Is Trump impeached yet?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by TheGreatSatan, May 30, 2017.

  1. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Trump's FBI, Trump's Justice Department's appointed independent counsel, the Republican-run Senate Intelligence Committee, the House Intelligence Committee, and possibly other Congressional committees are all now conducting investigations into Putin's subverting a US presidential election to place Trump in the White House, and whether Trump's agents colluded with Putin's in that shared objective.

    Those probes include the issue of Trump firing Comey after the FBI Director had testified, in April, before the House Intelligence Committee that the FBI had no information to support Trump's baseless charge that President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump, and revealed that the FBI was conducting an ongoing investigation into interactions between Trump's associates and Putin's since last July.

    If that is determined to have been the reason for Comey's firing - and not the feeble excuses subsequently offered and contradicted - that would constitute obstruction of justice, the primary article cited when Nixon was impeached.

    Trump reported confided to the Russian foreign minister and U.S. ambassador on May 10 during an Oval Office meeting, "I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job," according to a transcript of the meeting, Trump stating, "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."

    Trump, of course, has the right to fire an FBI Director every day he is in office, but not when it is done to smother an investigation.

    Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) said if the reports about Trump's pressure on Comey are true, it would merit impeachment, and Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) compared Trump pressuring Comey to drop the Flynn investigation to the obstruction of justice that led to impeachment of Nixon and of Clinton.

    It is in the interests of Democrats to keep in office a scandal-ridden, impotent Trump, incapable, even with a Republican-controlled Senate and a Republican-controlled House, of passing a single piece of major legislation into law. Pence's accession would mean coherence, and concurrence in furthering a far-right agenda. Further, an impotent Trump would be a distinct liability for Republicans in '18.

    I neither hope for nor expect impeachment, nor do I hope for or expect to see an hysterical tweet of resignation anytime soon.

    These Republican-run trumpster-diving caprices will be festering for years (although the House inquiries could well revert to Democratic control after the next election.)

    I have seen the future and it is much like the present, only longer.
    Sadanie likes this.
  2. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    If I were to wager a bet today on whom will control the House after the 2018 midterms, I would place my money on the Democrats. The first midterm is usually a referendum on the president. History also shows that in every first midterm since FDR with one lone exception, the party who held the presidency lost seats in the House. Couple that with a president if Trump's approval ratings don't improve, the party with a president with an approval rating of 45% or below also loses big time house seats and sometimes senate seats as well.

    Here is the list of first term House loses, Bush the younger was the exception to the rule. But 9-11 unified the country and gave him a gain of seats. Bush, the younger would suffer his first midterm loses in 2006 to the tune of 33 seats.
    First midterm house losses

    Obama lost 63 seats in 2010
    Bush gained 8 seats in 2002 But lost 33 seats in 2006
    Clinton lost 54 seats in 1994
    Bush lost 8 seats in 1990
    Reagan lost 26 seats in 1982
    Carter lost 15 seats in 1978
    Nixon lost 12 seats in 1970
    LBJ lost 47 seats in 1966
    JFK lost 22 seats in 1962
    Eisenhower lost 18 seats in 1954
    Truman lost 28 seats in 1950
    FDR gained 11 seats in 1934.

    The following midterms happened when a president’s approval rating is at 45% or below:

    1974 Ford 42% Minus 5 senate Minus 48 House seats

    1982 Reagan 43% Plus 1 senate Minus 26 House seats

    1994 Clinton 41% Minus 9 senate Minus 54 House seats

    2006 Bush II 37% Minus 6 senate Minus 33 House seats

    2010 Obama 45% Minus 6 senate Minus 63 House seats

    2014 Obama 41% Minus 9 senate Minus 13 House seats

    As for all the stuff you mentioned, I am sitting back and watching. Whom to believe, not Trump, that is for sure. The media, most have been out to destroy Trump. The Democrats, they been trying to do the same to Trump as the media. Trump may deserve impeachment, he may not. It may be politics of destruction or it could be the truth. There is no one in Washington I believe to tell me the truth. I can wait.

    Would I be sad or unhappy if Trump was impeached or resigned. No, I didn't like him last year and still don't. I expected no matter who won last November to be really bad for America. It was just a matter of degrees. Perhaps I am cool, calm, collective because Trump hasn't been as bad as I envisioned. I am willing to let things run their course.
    Curious Always likes this.
  3. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Why did people not like what wiki released?
  4. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Hacking only works if the people being hacked have corruption to hide. Otherwise the hacks would of shown the people how great the DNC is.
  5. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Hence why the left is so mad and distancing themselves from Hillary. Amazing that it took them a Hillary loss to realize how corrupt she is.
    Hotdogr and TheGreatSatan like this.
  6. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Wait till the tell all books come out
    ArmySoldier likes this.
  7. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    I look forward to her being buried in history books. Kids 20 years from now won't even know the name "Hillary Clinton".
  8. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Depends how juicy the books are. If what we think about them is true, could be the stuff of legends are made of.
    ArmySoldier likes this.
  9. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Hillary can be the government's version of Tupac
    TheGreatSatan likes this.
  10. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Blithering nonsense: First, the polls never have been able to find Trump supporters. During the campaign they could polled a Trump family BBQ and shown Hillary with a double digit lead, and secondly, you are just wrong.

