What kind of women are sluts?

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by fiddlerdave, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Nope, I looooove women. Usually on the order of 2 or 3 new ones a month and they love me back over, and over again.

    Yup! Because nature designed it that way. If LGBT crowd is "born" that way, why can't men be?

    LMAO Whining? Honey I'm quite happy with my sex life. I'm a 35 year old bachelor banging women 10-15 years his junior on a regular basis and taking FULL advantage of the feminism YOU created. Thank you for freeing me from the indentured servitude of trading my hard labor and wealth for sex. Why should I buy spoiled feminist milk when the cows give it away for free?

    Be promiscuous, but don't cry when the only male who finally settles down with you is some weak ass mouse man who you can't stand to be around for longer than 10 minutes. The Feminist Ideal of the "new age man" is a weak, pathetic MOUSE. You and your sisters can HAVE him. Guys like me will be free into our golden years becuase the older I get, the more wealth I collect, the more sexually valuable I become. Your entire sexual value is tied to your child bearing years. After that you're just a useless dried up husk, you're beauty broken and faded. Welcome to Cougarville, population: YOU.

    "Plenty of Women" that's right. As in fat ugly hags who have been used up. You remind me of that fat chick that works 2nd shift at dairy queen with 4 kids wondering why Prince Charming isn't swooping into her life to "take her away from all this" whatever "all this is" and of course it has nothing to do with her.. noo. it's "All men are pigs" all of them.. yeah right.

    Your right. I learned to shed your (*)(*)(*)(*)able feminist social programming and figured out how to be a dominant male who gets what he wants and doesn't have to enter into the servitude of male bondage known as "The marriage Contract". Thank you for creating generations of "sluts" for me to screw all I want and have to give nothing in return at all. Pump and dump baby, becuase there is always another woman to take her place.
  2. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    You've already stated twice in your post that you're thankful to feminists for giving you "sluts" to "bang". So you probably need to be quiet and shut up about it, then. If you're THANKFUL to feminists, then what the hell are you going on about? You're a stud, you bang a lot of chicks. Congratulations.

    No decent, self-respecting, intelligent woman would have a bar of a man with a sleazy regard for women. Never, and no way.

    As far as your gross, sexist projections on me, no doubt I earn more than you, and live a far more DECENT life than you do.

    You will never attract a decent woman if the rubbish you post is any indication of who you are.

    A sleazy man who screws around rants about women who screw around. It doesn't get any loonier or any more misogynistic than than.
    Paris and (deleted member) like this.
  3. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    thank you

    I don't have a sleazy regard for women, only feminists who twisted the marriage contract where the man pays for everything for a decade or two and then the woman takes half the wealth and the kids and the home and leaves him destitute and broke. Which according to statistics is a pretty common occurance in the West. I'm simply protecting myself. I GUARANTEE you that you couldn't tell me apart from any other charming, well dressed gentleman. Since when did my "sleazy regard for women" preclude civility and politness towards them?

    Our relative earnings are irrelevant.

    Yeah, like women are clairvoyant or can read minds. I'm no different than any other guy, perhaps other than being better dressed and carry myself in a dignified manner.

    I'm simply adapting to the world you created. I would love to settle down with a decent woman and have kids. But then I read the horror stories of countless men who toiled away for years only to have thier wealth and freedom stripped away by a biased court system in favor of wicked misandrists and that makes me take pause in engaging in such a one sided contractual obligation where one party can break the contract force the victim(almost always male) pay for it.

    You are the ones who claim that the mere fact of being husband makes the husband automatically at fault for divorce and therefore "he should pay" merely for being the husband, while the actions of the wife are completely and totally irrelevant.

    You created a world where women are the eternal victims, regardless of any wicked behavior they engage in, while the man is always the victimizer, regardless of any good he may do for his family. Only a lunatic would approve of such a world, or a mouse-man to afraid to stand up for the male victims of female perfidy and cuckoldry.

    Women abandoned men in the west, so now we're abandoning you. When I do finally take a wife, she sure as hell isn't going to be American.

    Other cultures know how to raise proper wives and not spoiled princesses.

    Face it, the Marriage Contract is an economic agreement between 2 people. The male trades his labor and wealth in return for rights to the products of the female's reproductive effort, children. American women don't understand that concept. To the average American woman they "her" kids and he's just a sperm donor and ATM machine, that's if she didn't get the sperm somewhere else and is using her poor mouse husband as a cuckold.

