And so the arrogance goes on and on..

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Israel announces plans for 90 more settler units in West Bank

    Israel has announced plans to build 90 more settler units in the occupied West Bank despite widespread international criticism over the construction of settlements in Palestinian territories.

    The plans, signed by Israeli Minister for Military Affairs Ehud Barak in August 2012, received final approval on Sunday by the Civil Administration's planning committee, and the construction of the new settler units would begin within the next few days.

    On Sunday, the Israeli Ministry for Military Affairs approved the construction of 346 new settler units in two settlements in the southern West Bank. Two hundred units will be built in Tekoa settlements while the rest will be constructed in Nokdim.

    The two settlements are located in the Gush Etzion bloc, south of East al-Quds (Jerusalem). Late last year, the Israeli ministry approved plans for the construction of another 523 settler units in another part of Gush Etzion.

    The Israeli settlements are considered illegal by the UN and most countries because those territories were captured by Israel in a 1967 war, and are thus seen as being subject to the Geneva Conventions, which forbid construction on occupied lands.

    More than half a million Israelis live in more than 120 settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

    Earlier, Israeli officials said they would go ahead with plans to construct 6,000 settler units on the Palestinian lands despite rebukes from the United Nations and the international community.

    Many countries, including some of Tel Aviv’s allies, have condemned the latest Israeli plans to construct the illegal settler units in the occupied Palestinian territories.

    Naturally, one can only imagine that these latest constructions are not theft and arrogance at all, but most likely an act of fraternity to the black refugees that came into Israel, last year, and who were warmly welcomed, as you would imagine, from such goodly people. These are NOT illegal settlements, they are refugee quarters to absorb and assist those people that need Israel's help.

    The 500,000 others are also a mix of non Jews, those who were persecuted in their own country. No one country would extend help to these embattled 500,000 non Jews. Again, an act of total fraternity.
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It is way over simplistic to state the Israeli is just a Jewish racist state. It is, but that only tells part of the story. Right from the get go, it has been like an onion, you strip a layer, you find racism within racism, and esp for such a small country. The Ashkeznazi Jews were discriminatory against the Serph Jews, who in turn would discriminate against the black Ethiopian Jews, and then all three of those discriminate against the Arabs, Christian or otherwise.

    It's not just a bit racist. It is ALL racist, and uber ethno centric.

    Indeed, if you took the sheer library of 'hate crime laws', and 'hate speech' laws, that exist in Europe, and in the US too (driving force, ha ha..ADL), and applied them to Israel, as has been applied to us, then within 24hours, there would be no problems anymore, as most of Israel would have broken THE LAW, and gone to prison!

    Perhaps you have heard of the quote that goes something like "I decide who is a Jew"? If you have, you may believe it was said by Göring, but having had a closer look, it may actually have been said by a man called Dr. Karl-Lueger-Ring.

    Well, all these years on, and ONLY in 'Israel', do we have men saying "I decide who is a Jew". Rabbi David Stav, one of the candidates for the post of Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel, has confirmed that Israel’s immigration law is so racially based that only Jews “who can prove they are Jewish” are allowed to get married in Israel.

    Jews are defined in Israel by descent, according to halakh, or Jewish religious law, and the Israeli government follows these religious laws. In other words, a Jew is defined by descent, as opposed to a Christian, Muslim or any other religion, which welcomes anybody from anywhere. This is why Israel welcomes atheist communist non-religious Jews, but not those who practice Judaism but might not be able to definitively prove that they are racially Jewish.

    “They want to lead a Jewish life in the state of Israel and they’re treated like they’re not Jews,” he said.
  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Now, as all honest people know, whether they admit it or not, the MSM media, therefore, what they decide is news, and what is not news, lies in the hands of a tiny number of corporate, plutocratic, Jews. Murdoch may be the exception, but I surely do not need convince anyone that he could just as easy be one, given where his loyalties lie, the way he has abused the media, members of the public, and all his media are known for lies. Whatever decade that sort of coup happened, that was the start of your means to mass brainwash a nation, a generation even, by way of the poweful forces of media, propaganda, and repitition.

