The Texas Project

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by goober, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Stagnant

    Stagnant Banned

    Sep 26, 2012
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    That explains a lot.

    ...Yes, you have lost me. To quote, well, you:

    So... Who are you talking about, and what are they doing? Or are you just going to blow more hot air at me? Are you even interested in representing your position, or just spewing random crap and expecting everyone to swallow it? Because believe me, we have enough people like that around here already. If you have something to say, just say it. Don't obscure it under paragraphs of pointless ramblings.
  2. campaignjunkie

    campaignjunkie New Member

    Jun 22, 2013
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    "So... Who are you talking about, and what are they doing? Or are you just going to blow more hot air at me? Are you even interested in representing your position, or just spewing random crap and expecting everyone to swallow it? Because believe me, we have enough people like that around here already. If you have something to say, just say it. Don't obscure it under paragraphs of pointless ramblings." -Stagnant

    Thank you! I'm getting really sick of reading a ton of posts that amount to nothing more than outlandish rambling by confused individuals. More posters should follow your example and demand people back up their statements with facts if not formally cited at least an effort to inform readers were they can be found should be required.

    I believe this thread began as a discussion about the changing political landscape in Texas. Anyone that follows the state at all knows republicans are in trouble here, it is undeniable. Setting aside the data regarding race demographics, (It seems previous posters have stated the the basics) there are other key factors that make the eventual Democratic Party accession to power in the state almost inevitable. Dozens of articles have recently been published about the path to a blue Texas. For the purposes of this post I will limit my citation to just one. (I assure you a simple Google search will yield many more) Brent Budowsky published "Hilary Turns Texas Blue" in The Hill January 24th of this year. Budowsky asserts that the Texas Democratic Party has a history of ineptitude and disorganization. Nationally, Texas is a funding base for Democrats but most of the money is sucked out of state and spent in the traditional battlegrounds according to the article. Budowsky believes a a Clinton campaign will change this. Budowsky's misses the mark a little on this point in my opinion. His assertion that the the Texas Democratic Party of this past was incompetent is correct (Just look at Paul Sadler's statewide campaign in 2012 for further proof of this) The change has already begun, lured by the demographic outlook, the elite operatives in the party that use to ignore Texas are now on the ground and starting political action committees. Groups such as Battleground Texas(BT) solve both of the issues Budowsky articulates in this article. BT provides a vehicle through which money for political action is flowing into the state rather than out, it also serves as a replacement for the official party and brings professional organizing to the state democrats for the first time in decades. As a sort of test run professional field operations, the 2012 Harris County Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign serves as an example of the effect a well-organized voter contact program can have on campaigns . 2012 was the first year the Harris County Democratic Party hired professional out of state campaigners from places like Ohio, Wisconsin, and Washington DC. The county voted for President Obama, and nearly every democratic candidate that participated in the coordinated campaign won on election day. This model is now being implemented state wide and should scare the hell out of Republican's thinking about running 6-10 years from now.
    Recent and ongoing events provide further evidence that Texas is changing. The national attention caused by SB5 (now SB1) and the overnight celebrity of Senator Wendy Davis of district 10 has created a situation in which the Republicans now have to counter a highly motivated group of activist and a nationally funded contender for an open gubernatorial seat in 2014. Although Senator Davis hasn't been required to file her campaign fin report anyone that does a quick check of the website Actblue can see she is now a fundraising machine (100k + raised on the site alone and typically this site only accounts for a fraction of cash raised by a candidate). Expect her to have a much larger war chest than any Texas Democrat in recent memory.

    One last point is much more subjective and difficult to point to specific sources to support, Republican incumbents in the state are less talented politically than the the incumbent democrats. Take for instance the two candidates most likely to bid to succeed Perry- the LT Governor and the Attorney General. David Dewhurst and Greg Abbott have zero charisma, little to offer in terms of public policy solutions, and a history of making pretty unforgivable political miscalculations. Just look into the redistricting fiasco for an example related to Abbott and watch Dewhurst butcher parliamentary procedure even as the parliamentarian constantly whispers Senate rules in his ear during the Davis filibuster. Senator Davis, Senator Ellis, Senator Van De Putte, Representative Jessica Farrar, Representative Jose Menendez, Mayor Castro, Congressman Castro, and many more democrats holding district positions are all poised to take advantage of mistakes and make few themselves. (I base this statement on the lack of scandal or embarrassing moments turned up when skimming through press referring to these legislators). Contrasting the policy positions of the Dewhurst and Abbott: Senator Davis and Rep. Farrar of district 146 have both purposed innovative solutions to improve public education, the environment, and health care. (refer to HB1708, HB1706, HB1694, SB21- admended by Davis to prevent unjust treatment of the unemployed SB21 was signed into law by Perry on June 14th, 2013 and included the Davis amendments)

