Russian jets hit 12 ISIS targets in Syria, 'cause panic among extremists'

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Giftedone, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    So people should remain silent about people like Hitler, Stalin, the Kims in North Korea, or lesser monsters like Robert Mugabe? Shall we tell all the good people at Amnesty International and elsewhere to stop condemning the human rights atrocities these men and women are committing?

    Would you make an exception in the cases of countries like Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia? We could have looked the other way during the civil war in Liberia, but sticking our nose in that nation's affairs saved many people's lives and later led to Charles Taylor's expulsion, trial and imprisonment. Needless to say, that outcome was far preferble to the alternatives.

    The libertarian in me agrees with you, and quite frankly, I'm looking forward to my own country relinquishing the role it played in the bipolar world of power politics that followed World War II and still lingers to some extent today. However, the fact remains that evil men and women still exist throughout the world and they are not operating in a vacuum. Our world has become a smaller and smaller place, and because of that those people pose a greater threat to international peace and stability than ever before.
  2. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    NO you should NOT tell Amnesty International to stop condemning human rights Atrocities

    But you should stop believing the Absurdities you proffer here & insist that your own country
    ........................................................... cease from committing horrible Atrocities of its own :steamed:

    ...........................................................Matt 7: 5
    ...........................................................You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

    To bad you don't extend some of that nicely expressed self righteous opprobrium to some of your own
    .....................................................................................................Illegally installed goon & thug Puppets

    Swine installed by American Foreign Policy that gleefully torture & murder their own dissident citizens

    The Shah of Iran - The Nicaraguan Contras - Chile Pinochet - Haiti Duvalier - Suharto's Indonesia
    The Argentine & San Salvatore Junta - The House of Saud etc. etc. - The list is long
    ................................................................ Christ ! your country even propped up Pol Pot :steamed:

    Covert United States Foreign Regime Change Actions

    Yes, We Now Have Confirmation That The CIA Was Behind Iran's 1953 Coup.
    But The Agency Hardly Stopped There.

    Or perhaps you could extend a modicum of care toward the counties you have bombed
    back into the stone age & the innumerable innocents who's blood smears your face and hands

    Said True ! - They don't operate in a Vacuum do they ?
    Many of them operate in American corporate board rooms - In Washington - In the Pentagon - In the CIA
    ........................................................... They operate where their business Interest run - At your Moral Expense

    These filth stained Rats could stand to learn a little
    enlightened Self insight from Lil Ole Pogo Possum

    ....................................................................... [​IMG]

  3. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Look.....I have many friends in Russia and I have a few formerly living in Russia....friends on this forum.

    I have no hatred toward Russia or Russian's and I wish only the best for Russia and it's people and I hope very much that we do end up forming the Russian/American-Canadian Partnership as I KNOW it would be good for everyone not just in our 3 nations but good for everyone on Earth.

    However Russia has a PROBLEM.


    And the worse part about this problem is that many Russian's cannot see there is a problem.

    That PROBLEMS name is PUTIN.

    Now many Russian's LOVE Putin but for a moment let's look at reality with an impartial eye and look at it with logic and reason and without politics getting involved.

    This is the PROBLEM we see when we look at Putin's Russia........

    Putin has seized control of the Russian Media in a Cold War Communist Party Boss methodology.

    Putin has seized EVERY SINGLE LARGE PRIVATELY OWNED COMPANY IN RUSSIA and after seizing them has labeled them as State Owned.

    Putin continues to FOOL the People of Russia by telling them that he seized all Privately Owned Companies to force them to pay their Taxes.

    Putin makes certain these now STATE OWNED COMPANIES pay their Taxes but at the same time Putin and his 110 Buddies are stealing all the PROFIT from all State Owned Companies especially the Billions of Dollars in Profit coming in from Energy Exports.

    Putin and 110 of his Friends are stealing BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF STATE OWNED COMPANY PROFITS right from under the nose of the Russian people as Putin and his 110 Buddies now own 35% of all Russian Wealth.

    Putin has done NOTHING to develop Siberian Infrastructure necessary to allow Siberian Oil and Natural Gas Exploitation.

    Putin has invited the CHINESE to develop huge areas of Siberia and is attempting to get a Russian Constitutional Law changed that would allow Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Troops to work in Siberia.

    Putin has broken a deal with the United States by annexing the Crimea and as a result Sanctions and Economic Pressure by the United States caused a TEMPORARY COLLAPSE OF THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY AND THE RUBLE to a point it got so bad the Ruble was deemed valueless and the World Bank and IMF came in and assigned the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. Dollar as Russia's Emergency Currency and Exchange.

    Putin refuses to come to terms with the fact that the United States and Canada without firing a shot were able to completely collapse the Russian Economy and that it was only AFTER Putin withdrew Spetsnaz that were attempting to create another Ukrainian Insurrection in a swath of Ukrainian Territory existing along the Northwest Black Sea Shoreline as Putin wanted to connect the Crimea to Russia by LAND....and AFTER Putin realized that the United States controlled the way OPEC VOTES as Putin desperately watched and waited to see if OPEC would vote to cut Oil Production after the United States and Canada had completely flooded the Worlds Oil Market to cause Oil to fall from over $120 a Barrel to below $48 a Barrel.....PUTIN watched as OPEC voted to continue OIL PRODUCTION at their current levels which forced Putin to remove Spetsnaz from that part of the Ukraine.

