UV student says 'too many white people' at new multicultural center

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Pred, Feb 13, 2020.

  1. George Bailey

    George Bailey Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    The left has created a program that is now beyond its control. When the country was overwhelmingly white the poor and downtrodden could blame the rich. As the demos changed the left had to expand the blame too not just the rich, but whites in general. As this continues many white liberals have woken up and changed their allegiance out of self preservation. How many white liberals are there in South Africa these days? I rest my case.
  2. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    The Left calls a red hat Hate speech. You don’t even have to say anything or do anything. It’s mere existence apparently means hate. Someone telling others you don’t belong here because you are a certain race is about as threatening as it gets.
  3. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    A hat isn’t threatening unless it has a threat written on it. I don’t speak for the left but people that are offended by a hat are just that — offended. It isn’t a hate crime or hate speech.

    Just like the people that are offended by this student. It is fine to be offended but that doesn’t make it a hate crime or hate speech.

    If she would have had the authority to remove them — and did — that would have been a different story.

    Telling someone that make them uncomfortable is opinion. It is not a threat.
  4. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    I’m pretty sure the outrage would be DEAFENING from the left had that been a white guy saying we got too many black people coming in here.

    He would have been ostracized, forced to apologize, punished, doxed, probably expelled from school and his future job prospects would be nonexistent. and you know that.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
    Gatewood and RP12 like this.
  5. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    This is what you’re breeding and it’s only going to get more prolific:

  6. arborville

    arborville Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Give it up, already. When confronted with the fact that The Americas has the highest murder rate you claimed that this was due to current "wars" and THEN you acted as if war is not violence. :roflol:

    What are wars then acts of peace? Desperation noted.

    The funniest thing about this is that either the people who made the study included war in all regions when they made their calculations or they did not. To do anything less would be using faulty methodology. So let's say that wars were not included. You still have to accept the result that the Americas has the highest rate (not Africa) because the same criteria were used for all regions.

    There's more ... maybe after work ... but seriously ... ridiculous...

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  7. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Wtf are you talking about. The highest rate of violent crime occurs in war zones. Period. But your argument is highly dishonest because of several factors. First of all I never state Africa had the highest intentional homicide rate. I said they have a higher rate than America and every other white country. Second you’re attempting to lump the United States in with central and South America to make our numbers look worse. Third you’re completely ignoring the fact that Africa’s murder rate is at least two times higher than the average murder rate across the world including those war zones. Fourth the fact that the only way you can justify your position that blacks aren’t violent is to compare them against active war zone deaths.

    You have no argument.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  8. arborville

    arborville Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Your argument falls flat. I have already explained to you that the study uses the same metric for comparison of all regions. Stop telling the falsehood that anyone is comparing war regions with other regions, when that is not the case.

    Also, what wars?? The drug wars that also occur in the U.S. That doesn't change the result. You have not proven that blacks are innately more violent because you can't. More later ...

  9. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Jesus tapdancing Christ you can’t be serious.

    When the average murder rate for the entire world is calculated, it INCLUDES the rates of war zones where the rate is in the high 30’s per 100,000 people. And yet the other countries rates are so low that the African murder rate is STILL double the average for the rest of the world.

    Moreover, as I’ve pointed out and you have yet to address, blacks are disproportionately represented in regards to violent crime in EVERY country that keeps track of those statistics. Furthermore they’re disproportionately represented at EVERY level of income in regards to violent crime.

    You have no explanation because you refuse to acknowledge the cause.
  10. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Yes, I do know that. It is still not just.
    People should be allowed to have opinions as long as they are not threatening or harassing. I am against all things PC culture and pro equal treatment under the law for everyone.

    She is entitled to her opinion, others are free to voice their opinion against hers.

    (Still waiting on your sources from the thread you fled from)
    LoneStarGal likes this.
  11. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    I posted twice a long rebuttal and it didn’t post for whatever reason. Suffice to say there’s only one study since 2002 that tabulated offenders and orientation and unless you pay a subscription to pubmed you won’t be able to see it. But regardless as I said in the other two posts, I already provided three studies that assert my claim is true and I’ll stand by those studies. You have provided none. If you have a study which tabulates child molestation by sexual orientation and shows something different then provide it.

    Anyway your idealism doesn’t change the double standard. This type of behavior is how the violence starts. When you dehumanize your opposition it becomes easier to commit violence against them.
  12. Blaster3

    Blaster3 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2018
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    the university already released a statement that their new mcs is for every student on campus, to promote inclusiveness...

    guessin the whiny woman chose the wrong university...
    cd8ed likes this.
  13. mudman

    mudman Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2013
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    This is far worse than a photograph of a plane.....this is blatant racism.

