Racism, an instinctual nature of separation

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by OSO, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. Lesh

    Lesh Banned

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I don't disagree with your premise but Cuba is a poor example. They're a small country with limited resources caught in the middle of the cold war.
  2. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    I believe US leadership is more afraid of Capitalism failing than of Socialism succeeding. After all, 1929 already happened. 1984 is still just fiction.
  3. Nek07

    Nek07 New Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    The fact is racism is learned - not inherent.

    The proof of this is you mentioning Black Lives Matter and insinuating part of what they've done supports racism by promoting separation of racism. In saying this you are a very tiny bit right but as a whole so spectacularly wrong that it is simply incredible.

    Black Lives Matter message that in exactly the same circumstances blacks are shot by police at many more times than whites is 100 percent correct.

    If Black Lives Matter leadership had chosen Levar Jones who was shot repeatedly despite doing nothing wrong by a South Carolina trooper while saying " please" and " sir" there would be no argument among the public about the circumstances. There was a cruiser cam, the officer was clearly wrong, the officer was fired, and the officer was charged. This was an example of the justice system working as it should for a black just as it would have for a white.

    Instead Black Lives Matter leadership went with the outrage surrounding the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson. This was unfortunate. Unfortunate because unlike Levar Jones Michael Brown acted in ways that didn't necessarily justify his death but certainly contributed to it.The fact that the grand jury found the officer innocent in Ferguson which a grand jury wouldn't have done with Levar Jones in South Carolina unfortunately led to charges that, in this particular case, justice was not served.

    Unfortunate because, in the Ferguson case, the black man killed acted recklessly and dangerously whereas in the Levar Jones case the responsibility for the shooting could be seen clearly on the video, by both blacks and whites, as being the officer's.

    If Levar Jones had died from the multiple gunshots his would have been a perfect example of the many instances where black men are shot for no reason much more than white men in exactly the same circumstances.

    But Levar Jones didn't die and cries of "Black Lives Matter" were met by cries of " white Lives Matter too" by those who didn't want to acknowledge the fact that blacks are shot many more times than whites in exactly the same circumstances.

    Saying "white lives matter too" is not a crime against humanity but it is also not at all what Black Lives Matter" movement with all its faults is all about. What it is is deliberate disrespect and misrepresentation of motives of those who want to correct some parts of the American justice system that are clearly broken.

    Stereotyping all police as part of the problem, instead of just a very very few police being the problem, is exactly like stereotyping all Black Lives Members as being as hateful as the very, very, very few black protest marchers who shout threats and disrespect at the police who are there to protect them.

    Bigots I have talked to have told me they didn't have a racial discrimination problem with blacks - they had a "discipline" problem.

    This is part of the old slave - plantation owner mentality. Put another way free vs slave mentality.

    The thought of reparations made for slavery that ended long ago seems ridiculous to some.

    Maybe they are right about letting history be history but a few years ago the average net worth of a black in America was about 11,000 dollars whereas the average net worth of a white in America was 140, 000 dollars. Blaming that discrepancy on laziness or cultural differences ignores all the years of slavery and open job and opportunity discrimination under Separate but Equal and unfair segregation.

    We can't fix unbelievable wealth inequality by lying to ourselves by saying affirmative action and increased opportunities have done enough.

    We need to look at reality. And we need to look at the POSITIVE REALITY right here in America.

    If we look at babies of any race, ethnicity, or national origin adopted by parents just as diverse in affluent areas of America they all turn out, on average, the same in terms of any measurement we know how to apply.

    The fact is that in school socio - economic background is the prime determiner of success and lifetime income In America. That's not quite as true as before but it's still absolutely true.

    I grew up in a housing project and though I'm not African American I know how hard it is to succeed with no money to start with. Donald Trump said his rough time starting out was when he borrowed a million dollars from his dad and he made him pay it back with interest. When my dad got laid off from a better paying job and had to take a lower paying job he often went to work with a mayonnaise or mustard sandwich. He never " took advantage " of welfare or even the free lunches I'm sure we were qualified for. Trump brags he " took advantage" of bankruptcy laws four times putting thousands of people out of work, losing his investors' money, and stiffing his creditors but not losing his house(s) or all his wealth. Romney said that if kids wanted to go to college they could just borrow the money from relatives. Romney is evidently completely unaware that many poor kids have relatives even poorer than they are - everything about starting out poor is more expensive than being rich - resources - interest rates - lack of business connections - everything.

    The old expression was the only good Indian was a dead Indian.

    Today in 2016 In Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, the size of several American states, the
    average per person monthly income is 330 dollars. Many years some elderly die of hypothermia because they don't have enough money for fuel to heat their uninsulated houses. Poverty there is the worst except for parts of Haiti. Unemployment is extraordinarily high - it's too remote for a casino to generate income. Disease and hopelessness is rampant - maybe why a person born there has a life expectancy several decades lower on average than the rest of America.

    Why should we care? Because WE ( most of us) are descendants of immigrants that came to America uninvited and took advantage of Americans ( Native American Indians) and our ancestors, setting aside their past mistreatment of Indians, came as immigrants themselves to escape mistreatment.

    Before we talk of immigrants, or racism, we need to look at not only history and what has not and is not working but also look at what is working right now = growing up together, not separate, with equal opportunity.

    Before we talk of the fear of immigrants coming here and harming us or changing our way of life we need to take a look at what our ancestors did as immigrants to the first natural born Americans - Native American Indians.

    Do we need more perspective in our discussions? I think so.
  4. gophangover

    gophangover Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    The "black lives matter" is segregation...the NAACP is segregation. It's just as bigoted as "white power" and "white privilege". Both inflame each other. You can't be human if you are either.

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