    Putin removed Spetsnaz from along the Northwest Black Sea Shoreline which prompted the United States and Canada to drastically lower Oil Production resulting in an increase in Oil Prices which allowed the Russian Economy a reprieve from it's former completely collapsed a result the Russian Economy exists in a STATE OF DEPRESSION as the Russian Economy will decrease from 2014's $2.2 Trillion to 2015's approx $1.98 Trillion.

    Putin has told the Russian people to expect the Russian Economy to continue to decrease by anywhere from 4% to 7.5% yearly for the next at MINIMUM 10 years.

    Putin REFUSES to work out a DEAL with the United States which would turn the Russian Economy around from an average annual decrease in GDP of approx. 5.5% to an INCREASE of 3.5% in THE FIRST YEAR and an average increase of 4.8% each year for 10 years after.

    Putin's seizing of every existing large private company in Russia caused many European and Asian Investors to lose BILLIONS OF DOLLARS....and because of this the European's and Asian's will not invest in Russian Companies with the exception of much lower than promised or expected Chinese Government Investment into Russian Energy Companies.

    Putin stole $45 Billion out of a $70 Billion Chinese Government Investment in a Putin Controlled Russian State Owned Energy Company as the Chinese gave this Russian State Owned Company $70 Billion to build more pumping stations pipeline and more Drilling Rigs in an East Siberian Oil Field which would have allowed this Oil Field to increase Oil Production and increase Oil Exports to China dramatically but as Putin STOLE $45 Billion out of the $70 Billion Chinese Investment this did not leave enough money to increase Oil Exports to China to the agreed upon amounts.

    By Putin stealing that $45 Billion and not meeting the agreed upon Oil Export amounts to China....China feels it no longer has to pay the locked in price of $120 a Barrel for Russian Oil.

    Honestly.....I could go on all day with so many reasons that PUTIN is creating huge problems for the Russian people and YOU and other Putin supporters will find some excuse to still back Putin and consider him to be some great man....BUT.....the ONLY people Putin cares about is HIMSELF and his 110 BUDDIES!!!

    The thing is that Putin has to keep the Russian people's attention away from what he has been doing and stealing thus we have the Syrian Issue.

    Going into Syria is without a doubt the most idiotic thing Putin could have done as all this does is place Russia and Russian's in the cross hairs of Terrorists weapons.

    There is going to come a day.....SOON.....when the Russian people are going to finally realize the RIDE Putin has been taking them on and they are going to finally WAKE UP and say...."How did we allow ourselves to be so fooled?"

    Mark my words....this will happen!

  4. DavidMK

    DavidMK Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    And yet the Putin groupies will keep saying he makes Obama look week. Meanwhile Russia continues to collapse under American pressure.
  5. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    We really are not even putting any pressure on Russia right now as the damage has already been done.

    It's not a good thing that we caused so much damage to the Russian Economy as we have spent so much money trying to stabilize it.

    But Putin didn't give us much choice.

  6. DonRumataEstorsky

    DonRumataEstorsky Banned

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Sanctions are giving much less damage than anti-Russian bastards want. Russia is resisting the crisis better than everyone thought a half years ago. I am satisfied with everything that makes Putin, Medvedev (the government), Nabiullina (the central bank), Shoigu (Minister of Defence), Lavrov (Foreign Affairs), Tkachev (Agriculture). They make very competent actions. All your claims are complete nonsense. Many times I have refuted your words but you continue to write nonsenses.
    They put 20 trillion rubles in the defense industry and they got a great result. Now they sent 2 trillion in agriculture and develop a program to stimulate the industry. When Russia will start to operate in Iraq then the ISIS stop selling 1 million barrels per day for $ 20 and it will affect the price of oil. By the way who is buying oil from ISIS? Who profits from the war in the Middle East? Who the gendarme in the Middle East?
  7. DonRumataEstorsky

    DonRumataEstorsky Banned

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I do not see any reason to refute the nonsense.
  8. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    You forgot to mention that those American backed rebels are Islamic Extremists fighting alongside Al Qaeda/ Al Nusra.

