Are you TRULY free?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by PPP, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. PPP

    PPP New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    DEBT created out of thin air known as Currency,along with,Taxes,Levies/Personal loans ETC.These are all forms of Slavery that has every citizen of every country and every government in one Giant Deadly choke hold.
    And this my friends is nothing but the worlds greatest Hoax unknown to the common man and woman!

    Who is the master and creator of this systematic hoax?

    The ELITE!

    Who are the Elite?

    The Elite are all of Central bank owners who control all the monies in the entire world ....
    In the United States of America, this Central bank system with 24 branches is known as the FEDERAL RESERVE!

    The ELITE gives and holds ALL power over ALL GOVERNMENTS of this world to produce MONEY out of thin air, which is then instantly transformed into DEBT.This Debt is then under contract to be paid by the PEOPLE in the form of interest from the debt, income taxes and many other forms of taxes back to the Elite through the government,which is an endless cycle that binds all the people of the WORLD into constant SLAVERY and DEPENDENCE like an unbreakable machine........

    In other words:
    As long as their is debt and tons of it, the better it is for the Elite or Central Banking System......

    The Elite owned Central banking system Handing out Debt to the Indebted is unlimited...

    Even simpler:
    Producing Debt unlimited is the ELITE'S only power over "we the people" which gives them full power over this world !

    The ELITE are the Puppet Masters of everyone and everything in this world........

    All the governments of this world are the PUPPETS......

    All the people of this world are the SLAVES to these PUPPETS who are slaves to the Puppet Masters.........

    In a even simpler words:
    These few Elite families have been playing GOD for many centuries!!!

    What do these EVIL ELITES cause in this great role of GOD?

    They are responsible for everything that is Evil in this World.......

    These few Elite EVIL generation upon generations of families caused and cause:
    All Wars,economic collapses,Inflation,deflation,starvation ,preventable sickness,mental illness,etc.

    This in turn caused and causes All the human against human competition clear down to the level of the most basic needs for human survival ...

    Which causes All crime,fear,envy,hate,uncertainty,and self hopelessness,etc.......

    Which completely occupies:
    we the people,
    as blind, divided, wondering souls,
    obeying the almighty dollar,debt,material things and time itself..
    Which are all falsehoods.

    The Elite have been designing, planning and executing all of the above for centuries and still are, to keep all their powers of playing God in tact.....

    The ONLY secret to this magnificent power the ELITE magically possess over all of us is:
    Going to great unimaginable lengths to Hide this great TRUTH from the people of this world!

    1.*Most* of those who are serving in the governments of the world does not know they are serving the PUPPET MASTER as PUPPETS.....

    *The politicians who do know are (rewarded with riches beyond the common man's imagination) to keep the secret in tact. Or they are simply silenced (JFK,Abraham Lincoln)*or they are falsely accused of crimes and stripped of all wealth and credibility and some imprisoned. Or be made out to look like a loon by the media ...*

    2.*Most* people don't know they are SLAVES.......

    *The people who do know have know voice for the simple fact that they are just common folk, but if they do have a voice, they are quickly labeled as mentally ill or nut job conspiracy theorist or both*

    If all people of this world knew this greatest truth , there would be no more elite!

    Once you fully realize this most powerful TRUTH known to man, you will then understand what FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE truly is....

    What can you do?

    There is only one but the most important thing you can do for the sake of humanity.......

  2. PPP

    PPP New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Plutocracy is the real rule of the US and world for that matter...........

    What is a Plutocracy?

    A plutocracy is a government that is ruled by the wealthy or controlled by wealthy individuals. The term usually is used pejoratively, because it implies a lack of democratic freedom and social mobility. Many historical governments were plutocracies, controlled by an elite class of wealthy people, and some modern governments have been accused of being plutocracies, including the government of the United States.

    The term "plutocracy" comes from the Greek words ploutos, or “wealth,” and kratia, or “ruler.” Many nations have experienced a state of plutocracy at some point, because wealth often comes with immense power, especially during the formative stages of a new country. Some countries that have valuable natural resources, such as oil and precious metals, have also experienced this type of government because the entities that control these resources generally want to maintain conditions that are favorable to them.
    Wealth Leads to Political Power

    An outright plutocracy governed by a handful of wealthy individuals is relatively rare in the modern era. The governments of many nations, however, are heavily influenced by wealth. Wealth can buy political power through lobbying, campaign contributions, bribing and other forms of legal or illegal financial pressure. Many nations have tried to limit the influence of the wealthy through laws controlling things such as campaign finances and lobbying, but these laws can be difficult to define and enforce.
  3. PPP

    PPP New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    A Message From Us Rich Plutocrats To All You Little People

    This is a response to an excerpt from Chrystia Freeland’s Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else, published in October by Penguin Press.

    Nick Hanauer is a successful entrepreneur and the author of Gardens Of Democracy: A New American Story Of Citizenship, the Economy, and The Role Of Government.

    It’s great to be what you people are now calling a plutocrat. I know. I am one.