    Any disputes of the facts/assertions I've made above are happily received, if you can find a source to contradict my argument or information I'd like to take a look at it. I'm always open to admitting to being wrong, if I'm in fact wrong, and never dismiss the possibility. Ignorance and stupidity like "Democrats are out to destroy America" or any other such non-sense will only prompt an abrupt end to any hope of a discussion based on fact and logic, please refrain from being moronic and bigoted. It is the only way we will ever be able to cure our very ill political culture.
  3. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Gotta luv how Dems think they own the hispanic vote like they own the black vote. One of these days minorities will catch onto this 'plantation mentality' and black or brown won't automatically mean Democrat.... and welfare and foodstamps and high unemp and majorities in prison. All byproducts of Dem policies.

    Keep em down and keep em voting blue. Yeasah, works so far. :banghead:
  4. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    Anyone who uses the phrase "Democrat Party" is either ignorant of the English language or a shill or parrot for the right wing nuts, either way nothing they write is worth the energy it takes to read it.
  5. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Congrats. Usually when someone doesn't have a clue how to respond, they pick out one word to focus on... you picked 2. Must be a genius by liberal stds. :what:
  6. scherado

    scherado New Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    That’s an astute observation.

    You have zeroed-in in laser-like fashion to my rule of always and in particular, as a matter of principle--now that it has become a “soar spot” for the creeping malaise that is the American Democrat Party--my refusal to participate in their linguistic legerdemain. Have I lost you? There are Republicans and there are Democrats. We all make our own beds in which we sleep. Capeesh? Those self-loathing bundles of contradictions and malcontents are a Party of Democrats.

    When you register some shame from employing ‘neo’ to represent ‘new’ when referring to some strand of Conservative, then I’ll have a discussion with English.
  7. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    The term Democrat party was started by the right wing noise machine who refuse to call Democrats Democratic. The party name is Democratic. I am sorry you think so low of yourself you have lie about why you say it. Face reality you are what the right wing elite called a "useful idiot" and I call a sheep. Keep making yourself irrelevant.
  8. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Bravo... at least you're astute enough to realize the Dims are anything but democratic. Personally I think we should call them The New Socialist Party. Fits their agenda better.
  9. scherado

    scherado New Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Wow, I just re-read that, after posting it last night.

    Someone really got scherado'd! (Aside: I wonder whether the poor member knows the difference between "Karma" and "Dharma"? I’m only asking...)

    Boy did I have a bad day yesterday.

  10. scherado

    scherado New Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    My memory has it that the Democrats were the Party of Democrats until someone decided recently--and I mean in the last ten years, possibly five--to put the ‘ic’ into it.

    When it happened, I refused to participate, and that’s what I will do until I change my mind. Democrats have a penchant for the run-and-hide type of slight-of-hand (legerdemain) and I won’t abide.

    I hope that I have mitigated the agony.
  11. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    It is NOT aimed at suppressing ANY vote......Geeeze
  12. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    'drive a stake through the heart'.....yeap,no 'hate mongering' there,Joad
  13. Old School Whig

    Old School Whig New Member

    Jul 10, 2013
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    Obama did worse in 2012 in Texas than in 2008. Tired of hearing about Texas going red.
  14. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Don't act stupid, if you want to discuss the topic accept what even REPUBLICANS say about voter ID laws, they are designed to reduce minority turnout.
  15. Old School Whig

    Old School Whig New Member

    Jul 10, 2013
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    I meant turn blue.
  16. Tom Joad

    Tom Joad New Member

    May 29, 2013
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    I do hate Republicans.

    And I don't feel the least bit bad about it.
  17. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    It's a story of demographics, most hispanics in Texas are under 18, there is going to be a huge increase in young hispanic voters over the next decade, at the same time half the white population of Texas is over 50, there is going to be a lot of funerals for loyal Republican voters over the next couple of decades.

