Trump's new immigration ban ... again rediculous BS!

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Mandelus, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Have you ever heard from the Bombay riots ... to give only one of many examples?
  2. Canell

    Canell Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    No, what about them?
  3. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Or other examples ... against Christians: 2008 Kandhamal violence!

    "According to a fact-finding team of the Odisha state chapter of the All India Christian Council (AICC), the violence in Kandhamal around Christmas time was perpetrated by Hindu nationalist (Hindutva) groups that killed at least more than 50 Christians and burned 730 houses and 95 churches. Hundreds of displaced Christians were in various relief camps set up by the state government. Jacob Pradhan, general secretary of the Kandhamal district chapter of the Christian Endeavour Union, told Compass that 100 houses belonging to Christians were burnt in Brahmanigaon, Godapur, Barakhama and some other villages on 26 and 27 December. Pradhan, who visited Brahmanigaon and Godapur villages to take stock of the situation, suspected that these houses were torched by sections of "Hinditva Activists" possibly incited by Maoists."
  4. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The above opinion reflects prejudice as opposed to knowledge because the facts are completely different than the opinion. Muslim immigrants become exceptionally well integrated into our society and by many metrics are performing better than our general population and even our native born Muslim population.

    The Muslim immigrants to the United States come here for the same reason that my family and my wife's family came to America.

    In the 1750's my maternal ancestors fled the religious oppression in England to come to America. They were Quakers that were religiously oppressed by the English Protestants. They fled to the American colonies, actively supported the American Revolution, and embraced the freedom of religion contained in the First Amendment.

    My wife's maternal grandparents immigrated from Eastern Europe soon after WW I to escape the religious intolerance of the Jews in their native country. They also came here for religious freedom and embraced our Constitution and political ideology.

    Today's Muslim immigrants to America are also fleeing the religious persecution, often imposed by Islamic governments or Islamic terrorist groups and, in the case of Syrian refuges often both. They come here for religious freedom and to escape the tyranny of their homeland and they fully embrace our religious freedom and our political ideology. No one appreciates the United States more than someone that's actually lived in a country of oppression before immigrating to the United States.

    Our problems are not the immigrant Muslims that come to America. Our problem is the religious intolerance of the "religious right" that is transmitted through their children that disparage and ostracize the Muslim children of the immigrants. They're denied a place in our society and they don't have the personal experiences of oppression and tyranny that their parents bring with them that insulates the parents from the Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred of the right-wing social-conservatism in America. The anti-Muslim hatred of the Alt-Right in America is nothing compared to the oppression the Muslim immigrant experienced but it's devastating to their children that don't have a comparison to relate to. Their children are Americans but are not allowed to become a part of the American society because of the Alt-Right's anti-Muslim hatred.

    Study after study has confirmed that our problem isn't the "Muslim" in America but instead it the religious intolerance against Muslims that's the root of our problem and the foundation for the marginalization leading to radicalization that results in the Domestic Islamic Terrorist Threat.
    snakestretcher likes this.
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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  6. Xtremenerd

    Xtremenerd Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    I think the order is pretty good, and in it, by the way, Trump outlines several terrorist investigations that are/were being conducted on people from those regions, but even if everything you say is correct, how are we supposed to accept these migrants while not ending up like countries such as Germany and Sweden? and I don't see how this order is going to be "buried by justice". You say this ban is ineffective, but then complain that it doesn't cover enough countries, that seems a bit contradictory. And as I have told many others, this ban is not designed to be a permanent solution, so of course it's not fulfilling Trump's promise, it is merely the first step in his attempt to fulfill it.
  7. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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  8. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    This is partially true but the conclusions are false. While some nations do have failed governments that doesn't prevent verification of the identity of the person seeking a visa or of the information provided for by refugees. The UNHCR does a very good job of determining information about those seeking asylum and only a small percentage are even considered for overseas permanent relocation.

    Yes, in all cases the UNHCR does try to move the case along but it doesn't do so ignorantly. The UNHCR is just as concerned about not allowing a potential terrorist to slip through the process as every country these people might go to are concerned. The belief that "liberals" want to allow terrorists to slip through the cracks is a delusional belief not based upon reality.