    We plutocrats live incredible lives, surrounded by luxury and insulated from risk and discomfort. Things have gone very well for us over the last several years. Since George Bush left office, the stock market has doubled, we got a (sweet!) $700 billion rescue of the financial system, and corporate profits are at a 50-year high. BOOYA!

    The growing economic distance between people like me and the little people like you hasn’t been this great in a long, long time. You may call that inequality. We call it freedom. But if things are going to continue to go this well, you people need to get with the program. Here, I’d like to have a frank discussion about that.

    It is something of a puzzle to many of you little people why we plutocrats, who have benefitted most from these trends, view President Obama with such intense disdain. Why, you might ask, given how good the economy has been to you plutocrats, are you so maniacally angry?

    “Maybe,” you say to yourself, “I just don’t understand economics.” I’ll let you in on a little secret. You understand economics just fine. What you don’t understand is that this fight isn’t about economics. It’s about status, privileges and power.

    People like me don’t hate Obama because he’s going to raise our taxes, although we hate that plenty. We hate him because his views about the importance and primacy of the middle class diminish our status. The threat he represents isn’t economic; it’s existential. It’s not just our pocket books that are threatened, but, more importantly, our prestige and our influence on this country. Our manhood is at stake.

    Facts are for little people.

    We plutocrats have a long and proud history of controlling human societies, and the belief systems that we create about how the world works enable us to do that. “Earth is the center of the solar system” was a useful one for us in the past. “Lowering taxes on the rich produces growth” is one of our current favorites. You show me an orthodox belief, and I’ll show you plutocrats who benefit from it.

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    Without me and my money, you wouldn't even have a job.
    We understand human nature well enough to know that people believe and accept ideas for all sorts of reasons, but rarely because of facts or evidence. Mostly, people believe what suits them, what makes them feel good. And what makes us feel good is a set of beliefs that reinforce our status, privileges and power.

    So it’s both annoying and hilarious that you people think you’re going to be able to talk us out of being plutocrats with “evidence” or “facts”. Our current position and power is the only fact we care about. And we viscerally hate anyone who has the temerity to challenge it.

    When Jack or Mitt or I call ourselves “Job Creators”, it isn’t because it’s true or that there is any evidence for it. It’s because being a job creator puts us right at the center of the economic universe – where we deserve to be. This belief system isn’t just convenient to us, although it is. It’s essential in order to justify our status and power.

    We used to call this divine right. Today we call it “economics”

    Read more:
  4. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    "I'm free because I can have a gun". Er, no, you're not. 'Freedom' is a carefully fostered and constantly reinforced message using positive reinforcement-repeat something often enough and you begin to believe it. So, try not paying your taxes and tell us how free you feel from the inside of a jail cell.
    The concept of freedom is an illusory one, and how fervently one subscribes to the notion is an indicator both of one's inability to reason, and the degree to which one has bought into the illusion.
  5. PPP

    PPP New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    The Elite are FREE,

    And those who participate in their worldwide money("DEBT") system,are enslaved to the fullest degree.........
  6. gophangover

    gophangover Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Revelations reveals the enslavement of the whole world by the BEAST. The BEAST has enslaved the whole world with DEBT. The U.S. government keeps us all enslaved with a $17 trillion national debt. And as the U.S. government goes, so goes the rest of the world. That makes the U.S. government the BEAST.

    The FALSE PROPHET fools everyone into following the BEAST. Like when the media fooled us all into following Shrub in the Iraq war. The media constantly warns everyone to follow the BEAST, or go to prison.

    The ANTICHRIST has made hate very popular. Hate the poor, hate elderly, hate education, hate taxes, hate the rich, hate the Muslims, hate the christians, hate everyone that doesn't believe the way you want them to, and kill them. The world is primed for ARMAGEDDON.
  7. PPP

    PPP New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Most people are unaware of:
    We are currently in a faster paced mass extinction rate,than any of the previous FIVE!


    1.E. O. Wilson of Harvard, the world’s most esteemed biologist, estimates that one half of all species on earth will be extinct by the end of this century.

    2.Seven out of ten biologists believe the world is now in the midst of the fastest mass extinction of species in the 4.5-billion-year history of the planet, according to a poll conducted by the American Museum of Natural History.

    3.One quarter of the world’s mammals face extinction within 30 years, according to a 2002 United Nations report.
    A global study in 2003 found that only 10% of big ocean fish remain.6

    4.More than a quarter of the world’s coral reefs have been destroyed by pollution and global warming. Scientists warn that the remaining reefs could be dead in 20 years.

    5.Lion populations have fallen by 90% in the last 20 years.
  8. custer

    custer New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    I am free here in Montana mainly because there is no real law enforcement presence.

    I drive my car, drinking, and shooting my gun out the window. It's quite liberating.

    Not much government interference besides taxes. And that's fine. Cause I do whatever the (*)(*)(*)(*) I want here. I really do. It's awesome.