    Gallup has him at 41%.

    Every President since FDR has polled lower than that, except JFK and Ike at some point in their of their presidency. .

    His lowest poll EVER was 36.

    Nixon's AVERAGe was lower than that, and Ike and Dubya's average was only a 1/2 point higher. So, give some thought to looking things like this up when you hear them. You have a smart phone and search bar, it only takes seconds.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  11. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I was not happy with the Democratic nominee in '16, but Trump's antics have only confirmed my concluding that she was far preferable - a sentiment that Americans had expressed by giving her 2.9 million more votes, but I think Democrats should be careful what they wish for regarding impeachment.

    Trump whines about "the media" being mean to him, but it is the same media that lavished so much free coverage on him when he stole the nomination show by his outrageous shtick (which suggests to me that Republicans subjected to his squalid behavior - McCain, Cruz, Graham, Rubio, etc. - and those whose legislative accomplishment and re-election chances are befouled by his noxious conduct, may be more amenable to impeachment than they might volunteer if given an excuse. As your stats affirm, 2018 won't be a good yer for Repubs, and Trump and his impact on Congress can only make it worse.

    Hyper-partisans need to imagine the press is partisan, and it does serve a necessary adversarial role to those in power, but, except for niche outlets that pander to a specific ideological market, it is a capitalist enterprise whose aim is profit and that means selling stories to the widest audience. If Trump persists in conducting himself as outrageously as he has, he will invite the sort of coverage he now receives. If he cleans up his act and morphs into a competent, thoughtful statesman and lies less often, that will command appropriate headlines.

    If he has any hopes for redemption, he should cooperate fully with the investigations, encourage his minions to do the same, and keep his promise to release his tax returns that could alleviate suspicions of shady financial entanglements with Russia - a matter about which rumours will persist for years, otherwise.

    If he keeps pandering to his adoring cult whose unquestioning devotion is so easy to command, he'll end up a loser in the larger context.

    Curious Always and perotista like this.
  12. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    No, without the DNC's help. Nobody made the DNC corrupt from the top-down. Sad to see you're falling for the DNC's smokescreen to deflect attention away from the DNC's massive corruption problems.

    You need proof of "collusion" to impeach anybody and DNC insinuations and anonymous sources aren't it. Perhaps you should raise your standards to something more than National Enquirer levels?
    Hotdogr and TheGreatSatan like this.
  13. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    :applause: good show, I agree :clapping:
  14. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    McCain and Rubio both won Re-election last year. They pretty much free agents as far as Trump is concerned. Now Lying Ted Cruz is up for re-election in 2018 and Graham in 2020. I would lay odds that Graham doesn't want Trump at the head of ticket come 2020. I'll never forgive the two major parties nominating the two dodo's they did. Trump being president is the direct results of whom each party nominated. Which one was the lesser evil, I don't know. I don't care, I didn't and don't want evil in the White House. But as a result of our two party system and whom the two parties nominated, evil was going to win either way. Which one hardly mattered, at least to me. Evil is still evil even if one was a degree or two less evil.

    I don't know what is going to happen to Trump, I have basically ignored him. All I know is the Democrats are out to destroy him and have most of media on their side. Does Trump deserve destroying? I don't know. Perhaps he does, maybe he doesn't. It is pretty hard to believe anyone or anything coming from folks I know are out to destroy him. It is impossible to believe Trump. So I just pretty much put the whole thing on ignore, much like the use of the ignore button or list on this site.

    I'm more interested in how Trump's low approval numbers will effect the 2018 midterms than anything else. I don't have an axe to grind against Trump, but I won't defend him either. He earned all of this as far as I am concerned. I just sick and tied of all the partisanship and polarization of Washington. There is nothing that comes out of Washington that I would believe. It impossible to determine fact from fiction, political propaganda from the truth, reality or fantasy. If ignorance is bliss, then I am one happy camper.

    We are where we are because of the choices and decisions made by the two major parties last year and those who are their members. That is where the finger of blame points. I doubt I will ever get over both major party's idiocy. The problem is the two major parties made their bed, but all of America must sleep in it now.
    btthegreat likes this.
  15. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    The real difference between the two parties, was in the when and the how but the end result was the same. Dems did everything in their power to avoid offering its voters any credible, trustworthy and realistic option at all, and republican voters just kept choosing the worst possible option.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
    perotista likes this.
  16. IMMensaMind

    IMMensaMind Banned

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Hillary ran in 2016.