    Over and over and over, until such a time that not only did they create an alternative reality, people generally suck it up, and will even get angry if you are seen to contradict, it, no matter that it could be all built on lies and deception. They will not THANK anyone that comes along, whistling a new tune, they are programmed to react in a hostile manner, to anyone that whistles any tune but their approved tune, and it if is a tune of resistance, then it must also be one that they approve of.

    Entire news stories of REAL value do not appear, or appear and are buried inside the press, or are released on a day when there is some other distraction, and so on. If such stoies appear at all, they are soon dropped again, and forgotten.

    These are news stories that are of real worth and substance, yet people again have been conditioned to fill their heads full of crap from columnists, or horoscopes, or games, or how many women Tiger Woods slept with.

    As an example of that, you can see what happened when I show them about a company called Isratex, in the 90's. Despite the fact that this was an Israeli company, run by Jews, that won millions of $ worth of public money, only to ON PURPOSE, create anti biological suits that had rips and tears in it, no, despite that they made and sold 800,000 of these, and despite them being worn by US troops who then got Gulf War Sydrome, do you know how many Americans knew about this, when I asked? Not a one. None. Nada.

    They could not recall it. They could not recount it AT ALL. They disbelieved me, you know. They said I must be making it up, since if it were true (ready to laugh) 'It would have been all over the media'. :roflol:

    So, in good faith, I go away and I find the archived info, from sources that can be fully checked, including legal proceedings that followed. All those that made those suits defective ON PURPOSE, were given either a fine of around £5k, or house arrest for three months. That was ALL. Then they filed for bankrutpcy, and the story vanished, never to be spoken of.

    So, there you can see how, even if I am not American, and even if I robustly loathed what they did in Iraq, that by citing this MURDERING SCAM, I am at least trying to show some Americans what their 'friends' are really like.

    But, as usual, even when you give ALL of that, and think of the implications of it, what happens? Americans seem to have been trained not to care about the health of 800,000 Americans, due to being sold dangerous suits, as part of a scam by Isratex.

    Is it any wonder the Wicked Few believe they can do as they wish there?
  4. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Jack while what you said is true, there's certainly no limit to their hypocracy + double speak .

    ,According to some other Rabbis , , with the task to increase the state's "Jewish" population they'd welcome immigrants from former USSR - especially " Oligarchs" who've robbed the Russian people , + highly trained technicians - with dubious claims to being of Jewish descent , as long as they're prepared to serve Zionists aims. Same goes for the quickie conversions "Zap -you're Jew" of naive Peruvian Indians in order to rapidly /illegally increase settler population .. where thesee New Jews have more rights than those Arab families whose land was stolen and refuse entry to their ancestors properties.

    How 90 Peruvians became the latest Jewish settlers

    When a delegation of rabbis travelled to Lima to convert a group of South American Indians to Judaism, they added just one condition: come and live with us in Israel. As soon as these new Jews arrived in the country, they were bussed straight to settlements in the disputed territories. So how are they coping? Neri Livneh tracks them down


    + note the numbers of Peruvian Indian converts , as well as quasi/psuedo -Jews from Russia has increased considerably since 2002 .
    While Peruvian Indians no doubt see it as an improvement of condition in Peru even if it means that they're at the bottom wrung of Israel's Jewish ladder.
  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Ah, the Russian Oligarchs. Or more specifically, the Jewish Oligarchs, since that is what they see themselves as, and since they knew no loyalty to Russia, of course, therefore, to call them Russian is a sleight on Russians.

    Of course, if theft and mafia are your thing, then one would 'admire' such examples of humanity, and many do, probably hoping to get a few crumbs from their table, if they can kiss their arse enough.

    They are thieves and criminals, plain and simple. They did not accumalate their wealth by any other means than that which would get an ordinary person put away, for less.