    So unless the GOP finds a way to appeal to young Hispanics, many of whom are the descendants of undocumented workers, they will find themselves seriously challenged in statewide contests. Maybe not in 2016, but by 2020, and definitely by 2024, Texas will be in play.

    There are 18 states the Democrats have won in the last 6 presidential elections that total 242 electoral votes. They only need to put together 28 electoral votes to win the White House after the reliable Blue states are counted. If Texas becomes a Blue state, the Democratic primary is the election, the general becomes a formality.
    Texas is the ONLY majority minority state that didn't vote for Obama.
    But if Texas Hispanics had a 62% turnout, like Florida hispanics, Texas would have gone for Obama, both times.
    It is doable, and the required turnout goes down in each subsequent election, in 2023, there will be more Hispanics in Texas than whites.
    Energize them and Texas is true blue.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's a story of demographics, most hispanics in Texas are under 18, there is going to be a huge increase in young hispanic voters over the next decade, at the same time half the white population of Texas is over 50, there is going to be a lot of funerals for loyal Republican voters over the next couple of decades.

    So unless the GOP finds a way to appeal to young Hispanics, many of whom are the descendants of undocumented workers, they will find themselves seriously challenged in statewide contests. Maybe not in 2016, but by 2020, and definitely by 2024, Texas will be in play.

    There are 18 states the Democrats have won in the last 6 presidential elections that total 242 electoral votes. They only need to put together 28 electoral votes to win the White House after the reliable Blue states are counted. If Texas becomes a Blue state, the Democratic primary is the election, the general becomes a formality.
    Texas is the ONLY majority minority state that didn't vote for Obama.
    But if Texas Hispanics had a 62% turnout, like Florida hispanics, Texas would have gone for Obama, both times.
    It is doable, and the required turnout goes down in each subsequent election, in 2023, there will be more Hispanics in Texas than whites.
    Energize them and Texas is true blue.
  18. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Finally,an honest democrat.
  19. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Bullsh**,no reason minorities shouldn't be able to get ID,Hell you dems can include it in your voter registration drives...

    They are designed to stop voter fraud,and I know you'll want to trot out statistics avout voter fraud not being a problem,but gosh darn it,do you think we can adress something before it becomes a problem?
  20. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    There is no voter fraud to speak of.
    There are minority voters who don't have ID, 11% of hispanic voters in Texas, just for an example, put in an ID law and not all of them will get ID,and so the Hispanic vote will be reduced.
    Really, Mr. Big Intrusive Government, now wants the government to address problems that don't exist, you make the Democrats look like Libertarians.....

    You know why there is no voter fraud? Because there is no point to voter fraud, you risk prison time for what? One vote.
    There is no incentive to commit voter fraud, which is why there isn't any to speak of, and why it's highly unlikely that there will ever be any to speak of.

    What is this thing you guys have about being dishonest about your motives?
  21. Tom Joad

    Tom Joad New Member

    May 29, 2013
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    It's all about fear.

    They are becoming a minority and the time is coming where all the gerrymandering and voter suppression in the world won't be enough to keep them in Political Power. What's really scaring them is that they know in their hearts that they have been screwing minorities over for many many years and they are scared to death that "Payback Time" is coming.

  22. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Nah, the Republican Party is the home of people who remember the future and forget the past.
  23. campaignjunkie

    campaignjunkie New Member

    Jun 22, 2013
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    "It's all about fear." Yes it it but not simply fear of losing political power but the creation of fear to obtain and maintain power is essential for republicans to achieve electoral success. Effectively inducing fear makes a voters behavior easy to control and predict. Right wingers are sheep blindly following their leaders into the slaughter house. Every conservative that suffers from a lackluster quality of life because they can't access health care or they get cancer from the horrible population they facilitate are simply getting the just rewards they are due. I hope it hurts.
  24. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Gee,imagine that,expecting people to have something they should already have...ID.

    You still haven't shown WHY the hispanic vote will be 'reduced', unless you think they are too stupid to get a state issued ID....Something ,by the way,they should already have.

    One more thing<my 'motive' is to prevent the chance of voter fraud,No 'dishonesty' here,liberal
  25. Tom Joad

    Tom Joad New Member

    May 29, 2013
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    But they always manage to find a scapegoat to blame.

    Usually a dark skinned one.

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