An Open Letter to True Centrists, Left Leaning Moderates, and Liberals

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Brtblutwo, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    Everyone must keep in mind this is a message board for members to post political opinions. Through their posts we've learned conservatives’ and neoconservatives’ basic assessment of the political parties would stand as GOP/TP: saint-like, Democrats: more evil than Satan himself. Also apparent in their posts is conservatives and neoconservatives never question the agenda of the GOP/TP, unless the Republicans agree with the Democrats on an issue. Other than those instances, we've seen the right-wingers generally believe themselves to be infallible.

    Also seen in many of their posts, their blanket condemnation of all things deemed liberal. This is supported by their own self-proclaimed expertise and knowledge in all subjects addressed on these boards. Most of us have read their posts that are supposed to show their vast knowledge of economics, while their contradictions of empirical data from scientific findings is famous. This is also true with their denial of documented history, and their reinventing of facts as support for fallacy.The right wings’ belief in their own superior knowledge in Biblical applications and constitutional law is displayed on these boards regularly.

    Any and all evidence posted to refute their absolute assertions comes under fire, despite the number of verifying sources listed.

    It isn’t usually clear whether conservatives and neoconservatives are attempting to show the errors in opposing views or whether narrow-mindedness and the refusal to accept inevitable change simply allows for a less stressful human existence.

    But, regardless of their reasons for fearing human diversity, their need to suppress innovative thought, their refusal to make any effort to understand philosophies different than their own, and their growing paranoia, right-wingers are in the majority on these message boards, and this alone helps add to their insecurities and paranoia as they feed off each other.

    Bringing in facts, evidence, and new ideas as do the posts by anyone with political views of true centrism and leaning to the left, will be branded as extreme left wing or liberal. As proof of this, rarely do right-wingers’ posts contain the words “moderate” or “centrist”.

    Those of us that are truly interested in freedom, liberty, and justice for all, can learn from the conservatives’and neoconservatives’ paranoia concerning religion. First is their denial of the Founding Fathers want to maintain separation of church and state, which appeared their writings decades before the Constitution and the federal government were established. Add to this the right wing's inability to understand the Founders’ reasons were due to the oppressive influence of the Christian church experienced during colonial times. The right-wingers' absolute refusal to understand or accept these simple facts forces them to believe the United States is a Christian nation, to be ruled by Biblical law. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    But jumping to the 21st century, the Christian right’s paranoia can be easily observed, using their own religion as a barometer. As other faiths, and those who are non-believers, become an ever-growing presence, conservatives’ and neoconservatives’ Christian paranoia has them trying to convince the world there is a “war on Christians” in the U.S. Rational people know this is untrue.

    What the right wing perceives as a war on their religion is simply the refusal by others to permit the Christians to cram their crap down the throats of those that do not want it. Additionally, in their many posts conservative Christians show they are scared to death of Muslims, which adds to their paranoia exponentially.

    We must increase our efforts to maintain patience when discussing issues with the right-wingers, and help them determine the difference between hypothesis and fact. Most of us are all guilty of occasionally losing patience with their single minded course, and sometimes we become terse. Remember, we are better than that, and it is our duty to open their eyes, not feed their insecurities and drive them further from reality.
    creation and (deleted member) like this.
  2. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Wow, way to put a fricken Halo over the liberal heads.

    I guess everyone on the left is going straight to Heaven HuH?


    If only we on the right could be as patient and tolerant as those perfect humans on the left, the world would be such a better place.
  3. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    Patience and tolerance knows no political boundaries, except in the mind of fanatics.
  4. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    0 guys are pretty horrible generally. Admit it.

    You talk un backed nonsense and hate most people who arent exactly like you. Especially poor people, and muslims.

    You even have the gall to suggest that dem voters are all just voting themselves free stuff - youre really really awful in debate and in your point of view.
  5. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    All examples of right wing behavior mentioned in the OP can be found in their posts on these message boards. Anyone wanting proof of this need only spend a short while reading them.

    While some might report the OP as flame bait, a truly neutral administrator or moderator has already read right-wingers' posts that contain the very stances listed in the OP.