    There was even a term 'Seven Oligrachs', all were 'new billionaires' that backed Yeltsin with money and media support.

    Six were Jews, save for one, Vladmir Potanin. He would be the public liason to then Gov. This process was part of what became known as 'privitisation', which was simply a means to put more national wealth into the hands of fewer people, most of whom were Jews, if you follow the money.

    It is the same in the US. Once again, in a nation with a similar sized population to Russia, give or take, and once again, you have of the 12 richest families in the US, nine are Jews. And rest assured, they did not get to be that way, by being any less of a thief and traitor as their Russian counterparts. These people have no desire to be in politics, per se. You would not get a single one of them wanting to draw excessive attention, that way, no, they prefer to stay out of the limelight, if possible, and let a plethora of other things take the public attention away from them.

    700,000 Russians moved there, only a relative short time ago. They are not Muslims. They were not Christians. They were Jews, religous or otherwise, that is what they were, and that is what they are. That made things even worse, because since then, the process of Israel now being a promised land for organised crime, is complete.

    That is what it is, a sunny hide out in the desert, in which an assortment of war criminals and other miscreants can take refuge, while others are trained up.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    You can see why, Marlowe, there is not a single construct, like the UN or the EU, that in the end, is of any use, in a situation, like this latest arrogance.

    Why would they do any different now, when all they have ever done, is what IPAC have got Congress to do, and that is give a free pass to all crimes and violations of Israel, and never call them to account, and if using the J word, it must only be in the most positive of terms, even if the J people there do not appear to be a very decent people, going by how they create and support all of this, right? But still, no matter what they do, either to their neighbours, or at international level, still the mainstream body politic, at best, gives a collective frown.

    Then it is forgotten. And on and on it goes, year after year, and just for good measure, Israel are fond of reminding the non Jewish world that they do not give one crap about anything we think, by going out and building more Jewish bolt holes, on stolen land. They have just done it yet again. Why do you think they can get away with such clear acts of special favour and arrogance, it is ONLY because both the US Gov and the EU have been subverted for their interests.

    The UN is rendered meaningless to a large extent, it can act like the conscience of the World, but since the Jewish bankers and plutocrats get the US to veto anything against them, it really serves NO PURPOSE, when it comes to them.
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Also, Marlowe, because I think you went there, one has to remember, that Israel are not a country or even a nation state. I put up an article here, from the J Post, in which a senior Israeli himself ref to it as a 'project'. And that is precisely what it is, he is exactly right to use that term, whether he meant to or not, for that is what it is, a borderless project, in which bandits can be protected, not prosecuted, by law.

    When a state like that refuses, THREE TIMES, to extradite a MONSTER like Solomon Morell, for trial, that in itself should show you what sort of men they willl work flat out to protect. This guy was a total beast, and he escaped justice, due to Israel. Of course, it goes without saying that is Morell had been a gentile, and his victims Jews, then Israel would go into SUPER SEETHE ME, if a nation refused to hand him over, for a war crimes trial, right?

    It is dirty hypocrisy all the way through. You went there, you know full well this whole 'We are friends of Christians thing' is a total lie. Of course they will lie about it, from one corner of their mouth, no need to list why they do, right?

    But the reality is very different. I have known of Christians there, tourists of otherwise, that have been attacked and threatened. Why? What did they do? Praised the Lord.

    The reality is totally different from the image, but then what else do you expect, the Israel Project is a mirage, a tissue of lies, and a facade, from the get go.

    Remember how they tried to hit a holy Christian site with a back dated water bill, and wanted around$15 from them, all of a sudden? How much coverage did that get in the US? Sure, it was meant to have been ' forcing them to pay around $8million instead.

    The irony is that the Jews stole the water there, to start with!

    Indeed, a times, to them, fresh water is just as vital as gold and money.