    You know. When your wishes were horseless, as were your predictions.

    You stay clueless and barefoot, just like liberals should be, comrade. :lol:
  17. IMMensaMind

    IMMensaMind Banned

    Apr 29, 2017
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    I love it when you make predictions. They seem to work out in our favor.
  18. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Exactly, this nation is suffering from those actions and choices of last year by the two major parties. Perhaps we need to look into and change how the candidates for president are chosen. Our two party system definitely let America down last year. It failed completely in my opinion. Maybe that should have been expected.

    At one time 50-60 years ago, 80% plus of all Americans identified or affiliated themselves with the two major parties. Since then that percentage has shrunk to around 55%. That loss left the more partisan, ideological portions, the more moderate, perhaps sane portions, pragmatic may be a better word, left the two major parties. Compromise and working for the good of nations seems to be a thing of the past. Perhaps retaining the hard core of each party while losing the center in the ideological struggle has resulted in both parties working for its own good, not the country's.

    I remember when both parties had their liberal and conservative wings. When both parties could talk to each other, debate and come up with solutions that benefited the country. Now it seems to me each party only wants what benefits themselves. I don't see any hope for the future in our political world of polarization.
    Curious Always and btthegreat like this.
  19. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I am able to distinguish the relative impact of an experienced, knowledgable establishment politician with whom I differ on some issues from an unstable, narcissistic reality tv entertainer that mocks the handicapped and regards women an prey. Equating the two is absurd.

    There are, no doubt, many Republicans in Congress that would like him gone and it is Republicans in Senate and House that control that. Some like to believe "the media" (his "enemy of the American people") is treating him unfairly. And some try to place the blame the US intelligence community (whose service he compared to "Nazis'".) His capacity to attract sensational headlines won him the GOP nomination, and that asset now having become a liability does not suggest "the media" that made him has uniformly turned against him. The news business cannot resist a good story, and quoting Trump (often his words that he'll later deny and/or contradict) made for good stories during his campaign and continue to. Does he not realize that his hysterical tweets attract coverage but is unable to control himself?

    He praised the FBI Director for his critical insinuation of that red herring Weiner computer into the election at a critical stage, then used such an inappropriate action as a pretext for firing him and had his minions parrot his lie, then, after no one fell for it, said he got rid of him because of Comey's revelation the the FBI was investigating the nature and extent of Putin' helping Trump's election.

    Whether he is ever indicted by Congress, he is continually indicting himself, and, when the media reports such antics, raves that it is spreading "fake" news - i.e., facts that do not accrue to Trump veneration.

    I'm far more concerned about the damage he is inflicting on the nation. His attempt to pull off a massive transfer of wealth to a wealthy elite, his eagerness to uninsure over twenty million Americans, his slashing programs that help the poor, and especially children. The nation is demeaned internationally by such a spectacle in the White House. Europeans now regard the US as unreliable, and China is eager to fill the role of global leader in climate change.

    I am convinced that the level of your animus toward Clinton is irrational. Pretending that the nation would be so damaged with her at the helm is quite the flight of fancy. No major aspirant of either party to the nomination would have been as detrimental to America as this character.

    As foul as the prospect is, I hope all the Republican-run inquiries into trumpery serve to prevent him from doing the harm he would do if he were respected. His inability to get any major legislation passed may now be his saving grace.
  20. Hotdogr

    Hotdogr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Not to imply that the DNC has half a brain, but they absolutely did want the general to be Trump vs Hillary.... and that's exactly what they got. They knew that HRC was enormously "dishonest and reprehensible", to use your words, and they knew she had little chance of winning against almost any of the republican bench, for that reason... except perhaps Trump. That's why Trump skated past a dozen candidates spending almost $0 during the primaries. Even Trump couldn't believe it, saying he could shoot people and still win. He had that success because the media and the DNC wanted Trump to win the primary and to fail miserably against HRC in the general. So, if you hate Trump, you only have your own corrupt party and their collusion with the MSM propaganda outlets to blame, because they handed the nomination to him believing that HRC would landslide as a result.
    Last edited: May 31, 2017
  21. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Aside from the fact your response does not in any way negate my point...
    Who -did- get the majority vote?
    Last edited: May 31, 2017
  22. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    According to the Democrats, obstruction is not an impeachable offense.
    Why would they change their mind?
  23. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Why do you need to pretend that "the Democrats" do not consider obstruction of justice an impeachable offense?

    You may be an authorized spokesperson for "the Democrats" but I was unaware of any political party ever adopting such a position.
  24. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    It's what they said during the last impeachment. To a man.
  25. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Collectivist like to pretend the Clinton stuff never happened. I remember so many funny defenses of Bill. From the vast right wing conspiracy keeps making him cheat on his wife, to cheating on his wife shows how much of an alpha male he is and that makes him a good leader.
    Last edited: May 31, 2017

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