    You excuse this and claim it's the right just looking for something to be outraged about and yet you start a thread over a picture of an airplane.

    God forbid you ever start applying the same standards to both sides.
  14. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Hopefully a bunch of white people don't start cluttering up the space set up by minority groups for themselves.

    Regardless of the University's statement about all students being welcome, the Center's calendar of events aren't covering topics that would be of interest to everyone.

    Select events:

    MSC Intern Event: Black Queer Film Screening and Discussion (AREA 3)
    WhenThu, February 20, 7pm – 9pm
    reserved by: myka greene
    AREA 3 w/ projector
    Description: for black history month, I think it's important to consider intersectional identities within the black community. Black queer studies and culture is a pivotal path when discussing or reflecting on the histories of Black folx.

    Muslim Chaplaincy Outreach Program: Game Night for the Black Muslim Community (AREA 1)
    WhenThu, February 27, 8:00pm – 10:30pm
    Reserved by J. Pramanik
    Area 1 of MSC
    Contact: Ailya Vajid
    Game night and Social for the Black Muslim Community
    Food: Yes
    Details: Seeking to build intentional community together, with a first event this semester on Feb. 27th. The plan is to do a game night with dinner to have a social space in which they can invite folks and start intentionally building a sense of community and support.

  15. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I provided numerous and I even explained why all of them are flawed but you must have “missed them”. The rest of your excuse is laughable.

    That is so ironic seeing what you were peddling in the other thread. Most white people — even some that completely disagree with it — understand why this double standard exists. The correct thing to do would be try and remove the double standard, not double down on it. It is like affirmative action, I understand the reasons for it but it should target people for their race as it does nothing but instill a racial divide.

    Who do you feel violence is about to be committed against because some black people are racist? Do you feel the same it true because some white people are racist? How about some straight people being homophobic? Or does your metric only apply when it is against white people?
  16. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Can white people participate?

    Do you feel Jewish museums are also racist?
    What about places that commentate confederate historical locations?
  17. RP12

    RP12 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Would you grandstand about people not of Jewish origin being in said museum and and claim they make you feel unsafe?
  18. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    You provided no study. You sourced a blog from a UC Davis professor whose entire argument was predicated on Frank Kamenys work (a man who advocated for man/boy sex) from the 1950s. The only other thing you sourced was MY source which you did some preposterous math on attempting to include the entire homosexual population from today (including females) and when I pointed it out to you, you just said well it still cuts the numbers down while blatantly ignoring the fact that the numbers were still disproportionate. Either produce a source which tabulates child molestation by sexual orientation or stop making your ridiculous, invalidated argument.

    The double standard exists because we have an entire population who has been brainwashed to believe that being white is bad. The only way to remove that is to educate them on the fact that whites are the ONLY group who are legally discriminated against in this country. The only way to do so is to point out that double standard when it occurs. Moreover there has to be consequences for that type of double standard racism against whites otherwise they have no incentive to stop. Unlike what you’re doing by attempting to minimize the actions of this racist woman.

    Furthermore to attempt to compare what they’re doing to what I’m doing is inherently dishonest. I’m pointing out factual information with sourced statistical fact. Blacks in the aggregate are more violent. Homosexuals in the aggregate ARE more prone to child molestation. Whereas the other side is pointing at racism from decades to centuries ago (for the most part by people who aren’t even alive anymore) and attempting to blame the ENTIRE white population today for it.

    And stop speaking out of both sides of your mouth. If you can understand why discrimination against whites exists because of the actions of a minority of white people from decades to a century ago, how in gods name can you assert you don’t understand my position when I’m blaming the entire group for actions that their minority commits TODAY?
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  19. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    White people can hang out at the multicultural center, even though it was planned by and for minorities, but scheduled events appear to be rather exclusive and non- "multicultural".
  20. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    If you changed multicultural center to America and switch the words “minorities” and “whites” it sounds just like how our country was created.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  21. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Surely you aren't saying that blacks aren't Americans.

    The country was originally created by and for the elites of the day...as voting rights were restricted to landowners. There were very small numbers of educated/wealthy blacks and women who owned land, and they had voting rights.