    The OP also admonishes those of us that have become impatient and used language that to some is offensive, but is in reality an overly intense stressing of accurate observations. But, since conservatives and neoconservatives comprise the vast majority of those actively participating on these message board members, what is considered the truth can be extremely subjective. Unfortunately, fact-checking most of the assertions and links cited as sources on these message boards is time consuming, and the truth often gets lost among unsubstantiated rumors, pointless rhetoric, and unwarranted opinions.

    For example, Obama is a Kenyan Muslim, is an unwarranted opinion. G.W, Bush beats his wife daily, is an unsubstantiated rumor.

    Pointless rhetoric, that is nearly everything stated publicly by a politician.
  6. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Not bad. There was a promising start and then the OP diverted into a religious screed rant for some reason. It's generally best to begin as you intend to be continue with. So I'll address part of the initial group of assertions.

    Mostly I see in the OP the unintentional acknowledgement that as President "Hope and Change!" initiated and then relentlessly continued his now historical legacy of screwing up from the beginning of 2009 to today that most of the nation's genuine moderate and centrist support of Barack Obama and the Dem Party leadership have vanished and now mostly simply the hard core leftwingers (and therefore down to the bone Obama supporters) remain on most political forums to spin and cover for their Anointed One's failures and the crashing and burning (on the whole) of liberalism in the new millennium.

    That in itself is interesting in that our leftwingers honestly believed "Hope and Change!" and "Yes We Can!" would not only sweep the nation -- pushing out sober thought and logical contemplation in favor of emotion's based pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking -- but also sweep the rest of the world itself; ushering in a wave of Kumbaya politics and policies that would bring to fruition the foundations of a Star Trek universe of universal peace and prosperity. But reality happened instead. Damn reality! Oh and damn those freaking Republicans and conservatives who stubbornly insisted on embracing nasty ol' reality instead of merely HOPING for a Kumbaya style change in the nature of existence and in the nature of humanity itself. What a buzz kill!

    So mostly Right of Center posters have come to dominate political forums -- wherever moderators allow real and fair exchanges of thought -- simply because the former Centrists and Moderate supporters of Obama and Dem Party philosophy stopped posting as reality hit home and they realized that the corrupt DNC and the bulk of the Mainstream Media jobbed the nation back in 2008 and that again the MSM jobbed the nation in 2012 by promoting Obama . . . a man who never, ever should have been president.

    So since all -- on the whole that is -- that remains of most Left of Center posting presence on most Political Forums nowadays consist of increasingly bitter and -- oh so frustrated -- and angry Dead-Ender Barack Obama supporters and are therefore mostly people who a generation ago would probably have been card carrying members of either the Socialist or Communist Parties most Right of Center posters are responding appropriately and accordingly.

    As for the religious based screed stuff . . . well that would be an altogether different topic.
    creation and (deleted member) like this.
  7. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    Dear Alleged Liberals At This Forum:

    You are not liberal. You are a line toeing stooge of democrat national star chamber. Stop calling yourself a liberal. Liberals favor maximum individual liberty in political and social reform. The Democratic Party in the United States is a conservative autocratic party that does not support anything that does not make your life dependent upon the federal government and then the control of the federal government upon them.

    With best regards,

  8. Bluespade

    Bluespade Banned

    Jun 7, 2010
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    I love it when political hacks think they somehow live on the moral high ground, except they're just as guilty of wallowing in the filth as everyone else. Good job OP.:rolleyes:
  9. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    The OP crap won't work with me. I used to be a liberal but grew older and wiser.
  10. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Well oh great intelligent Left Wing, if our First Amendment means separation, instead of interference and making no law establishing a national church like England had, why is it up until the 1947 USSC ruling by 5-4, that we have never had separation? Why have we been paying the clergy to say the morning prayer every morning before Congress? Why in 1812 did the President set aside a Day of Mourning And Prayer? Why did Lincoln set aside a Day of Worship for the Troops? Why did we put in God We Trust on our coins, and much later on our bills? Why did we make Thanksgiving and Christmas National Holidays? Where have we ever had separation of church and state from the day this country was founded up until a Liberal dominated USSC voted so in 1947 by one extra vote?
  11. Marine1