    Good that Russia is killing the Extremists and shame on the US (and ME allies) for trying to use ISIS, Al Qaeda and other extremists to fight a proxy war.
  9. DavidMK

    DavidMK Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Because RT says so? :roflol:
  10. mikejones

    mikejones Banned

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Except for the fact that putin is mostly bombing FSA and not ISIS, and is under the lunatic impression that by keeping assad in power they will be able to maintain their only base in the mideast. In the real world, there are over TEN TIMES as many sunnis as there are shia, and they will eventually overrun assad's slaughter machine and hang him and his whore wife from the nearest lampost, it is inevitable. The new syrian regime will justly be comprised of sunnis - who make up 85% of the country's population - who will not accept a single russian dog on their soil.

    putin the dog can play for time and try to slow down the march to destroy the 45-year assad family dynasty, but like all fake/illegitimate regimes, they will be overthrown.
  11. DonRumataEstorsky

    DonRumataEstorsky Banned

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Putin does not need my defense. So I will not discuss the bad words that you wrote about Putin.
    I think that Putin and other members of the Government are the skillful leaders.
    The invasion on Ukraine? I saw it all with my own eyes. US and EU have made a coup on Ukraine. The new government immediately restricted the use of the Russian language. After that it all began.
  12. mikejones

    mikejones Banned

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Russia signed the budapest memorandum to respect the sovereignty and borders of Ukraine - and violated it. putin illegally annexed Crimea, and is now occuyping/invading syria.

    putin committed massive war crimes in chechnya by mass carpet bombings, slaughtering hundreds of thousands, and tortured to death many thousands more.

    putin boot lickers and water carriers can lie all they want, but in the real world we recognize putin the dog for exactly what he is - the absolute scum of the earth. He is trying to catch up to khamieni, and its neck and neck right now...
  13. Channe

    Channe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 16, 2013
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    What's wrong with wearing a helmet while riding a bike ?

    Haters gonna hate -

  14. DonRumataEstorsky

    DonRumataEstorsky Banned

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I live in Crimea. Do not try to tell me nonsense about annexation.

    NATO has delivered arms to Chechnya for terrorists. The same NATO are doing in the Middle East now.

    Putin, Putin, Putin !!!))) Your barking against Putin is ridiculous.
  15. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    No silly ...

    The insignificant few that "claim" to be moderates to get weapons then give them to the extremists fighting along side them.

    Its not like this is some big secret.

    Last time I checked "Starts and Stripes" was not a Russia publication ;)

    It goes on and on ... but Rand Paul sums it up nicely in his interview with CNN not too long ago.
  16. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    What is the FSA .. where are these "moderate rebels" No one can seem to find them on the battlefield in any significance and when they do find them they are fighting along side and taking their marching orders from the Extremists.

    Russia is not just attacking ISIS. They are also fighting the Assad opposition which is majority Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and ISIS.
  17. Cletus Wilbury

    Cletus Wilbury Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Fascinating thread.
    Let's say the west encouraged a coup in Ukraine. I think it's probable. We saw the previous government as a Putin puppet, so it was a coup by the majority, at least in western Ukraine. The majority in Crimea, a different story. Sevastopol is a major Russian naval base.
    Given that, I wonder what the right will think about Obama?
  18. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    you forgot I said " know what......jesus...just look at that picture. Need I say more?
  19. Cletus Wilbury

    Cletus Wilbury Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Yeah, you do. What's the problem? He's smiling on a bike ride with his daughter?
  20. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    No.....I definitely don't.....Cletus.
  21. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    People tend towards those on the same end of the moral spectrum. Sociopaths like sociopaths for their ability to charm and deceive, and I in turn like Vladimir Putin for his philosophy and integrity.

    Putin unlike the Washington sociopaths who feel their own 'superior' standards should be imposed on others, believes that each person and culture is different. And that no one has the right to force them to follow the same development model.

    Here is part of Putin's speech at the UN:

    “What is the meaning of state sovereignty? It basically means freedom, every person and every state being free to choose their future. We are all different, and we should respect that. Nations shouldn’t be forced to all conform to the same development model that somebody (Washington) has declared the only appropriate one.

    We should all remember the lessons of the past. For example, we remember examples from our Soviet past, when the Soviet Union exported social experiments, pushing for changes in other countries for ideological reasons, and this often led to tragic consequences and caused degradation instead of progress. “

    Washington has become the ideological inheritors of the Soviet Union.:oldman:
  22. Cletus Wilbury

    Cletus Wilbury Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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  23. Cletus Wilbury

    Cletus Wilbury Member

    Oct 15, 2015
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    (WTF, message to short)
  24. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Deficit spending has to stop.

    But it is just paper.

    When the U.S. Economy is running on all cylinders it won't take too long to get it under control.

    We anticipate the U.S. Economy to boom this winter and really take off in the spring as Energy Costs in the United States are VERY LOW.

    I just filled up my Corvettes gas tank today and Gasoline and I use High Test was at $2.09 a Gallon.

    Regular Gasoline was only $1.99 a Gallon.

    When Gas and Oil Prices are this low the U.S. Economy explodes.

  25. Channe

    Channe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 16, 2013
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    It's a photo of our happy president having a bike ride with his daughter and practicing good safety by wearing a helmet.

    Obama is a great husband and a dad. But I guess the right will find fault in anything he does. And I'm curious why so many on the right are obsessed with what's "manly." They fawn over Putin's staged bravado pics and compare him to Obama as if that matters.

    I'm 6ft, 205, good shape, and into MMA. But that doesn't make me a bad ass. Obama is ten times more gutsy and badass than me. I couldn't have conducted myself the way he has, to make the call on getting bin Laden.

    Obama hate is often misguided.

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