.... extra dimensional aliens?????? I believe that YES.... both extra terrestrial as well as extra dimensional alien life forms are hinted at strongly in the Jewish Bible. "They come from a far country, from the end of heaven,even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land." [Isaiah 13:5]
http://www.politicalforum.com/index...-been-made-in-america.552308/#post-1070324870 Could this UFO have been Made in America? ? Could the January 2011 Temple Mount UFO event have used USA technology/ No 14 vote(s) 46.7% * Yes 6 vote(s) 20.0% I guess I cannot rule out that possibility???? 10 vote(s) 33.3% Change Your Vote But... I personally believe that these angels and /or aliens are like the DEMOLITION CREW who flatten what is obsolete... so that something vastly superior can be constructed! https://near-death.com/howard-storm-nde/
Here is an impressive lecture on this topic by a near death experiencer. Something intriguing about the NDE of Kevin Zadai Th. D. is that his pre-NDE IQ was 106 and after his NDE he scored 159 on IQ tests. You would think that a brush with death might tend to DECREASE IQ as opposed to increase it. The Nephilim, Hybrids & Familiar Spirits: What They Don't Want You To Know!
92, 568 views on this topic so far. Obviously many of us are beginning to think that much of the UFO phenomena MIGHT NOT be weather balloons or other natural phenomena. Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data. (Part 2) http://www.politicalforum.com/index...se-of-e-t-data-part-2.411555/#post-1065069108 Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data. (Part 2)
Even Richard Dawkins Ph. D. admits that we cannot rule out possibility of aliens being involved in human evolution or our history. Why Would Richard Dawkins Say That Aliens Created Life? I have been rambling on about this topic for quite a few years now. www.CarbonBias.blogspot.ca
Yesterday...... Friday evening at sunset...... began day eight of the ten Days of Awe between Rosh ha Shanah and Yom Kippur, [which will be Monday September 25, 2023]. I had a really strange and unusual dream this morning........ .... and I am one of those people who can almost never remember a dream.......... .... and this dream has me asking more and more and more and more questions............. One question is if and perhaps when I may be supposed to immigrate to Israel???? No kidding????! In the dream I ended up going somewhere and I had borrowed a truck...... [or possibly a SUV]...... whatever it was that I had borrowed it was pretty big because there was a fair amount of stuff in it .... plus... it seemed like at least two guests.... maybe even three?????! My wife and I and some friends are invited to somebody's home....... .... and I say yes... .and we drive there...... in this dream........ We get to the place where we are invited and I am determined to get this borrowed vehicle back to the owner quickly........ and in the dream I am beginning to drive this.... [I think it was white half ton truck or SUV]... back to the owner...... ..... In my mind I am so determined to get this vehicle back to the rightful owner that it seems like I may have to walk or hitchhike back from the vehicle owner's home once I get their vehicle back to them....... ... In the dream I remember my wife not being too thrilled with me........ I think it was because I accepted the invitation too quickly.......... [This is obviously a dream because during my waking hours I tell everybody that they have to talk to my Sephardic Jewish wife before I go essentially anywhere.... or do much of anything]????!! Now that I have had more time to think about this dream..... .... a really weird theory is hitting me....... ... could The G-d of Abraham, HaShem... Creator of Heaven and earth........... regard the fall of Adam and Eve somewhat like my dream???????????!!!!! I have read the Theory that Eve and Adam in a sense Fell Upward!!?? I have had something of an Adam Complex since 1994..... when I noticed a rather strange possible correlation?????!!!! http://www.politicalforum.com/index...f-elijah-needed.499830/page-3#post-1067329856 Auditions for the role of Elijah needed.... Yes.... take a look at your right side......... this is possible whether you are a man or a woman or identify in any other way....... ... if you have a significantly large birthmark or mole on your right side.... that could conceivably correspond with The Book of Adam and Eve chapter sixty nine......... then you also might be Adam reincarnated??????????!!!!!