if we didn't fund national defense in this way, that we could nationalize a health insurance system -- right? Based on WHAT?

    The only country I know of where socialized health care works at all is Germany, and even there the whole thing is slowly getting worse. Know any Germans? I do! And one of them in particular has had a lot of experience with the socialized health care system there. For one thing, real German doctors are leaving the country in droves! Over a third of those who work the medical systems in Germany now are foreigners, usually from the Middle-East, Eastern Europe, and Africa! My friend actually has had pretty good medical care, to be honest, but it's still a damned nightmare compared with what we have in this country. You would not (NOT) want to be a sick or injured German today -- believe me!

    But the larger point is, why should anyone be allowed to simply sit on their lazy asses and suck an existence off of other people? People who really deserve welfare should receive it... those with horrible injuries, terrible diseases, birth defects, etc. I have no real objection to that, with certain limitations. But how many who claim to be unable to support themselves are really just a bunch of lazy slackers who have grown very comfortable living off of other people, especially during the eight years of Obama?
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  11. freakonature

    freakonature Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    I try to judge each thing on its merit as opposed to relativity. I don't like our budget, but that doesn't mean I would support other bad spending ideas. I agree that we should not spend to protect Europe.
  12. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Don't blame Boomers for over-extending what Social Security would pay for! And don't blame us for adding the "disability" accretion that so many bums, leeches, and parasites suck off of today. All of that crap, including Medicare, was put into effect before any of us was even old enough to vote.

    But, that's beside the point. The POINT is that, no matter who did it, we have been forced by the government to pay into these systems, as constructed originally and expanded, in return for stated returns that would be guaranteed to those of us who paid -- in proportion to the amounts that we were forced to pay in. THAT is what we demand -- no more, and not one damned penny less!

    BTW, we hear all this 'tear-jerky' crap about 'the children and the grandchildren' from idiots like 'Crusader Rick' Santorum and Governor 'Butter-tub' Christie. Two questions:

    1. How much have "the children and the grandchildren" paid into these systems? How does that compare with what Boomers and others have paid in all our lives?
    2. Where are 'Crusader Rick' Santorum and Governor 'Butter-tub' Christie today? NOWHERE! What does that tell you about the popularity of schemes to confiscate EARNED benefits from those who have been forced to pay...?! :eekeyes:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  13. GoogleMurrayBookchin

    GoogleMurrayBookchin Banned

    Aug 2, 2017
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    What's the point of revenue that isn't spent? You know, every dollar you get is a piece of time you'll never get back. Unless you use your money to actually improve your life, you're just wasting your life. Obviously you've got to keep some savings as a buffer, but I'm on the side that having money for its own sake is wasteful.

    Nobody wants to conquer the US. It'd be extremely difficult and costly, and our entire country is full of angry people with guns and training. Do you think that trillions of dollars being pumped into congress' buddies working for contractors is what stands between us and invasion? Warfare doesn't work like that. Warfare is hard and requires a hell of a lot in the way of logistics. An occupation strictly requires a traditional standing military, which the USA's enemies cannot get over here.

    You just aren't paranoid enough yet.

    And have you spoken to people who live in countries with nationalized healthcare? I know a hell of a lot of them. Hell, a discord group I've been discussing theory in is like 40% spaniards. It's not flawless, but people can walk in and walk out in an amount of time appropriate for what they're suffering. You'll be at the back of the line if you're coming in for a cold or something, but that's not the end of the world.

    Like, all of your criticisms ignore how utterly broken healthcare is in the US. Healthcare doesn't exist for a very large chunk of the population. We don't get preventative care because we don't want to waste cash on a non-emergency. We live like rats in this ******n country compared to the rest of the developed world.