    The country was built by whites and blacks, as the country needed the southern states to grow food and textiles. Just because black slaves got food and housing instead of a wage doesn't mean they weren't instrumental in creating the best country on the planet. That free labor is the basis for the ADOS and FBA groups (American blacks whose lineage is from American slavery) wanting reparations for themselves, but not for black immigrations who came here willingly after slavery ended and who don't share the American-Black lineage.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  22. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Not actually true. The constitution left voting to the states. The ONLY state who allowed land owning women and blacks to vote from 1776-1807 was New Jersey. And they rescinded that law in 1807. The first woman to vote legally after 1807 was in 1870.

    With that being said the founders were almost all slaveowners and universally blatant and unapologetic white supremacists who believed the white race was superior to the black race. Hence the 3/5 compromise and the fugitive slave clause.

    Moreover the black population in the early period of the americas was relatively small compared to the white population. To compare what they did to the overwhelming number of whites who built this country and fought and died to secure its freedoms is simply revisionist history. This country was not built on the backs of slaves, it was built on the backs of poor, middle class and rich white Americans.

    While I’m not saying they’re not Americans, I am saying that the genesis of this country did not emanate from the black population. It emanated from the white. We were the ones who revolted. We were the ones who died to preserve this country. We were the ones who created the constitution the Declaration of Independence, set up the government, instituted freedom and provided the VAST majority of societal advancements to this country and still do today.

    It’s not racist. It’s simply a fact.

    Last... just to address one specific claim you made. The south was needed to produce goods. That’s true. What’s not true is your assertion that blacks were instrumental in doing so. Less than 2% of white Americans owned slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery. That means 98% of the white population were Breaking their backs daily to build this country. What do you think they were doing? Sitting on their porch drinking sweet tea and watching other people’s slaves work ? And the black population was essentially considered a tool, like a farm animal. Do you give credit to the oxen and donkeys and cows that helped build America? Of course not because they didn’t do it, they were DIRECTED to do it by a white person. The same goes with the slave population.

    They didn’t help build this country because they loved it and wanted it to succeed. They did so because they were being directed to do so by the white population. To glorify them because they contributed a minority of the work because they had no other choice is, again, revisionist history.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  23. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    I'm rather alarmed by anyone shrugging off comparing human beings to farm tools and farm animals. I'll defend your right to hold whatever opinion you have but (in my opinion) your viewpoints on this topic lack fundamental compassion.

    Everyone loves their home country. The adult slaves may have had some resentment about America for obvious reasons, but their children who were born and raised here are just as American as anyone else. This is home and everyone wants their country to succeed.

    As I mentioned earlier, I understand your anger at the far-left who have stereotyped "all white men bad" as a talking point for political propaganda to strengthen unity in minority opinion, but it is the fringe who are doing it, mainly Socialist-leaning folks. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and the oil is the media spotlight. The far-left fringe isn't mainstream America just because they're loud. The political candidates are trying to appease these groups with "tax the billionaires" (mainly white men) and redistribute the wealth as the dog whistle which is the antithesis to the right-wing platform of lowering taxes and providing financial security through job opportunities.

    It's about the "green", not about black, white or brown. The "race war" is just an ugly plank in the Democrat's platform to smokescreen government expansion the strengthen the political-elites' power and control. The voters, many of whom have sincere beliefs because of the rhetoric, think that voting for an expanded government means that the government is actually going to help them personally rather than sinking the extra cash into the costs of expanding the bureaucracy and giving themselves a raise. If big government intervention helped, then blacks would not still be oppressed after this many decades of Democrats' promises....and we wouldn't be talking about this as a "race" issue.
  24. arborville

    arborville Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Good grief. The people who created the study are social scientists and they know how to compare apples to apples.

    You cite all sorts of statistics and reject anything that counters the narrative that you want to believe when I present data. You can't see that 99 percent of blacks didn't commit homicide in 2018, another region is more violent this year, still blacks are innately violent and expect to be taken seriously.

    People are violent because they want someone else's land, money, other property such as natural resources or their mate, they have reached a threshold where they no longer want to wait, and they don't have confidence that non violent measures will get what they want within the desired timeframe. They also kill because they hate or perceive a threat.

    So, if there is disproportionate violence in those other western nations or among economic goups, choose your reason from my list. I think that socio-economic factors, a sense of hopelessness and racial bias are the reasons. Notice what's not on the list of reasons - race. That's just poppycock.

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  25. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    I'm not a student in that center if I were then yes I would. It was clear racist speech and were the colors reversed she'd be called before the university I have no doubt. Her opinion is quite racist why defend it? There is no law against hate speech, hate crimes yes but not speech. I posted the definition of hate speech and yes it fits it.

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