    Then there was the time that I said that if a Christian in Israel is found to be trying to convert a Jew, that he could face prison, up to five years. Once again, the usual CHECK NOTHINGS, refused to believe it, but the Law is specifically called Law 5738-1977, and within that law, a Christian seen as trying to reach out to a Jew and convert him, could bring legal action.
  8. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Only according to the ignorant and fanatical, however, here in the real world where the majority of the worlds people live, Israel is an internationally recognized nation.

    Anecdotal evidence, now regading facts of the matter in every single country bordering Israel it is ILLEGAL to proselytiz Christianity.
  9. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    What are it's borders?
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    How does this alter the fact that Anti-missionary law 5738-1977 is punative against Christians, in israel?
  11. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    All of its borders are clearly defined except over the territorial dispute within the west bank, territorial disputes do not negate statehood.
  12. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Complete load, sorry sport that is a law which makes it illegal to publicly inflame ANY religion, it is not in any way, shape or form an "anti-missionary law".l
  13. satchmo

    satchmo New Member

    Feb 9, 2013
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    This OP is a truth that until several years ago I thought was conspiratorial nonsense.

    Boy, was I naive.

    I must admit; the takeover of the institution of the universities, whose teachers (most, although not all) indoctrinate anti-white and anti-western hatred and resentment was a coup d’etat. Coupled with a monopoly of the media, and its no wonder the mordern day male Caucasoid suffers the malignant effects of emasculation and guilt.

    Possessors of the world’s highest IQ, this ancient people has masterfully “divided and conquered” without firing a single shot.

    Like a deleterious strain of Freudian mysticism, the survival threatening memes of “Racism” and “Multi-Culturalism” , the 2 most un-practiced agendas of Zioinistic philosophy, are uploaded into the minds of a believing and gullible people. A people all too willing to right the supposed wrongs taught to them by the deceivers of history and humanity.

    Are we to blame them?

    No. The mandate of survival is a consciousless and remorseless drive, hardwired into our very make-up, and the use of cunning, deceit and manipulation is as effective a tool as the Sword of Arthur or The Hammer of Thor.

    Is Spencer’s maxim of the “Survival of the Fittest” fated to our displacement to the “dust-bin of history”?

    The answer lies in the last chapter of the remarkable story of human existence.
  14. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Prove me wrong. Read up on it. Then show that it allows full free expression and freedom of religion, since 'publicy inflame' is way too subjective.
  15. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Show me any instance of a Christian missionary being prosecuted for prosteletyzing I double dog dare you.
  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Good post, aside from this part, because the answer should be YES, ALL of the guilty, once and for all, for the sake of the rest of humanity.

    Not just blame them, either you force them out, or they will enslave you entirely, just as they have the Third World. They have orchestrated wars that should never happened, then funded both sides, via their international banking web, they have literally created entire ideoligies that have accounted for the lost lives of HUNDREDS of millions of people, they have attacked our foundations, be it that of marriage, or religion, or our attitude to sex, they have engineered it so that our youth are drug addled, and divided, and they have made it so that intelligence, truth, intellect, and forthright talking, are to be hated, by the mass.

    Put together, this is the single most maligent manifesation of evil, that has existed, anywhere, ever. It has NO rival, and it has no equal. The actual scale of it would fit a library of books, dedicated just to it. It is the the absolute culmination of the most twisted, sicked, depraved, most controlling, more psychopathic minds, and that is why society and the World seems so sick and messed up, it is not a coincidence, they have fed that, for it weakens you, and makes you unable to think, challenge, even those that consider themselves intellectual and educated, and free thinkers, will only be so to a point, and then perhaps fear of losing their job, they will default to what the party line is.

    So great are the crimes, and so cynical all of this, that there is no revenge that would be enough. There is no punishment that mankind could give out, that could make good all of the sheer evil that has been created, on purpose, up to and including a war against our building blocks of society, our hearts and minds (as they would so). It was not just a bit of rhetoric when they speak of 'winning your heart and mind', I am quite certain that evil liars would love to win your heart and mind, and seduce and flatter you, with words, and bits of paper, called 'money'.

