And McCain is probably the perfect guy to take this up.
If you love crunching numbers and statistics, you'll love this article. Bottom line, the early voting edge Romney has has bumped his chances more...
LOL. Even the president is promoting early voting by doing it himself. That was their whole game plan and roadmap to victory. Now it's no big...
LOL! Gotcha! Yeah, word had it that this was Obama's domain, and it would cancel out any gains Romney made from the debates. That's straight...
Just digging up this story myself. Not sure what to make of it yet. I do know that David Axelrod said promoting early voting was their primary...
Plus that money was given back to Obama right away to the tune of about 700B. That's 700B back Obama never had to work for. So in essence, he...
Ah, come on. Everyone knows he's not a muslim.
LOL! You had me going. So basically Romney says children are better off with a mother and father, and that's bigoted hatred?
As did practically everybody. Turnout is much more difficult to predict in local off year races. But Rasmussen was perfect in their turnout...
More fun with polls. WaPo/ABC tracking poll has Romney up 1 This is really funny. This pollster is actually predicting that republican...
Are you kidd'n? was Morris wrong about the GOP victories in 2010? All you have are angry liberals calling him names?
What's interesting is, Rasmussen may be oversampling democrats. If the new Gallup and Rasmussen numbers are correct about turnout, we may see the...
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