    No one can move here. Sorry.
  9. gophangover

    gophangover Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Just reading the topics of this political beliefs section, makes it glaringly clear that 90% are sheep ready for the slaughter house. But nature cleanses the world from time to time. There has been four other mass extinctions in the past, only to sprout higher forms of life. The energy from the past forms was not destroyed, only recycled. The energy from these sheep is destined to be regenerated to the next higher form of life. The evolution of humanity has progressed from the stone age, to the bronze age, to the iron age, to the industrial age, to the modern age. The cromagnons are extinct, the neaderthals are gone, the giants are gone, the Atlantians are gone, the Mayan are gone, and modern humans will give way to another higher form.
  10. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Too late. I'm already here and crashing the party. ;)

    Where are you in the state though? Out in the west of it a lot of cities are handing out fines like candy to folks who drink or talk on their cell phones while driving... though in fairness we've still got the highest rate of DUI incidence of any state in the country right now. Anyway, for better or worse Montana has a very exotic history in terms of its politics. lol
  11. custer

    custer New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Heeeeyy dude! I live near Livingston/Bozeman

    I was in kalispell a couple of weeks ago. I fell in love with polson and flathead lake. I liked kalispell a lot too

    Know anyone hiring in the flathead region? Or glacier?
  12. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    i'm "free" because i might have a gun. it's when the government knows who to collect them from that things get iffy. as for taxes, i can postpone them nearly forever-you just have to know which forms to use. if enough did, it would collapse the government.

    - - - Updated - - -

    not to seem judgmental, but do you throw your empties at road signs or put them back in the bag?
  13. custer

    custer New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    I don't throw them out the window. I put them in a bad for disposal.

    No joke
  14. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Am I free? Yep. My spirit and my mind roam far and wide though my body be wracked by pain my mind and spirit remain yet free. Solzhnitsyn once said that even though he was it prisoner he was freer than were the prison guards for his conscience was no longer bound. Oh and for what it is worth the central bankers are the slaves of the state and exist only as long as the state permits them too. And the central bankers will exist only so long as they serve the needs of the bureacracy that runs the state.
  15. custer

    custer New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Your bottom part is a good point but I feel it's 50% true
  16. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    The economy is still pretty rough around the edges up here. We lost a lumber mill and aluminum smelter during the recession and this area was crawling with contractors who don't have nearly enough work thanks to the housing bubble. I reckon the best opportunities here at the moment are in the health services sector... with the unemployment rate still up at about 9% or so, overall. Though a beautiful place to live, the cost of rent is high in Kalispell and work prospects sub-par.

    Missoula is better off right now or, if you want a really job rich environment, I'd recommend the oil fields out to the east in North Dakota. Maybe there's something I've missed though - I've only been in the labor market for a year or two now and am still looking off and on to find a second part-time or promising full-time job. It's been a long while since I last visited Bozeman by the way! Hopefully ya'll have been recovering relatively well?
  17. custer

    custer New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    It seems to be doing well. I've only been living here in this area for a couple of months. Most people here are not native Montanans. They are mostly from California and Colorado which means they bring a ton of money with them.

    I do mostly seasonal work. Not really looking for see thing long term. Just enjoying the country til things get better.... Or worse...
  18. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I think this thread belongs in the kook section. :D

    - - - Updated - - -

    This intrigues me. Can I postpone my enormous 2012 tax bill indefinitely?
  19. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Aye - I came here from Minnesota about 14 years ago. A lot of older folk especially come here to retire, which I reckon may in part be since it's a lot more affordable for one to be surrounded by forests and mountains in relative peace and quiet these days than trying to vie for coveted oceanfront properties in crowded southern California or on the Gulf of Mexico. One of the difficult things about Montana's economy, in spite of the money these folks bring, is that there is a lot of what folks call "brain drain." Young people oft travel elsewhere in the country in pursuit of better career opportunities after graduating from colleges and universities, which stunts economic development here a bit.

    Tourism does a lot to support the northwest corner of the state though, in my limited experience. During the winter its people visiting to ski at Big Mountain just north of Whitefish. Otherwise the big draw is Glacier National Park, which on the bright side I reckon injects a couple billion dollars a year into the regional economy. :)
  20. gophangover

    gophangover Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Montana, where you can be as stupid as Texas. And you can brag about it too.
  21. custer

    custer New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Or as big a cry baby as where you're from!

  22. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    you can extend the return forever, but you have to pay what your owe by April 15th-ish...but how do you know until you finish the return? underestimate.
  23. gophangover

    gophangover Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I used to doodle bug all over Montana. I used to live 40 miles west of Missoula on hwy 12 on the Lochsa River. But being a cry baby is better than being a drunken moron braggart. If brains were planes, you wouldn't get off the ground. When you die from your drinking and driving, it will be no big loss, except for the innocent people that die when you hit them in a head on crash. In New Mexico I saw drunks like you on the news that did that. And some of them had 50 DUI's. New Mexico is as stupid as Montana.
  24. custer

    custer New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Well youre stupid

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