    You'll not yoke me like some Ox to a misandrist wedding contract that forces me to be the primary provider with no reciprocal rights whatsoever. Since this is obviously the legal and social fact of the world you created, I have no choice but to adapt to your twisted culture no matter how much I may despise it.
  4. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    That is IT for me on this thread

    There is a point at which I can no longer keep my lunch down
  5. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    You created the legal matriarchy, I hope my efforts to battle it make you sick.
  6. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    I will second that.

    I struggled to find a way to respond to that post in a some-what measured way... but I found the post so disgusting and it made me sick.

    I'm out of this thread with you, Bowerbird.
  7. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I have never thought that the right wingers had much respect for women. As if the Rushblob were not evidence enough of that...
  8. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Yeah, I'd say a mail-order bride is about your speed. You don't want a partner, you want a live-in maid, cook, sex toy...and probably punching bag.

    No, marriage (well, mine anyway) is a PARTNERSHIP.
  9. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    I've never laid a hand on a woman in anger in my life and no I don't need "mail order". I'll simply take an extended vacation.

    A "partnership" that if the wife decides to end unilaterally for no reason at all that will cost the husband, who contributed the primary economic means of support, half his wealth, his home, his children and possibly an extended period of financial distress with NO legal guarantees to even see his children.

    Divorce is financially and legally devastating for the husband, the wife gets a new boyfriend, keeps the house and half his wealth.

    Marriage is like buying a car and making the payments on it in good faith, and divorce is like the dealership coming back, repossessing the car and then selling it to someone else while still forcing you to pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the vehicle for the new owner.
  10. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Why do women deserve respect? Please inform us all about what inherent right to respect women have, but men don't?

    Chivalry is dead, get over it. The dominant male gets all the advantages of marriage today without any of the negative consequences. The mouse male gets a fat, spoiled wife and mean ass kids at best or spoiled princess who shoves off the housework to nannies and housekeepers while she shops on Rodeo drive and has lattes with their equally spoiled girlfriends.
  11. Viv

    Viv Banned by Request

    Jul 25, 2008
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    It's about self respect. Everything is subjective and people have individual needs, but unless she is able to find a way to redress the balance how can she move on or live with herself?

    She has to weigh the costs of that. For some, the emotional cost of a battle like that is too high. I would be deciding what is best for me. If it is to walk away and never think about him again, I'd do that. The best revenge is to be happy.

    Having bought into religious societal control crap about marriage is sacred, she ruined her entire life (and no doubt the lives of her entire family) to adhere to it. She doesn't see herself a martyr, she clings to the marriage. If someone took away the thing she fought and become obsessed by over 30 years and made her face her life, it would kill her.

    Your next woman will be your first.

    Give it 10 years. (just be a creepy old pervert by then)

    Only to men like yourself. Most men are not like yourself. There is more to them. But to each his own. If that is your level, stay down there in subhuman and be happy. Good luck to you.

    I don't know the lady at Dairy Queen, or anything about her life, circumstances or how she came to be where she seems to you to be. What have you based all of that nastiness on? Just...her weight? Do you judge everyone? Do you make all of your judgments on an uninformed, unfair basis?

    In your dreams. We all know it's you who works in Dairy Queen.

    None do. If anything said is close to true, he is a not very nice person preying on naive young women who don't know any better. Nasty stuff. What will it progress to when the 40 barrier passes, one is best not to consider.

    Still...the girls have to learn about scum and who better to learn from? They will learn from that mistake and be stronger for it.

    So what you are saying is, you are the one who has been treated badly. You are in the process of taking some strange kind of revenge on women because one woman completely outwitted you. You are a victim.

    If you have a family and the marriage goes wrong, children don't disappear. Who else should be paying for your child's home and providing financially for their needs other than you. The Father?

    Who else should be paying for his children? You can't just walk away from a child. Or you shouldn't, if you are a human being. Relationships are high risk. Most people think the benefits are worth the risk. If you don't, carry on as you are.

    What are you on about? Women lived for centuries with no justice and no recourse when it goes wrong. Now there is recourse and men are called to account sometimes for irresponsibility. You don't like it? So what? That is how it should always have been.

    Men have abandoned women at will for ever. I suggest men like you should go and let the door hit your ass on the way out, tbh.

    As opposed to spoilt princes.

    Those women are no more stupid than western women. If they're letting you live thinking you're spoilt, there is something going on behind the scenes to even the balance.