    They have convinced you that the true nature of man is always to be selfish, greedy, aggressive, arrogant, unquestioning, and doomed. They are lying, they are simply imposing that nature (through another of their creations, capitalism), as it replaces loyalty and brotherhood, with possessions, and greed. They buy your heart and mind.

    They want you to think that this is true, because that is how THEY are, as well. It would not do for them to have a Muslim AND a Christian nations that ALL abolished USURY.

    Laws against usury were set up for a VERY good reason you know,and the men that did so were intelligent.

    It would simply not suit Jews if every single Muslim and Christian land, or put it another way, any land in which they are not a majority, for those lands to have a true central bank,and an economy NOT based on usury.

    It is NOT us who would lose out, lol!!!!!! It is them who would lose out.

    Overnight, if that were the case, if ALL non Jewish nations could print their own money, and run an economy that went back to a non usury system, in one generation a lot of things would be FAR better beyond your wildest hopes, AND their ability to arrogantly ride roughshod over the REST OF THE WORLD, would be negated.

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    Does the law exist or not?
  17. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    And that reason was to keep the noble families in power through control over the entirety of the economy through their private treasuries, if by intelligent you mean tyrannical then yes, now are you suggesting that you could run an advanced market economy with 0 interest loans? :roll:

    No there is no "anti-missionary" law in Israel.
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    As an excercise, I sourced out four people, couple of Brits,come of Americans. I just made sure of one thing - that they were about 60, so that they had something to measure today by. I also made sure they were half way intelligent. Leaving all else aside, I asked them how they felt that both countries, as standard, had incorporated secret evidence, given by foreign agents, at secret courts, with secret trials, and no legal represenation? I asked them how they felt about the NDAA, Patriot Act, and all of those many things.

    There was not a ONE of them that wanted or felt good about this being part of their nation. And you SHOULD wake up to this, as it is very dangerous, and it is NOT what anyone I know calls freedom, democracy, and remember...they are MEANT to serve us!!

    I cannot stress to you enough the very real danger of them doing anything under some broad 'in the interests of national security' routine on you, this is not about national security, it is about CONTROLLING your entire country, and enslaving you. There are babies being born today, in your state or country, that YOU are leaving behind a HELL to, because you were too blind, too busy abusing the person with the message, too arrogant, or too lazy and afraid, to even lift a finger, in any way, at all.

    Our people did not want, nor did we ASK for such things, nor are they right. It is as simple as that, and when you let them start crossing lines, and more lines, then you are signing your own death warrant, and that of your grandchildren.

    The US wound up with ALL of this anti American and anti Christian legislation due to ...well...look came from the tiny state from afar, who have had much the same, since the 40's.

    Reg. 111 - ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION: empowers the government/military to imprison people for up to 6 months without trial or formal charges. After 6 months, the case must be reviewed, and the detention can then be renewed at that point. Candidates for administrative detention may appeal to a military advisory committee, which can only issue non-binding recommendations. Evidence can be kept from the candidate and his lawyer for security reasons.
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Me personally, or a nation's people?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Me personally, or a nation's people?
  20. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    lol, really how is Israel responsible for any of the examples that you listed? I was trying to have a rational discussion but if you are going to go off on tangents about Israel somehow being responsible for the Patriot Act or Administrative Detention and quote "anti-Christian legislation" then I really don't know how I can take you seriously.

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    lol, really how is Israel responsible for any of the examples that you listed? I was trying to have a rational discussion but if you are going to go off on tangents about Israel somehow being responsible for the Patriot Act or Administrative Detention and quote "anti-Christian legislation" then I really don't know how I can take you seriously.

    - - - Updated - - -

    lol, really how is Israel responsible for any of the examples that you listed? I was trying to have a rational discussion but if you are going to go off on tangents about Israel somehow being responsible for the Patriot Act or Administrative Detention and quote "anti-Christian legislation" then I really don't know how I can take you seriously.
  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Okay then.