    Marine1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2011
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    It would seem that the OP has nothing to say about this post. Could it be that he can't deny what was said? I do look forward to getting in discussions with Liberals and discussing facts and not just opinions.
  12. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Be that as it may, those of us that are truly interested in freedom, liberty, and justice for all can learn, from ObamaCare to the political witch hunt at the IRS, that the neo-socialist "progressive" Left is not truly interested in freedom, liberty and justice, much less the fairness that they are fond of pretending to care about. The only things the New Left are truly interested in are power and control.
  13. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    OP wins prize, least meaningful content per word % of any post I've seen on this forum. This is remarkable in light of how little meaningful content huffpost articles blockquoted here daily by certain posters contain. Kudos OP, golfclap, you have truly mastered the art of empty verbosity.
  14. Omnipotent

    Omnipotent New Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    "separation of church and state" is not written anywhere in US law. It's a horrible misquote of Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist, where he was assuring them the government wasn't going to get involved in their religious matters.
    The 1st Am was intended to prevent government establishing a state religion and or dictating one's religious beliefs, Or even dictating secular/non belief for that matter. Like preventing kids praying while at school, or removing crosses from war memorials. While I am secular and a devout infidel... the dictating of secularism in public places still concerns the hell out of me. If we allow such dictation of secularism, it can be just as easy to flip the coin and dictate religion.
  15. NothingSacred

    NothingSacred Active Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    People on the right do clearly tend to oppose compromise and cooperation and have a my way or the highway attitude, hate being part of a group and generally are very selfish and uncaring.
  16. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    LOL. How many times has Obama said to the GOP, "Screw you. I won"?
  17. NothingSacred

    NothingSacred Active Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    After the ay-whole Obama caved on 90% of everything everytime! Then, AFTER that, the loser held the line for show, Are you kidding! Obama's given away the farm, he hasn't fought for anything. The right has won every battle vs. O-Blah-blah... He's gained ZERO progressive victories in the last 6 years, NONE. You even thinking that is a great example of your "my way or the highway" attitude, your side has won almost everything because Obama caved on almost everything and you feel like you lost because you only got 90% instead on 100%.
  18. Omnipotent

    Omnipotent New Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    That's an inaccurate observation, but typical when someone considers themselves "left". And the converse is true when someone labels themselves "right".

    When one decides to drop this type of self labeling, and labeling of others it becomes obvious that both 'sides' are just as an intolerant and closed mined as the other.
  19. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    Obama hasn't given away the farm and I am not a republican. Obama has spent his whole life sucking up to conservatives--it is how he got to where he is. Perhaps if you folks were not so enamored by his blackness, you would have realized that you were getting and then got exactly what you paid for--a self-promoting amoral hack with no leadership ability who checked some demographic box you wanted checked for the sake of claiming to be the "first party to...". He had a history of voting 'present' on tough issues and that is what you got--someone who is 'present'.
  20. little voice

    little voice New Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    it did not take long for
    someone to promote a little hate for the president
  21. Tram Law

    Tram Law Banned

    Jan 9, 2012
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    No, this is not a political board to discuss political opinions. This is a board for liberals to trash and bash anybody they don't like using the guise of political expression.
  22. little voice

    little voice New Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    In your opinion were the following presidents conservative or liberal
    President Roosevelt, President Harry Truman, President Lyndon Johnson and Presidents Kennedy

    are you a liberal
    If not How can you explain What they believe

    Nice you change the definition of liberal.
    Is that the new right wing spin on liberals

    How times change I remember
    bleeding heart liberals
  23. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    Don't know. All those Presidents served before my existence.

    I, however, did not change the definition of liberal. That is a direct reference to the dictionary definition of liberal.

    What I am? Mostly amused by the posters on the site......and not in a good way
  24. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    Your right wing paranoia is showing, not to mention your conservative/neoconservative denial of truth. Your post does, however, validate 100% of my OP.
  25. Gimpdaddy

    Gimpdaddy New Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    :roflol: There are no true centrists, or left leaning moderates on this site. Their arguments are tired and their attitudes are deplorable. All Obama apologists on this site are cut from the same cloth as the occupy wall street contingent. No reason or rational involved with their arguments. Just left wing talking points with a lot of ridicule and mocking. Obama apologists on this site still want to re-litigate the Iraq war and have George Bush frog marched in hand cuffs through the public square. I speak as someone who came from the left and whos family members are genuine left leaning moderates. At least they concede points now and again.

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