    That is one way to live. The west doesn't live that way any more, unless the couple choose it. Women have the right to work if they want. Men are required to put more into a relationship than a salary and that is where it falls down, some men are inherently self-oriented and don't want to give that much. When they refuse to meet the wife half way, she doesn't have to put up with that crap any longer. His financial input is no longer all that stands between women, children and starvation. So men are being forced to grow up.

    What rights do you lack that existed before? In modern marriage everything is done that used to be done, except the woman is bringing in money to augment your salary. She lessens the pressure on the male to provide financially? Is it not better if the marriage goes wrong, that she is earning and again lessening the financial burden on the male?

    You are better off than before, what is it you are complaining about? Before feminism it was a crime here to leave your wife and family. Men were arrested for the crime of Desertion....
  12. Viv

    Viv Banned by Request

    Jul 25, 2008
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    You're not dominant, btw.
  13. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    No, my marriage is a partnership where SHE contributes as much economic support as I do. Just about everything we have, we got together. (We have no children.)
  14. JohnConstantine

    JohnConstantine Active Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Thank God for sluts, by and large they make the world a better and safer place ;)
    mikezila and (deleted member) like this.
  15. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Actually you don't give a damm about women. All you care about is how they make you feel.

    Yes, there are many such women who have been used up by guys like you, without whom the feminist movement would long ago have dried up like a road apple in August.

    The self which craves revenge isn't respectable, as everyone knows.

    Then there is no justice, wherefore there are no legitimate grievances, wherefore revenge is purely self-indulgent.

    A meaningless concept in a subjective world.

    Wrong question. What you should be asking is how she can live with herself if she follows such poisonous advice as you are evidently so sanguine about providing.

  16. Viv

    Viv Banned by Request

    Jul 25, 2008
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    ...key reason feminism had to exist. And I don't appreciate it. If it weren't for tools who lead women on and then let them down horribly (sound familiar), feminism would not have come along and I would be home baking bread instead of having to go to work tomorrow.:confused:

    I said it's not about revenge, it's about self respect. Then my post had too many words and I had to delete the "it's not about revenge" part. However, it isn't about revenge. If she is to recover from being treated unjustly by the man she put her entire faith in (always a mistake with men as you know) she might have to go through a process in order to regain self respect and stop feeling like a victim. That could involve seeking some kind of redress. Seeking some semblance of justice to balance things out in her mind. To know she has finally stood up to the guy and taken control of her own life.

    It's not about revenge and it's not about him. It's about her and what she needs.

    You're speaking unintelligible again.

    And again.

    It's about what she needs, which is subjective. What she needs differs vastly from what I need and you need nothing and no one as we established long ago. This doesn't negate the woman's particular needs.

    Go back and evidence where I gave her that advice. (I didn't) Now take back your poisonous accusation ;p

  17. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    "If a key opens many locks, it is a master key. If a lock is opened by many keys, it is a lousy lock."
  18. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Who in Hell do you think you're kidding?

    I suppose revelling in the ability to victimize is one way to achieve that.

    Your proclivity for perceiving self-evident truth as unintelligible is not something I can help you with.

    And I never said you did, obviously.

    Not a chance in Hell.
  19. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    the kind choosing to have sex for free that you dont want them to have i guess you could apply that to men to
  20. HillBilly

    HillBilly New Member Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    well I was just wandering around , looking for a nice quiet thread to post on , found this one , so here we go .

    What kind of woman makes a good slut ? that's the OP . .

    well , as a happily married man of 31 years that knows his way around the bedroom , I believe all women enjoy being slutty every now & then ... hey , just saying , but I like split-crotch fishnet catsuits & high heels slides & candles...
  21. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Oh, really? Interesting concept.

    Sigmund Freud went to his grave asking "What does a woman want?"

    If I could get access to a time machine, i would go back to Vienna at the appropriate time, grab him by the lapels and bellow into his face, "The same things you want, ya schmuck."
    Gwendoline and (deleted member) like this.
  22. injest

    injest New Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    stop treating women like helpless children...seriously. You claim Conservatives are the ones denigrating women while you patronize us? Please.

    women choose to have sex with men. Women are responsible for their bodies.
  23. injest

    injest New Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    so the libs response, rather than hold the MEN to the women's standards, is to lower the standards for women?

    this makes sooooo much sense.
  24. injest

    injest New Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    so the only thing that will make women 'happy' is to spread her legs for everyone in sight? okkaaay...
  25. injest

    injest New Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    actually good advice on this one. Keep your sex life private and no one can disapprove.

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