    Former President Obama was considerably more concerned about the actual terrorist threat because he listened to our intelligence community, law enforcement, anti-terrorist experts and our studies on terrorism in providing guidance to our government while President Trump disparages our intelligence services, ignores law enforcement, and hasn't read a study on anything in his lifetime. and generally skips the daily White House security briefings (that he insists must be a single page bulleted presentation with not more than nine bullets) and instead relies on Fox News for the latest and most inaccurate information to act upon.

    We had a competent president looking out for our safety in the prior administration and today we have a completely uniformed president where our security is compromised based upon anti-Muslim prejudice.

    Since when does Iran lack reliable institutions or that it hasn't cooperated when it comes to visas? We're not talking about refugees in most cases but just travel visas and the refugee visa is extremely hard to obtain and it has to rely on sources outside of the country's government because the refugee is trying to flee from that government. That's why the refugee process takes over 18 months.

    Of course the prior administration, based upon recommendation from the DHS, our anti-terrorist experts in law enforcement and our intelligence community, has already worked out the processes for dealing with the lack of foreign government support or capability in the noted countries.

    Once again if this wasn't about a "Muslim Ban" based upon religious intolerance and prejudice a competent president would have just called a meeting with the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department to review the current visa process and how it evolved into what it is today, instead of simply banning the issuing of visas. To make matters worse the executive order for "Muslim Ban 1.0" required this information to be on Trump's desk not later than Feb 27th and the new "Muslim Ban 2.0" is calling for the exact same information that's already sitting on Trump's desk but that he apparently hasn't read (Trump's not known for reading anything, ever, and disparages making decisions based upon studies and facts - which is why he drove his corporations into bankruptcy four times).

    The majority of the "Jihadists" are foreigners that have entered the country while those seeking the leave the country are trying to flee from the terrorists. It can also be noted that in at least half of these countries is a "regional threat" and not an international threat. We're not going to find a "terrorist" in Yemen or Somalia that wants to come to the United States to commit an act of terrorism. We're not going to find one in Iran either because Iran has never represented any threat to the United States. There's a "national security" threat with Iran but that relates to intelligence information and not a threat of force either conventionally or by a terrorist act.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  9. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Thank you for your magnanimous, if rather condescending observation that, "the US as every other country the right to defend their people and territory against terror threats and no one denies this." Tatsächlich! Offensichtlich! :rolleyes:

    Thus, our President of the United States, as our Commander-in-Chief, has issued a policy that he believes will aid in the government's ability to defend our people and territory against terror threats.... But, you say it's "BS"? Th at is your privilege as a Forum member, but as a citizen of Germany, I would ask you what your wonderful, patriotic Kanzlerin Angela Merkel has done to "defend" the GERMAN people and GERMAN territory from terror threats? Gibt's etwa' "BS", oder was...?

    [​IMG]. Islam über alles...? WARUM?!
    Just_a_Citizen likes this.
  10. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    First of all, I have to deny myself the strongest against this "we end up like Germany or Sweden"!
    I read over and over again this nonsense that we are in Germany (I only want to speak for my country) yes in such a bad situation and we have daily to fight with the worst crimes of refugees and Muslims ... but what the reality From? A very different one!
    Yes, we have, of course, criminal refugees, and yes, we certainly have terrorists among the refugees and yes, there have been attacks and thwarted attacks where (but not always) refugees were involved!
    Even though our security services can and must work even better, they already do a good job and they protect us.
    Yes, there was a bad incident in my city of New Year 2015, and this was spread around the world as news. But when I look at what BS was reported as news in the USA media alone, then I could be really angry! A storybook of children often contains more truth than these reports. The fact is that the exact origin of the many perpetrators is not really clear udn is clear that the police here had totally failed what the police commissioner of my city had cost the job and the responsible interior minister of my state (we have 16 states, you in the uS have 50) may follow soon too.

    Anyway ... on entry ban!
    No one ever denies the US to protect itself against terrorism and a potential terrorist threat. However, one should be taken here also measures, which also do this ... and this Ban does not even start to do so!

