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Mar 18, 2015
Apr 16, 2008
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Sep 22, 1983 (Age: 40)
Home Page:
MacGyvers House Boat
I work at McDonalds, but would like to start my ow

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New Member, 40, from MacGyvers House Boat

Past Donor
Makedde was last seen:
Mar 18, 2015
    1. katiegrrl0
      thanks for the rep. Mia and i will be heading home sometime this week. toward Friday. i am not sure how much time i will be on line before that. i will e mail at times. i am not working now a regular job. so i will have some time on my hands. Mia likes it when i don't work. i do as well. the bank accounts don't like it so well. we had a good year so we are all set. we are considering the move now to South Afrika. things in Israel do not fill us with confidence. i am sure i will see you on line before we depart but if not i wanted you to know what is up. hugzzzz
    2. Jiyuu-Freedom
      Thank's for the rep. I gotcha Mak.
    3. katiegrrl0
      i covered her up. she is sleeping with a little help from her pill friends.
    4. katiegrrl0
      i will send good thoughts your way as will Mia. Alice has hit the sack she has a busy rest of the week.
    5. katiegrrl0
      yes she does. she is going to go through it all over time. How is your sister?
    6. katiegrrl0
      Alice has an entire lifetime of these things. she wants to share some of Del with others.
    7. katiegrrl0
      that she would. she would want to know what people are saying about her. Alice said that as she sifts through some of Del's belongings she would like to send some people who nevr had the chance to know her a remembrance. she would like to send you something as well.
    8. katiegrrl0
      Yes we will. Mia, Jerzy and I are going to NYC. to share at a dinner in her honor there. Alice has had to postpone for a few days to be at dinners in Florida and DC for Del. She is going to Miami tomorrow and DC the next. Those are LGBT groups that are honoring her. It is very nice.
    9. katiegrrl0
      You were. I had your name on a list of her friends from online. We drank to you as well.
    10. katiegrrl0
      i am well. things here are settled and we are doing better. i am a little sad. Mia made dinner for over 50 tonight. she was in all her glory. the people ate like pigs. oink oink

      Del was toasted and roasted several times over. we are doing well. it is of course moment to moment.
    11. katiegrrl0
      i hope the day is a good one for you. hugzzzz katie
    12. justonemorevoice
      i hope and pray not. dont mess around with your health babe. i dont want to cry over you.
    13. justonemorevoice
      well, as long as you promise to go. dont make me post a thread saying, "maks being hardheaded.
    14. justonemorevoice
      no excuses mak. go now. better safe than sorry, my friend.
    15. justonemorevoice
      "rather special" my ass. try very special. you are truly one in a million. GO TO THE DOCTORS OFFICE TODAY.
    16. justonemorevoice
      im really worried about you. i dont want anything to happen to you. i cant lose you mak. you are wayyyyyyyyy to important to this world.
    17. justonemorevoice
      plz plz plz go tell your doc about your sis and your symptoms.
    18. tresha
      I got to go to bed. amber just woke me up 'cause I'm asleep in front of the computer.

      (this hurts more when it's a desktop)
      Take care of you...I"ll be back later Tuesday....we're gonna be at the Screwit's all week again it looks like---Mr Martha came down with either the flu or strep and now she needs us to help ever bit as much as we need her. :shock:
    19. catawba
      My hope is it was from an infection too Mak!
    20. catawba
      I am very glad to hear she is doing better! :sun:
    21. catawba
      Mak, How is your sister doing?
    22. Randall Jett
      Randall Jett
      Somehow my computer lost my message; I've been invited to a thread, but being new and incompetent I have no idea how to find them. Can you help? Thank You
    23. MarthaScrewit
      Hi Mak, I haven't been around much because I've been under the weather... still am, but wanted to let you know Tresh told me about your sister, and she, you, and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. It's times like these when the strongest faith is weak.

      There is a man in the Bible who asks Jesus to heal his son; Jesus asks him if he believes, and the man says, "I believe; help me in my unbelief." And Jesus did.

      It's been one of my favorite passages in the Bible because it illustrates that God doesn't just help those whose faith comes easily.

      I fervently hope that your sister will recover well and fully.
      Peace & love
    24. tresha
      g'night Mak!
    25. achilles1
      No problem debating you only helps me get better. I actually like having more friends who i can disagree with. It helps make conversation.

      I'm not sure the whole story but i hope your sister gets better too
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  • About

    Sep 22, 1983 (Age: 40)
    Home Page:
    MacGyvers House Boat
    I work at McDonalds, but would like to start my ow
    Marital Status:
    Single, and only looking because I am desperate for children!
    Real Name:
    My birth name is Kylie, but I prefer Kyle.
    No pets right now. I had a cat named Grace but she went to sleep just over three years ago.
    The usual rabble I see a few times a year.
    My collection of JBJ tshirts is rapidly growing
    Country flag:
    State/region flag:
    au victoria
    I'm an Aussie, and totally into Bon Jovi and MacGyver. I can also recite the entire script from Terminator 2, a movie I have seen over 1000 times. I consider myself an expert on the film.

    Bon Jovi, MacGyver and Rafael Nadal



    Farewell my beautiful Gracie Baby, beloved pet:
    15th Jan 1997- 18 Jul 2009

    "The Futures Not Set; There Is No Fate But What We Make For Ourselves" - John Connor: Terminator 2.