Oh, wait...didnt you just accuse someone of logical fallacy of an appeal to authority? No to mention, David Ray Griffin's opinion has no sway BECAUSE THE EVIDENCE PROVES YOU WRONG.
I wouldn't begin to validate what you think you know, that would be foolish. David Ray Griffin is a theologian. So you prefer a theologian's opinion over experts in controlled demolition, engineering mechanics, fire science, etc. Got it. Thirteen years of failure and truthers wonder why no one outside of their own circles take them seriously.
David Ray Griffin is very well qualified to speak on the subject of 9/11/2001, because as a theologian, he is an expert on logic and reason. this battle is for hearts & minds, it is truly, spiritual warfare. and the real perpetrators know full well what is going on and how to manipulate the masses. You can fool some of the people all the time, or all of the people some of the time, but never all of the people all of the time.
Logic and reason? Try math, physics and engineering, you will get better results. The only fools here are those that make magnificent claims of controlled demolition without a shred of evidence.
Yes - the entire truther community refuses to consider the evidence, falling back instead on "logic and reason".
You can start here: http://www.vaed.uscourts.gov/notablecases/moussaoui/exhibits/prosecution.html - - - Updated - - - Zero evidence to support your claims, not a shred has been provided.
Have you seen this: http://www.911review.org/Wiki/InHisOwnWords.shtml Just a little food for thought ...... bon appetit
You asked for evidence, I gave it to you. In return you give me the WORDS of a man going to trial for the most heinous crime in the history of this country. Your food for thought barely amounts to a cup of (*)(*)(*)(*). Close your restaurant the food sucks.
The Zacarias Moussaoui "trial" was a total farce, the "evidence" presented to allegedly support the idea that there were 4 airliners hijacked & crashed is a travesty..... I'd go so far as to say that this constitutes a miscarriage of Justice.
Who here, possessing eyes to see, can look at the "evidence" presented at that "trial" and conclude that indeed there were commercial airliners crashed at the WTC towers & PENTAGON & Shanksville?
This thread is about the demolition of the towers, and therefore, Please do consider this, in the case of either tower, if the breakage of any given floor happened in such a way as even half of the floor trusses held on at the central core side and were disconnected at the outer wall side, the resulting ramp would cause mass quantities of material to slide off down to street level and thus deprive the "pile driver" of mass and the action would have to slow down and finally halt before complete demolition of the tower. The very fact that the buildings "collapsed" right down to ground level is damning evidence in and of itself.
9/11 REEKS of the MOSSAD. Because Iraq was the bigger target the MOOSSAD was involved. The Israel of the promised land. From the Nile to the Euphrates. ISIS/ISIL, AL Qaeda is just another Keta'ib. See Kuala Lumpur Tribunal Here...http://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-charged-with-war-crimes-and-genocide-complete-judgment-of-kl-tribunal/5359433 That area is very important to the Khazars. They want to full fill the messiah prophecy through their Lord Rothschild and Their God Money“ http://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815 [The Yinon plan] is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states
Every controlled demolition with explosives made by demolition companies which is recorded at less than a couple miles with sound, exhibits loud bangs that are clearly audible, far louder than the sound of the collapsing building. No video of WTC1, WTC2, or WTC7 records such a thing. Not just "clearly enough". It just didn't. The collapse is audible, the bangs aren't.
If you are basing your whole argument on the allegation that there was no sound of explosions from the obvious controlled demolition, there are lots of other ways to make it happen and have reduced audible evidence of the demolition.
It only takes ONE possible alternative to massive single charge explosive demolition of the structure, probably Thermite was a component of this operation however, there is the possibility of the use of multiple smaller cutter charges to chip away at the structure rather than blasting out an entire structural element all at once. While we are on the subject of alternative explanations, WHY is it that alternative explanations as to what would have had to happen in a gravity powered "collapse" of the WTC towers are continually ignored and ONLY the scenario of the total destruction by gravity powered collapse is considered?