When I saw the title of your thread, I figured that is what you planned on doing. I couldn't let that go without showing how much worse MSNBC was. I figured you had to be shocked to see MSNBC had done so much that was under handed. I know the Left always likes to bad mouth Fox and thinks MSNBC is so truthful. I just wanted to let you see the crap they are really pulling that you never hear about.
So can we. That's the point. Until you live in a squeaky clean house, throwing poo just makes you like like a hypocritical idiot. Please continue.
If I at any point inadvertently gave you the impression, that what you think about me, matters to me at all.... I do apologize. For the sake of clarity, I could not possibly care less what you think about me, in any way shape or form. I have lint in my drier, that has more value to me, than your opinion of me. Just so you know! But by all means continue your meaningless speculation. I'm sure there are other people 'your level', that do care what your opinion is.
You haven't heard me defend the lies of MSNBC or any other media outlet. So I'm not sure what that has to do with all the lies on FOX News.
Because no one on the left, when talking about the horrors of media lies, ever brings up MSNBC or any of the dozens of other left-wing lie factories. It's always Fox News. Always. Just do a search of forum threads with "Fox" in the title, and see how many pop up. Then in comparison, list how many start with any of the major left-wing channels. The ratio is insane. When Fox lies on the air, you people on the left have a hissy fit. When any of the other major news outlets lies, what happens to all the "truth in media" crusaders? Where do you all go? You don't care. You only care when Fox lies. Why? Because you are hypocrites. You don't really care about lies in the media at all. You only care when the lies are against your ideology. When it's lies in the media against right-wing ideology, you turn a blind eye. That doesn't bother you at all. The difference is, we on the right know that the media lies all the time. We've heard the leftist lies for 50 years on all the left-wing lie factory outlets. So Fox News at least presents the other side of the story. Yes, they are not perfect, and no one is. So we don't want to hear your whining and complaining. If anything, some of us rather enjoy hearing you squeal and cry about Fox. Makes us feel good.
So if the media tells a lie, you just want everyone to keep their mouth shut and pretend as if it wasn't a lie?...
It's interesting how criticism of FOX News draws emotional outcry from loyal viewers, yet when people criticize MSNBC no one seems to give a ****.
The following is not fact, it is one man's opinion. I'm an independent liberal-moderate. I do not vote for either major party and have not for years. I am also a cable news junkie and have spent a lot of time watching Fox News, among other networks. I'm in fact writing an entire dissertation on the techniques that Fox News uses. In my estimation, Fox News has allowed members of the white, Christian majority to feel there is credence to something that they have always suspected: that they are repressed. Of course, no one is repressing the white, Christian majority in any way except for saying that "Hey, you're not special because there's more of you."
If you are telling lies yourself..... yeah. First fix you, and your media. Then complain about other media. If you and your media outlets were not telling lies, then I would be more willing to listen to your criticism. But as it is, it's just another hypocrite complaining that other people are doing what he himself does.
We didn't start the thread. We're just point out that you people are hypocrites. I don't even have Cable, or watch TV. I have no invested interest in any of the news channels. But I do enjoy ticking off leftists, and if defending Fox News does that..... GREAT! And of course you don't care. When your side lies.... that's fine. When the other side lies, now it's time for a forum thread on FOX Liars (part one). You are all hypocrites. You prove it constantly.
Well that's all very interesting. But what does that have to do with the fact that FOX News lies about everything all the time?
I don't care. We've been over this. My point on this thread, is to point out what a bunch of hypocrites the left is. I don't watch FOX, I don't even have cable TV. You people are hypocrites. Every single time that you scream about FOX, and yet don't scream about the millions of lies spewed by left-wing media every year, you are just screaming "I AM A LEFT WING HYPOCRITE!" in ever single post.
I can tell by your reaction, that you judge people you don't know, and make assumptions you have no support for.
Was that directed at CaptainAngryPants? Well I guess it doesn't really matter, because either way I have to disagree; I think lies should always be called out for what they are, regardless of who's doing the lying or who is calling them out, otherwise we're more likely to have people actually believing in the lies, especially if the people who know the truth are keeping their mouths shut. And we wouldn't want that. Besides,...as bad as hypocrisy is, that doesn't change the fact that tu quoque is and always has been a logical fallacy. -Meta
As of late...I use Fox News as a form of entertainment, as I do MSNBC. I have noted a bit more accuracy recently from CNN after they became more balanced in politics...but still, it takes a good pound of salt to view and listen.
I'm not trying to. If you have been reading my posts this long, and still can't figure that one out... That reflects poorly on you. Not me.
Right, but you don't. If you did in fact call out every single lie, and were consistent in your stance, then there would be hundreds of threads on the lies of CNN, the lies of MSNBC, the lies of the New York Times, and hundreds of other news outlets. But see you keep your mouths shut about those lies. Only on Fox do you bother to point out what you consider to be lies. Why? Because you are hypocrites. All of you on the left, are all hypocrites. And you know it! You are not doing what you yourself have just said in that very post. And we all know it. Hypocrite.
That's OK, we have you to point out all those other lies. Keep up the good work, you do a real public service.