    1.The Knesset passed Israel's anti-missionary law in 1977 on Christmas day so it would be perfectly clear against whom it was directed.

    2. Anti-missionary law 5738-1977. Strictly speaking, "proselytizing" under this law involves a gift, no matter how small (such as a tract) given to a Jew by a Christian. Under Israeli law it is a crime to "give or promise money, the equivalent of money or any other material benefit in order to entice a person to change his religion." Yet, realistically, the word "proselytizing" is much more loosely interpreted. As a case in point, evangelical Christians showed a film about the second coming of Christ in Jerusalem's largest hotel, the Shalom. This outraged Israel's chief rabbi, Yitzhak Kolitz, who forbade them to further "proselytize." However, the manager reassured the Christians that "they are welcome if they do not violate the law." (Jesus Film Stirs Hotel Row, "Jerusalem Post, International Edition, Oct. 16-22, 1983, p.5)

    Such ambiguity keeps Christians in Israel on edge, vulnerable to accusations that they "violate the law." Speaking in defense of evangelicals, Charles Kopp, chairman of the "United Christian Council in Israel," says such Christians "do not engage in proselytizing." ..."We do not give out leaflets in the streets or witness at our jobs." ("Friendly Strangers in our Midst," Jerusalem Post, International Edition, May 25, 1991, p.2)

    The government remains suspicious - and anti-Christian. Daniel Rossing, head of the Department of Christian Churches for the Israel Ministry of Religious Affairs, summarized his government's position: "The government, by all available means, discourages missionary activity." (Christian Missionary Activity in Israel Under Fire," L. A. Times, Part I, March 8, 1984, p.8)

    JERUSALEM (CNN) -- The dwindling number of Christians in the Holy Land are facing yet another threat. Militant Jews and Israelis are trying to force members of the religion from seeking converts in the country. Most alarming to Christians is a newly proposed law that would let authorities jail anyone who shares Christian literature.,7340,L-3376215,00.html

    Led by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, party proposes bill to completely forbid proselytism in Israel, sentence violators to one year in prison

    A war on missionaries was declared Tuesday when Shas faction head MK Yakov Margi proposed a bill stating that Israel 's laws against proselytism should be aggravated.

    Backed by six other faction members and in concordance with Shas' spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's instructions, Margi proposed the sentence for preaching conversion should be one year imprisonment.

    "Every time he (Rabbi Ovadia Yosef) hears of a case where someone falls into missionary hands, he feels great sadness and asks us to try and save at least one soul in Israel," said Margi.

    "Whether it's Christians coming from abroad or Jewish converts working in Israel, they all have the same agenda – to destroy every trace and memory of the people of Israel, and they plan to do this by converting Jews. These bodies are operating mainly among the Jewish population which is under physical, social and spiritual distress," said the proposal.:roflol:

    Currently, Israeli law deals with conversion on two levels. Firstly, anyone offering money or material products in exchange for conversion faces five years in prison or a monetary fine. The person on the accepting end of the offer also faces a certain punishment.

    On the second level, regarding minors, anyone acting in favor of or conducting a conversion ceremony on a minor, faces six month in jail.
  22. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Do you think that the Patriot Act or Administrative Detention just grew in a window box?
  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Only the Evil Few elect, revere, and make heroes out of men that talk this way. Who are these men taking about? *Sigh*. Guess what? If you are not a 'racial Jew' (by mother), you're not in the club, before you even start. They mean all non Jews.

    [video=youtube;1TFnowRN0fg] e&v=1TFnowRN0fg[/video]
  24. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    anti semitism:
    The belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they are Jewish. It may take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for instance, or political efforts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It may also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews.

    the EU working definition, while not adopted is pretty good too. I wonder if anyone can spot the jew haters on this forum.

  25. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Zzzz...boring, boring, and not on topic.


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