    And why shouldn't everyone be allowed to simply sit on their lazy asses? Have you seen technology lately? We have the choice of just making up new things to do out of sheer desperation for work or accepting that people don't have to work as much anymore. We have the choice between a world that makes room for "laziness" or a world that doesn't have enough work to keep everyone alive. Technology demands that you make some compromises with your love of hard work.
  14. freakonature

    freakonature Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    I have paid in for 22 years at 12.4% up the cap for about 10 years. I'm simply saying that increasing the cap while younger generations are already wildly skeptical we will ever see a penny is likely to have a political effect as well. It will most certainly have a reporting effect.
  15. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    The first year of the new president is a continuation of the last year of the former one.Look at what Obama inherited and look at what Trump inherited
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  16. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I gave you the example of Germany. You say Spain is much better? It may be... I don't know anyone in Spain. But I do know that Germany is the economic engine and the 'brain-trust' that drives all of Western Europe. If socialized healthcare there isn't any better than my German friends tell me, it has some real problems, and those are only getting worse every year.

    Your opinion is as valid as mine, I suppose, but you really do astonish me. You really do think that "We live like rats in this ******n country compared to the rest of the developed world"...?! You really do believe that just because technology has advanced to the point that many menial, repetitive tasks can be done by robots or AI that masses of lazy, useless people are entitled to just lounge around on government welfare-suck programs -- while the rest of us strive to make life even better for all of us, through the use of our brains, our industry, our willingness to work, and our own personal sense of worth and ethics?

    Hell, if these worthless cretins can't do anything else, they could at least pick up trash from our streets and highways, and in our cities. But they won't even do that... it would take too much time away from pawing on their 'smart' phones, and telling their little friends about all the exciting new trivial crap they've come across. If they really want to live in a socialist 'paradise' where there is no value associated with personal excellence and achievement, they should go to North Korea.... OOPS!

    [​IMG]. "Welcome! Now, put down the phone and pick up a shovel!
  17. Denizen

    Denizen Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2013
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    What a relief for the Koch brother and GOP Congressmen. The Koch brothers would have been forced to lay off a dozen GOP Congressmen without tax relief.

  18. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    The uneducated that trump loves don’t educate themselves and refuse to see how it is going to hurt them.’s like a kid getting $5 more in allowance but has to buy her own clothes
  19. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The kid had to buy the clothes before they had the extra five bucks.

    That you view OUR own money as an "allowance that the government allows us to keep" shows that you do not recognize private property rights.
  20. Longshot

    Longshot Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Agreed. 2% across the board cuts. Every program. Every department. 2% every year until there is no more deficit. That would take courage.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2017
  21. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Thanks for sharing your opinion, but I disagree we should cut medicaid, medicare and SS benefits poorer folks need to fund tax cuts to further enrich the rich.


    They don't need it.
  22. Longshot

    Longshot Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    As you said, it would take a lot of courage to cut spending 2% per year until the deficit is eliminated. Most people, including yourself, don't have the courage to do so.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2017
  23. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Any warning, gentlemen...

    any political clown who tries to cut EARNED entitlements is committing political suicide! Social Security and Medicare are both EARNED benefits (or, at least the major part of them is).

    I 'sense' that politicians of both the liberal and conservative sides are going to be nosing around, trying to find ways to inflict cuts on SS and Medicare, but they would be well advised to leave those programs alone! They can cut Medicaid and all the other UNEARNED government handouts all they want, but they'd better leave the EARNED benefits exactly as they are -- exactly as they were when the government forced people to pay for these programs.

    Politicians and their sycophants can, however, take comfort in one reality -- Boomers are dying like flies! Sure, we hear all the time about how Boomers are going to suck the country dry, but they can only do this 'sucking' while they're ALIVE. Pick up a newspaper or scan the obits on the internet sometime. Hint: the government takes money from you all your working life, BUT, it only pays you your entitlements while you LIVE!
  24. Longshot

    Longshot Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    They're not earned.
  25. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Actually they aren’t. If you knew anything about this they are simply a tax and spend scheme. It is the only way they are constitutional.
    Longshot likes this.

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