Tell me...What would YOU do about this economic mess?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ELOrocks17, Jul 29, 2011.

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  1. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    If one's actions create a less desirable situation...then your concept of 'subjective' and that 'all rhetoric is legitimate' and that the 'government cannot be objective' political nonsense is meaningless. When the government knocks on your door to take your kid and transport them to a foreign nation in which they might be killed...I certainly hope that you believe the decision to do this with your kid was based on something a little more concrete than your 'rhetoric rules' philosophy...
  2. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Of course I would logically understand that my judgement as a parent would overrule my philosophy towards government and politics. Philosophically, not just all rhetoric, but all policy, and all ideology, all political thought is legitimate, and right or wrong based upon human understanding, becuase politics and government is completely subjective and dogmatic. Furthermore, I consider all human thought and human-made subjects opinionated or subjective, because humans are subjective beings. However, this is just a philosophy that I have. Therefore, one's opinion of government policy is based upon whether you agree or disagree with it. If it creates a less desirable situation for myself, of course I will disagree with it and see it as wrong in my eyes. However, someone else might agree with a policy, and see it as right in their eyes.

    So, my conclusion is, and you can agree or disagree with me, is that human thought and human-made subjects is and are subjective. As a form of life, we can only state that something is objective, and beleive that it is true. Facts and statistics are objective because we say so. Therefore, we really do not know the "right" way in which government should actually function. We have multiple opinions of how we beleive government should function.

    I could continue to ramble on with this philosophy, but the discussion would probably never end.
  3. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    I guess we could charge China one $ per grain of rice we send over there unless and until they outlaw American industry locating there. If not, 1 buck per grain of rice.

    Just a That should at least offset some of our debt.
  4. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Regarding your 'bold' above, please explain the subjectiveness in my comment here; If we step off of the 1000' vertical cliff, gravity will take us on a very dangerous fall.

    Regarding the 'underlined' above, government is not about 'one' person's opinion; government is about finding consensus in order to provide the best possible results for the citizenry. We fail at this process today because the collective we seem happy in our roles as political sheep.

    Regarding the 'italics' above, what gravity will do to you in the above paragraph has nothing to do with what a person 'believes' or not! How about this one; if the USA decides to send 150,000 soldiers into the Middle East, in ground combat, with an unidentifiable enemy, it is guaranteed that soldiers are going to be injured and killed...this is not subjective!

    I'm guessing most of us are closer politically than you believe. Don't you believe that most citizens want law & order in the USA? How about a good public education system? How about an efficient road system? How about airports and controlled airspace? There is a lot of objectiveness in these examples, and myriad others...
  5. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Objectivity only exists because we created it, that is my argument. So, examples on the variety of issues you mentioned are based upon human objectivity.
  6. daisydotell

    daisydotell Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Time to close the thread. You may start another to continue your conversations.
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