    As we all know, everyone ... absolutely everyone (!!!) ... who wants to enter the USA, is inspected by the security authorities. For this reason, there is, for example, the famous list of persons who are not allowed to enter the United States (no flight list, etc.). We all know that the US services have a great skill and potential to gather insights about every person you want to review ... worldwide!

    To put it briefly, the US has the possibility to thoroughly examine every single person who wants to enter the USA legally, and in case of any suspicion also to get an entry ban!
    (Note: Illegal entry into the USA I take out because that is also not prevented with this Ban and is another story and issue!).
    Trump makes it very easy with this ban here, because instead of "identify the few rotten apples, he forbids the import of all apples from the 6 countries!"
    He is, according to his own statement, fighting Islamic terrorists, but he also forbids entry into any Christians from the countries, which are, of course, a great Islamic terror (and yes, male Christians can be distinguished from male Muslims ... keyword: circumcision !).
  11. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Simply BS ... and this photo is something for what you can be jailed btw ...

    I think I clearly explained that this ban is only BS and works for nothing...!
  12. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I "could be jailed" for posting this image? WHERE? In the 'Schweinerei" that Deutschland is becoming?! Fortunately, not in the United States... especially not in a United States where we have a President Donald Trump!

    [​IMG]. "Wer gegen mich spricht, muss zur Gefängnis gehen!"

    . [​IMG]. "Good girl, Angela! The best place for all opposition is in a PRISON!"
    Just_a_Citizen likes this.
  13. Xtremenerd

    Xtremenerd Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    four things, one, no the United States can't check 100% if a person is a safety risk, and even if they could, there have been many terrorists who came to the U.S with no criminal past, and proceeded to kill people, so even if the U.S can check everyone, they can never know if the person they let in is a lone wolf who wants to kill us.

    Two, lets use your analogy, but let's say the rotten apples are poison and someone handed you a box of them and told you that all the rotten ones are green except two, would you still eat all the red apples in the box?

    Three, if Trump does let Christians in, then the ban does become a Muslim one, to which the liberal populace of the U.S would not allow, so politically, Trump's hands are tied.

    four, Germany's immigrant crime stats are way up since the importation of the migrants, it had increased by 90% last I checked.
  14. Canell

    Canell Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  15. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    You country is already a mess; healthcare is a disaster, tens of thousands of deaths and mutilations from gunshot every year, a $20 trillion debt-and now Trump who is doing his best to finish you off.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  16. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I have not felt so confident since GW Bush was our president. Trump is at last on the correct path.
  17. Homer J Thompson

    Homer J Thompson Banned

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Well, the Country is a mess, the libs have jacked the place up pretty badly in their last 8 and continue to prove how screwed up they really are. Healthcare is a mess, another failed liberal policy. Illegal guns are libs shooting each other and to be honest, they can shoot each other all day and I don't care. The shots fired in Republican areas are target practice, where I live anyway. The debt is due to failed politics by both sides and Trump was elected to fix it. If Hillary won, we would be headed into civil war within the 8 years, now for the first time in a long time, we have actual hope. Don't let your liberal media make you think all is lost here.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  18. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The travel ban doesn't have anything to do with the constitution, so I'm unclear what your point is with that. Actually, I'm still not clear what your general point is. The US has taken lots of refugees. Why are you complaints so specific against the US (and apparently mention of Switzerland though). China naturalizes about 200 people a year, in a country in which they've made entire empty cities. Japan has taken about 28 refugees...the West has more than done it's part, and I think my country has done it's part with a problem that will probably not end.
  19. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Yeah, didn't Bush do well:D
  20. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Yes, blame everything on the opposition, admit no guilt for any wrongdoing whatsoever yourself, and as for gun crime you'll have noted that your worst massacres were perpetrated by those who held firearms legally. But blame 'liberals' for everything; it's easier like that.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  21. Homer J Thompson

    Homer J Thompson Banned

    Dec 6, 2016
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    I guess you missed the "both sides" part. Typical lib troll.
  22. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I am not a Bush hater. I feel sorry some of our citizens are though.
  23. Homer J Thompson

    Homer J Thompson Banned

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Slobbered all over Barry though, we know all know how well he did.
  24. Homer J Thompson

    Homer J Thompson Banned

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
    Pollycy likes this.
  25. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Jailed? I hope you're kidding.

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