Comparing Fox News vs. MSNBC Fox calls itself "Fox News". To be "News" it has to be factual. Fox is not factual. They lie. Thus they fail. MSNBC does not label itself "MSNBC News". There is NBC news if you want to see news from NBC family. Both FOX and MSNBC are opinion based journalism outlets. MSNBC tells the truth most of the time. Fox lies far more than MSNBC. Ex.: Global warming is real. This is not my opinion but it's the opinion of 90+% of scientists. Fox MUST report GW as a fact, not as a conspiracy. But Fox will not do that. Ex.: Romney was going to lose elections. FOX did not report the polls factually. MSNBC reported democrats' losses in 2014 accurately. IOW, MSNBC did not pander to its audience. We all knew dems would be "massacred" in 2014 and it was reported pretty much as the polls called it. FOX never reported Romney would be "massacred" at the polls in 2012. Conclusion: FOX "News" are liars. MSNBC are biased, not liars. There's a difference between lying and biased jouranlism. You are smart enough to figure it out.
Both are corporate concerns that derive profit by presenting ideological entertainment masquerading as objective "news" to vulnerable, targeted audiences. As one would expect from the far greater number of pom pom flailers for hyper-partisan, radio show business celebrities, one is a more popular form of entertainment than the other. Reliable news is to be found elsewhere for those who are interested.
Fox gets ratings because conservatives flock to only one TV channel for their lies. Non-cons like me surf 40 channels in a given night if I am watching TV. The same goes for CNN and other network news. If cons have only one channel to watch of course it will get high ratings. Ratings do not refute their lies though. Thanks.
Well Fox News has repeatedly reported on all of Hillary's scandals that the left tries to ignore. Those things happened. the eye of the beholder.
And some enjoy better vision than others. FoxNews and MSNBC blatantly pander to ideologues who are eager to accept their respective biases. At best, they constitute the extremes in a broad spectrum of news venues.
They certainly tried to exploit the Benghazi tragedy to the hilt, and their fans apparently enjoyed it emencely, but the fact-finding Republican-led congressional findings caused it to fizzle.
Right-wing radio celebrities seem far more popular with their targeted audience than are their actual politicians. Free of the inherent constraints of actual governance, they can spout off irresponsibly to delight the uber-partisans with no consequences. Thus, those frustrated at coming up with a viable GOP presidential candidate, or singularly unenthusiastic about their real leadership - the likes of McConnell and Boehner - revert to their alternate Weltanschauung where unfeasible fringe candidates are promoted by strident media demagogues. Lunatic notions such as the twice-popularly-elected Presient being foreign-born, or the world's climatologists contriving a vast conspiracy claiming that spewing millions of tonnes into the atmosphere affects the atmosphere are a couple of their zany favourites. If it sells, it sells.
Give me a break, the talk shows on each network, Hannity, O'Reilly, Maddow, Shultz, are propaganda arms straight from the RNC and DNC. The actual news is not that much different. But everyone is entitled to their point of view. The problem and it is really sad, most people do not know the difference from a political talk show which is aired to attract an audience and give their viewers what they want to hear. Like either the president is all bad and can never do anything right or the president is always right and never does anything wrong. The my party is the good party and the other party is the evil one. Don't take political talk shows as news. But if you do, I suppose that is your problem.
If leftists would stop whining about Fox News so much, or better yet, stop tuning in, then their ratings would plummet. Liberals and their obsession with what they see as opposing speech that must be destroyed is what helps Fox be the biggest station in the country. Anything the left tries to boycott for example, flourishes.
I understand you are all for government secrecy and lying but many of us are not. Maybe you are just used to it.
No, that's another delusion under which you labour. You cannot show where I have ever advocated either. Rather, I welcome thorough investigation and disclosure of controversial matters - such as the revelations by the aforementioned comprehensive Republican-run congressional report concerning the Benghazi tragedy. Whether hype-partisans give up on contriving their scandal after eight such inquiries remains to be seen, but would you hope for dozens if yet another fails to produce the result for which you hope?
I think you made his point. Because real news will give the straight up facts, from more than 1 angle. Neither of those stations will do that. But you're right in the sense, people will believe what is spoon fed them. Whether the information is correct or not. I always loved this study. A study done about how biased MSNBC is compared to any other news organization. MSNBC "dominated" by opinion. LOL!! Troll thread!
Yer Funny when serious.A real hoot you are. Both MSNBC and Fox news were launched in the same year 1996. Both are cable outlets. However that is where any similarity ends. Fox News slogan is - Fair & Balanced MSNBC slogan is - Lean Forward. Fox news makes a straightforward attempt to showcase Both sides of a political issue.- Hannity and Colmes - was the bellwether example. MSNBC basically stacks the deck in huge one-sided debate over issues. Whatever conservative does manage to be a guest they are basically a RINO.Conservative pols,are fully aware of how MSNBC lives to play Gotcha Politics.That is why once regular to - Hardball - John McCain will never again be caught on MSNBC.He learned his lesson. As did Rand Paul a Libertarian GOP. Watch and notice how MSNBC basically play throughout the day the same basic marching order.Whether it be Chris Christie and - BridgeGate - or Trayvon Martin or Ferguson or Baltimore.Whatever Media Matters found to be smearable.or the latest divide & conquer meme { cause celebre }. Unless Trayvon Martin and Ferguson and Baltimore are supposed to inspire confidence in Americans.Just the opposite. Now why is that. because to - Lean Forward - is an MS { Marxist Socialist } way of Transforming the Country ala MSNBC
Do you have some facts to support this? The only thing that I've heard is that MSNBC has slightly more opinion/editorial stuff than FOX news. But yeah, you need facts... or maybe you're the one telling a lie
MSNBC is not that much different than any of the main stream left wing media except that it has even worse ratings than the rest. FOX is a breath of fresh air in a sewer of stench and the only on air news organization that does not act as an arm of the DNC. That offends the leftist and more than that it scares the crap out of them. First rule of fascism is control the media and FOX is not cooperating.